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Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2)

Page 3

by Erin Osborne

  Axel helped me carry all the groceries in and took a beer out with him while I put them away and wait for my other purchases to be delivered. I’ve already warned Axel so he doesn’t flip his shit when a huge delivery truck pulls into the driveway. I don’t need him calling Capone again. And I won’t be doing any heavy lifting as far as he’ll see, so there’s no reason to call him at all. Once everyone’s gone, I’ll start putting the furniture together.

  The rest of the night goes by quickly as I stay busy. I make a small dinner of spaghetti for Wrath and I. Axel had to leave and the other Prospects were busy so Wrath is keeping me company tonight. I’ve never gotten to spend time with him one-on-one, but if Satan and Raine trust him, then so will I.

  “What are you doin’ the rest of the night?” Wrath asks as he helps me clear the dinner plates away.

  “I’m going to be putting my office together. I got new furniture today and my computer is waiting to be set up too,” I answer as I rinse off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

  “Need any help?” he asks, handing me a plate.

  “You don’t have to help me. I’m sure you have better things to do,” I respond.

  “Yeah. Sittin’ on my ass,” he says, laughing.

  “Well, if you want to help, then I’ll take you up on that.”

  As soon as the dishwasher is loaded, Wrath and I make our way into my new office. We sit on the floor and begin to put the desk together first. I also have a small table for my printer and other necessities. Then there’s a bookshelf and the filing cabinet.

  The entire time we’re working, he’s talking about whatever pops into his mind and cracking jokes. It’s a side of Wrath I haven’t seen the few times I’ve been at the clubhouse. He’s always looked forlorn and serious. I like this side of the quiet man.

  It takes us several hours, and him jokingly bitching about the size of my desk, to get everything put together and set up. By the time we’re done, Steve is here to take over babysitting duties. Wrath helps me pick up the mess and takes the cardboard out.

  “Thank you, Wrath,” I tell him when we’re done throwing everything out.

  “Anytime, babe. I’ll be sure to rub it in Capone’s face when I get back to the clubhouse,” he answers.

  “You do that,” I say, laughing while I walk back into the house.

  Today was definitely a good day. I’ve managed to look at my scars and realize they’re now a permanent part of who I am. My house is starting to reflect me and the way I’d want my own house to look. It’s becoming my home.

  Chapter Three


  WE’VE GOT A run coming up and I told Satan I’d take this one. I need to get out of Willow Creek and away from Hollie. She put me in my place the other day and I’ve been thinking about her words since she said them. Hollie’s not wrong— I should’ve kept my cock in my pants instead of trying to fuck her off my mind, thinking she’d never find out what I was doing. Not one of my brighter moves.

  What’s done is done and there’s nothing I can do about it now. I don’t like that Wrath has been over there, even if it was to keep an eye on her. He was talking when he got back to the clubhouse and I had to listen all about how he went in for dinner, helped her put her office together, and how they talked and laughed all night long. Or at least until Steve got there to relieve him.

  The longer Wrath kept talking, the more jealousy filled me. I don’t want her spending time with any other man but me. Hell, if I’m honest, I’m trying not to rip Wrath apart limb by limb right now. He’s my brother, but if he makes a move on Hollie, we’re gonna have fucking problems.

  “Capone, who you takin’ with you?” Satan asks, walking up to me as I sit in the common room.

  “I’m takin’ Torch, Gunner, Venom, Rock, Drago, and Axel. He can use the time away from babysittin’ duty,” I answer, knowing who I want with me on this run already.

  “It’s a simple pick-up. No one should fuck with you,” he says.

  “Yeah. We’ll be back tomorrow night,” I respond. “Keep an eye on her for me.”

  I don’t have to say another word. Satan knows exactly who I’m talking about. Everyone in the damn club does, if I’m being honest. He looks at me for a minute but doesn’t say a word.

  “What are you tryin’ to do with her?” he asks.

  “I’m not tryin’ to do anythin’ with her. We’re friends, apparently. She doesn’t want a man-whore in her life. So, there’s your answer,” I tell him, swallowing the rest of my beer.

  “You’re the only one who can change it, Capone. You’ll have to fight for her and show her you’re not lookin’ for just loose pussy anymore. If that’s what you decide to do,” Satan says.

  “Who says that’s what I want?” I ask defensively.

  “I’ve been watchin’ you practically rip Wrath’s head off with a look. You have to decide what you want— loose pussy or a woman to stand by your side. If you want the loose pussy, stay the fuck away from Hollie,” Satan says, standing from the table.

  “Is that an order from my Pres?” I ask, looking up at him with hostility in my eyes.

  “No. It’s comin’ from a friend and a man who happens to love Hollie. She’s been through enough. Leave her alone if you’re not serious about her. Walk away and let someone else have her if they want her.”

  Satan walks away. I watch my friend, and President, walk away from me. His words aren’t anything I haven’t been saying to myself over the last few weeks. Even before Hollie found out what I was doing and called me on my shit. This run is coming at the perfect time. I can use the time away to think about what I want and how I’m going to make it happen if being with Hollie is what I truly want.

  “When we headin’ out?” Torch asks, sitting with me.

  “About eleven. I don’t want to be out too early. We’ve got a few hours’ ride before we get to the meet. Then a few hours back. Pyro will have shit to me in a little bit and if I need to adjust the time, we will,” I answer.

  “Sounds good.”

  “I’m gonna get some rest. You and the rest of the guys should too,” I say, standing up and tossing my beer bottle in the closest garbage can.

  NeNe watches me leave the room. She’s been my go-to girl lately. Tonight is not a night I’ll be fucking her. Or anyone else. I catch the glare she tosses my way and respond in kind. This bitch ain’t nothing but a hole. I don’t have to fuck her if I don’t want to and I’ve never made it out to be anything more than a release for me. The last few times I was with her, I called out Hollie’s name and not hers. NeNe better watch her fucking step if she thinks I’m going to play her game.

  We’ve been on the road for a few hours when I signal to pull over. I feel like we have someone following us even though there’s more than one car and us on the road tonight. It’s a gut feeling I have and I’ve learned over the years to trust my gut no matter what.

  Everyone pulls up to the pumps as if we need to get gas. One car follows us in and parks by the building. No one gets out. I motion my head to Torch and Gunner and they take off. Torch goes in the small store to get us something to drink while Gunner goes in the bathroom. Still, no one gets out of the car.

  The car is a blacked-out sedan. It’s black and there’s not a single distinguishing detail about it. There’s no way we can see in the windows because they’re heavily tinted. I’m assuming it’s at least one or two males in the car, but who the hell knows at this point. We’ll find out soon though.

  As soon as we finish filling up our bikes, we pull off to the side. Axel brings Torch’s bike over while Rock walks Gunner’s over. We all stand around and look casual while we wait for our brothers to make their way back toward us. I sit down on the bench of a picnic table while the guys surround me. No one can see me now.

  Pulling out my phone, I call Satan and let him know about the car. He tells me to deal with it any way I see fit and we’ll have church when we get back. We’ve known there’s obviously a mole in the club, but
this is the first time we’ve had someone follow us like this on a run.

  “Here’s the plan. We’re gonna head back out on the road. A few miles down, there’s a pull-off. We’ll head in there and act as if that’s where the drop is. This asshat doesn’t know where we’re goin’, so he should follow us in. When he does, we’ll surround the car and find out who it is. Torch and Gunner, I want you on the sides. Venom and Drago, you got back. Axel, stay in the truck. Rock, you’re with me in the front,” I say. “Let’s ride.”

  We all climb back on our bikes while Axel gets in the truck. He’ll switch it out with what we’re picking up. It’s what we normally do on our ‘easy’ pickups. Next time, we’ll switch the trucks back out. As we head out, I watch as the car backs out of its spot and pulls onto the road with us.

  They hang back a bit and when we start hitting traffic again, the driver lets several cars get in between us on the highway. When we get close to the pull-off, we get in the right lane and I motion the guys to slow down a little bit. They follow my direction and I use my mirror to watch the car switch lanes with us. Yeah, this motherfucker is about to get found out.

  After motioning for the guys to make our turn, we pull into the turn-off and head down an old path. It’s barely able to accommodate our bikes as no one comes here anymore. Yeah, we’ve made this run before, it’s just been a while. We ride down about a half mile and pull over. Axel stays behind the bikes with the truck as we all climb off and use the truck for cover.

  Sure enough, the car is following us and he’s not stopping far away this time. It’s coming right to us and doesn’t stop until it’s almost up to the bikes. All the guys move into position. I’m standing in front of the car, waiting to see what it’s going to do, ready to push Rock out of the way if the driver decides to try to run us over.

  “Get the fuck out or we’ll help you get out,” I yell.

  The engine shuts off and it doesn’t take long for the driver to exit the car. It’s a man in his early forties. He’s wearing jeans and a ripped shirt. The skin I can see is covered in bruises. I’m not sure what the hell is going on, but the entire situation isn’t right.

  “Why are you followin’ us?” I ask as Torch holds the man.

  “I was made to. There’s GPS in the car to track where I go when I follow you,” he says.

  “By who?” I ask again.

  “I don’t know his name. All I know is I got a call on a burner phone I was sent. Got the day and time you were heading out and I was told to follow you and bring back information on the location,” he answers, looking me right in the eyes.

  This man isn’t lying. I feel it in my gut, he’s telling us the truth.

  “Male or female called you? And what do they have on you?” I ask.

  “It was a woman. She tried to make her voice deeper, but I could tell. Whoever it is has my baby sister and cousin. They’ve been missing for almost three weeks now. I’m not sure where they are or who has them. I wouldn’t have followed you if it weren’t for them,” he says.

  “What’s your name?” Torch asks.

  “Trent Moore,” he replies.

  “We’re gonna help you out. But you gotta help us out too. Can you do that?” I ask him.

  “I’ll do anything to get them back,” he says.

  “Okay. We’re gonna go to the location so you can get your data. You have to call in when you’re done?” I ask, waiting for his nod. “Okay. You’ll be with us. Not all of us, but Torch and Gunner. That way nothin’ will look off if you’re bein’ watched. I want you to go to the diner and sit at a table alone. Torch and Gunner will be at the table right next to you. Let them get there first.”

  “I can do that. I’ll just keep following them and go inside after them. I’ll place the call and see what they say. I won’t say anything, I swear,” Trent says.

  “Make sure you don’t. Remember, they’ll be there. Alright, do what you were doin’ and we’ll be at the location in about an hour or so. Stay back so our brothers don’t get sight of you. It won’t be pretty if they do,” I tell him.

  Trent gets back in the car while the rest of us get on our bikes. We make the trip to the location and I rest a little easier as we ride. I’m not worried about someone trying to take us out this time. If Trent were going to, we just gave him ample opportunity. No one’s with him and wanting your family back will always make a person do dumb shit. Just look at Raine when she was trying to get Hollie back.

  This is the first time since we left that I’ve felt somewhat comfortable. At least I know who’s following us now. I won’t be fully comfortable until we know who the fucking mole in the club is and what their end game is. I want to know who thinks they can fuck with us and get away with it. It’s got to be a hang around, Prospect, or one of the house bunnies. I’m not sure which direction to look in though.

  The pickup with our distributor goes without a hitch. We exchange money for merchandise and head back home. I’d like to get some sleep, but we don’t have time for all that now. We have to ride straight back to the clubhouse so Trent, Torch, and Gunner can go to the diner and get the phone call out of the way.

  I’ll grab a little sleep while they do that and then be up for church when Satan calls for it. Thankfully, Hollie doesn’t bombard my brain like she usually does. I’m too focused on finding out what’s going on with our club. It’s been a long time since we’ve had to deal with this kind of shit. Not since the old guys were in charge of the club and had us in deeper shit than we are now. Hopefully, it will be over soon and we can go on with our lives as usual.

  Chapter Four


  YESTERDAY, I SLEPT like a baby. I didn’t need Capone next to me to accomplish this or my sleeping pills. I’ve never taken a single one, but I keep them on hand just in case. I did so much in the house that I wore myself out to the point I was fast asleep as soon as I climbed in bed.

  Tonight, the same can’t be said. I’ve literally only worked on the books today because there’s nothing else I can move in my house just yet. I’m too sore from moving my room around and then putting the office together. Even with Wrath’s help, I did way more than I have in a long time.

  So, I’ve spent the day lazing about and working on the books in the morning. After lunch with Steve, I took a hot bath to try to ease my muscles and then listened to music while I worked on the books some more. I want to have them done before Capone and the guys get back so I can drop them off at the clubhouse with Satan and then he can have Capone take them back. I don’t want to step foot in Blazing Babes ever again.

  Now, I’m in bed and I can’t manage to fall asleep. I’ve been tossing and turning for hours. Playing music hasn’t helped. I’ve gone out to try to watch a movie I usually fall asleep to, but nothing works no matter what I do. So, I pick my phone up and debate for long minutes about texting the one person besides Raine I can talk to right now— Capone.

  Me: Can’t sleep. Know you’re on a run.

  Setting my phone down on my pillow next to me, I close my eyes and try to go to sleep again. Within minutes, my phone is ringing.

  “Hello,” I say, knowing it’s Capone without looking at the screen.

  “Why can’t you sleep?” he asks, his voice gruff.

  “I don’t know. Maybe because I was too sore to do much of what I wanted to today. I’m not exhausted and now I can’t sleep. I’ve tried music and a movie and it’s not working,” I tell him.

  “Smalls, you’re killin’ me. I can’t be there with you and there’s nothin’ I can do to help you out. What about . . . ” he says.

  “Not taking them.”

  “Holls, they’re used to help you. If you can’t sleep, then try half a pill,” Capone tries.

  “Nope. I’ll go get drunk at the clubhouse before I take a pill. Even a part of one,” I respond.

  “Not happenin’,” he growls out.

  Yes, Capone growls more than any other man I know.

  “Then don’t suggest I take the
m,” I tell him.

  “Who’s with you tonight?” he asks.

  “Steve’s been here since this morning. I guess he’s staying the night too,” I answer.

  “Why is he pullin’ double duty at your place?” he asks.

  “I don’t know. It’s not my job to question anything you guys do.”

  “Holls, what do you want to talk about?” Capone asks, changing the subject.

  “I don’t know. I can’t think straight. But, the books are done. I’ll have them to Satan before you get up after you get back,” I tell him.

  “Are you takin’ the rest back where they go?” he asks.

  “Yep. I always do. Just not the strip club.”

  “I know, Smalls,” he responds. “Do you want me to come over when I get back?”

  “I don’t know. I want to say yes, but I can’t depend on you for the rest of my life. It’s time I get over having to have you here so I can sleep at night. You’ll find someone one of these days and I won’t be able to call on you when that happens,” I tell him.

  My heart breaks a little more with the idea of Capone finding someone he wants to spend his life with. A stray tear slips down my cheek and lands on my pillow. I try to take a deep breath to control my emotions.

  “You can call me anytime, day or night, Smalls,” he says.

  “It’s a nice thought, Capone,” I respond. “Be safe on your ride home. I’ll see you around.”

  Hanging up the phone, I lay back down and fall asleep. Apparently, I just needed to hear the man’s voice before falling asleep.

  Waking up in the morning, I’m hot as hell. I’ve kicked the blankets off me and there’s a heavy weight on the side of me. My bladder is screaming at me too. Shrugging off the weight, I look down and see Capone asleep in my bed. I’m not sure when he got in, or why he’s here.

  When he’s sleeping, Capone is relaxed and not carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. His face is devoid of the frown lines usually marring his handsome face. The only thing I see are his long dark lashes fanning across his cheeks, his mouth partially open, and his hair a mess around him. His arm is now resting on his bare stomach and my mouth waters as I take in his tanned skin, muscles, and the V you always hear women talking about. There isn’t an ounce of fat on the man sleeping before me. He’s the perfect male specimen in my eyes.


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