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Heart's Inferno (Fallen Guardians 4)

Page 16

by Georgia Lyn Hunter

  He cut her an unreadable look as she stopped near him. There was no sign of his earlier fury. Something about his expression appeared off.

  Unable to bear this impossible ache any longer, the words tripped out. “Who—”

  “You’re the rainbow,” he said softly.

  Her heart clopping like a racehorse, she blinked. “What?”

  His brooding stare shifted to the snow-covered evergreens lining the sweeping driveway that led to the castle. “Maybe you don’t want to hear it, but the rainbow is you.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Echo said you wanted to know. Blaéz had a vision of me with a rainbow, even before I met you,” Týr continued in the same soft tone. “And since you seem to command the colors like no one else…”

  Perplexed, she tugged a long spiral of hair to the front. “You mean my hair?”

  A nod. Still, Týr didn’t look at her. “Your black streaks from earlier have faded. It’s back to the earthy red you usually prefer, except it’s got a bit of green in there now.”

  Black? Earlier, she’d been in pain. Green, despair? And she’d tried so hard not to let her emotions seep through.

  “I didn’t know. I never realized they called me that. I overheard Nik and…”

  “Yeah, I know what you thought.” His lips tightened. “It’s not your fault. You can’t force your heart to feel something it doesn’t.”

  What? She stared, stunned. “That’s not true,” she whispered. How could he think she didn’t feel anything for him?

  When he finally looked at her, nothing showed on his face. However, the fast-beating nerve on his rigid jaw near his injury gave her hope. With only the snow-covered trees and shrubs and the whining wind as witness, she gathered her courage and heart in both hands. “I…miss you.”

  He went utterly still. Something flickered in those pale-toffee depths.

  “About what you said at the cabin. I know I didn’t give you the answer you wanted. I do want you, I want us. But I’m scared.”

  He stared at her for the longest second, then he took her backpack, grasped her hand, and strode back indoors and up the stairs in his usual, actions-speak-louder-than-words mode.

  In his quarters, he made straight for his dressing room. Kira had no idea what he was about but followed quietly. He dropped her bag onto the large, scuffed, wooden chest on the floor, then unlocked a closet on the far side of the room with his palm on the wood.

  Her eyes widened at all the lethal hardware inside, from deadly throwing stars with serrated edges, to blades of various sizes and shapes. She stepped closer. “Don’t you use guns?”

  “Wasted on demons.”

  Okay, he had a point.

  Týr strode back to his dresser, grabbed his obsidian dagger lying on top, and tossed the blade onto the shelf. He shut the closet again then leaned against the door.

  At last, his closed-off expression softened, and his eyes warmed. And there was that look Kira now understood—she was all he saw. “There. Out of the way.” He ran the back of his knuckles along her jaw. “Just so you know, I’m shit-scared, too.”


  “You could one day just up and leave.”

  “I came to you, didn’t I? So, I won’t.”

  “Good. Since whom I choose to be with is my decision, and mine alone, and you are it.”

  A smile curved her mouth. For now, she’d strive to forget all the doom and gloom of destinies waiting to crash over her and try not to fall in love…well, not a lot anyway.

  Týr unfastened her braid and threaded his fingers through her locks. “Don’t hide your curls, I love this wild-girl look, especially the shifting colors.”

  That smirk Kira had missed so much took life. Joy swept through her. She brushed back the streaked lock of pale hair falling across his brow. “I’m glad you do because what you see is what you get. I’m nothing exciting, I’m afraid. I do tend to hog the TV when my favorite show is on. Oh, and I love horror movies, cooking, and romance books.”

  “Ah, the fluff stuff…”

  She rolled her eyes, a wry smile tugging her lips.

  “But there is more. Happiness, peace…and pleasure.” He lowered his head. “It’s what I feel when I look at you.”

  Her smile faltered, her chest expanding with emotions she could no longer contain. Not fall in love? She was on a fast-track train there already.

  His mouth found hers in a heart-warming kiss. The same intense connection she’d felt before spread through her once more as if their souls connected. But that was just him, the way she always became his entire focus.

  Kira let herself sink into the sensation of his lips moving over hers, his tongue possessing hers. Without breaking their kiss, he pulled off her jacket, tossed it aside, and slipped his hand beneath her sweater. His callused palms swept over her back, stirring awake a heated yearning, one only he could fulfill. She ached for him.

  It took her lungs needing oxygen for her to break their kiss. Kira pressed her brow to his chest. She loved how tall he was, for a change, she actually felt dainty.

  She pushed back his streaked strands again, missing his natural color. Hoping to get it right, she put her hands on his chest, shut her eyes, and willed his hair back to its gorgeous wheat-tone shade. Her palms tingled. Her eyelids shot open. A smile started.

  He lifted an eyebrow.

  “The red’s gone.”

  “Pity. I like your mark on me.”


  He pressed his lips to her brow. “It’s from you, how could I not? What are your plans for this evening?”

  She shrugged. “I have work and—”

  “If you tell me you’re meeting that damn messenger without me, I’m going to be really pissed.”

  “No-no. I haven’t given that much thought.” With everything that had happened between her and Týr, she’d barely had time to focus on anything else.

  With a nod, he ushered her out of the dressing room and paused near the fireplace of the enormous bedroom. He took both of her hands. “There’s something I must ask you.”

  Her stomach instantly compressed in trepidation at the edge to his voice. “You sound so somber. Now, I’m a little worried.”

  His expression didn’t change. “Týr, what is it?”

  “As much as I want you as my mate, free will, I’m told, is important to mortals. So, think real careful before you answer, Kira. If you say yes here and now, I won’t ever let you go.”

  It sounded as if he were taking an oath—a vow.

  “Why so serious all of a sudden?” she teased. “I’m not changing my mind.”

  “You are human, so I must give you a choice.”

  Okay, she didn’t know that. “I think I already proved this earlier. Besides, why would I give up the chance to drive you batshit crazy?”

  A smile flickered. “You’ve already done so in the past year. But with your three-date rule, I can’t be too sure.”

  “Really?” She scowled at him. “Why do you say things like that, knowing it will irritate me?”

  His jaw hardened. Something flashed in those striking eyes. “Why three dates?”

  “Because I didn’t see the point in pursuing something if there was no connection. Happy now?”

  “You shouldn’t have been going out with anyone,” he retorted.

  Her mouth dropped open. Ugh. She wheeled away. Her cell rang. She pulled the device out of her jacket pocket. Echo. Trying to get past her ire, Kira dropped onto the leather chaise lounge near the window and answered. “Hey—”

  “You okay? You ran out of here—”

  “I’m fine.”

  Týr eyed her for a second and then he sat on the chaise behind her. He moved her hair aside and pressed his lips to her nape. She inhaled sharply.

  “Where are you?” Echo asked.

  At the same time, Týr whispered in her other ear, “I didn’t mean to upset you. Anger is no way to start a relationship.” He lightly nipped the ski
n on her neck, and her breath caught. Heck, the man could undo her.


  “Here. I’m still here.”

  Týr shifted and straddled the lounge behind her. Kira stilled. Then his warm tongue licked away the tiny bite in a sensual caress. Every nerve flared to life. His mouth coasted up her shoulder to her ear. He grasped her lobe with his lips and sucked, and desire swept straight through to her core. His hands cupped her sweater-covered breasts, and she forgot what she had been saying as he gently massaged them.



  “Have you left yet?”

  “Er…I have to g—”

  “No,” he whispered the warning. “Talk to her.”

  Oh, hell. He slipped both hands beneath her sweater, pulled her bra down, and tweaked her nipples. Pain mingled with pleasure. Her fingers clenched the phone, hard. She’d probably gouged a hole in the casing with her fingernails.

  Desperately wanting him to touch her, she leaned against him. The bulge in his sweats pressed against her bottom. And the ache between her thighs grew.

  One hand slid down to her abdomen, but her yoga pants obstructed his descent.

  “Kira? What’s wrong?”

  She bit her lip, unable to respond, too aware of Týr slipping his fingers beneath her waistband and stroking her panty-covered core. The silk wasn’t much of a barrier now as her body ached with need.

  “Answer her,” he ordered softly, nipping her nape with his teeth. “Or I’ll make you scream, and she’ll know.”

  “Nothing,” she struggled not to moan.

  “I thought you were going home?”

  “I am. Just keeping…er, seeing to a few things before I leave…” Christ, she squeezed her eyes tight and bit her lip as his fingers dipped under her panties, gliding between her folds to circle her clit. Her free hand squeezed the edge of the chaise in a punishing grip.

  The next second, her pants and underwear were off, and she was seated on his lap, her back pressed to his chest and her thighs over his.

  “Hey, The Conjuring just came on. Pity you have to leave…”

  Kira had no idea what she said, but obviously, it made sense because her friend continued speaking.

  Týr rolled her clit, sliding his fingers lower, his own thighs spread, widening hers more. He pushed a finger into her, and as he thrust and retreated, his other hand beneath her sweater lowered and joined in the play, his thumb gliding over her aching clit.

  Ohhhh. Kira groaned. Her phone clattered to the floor, the call cutting off. Her hands gripped Týr’s powerful forearms, and her back arched as she pushed down, taking his fingers deeper into herself. He sucked her neck with firm pulls, his thumb pressing on her clit…her body tightening at the incredible sensations building. A sharp tug on her aching flesh and she cried out, her mind splintering, her orgasm sweeping through her like wildfire.

  Breathing hard, she collapsed against his chest.

  “I don’t like you upset,” he murmured against her neck, his hair brushing her cheek, his thumb still lightly stroking her sensitive clit. Kira squirmed away, but his hand on her hip held her in place. “But I’m just a jealous prick who needs you more than anything in this godsdamn long life of mine.”

  Her heart tripped. But deeper, she sensed more. Not jealousy…but a deep pain. More than anything, she wanted to ease him. Help him. See him smile without the shadows in his eyes.

  “I’m okay, really. Besides, I couldn’t quite connect with any of them…” Her voice lowered a little. “Because I think even then I was comparing everyone to you.”


  She snorted a laugh.

  “You have to go to the brownstone?” he asked, still holding her against him. At least he’d stopped tormenting her.

  “Yes…” She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Gran’s back.”

  He went utterly motionless, and those gorgeous eyes held hers. He knew what it meant.

  “If I had my way, I wouldn’t let you leave this room until I had you with my mouth, my body, in every way possible. But the Oracle has to be told about us, and that you’re moving in here.”

  Oh, boy. Her tummy dipped. Gran would probably be shocked out of her mind.

  Kira prayed really hard that it all went well.

  Chapter 14

  Wooden tubs with overgrown shrubs and vines edged the entrance of the Oracle’s domain. Týr pushed aside the creepers hanging from the trellis of the front porch as Kira opened the door and walked into the brownstone. He followed, the rich fragrance of herbs and incense crowding his nose.

  “I thought I heard you…” Lila paused in the kitchen doorway that led to the open-plan living and dining rooms when she saw them. Týr frowned. She appeared pale—a quick scan revealed no illness—which was good. And her direct stare was reassuring.

  “Warrior, thank you for taking care of my child.”

  “Gran,” Kira began and rubbed her palms down her pants, her gaze darting to him and then back to her grandmother. “I need to—”

  “In a moment, my dear. That stray cat is wrecking my herb garden again. He needs feeding.”

  “Okay.” Kira nodded, appearing a little relieved.

  Nope, not letting her put this off for later. “Lila, wait. If you don’t mind?” Týr grasped Kira’s hand and drew her close. Yep, stiff as a board. He put his palm on her waist. The Oracle arched a delicate brow, her expression suddenly unreadable.

  “Can’t say I’m surprised at this outcome. I always had a feeling…” Those dark, dark eyes pinned him as if to say, “But hurt her, and there’ll be hell to pay.”

  Týr gave a slight incline of his head in acknowledgement.

  “You don’t mind?” Kira asked in a rush.

  The Oracle’s expression softened. “My dearest child, who else would keep you safe—er, safer than me?”

  A smile broke free, revealing those perfect, tantalizing dimples in Kira’s cheeks. She ran to her grandmother and hugged her. “Thank you, Gran.”

  “As long as you’re happy, it’s all I want.” Lila stepped back. “Well, then, I shall go feed the cat and then put the kettle on.” She patted Kira’s hand and then fixed an even stare on him. “Warrior, you will stay and drink tea.”

  It wasn’t a request. Hell, he’d never had the beverage in his life. Even so, he politely nodded.

  The Oracle disappeared into the kitchen, the door closing behind her.

  Kira snorted. “Drink tea? Really?”

  “I have to be on my best behavior,” he responded stoically. “Chances are, she could turn me into a toad if I refuse, and I still haven’t had my wicked way with you.” He made a grab for her.

  Laughing, she hastily stepped back, her hips hitting the dining table. Before she scampered off, Týr slapped his palms on the table edge, caging her. Deliberately, he let his lower body press into hers, keeping her pinned in place. If he touched her right now, he’d probably want to drag her upstairs to her room. But even he wasn’t so debauched as to do that in the Oracle’s home.

  He pressed his mouth to hers and felt her smile against his lips. His heart bumped hard in his chest. He slipped a hand under her sweater and caressed her spine.

  “Týr, wait—” she gasped, putting her hands on his chest, trying to move him with as much success as an ant would have. “You can’t possibly want Gran to see you mauling her only family?”

  “Mauling?” he growled low in his throat. “Let’s see about that.”

  He kissed her with deep, sensual strokes, and a moan broke free. Her hands went from pushing him away to running over his wide back.

  Damn, his great idea of tormenting her had been a colossal mistake. He was so fucking hard, if the Oracle saw him like this—yeah, she’d definitely come out with guns, or in her case spells, blazing, and he’d probably end up the toad he’d teased Kira about.

  As much as he savored touching her whenever he could, for the sake of his sanity, he broke their kiss. He couldn’t w
ait to make her completely his. “We’ll finish this later.”

  Kira blinked up at him with passion-glazed eyes, her mouth swollen from his sensual onslaught. Threads of breathtaking gold wove through her reddish spirals. Now, he had a shade for happiness. But much as he enjoyed the visible signs of her emotions, he had to teach her to shield her abilities, which he knew usually made an appearance when he was around. To know that he affected her as profoundly as she did him, made him all the more possessive.

  Týr reluctantly put distance between them, stopping at the lace-curtained windows to stare outside. It would be dusk soon despite the early hour. For the first time, he hated this season and the longer working hours. He rubbed his jaw. The wound there was finally starting to heal. Honestly, he didn’t give a shit. Gut-deep, he knew the fucker would be back. And he’d be ready.

  Lila walked into the living room and set the tea tray on the dining table. With no way out of drinking the concoction, he sat opposite Kira as she poured the beverage and handed him a cup.

  He took a sip of the hot liquid—fuuuck! It not only looked but also probably tasted like dishwater would. Man, the things he did for his woman. However, there was one more item that needed to be addressed. “Lila,” he began quietly, and waited until she looked at him. “I’ll speak to Michael about you moving into the castle, too. I think it would be best.”

  The Oracle set down her cup and tucked back a steel-gray strand of hair, a weary cast to her face like he’d suggested she do all the grunge work at the castle. “I like it here, Warrior, and I have friends close. At least I don’t have to worry so much when I go to Seattle now, knowing Kira is with you.”

  “Oh, no-no, Gran. You’re coming with us. I won’t leave you here alone.”

  “This is my home, child.”

  “Yes. But it’s dangerous for you to be by yourself. You forgot what happened a year ago when that horrid Neal came after you just to get even with Echo.”

  Lila said nothing. They faced each other like sparring opponents instead of kin.

  Frustration realigned Kira’s tan features. And, Lila? Hell, the female sported an inflexible look Týr knew all too well, considering that he and the other warriors faced-off with her often enough when they got wounded by those almost unhealable demon bolts, and had to be dosed with her miracle potion.


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