Team Zero Series 1-3 Boxed Set
Page 37
The way his strong hand grabbed my throat. His body heat entrapping mine. His finger slipping between my parting lips.
Tingles creep up my spine just thinking about it.
Stop, you idiot.
I stagger to my feet and try to bypass Julian, all without making eye contact. I will be safer far away from him.
He clutches my wrist, and the tingles intensify. The skin that his long, lean fingers touch ignites in a thousand fires. No idea why he keeps grabbing me, but it’s doing a hell worse than it’s supposed to.
“Let me go,” I attempt to say in a loud tone, but it ends up as a whisper.
God. I’m such a mess around this man.
“You’re staying here from now on.” His words drift in that clear, composed tone, his voice deep and slightly raspy.
My stomach tightens out of freaking nowhere. Then, his words register. My temper flares. “Says who?”
“Says Mist.” He pulls me back so I’m staring up at him.
His proximity causes a chill to draw down my spine, but my temper is stronger.
“Mist can’t send me to death and then lock me up. I’m not her damn slave.”
He pauses for a mere second, then his jaw clenches. “You need protection.”
“I can take care of myself. Thank you, but no thank you.” I wriggle away from his hold.
This time, he snatches my arm and yanks me back with so much force, my reflexes shoot. I attempt to right-cross him, but he catches my fist mid-air. The depth of his brown eyes gleams with recognition. The golden rings almost sparkling.
Oh. Shit.
His lips quirk up in rare amusement, but there’s something else underneath that I can’t identify. “Was that a right cross, Firefly? Are you a boxer?”
“Self-defence classes,” I blurt without missing a beat. “I told you, women should be able to defend themselves.”
“Do self-defence classes teach women to twist, duck and roll in a professional stance?”
“They do.” I push away from him. It’s better to keep a distance from this man.
Wait. He’s seen me roll.
My jaw almost drops to the floor. “You’re the one who saved me?”
He says nothing, but I’m sure it was him. I scarcely remember the sensation of his hard chest and the relief. Why the hell would I feel safe in the arms of a mobster?
I seriously can’t understand myself anymore.
“What are you really doing here, Firefly?” he asks instead of answering my question – again. It’s become a pattern with him. “If you’re not one of President Joe’s people, then what are you?”
My pulse rises, but I manage in a cool tone. “I’m a barmaid.”
“Then be a barmaid somewhere else.” The intensity of his gaze nears drawing holes in my face. “This isn’t the place for you.”
“I’ll be the one to decide that, thank you very much.”
“Listen to me well, Firefly.” He leans closer, invading my personal space and reaches for my wrist. The moment his skin touches mine, I’m at that delirium state again. The need to get close takes over every particle of me.
I yank my hand free. “Stop touching me, dammit! Can’t you talk without touching me?”
His lips purse and he shoves the hand in his pocket. If I weren’t reading too much into it, I would say he’s... surprised? Hurt?
“I know you’re hiding something,” he says in a no-nonsense tone. The rumble of his voice is calm but threatening. “You’re free to lie all you want, but I will find out your ulterior motive. Whatever it is. You better not betray us. The consequences won’t be pretty.”
I gulp. By that, he means death. That’s the only way out of his world. Julian must be a killer. Mist’s killer. Did she send him after Zoe, too? Am I now staring at the man who took my one family away?
“Is that clear?” he asks in an authoritative tone.
I nod.
“Say it with words.”
“Yes, Julian.” I can’t help the bite of sarcasm, even if the threat is still jiggling some stupid fear inside me. I cross my arms. “Now, let me do my job. Why are you keeping me here?”
“You’ve become Johnny’s target. It’s safer here.”
“But I need to work.”
“Not for now.” He tilts his head, watching me with neutrality. “With that face, you won’t be able to work anyway.”
Heat smothers my cheeks. I must look like a monster. Not that I care how Julian sees me. I’m not here to be Julian’s exclusive model.
There’s no way I’m going to be stuck in this storehouse when all information is at Le Salon. All my stuff is in there, too.
“Wait.” My cheeks heat, and I clutch my bracelet. My voice is a notch above a murmur. “Did you change my clothes?”
The thought mortifies me, but a small part, a stupid part, is thrilled for no clear reason.
“Scar did.”
I’m not disappointed. I’m not.
“Then I want to go to my room with Scar.” I fold my arms. “As for protection, Kyle will do that.”
One of Julian’s eyes squint, and if I weren’t imagining it, a muscle ticks in his jaw. His tone is calm and composed, but a hint of darkness whirls underneath. “I thought you don’t need protection.”
“Since you say I do, I would rather Kyle provides it.”
This time, a muscle does clench in his jaw. “You’re staying here and that’s final.”
The door clicks shut behind him. I throw a punch in the air.
He’s such an infuriating bastard. Why does he believe it’s fine to lock me up?
Well, think again, mate.
The door is locked from the outside. I kick it and check the window. I peer down, and my heart falls. It’s the second storey. How the hell did Shadow jump from here? Even if he climbs, it’s dead dangerous. There’s nothing to hold onto. Except for a tree, and it’s too far away. I would have to leap, and risk falling, to reach it.
I go back to the room, searching for something to use and climb out. There is a first aid box and ointments on the ground beside the door. They weren’t here earlier. Julian must’ve brought them.
Well, look at that. Someone has some decency.
A phone vibrates on the nightstand. Mine. I run towards it. I thought I turned it off so Liam wouldn’t find me. Does that mean Julian and the others snooped into it?
The device is locked. Should be fine, right? Besides, Liam gave me an app that erases all call and texting messages automatically in case I forget.
I head to the window, sit on the edge and dial Liam. Julian wouldn’t have cameras or listening devices in his room.
“Rage Ball, you fucking...” He breathes on the other side, harsh and deep. “Is that you?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Bollocks! You scared the fuck out of me. I was going to ambush Le Salon and to bloody hell if they did something about it.”
“Everything is well. Don’t worry.” I glance around, making sure no one is in earshot. “Do you know President Joe and Johnny?”
“Yeah. They’re rivals of the ex-chairman Owen. They continue being Ghost’s rivals.” His voice drops, and a door clicks shut on his end. “What about them?”
“I think they’ll go against each other. A war or something.” I continue staring below, counting the distance. “Mist thought I was a spy for President Joe, that’s why she sent me. Things went bad.”
“What do you mean by bad?” The bite in his tone causes me to wince.
If Liam finds out about what Johnny did, he would barge in here and take me back. I can’t allow that.
“Just Johnny being an arsehole.”
“Bollocks. What did he do, Rage Ball?” Liam’s voice becomes even more clipped.
“Oh, please. As if he can hurt me. I’m Rage Ball, remember? I kicked his arse. Then, Julian came along, so it’s totally fine.”
My fingers strangle the bracelet. I’m so ashamed to tell Liam what happe
ned. That I let someone else save me.
He releases a breath, apparently satisfied with my response. “Who’s Julian?”
I nibble on my bottom lip. “One of Mist’s closest men. Her lover or something.”
The thought twists my stomach. Why the hell should I care? Besides, why would Mist allow me to stay with her lover? Is it so he can to watch me closely? It must take a lot of trust between them so she’d do this.
“Keep an eye on him,” Liam’s voice drifts through my thoughts.
“Why?” I ask carefully.
“Mist doesn’t keep men close. She’s known to be a heartless bitch who’s never had a relationship. If this Julian is that close to her, then he might be handy.”
“No, I...” I can’t spy on him. There’s a stupid feeling that goes through me whenever I see him.
“What do you mean by ‘no’?” Liam goes back to being tense. “Did he do something to you?”
Besides making me feel insignificant after he saved me or how foreign my body becomes around him?
“No.” I’m glad my voice doesn’t crack.
“Then, this is the first real opening we have about Mist. Remember, she participated in Zoe’s disappearance. She’s Ghost’s right hand. If we can get her, we will be able to get Ghost.”
Liam’s right. This is a good opportunity to investigate Zoe’s disappearance, but how will I be able to use Julian? When I see him, all I want to do is run the other way. Call it self-preservation or whatever. Besides, Julian is the most alert person I know. He won’t be easily fooled.
“Elle? Everything good?”
“Yeah, I’ll figure it out.”
“You always do, Rage Ball. Just don’t put yourself in danger.”
My heart warms at the soft tone. I miss when it was only Liam, Zoe, and me. I don’t miss the cruel foster parents or the mean sisters, but I miss sneaking around. The three of us would go down the street to an old lady’s house. She had a lake house that she gave us its key and allowed us to read and play there. Liam used to train us in that small room. He said we have to be strong and protect ourselves.
In his words, ‘Listen here, you little buggers, even if I’m not around, you won’t let anyone hurt you. My sisters are strong, got it?’
We were a family, and now, we’re dysfunctional because Zoe was the link between us.
“Do you think she’s alive?” I whisper, tears springing to my eyes. “What if she’s been dead all this time?”
There’s a long pause at the other end. I know Liam must’ve considered this option, but I suspect he doesn’t want to give it weight.
“We just have to believe that she stayed strong,” he finally says.
I nod. That’s the only option we have. The alternative is unthinkable.
After I hang up, I stare at the screen for what seems like forever. Dread tightens my chest. I can’t believe I have to remain by Julian’s side. And... do what exactly?
If I’m to spy on him, I have to be there during every breath he takes. I don’t trust myself to do that.
But Shadow and Kyle stay here, too. That’s a better than being one-on-one with Julian.
I’m about to swing my legs inside when I sense eyes burning into me. I glimpse down.
A man dressed in dark trousers and a hoodie stares up at me.
His face is half-shadowed, but he has a dark, short, ginger beard. His expression is emotionless and completely detached. There’s zero humanity on his features. His eyes are the palest blue. It’s so freaky like they will turn white, but it’s the deep boredom in them that strikes me. He points a finger towards me, and I catch a fire tattoo peeking from his sleeve. Or more like it’s a ‘beware of fire hazard’ sign.
“You will fall,” he says in a bland tone.
My eyes widen, not because of what he said, but because of the bracelet dangling from his hand; a silver bracelet in the shape of lotus. I would’ve recognised that bracelet anywhere.
I made it specifically for Zoe when we were children. My first token of friendship right after she gave me the firefly bracelet.
Why does that man have it?
He turns around to head in Le Salon’s direction.
My pulse skyrockets.
It must be him.
I finally put a face to the name. And he has Zoe’s bracelet.
Ghost disappeared into thin air.
For almost two days, I roamed in Julian’s room, about to go nuts. There isn’t even anything personal to snoop into. Only clothes. There’s a safe, too, but I have no way to open it.
Shadow brought me meals, gave me suspicious glances, and that’s it. I think he might recognise me from the fighting rings. He’s an underground fighter, too, or so I heard from the girls’ gossip. Although men and women matches are isolated, and I never mingle with those a lot bigger than me, perhaps he’s seen me around.
Bottom line is: I need to avoid Shadow. Julian is suspecting me enough without Shadow shedding light about my professional fighting.
Close to the opening hours of the second day, I ignore Julian’s instructions. He locked me in his room and didn’t even return to check up on me.
Freaking bastard.
If he’s locking someone up, the least he can do is visit.
During the time I’ve been under house arrest, I plotted my escape. Once Shadow left, I made a rope with the sheets and used it to climb down. Then, I headed to my room in Le Salon.
Scar hugged me senseless and fixed up my face with tons of makeup. My lips are still unnaturally swollen, and a plaster covers my nose, but the rest is fine. This is nothing compared to the injuries I sometimes had after a match.
“You’re not to leave my side again!” Scar uses her stern tone as we head towards the main club area.
My heart warms. That’s so similar to what Zoe would say when I went home bruised and bleeding.
‘They look a lot worse than me,’ was what I used to say, but I can’t tell Scar that. I was a weakling and couldn’t defend myself.
My head hangs in shame and self-loathing. I want to hate Julian, too, for witnessing my embarrassment, but I can’t seem to do that.
Instead, I tell Scar, “Julian says I have to stay with him.”
“Julian can go fuck himself.”
I burst into laughter until my lips burn, and I wince. She’s probably the only one who can talk about Julian like that and get away with it.
Even if she’s the number one escort and gets constant offers from other entertainment parlours, it’s curious why she’s not the least bit phased by any of the high-ranked leaders.
The other girls do flirt with Kyle, and I catch them making eyes at Shadow and Julian, but they’re also fearful of them. I heard them once gossiping about the thrill and danger of being with men like them.
Scar, on the other hand, doesn’t give a damn about any of that. She’s created her own world, and the rest of Le Salon isn’t allowed inside.
Aside from the endless blasting of Oasis’ music and flipping between subjects, she’s fun to live with. Even the old rock songs are starting to grow on me.
Soft music fills the air as countless rich men huddle on the sofas. The girls hang onto their words, laughing and touching them. Nothing too scandalous, just ‘appetisers’ in Le Salon’s vocabulary.
Most of the girls give me dirty looks as I brush past them. The guards don’t even pay me any attention as if I’m an invisible outcast. Even when Scar dressed me in a beautiful turquoise dress that bares half my back complete with pearly pumps.
“Are they still salty about how Kyle treated me at his birthday party?” I whisper to Scar.
She reaches into her small bag and sprays sweet cherry perfume all around us. “No, it has to do with that one who can go fuck himself.”
“Julian?” I almost squeak.
Scar waves at a patron, and he waves back frantically. Her smile is really like a doll’s. No wonder all the cust
omers fall at her feet. She gets to choose who deserves her company.
She says, “Julian issued orders to back off. You’re under his protection. Meaning you’re his or whatever.”
“I’m not his, and I don’t need his protection!” Heat rises to my cheeks, but surprisingly, it’s not all anger.
A stupid part rejoices that Julian spread the word about me. Then, I realise that he must’ve done it because he doesn’t trust me. My mood dampens. Besides, he has Mist. Why the hell does he thinks he can act like my owner?
“You tell him, Ellie!” Scar squeezes my arm. Then, she readjusts her breasts and pats the countless fuchsia layers of her mid-thigh dress. “How do I look?”
I stare at her, incredulous. “Does that even need to be asked? You’re stunning.”
“Like drop-dead-gorgeous stunning?”
“Absolutely.” I touch her arm, feeling foolishly protective of her. The man who’s checking her out from across the table stares at her with a filthy expression. I don’t like it. My fingers itch to poke his eyes out. “Do you have to go?”
“Of course.” She doesn’t appear the least bit fazed as she pinches her cheeks. “Did you know that Rome wasn’t built in a day?”
“Think about it, Ellie.” Scarlett grins and saunters to the well-groomed middle-aged man.
I watch until she disappears with him in the lift. He has a hand on the small of her back and she’s laughing in that bubbly energy.
Why is she even doing this job? Perhaps Liam and I can help her out. Although I doubt someone like Scar needs help.
I busy myself behind the bar, preparing cocktails and keeping an eye on the entrance. Julian would kill me if he finds me, but I take that risk to search for Ghost. Is he perhaps in Mist’s office?
Why did Zoe give him the bracelet? The answer is: she wouldn’t. It was as dear to her as my firefly bracelet. Unless Ghost kept the jewellery as a trophy.
My stomach knots. No. I’m sure she’s alive.
I have to believe she is.
Fingers glide over my arm as I reach for a vodka bottle on a high shelf.