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The Rest of Forever

Page 19

by Kitty Berry

  “When did that change?” Colleen asked.


  “When did being alone stop being what you wanted?”

  I sigh, but a smile pulls my lips up in the corners when I remember the day I met Elliot and Ace. “When I was eighteen and met Elliot and Ace in bootcamp.”

  “Bootcamp? You didn’t go to college? I had you pegged as a Yale man.”

  “Nope. All my knowledge is self-taught. I already knew more than what they could have taught me at any Ivy League school, so I followed in Daddy’s footsteps to see what it would be like.”

  My father had more influence on my life than I had realized, and after high school graduation, I found myself in basic training under Elliot’s father. Dave Montgomery, better known as Sven in the field, was a badass who enjoyed torturing his recruits more than life itself. He still does.

  The first few days of boot camp had been really tough on me. The guys, like the ones back home, made fun of me. They figured out pretty quickly that I wasn’t like the rest of them, and I enjoyed the order of our days, the schedule, and structure the training was all about. The guys paired off by day three and I was left out as always. That was until Ace Lyons caught me looking at porn and shared that his tastes were like mine. He asked me to hang out with him and Elliot, and for the first time in my life, I decided to take a social chance. I’ll never regret that decision because it brought me the two best friends any guy could ask for.

  “Hey,” Elliot said when I walked into the nicest barracks on the campsite. “I’m Elliot. I don’t think we’ve been introduced.”

  I refused to shake his hand, but Elliot had just shrugged it off as no big deal. “Callan Black,” I introduced myself. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Yeah, you too, man. Want a beer?”

  “Are we allowed to drink? And should we be in here? This place doesn’t look like it’s meant for us.”

  “Oh, it’s not. It’s the sadist’s cabin.”

  “This is Sergeant Major Montgomery’s place?” I asked with a panicked voice. I didn’t like breaking the rules and the smirk on Elliot’s face told me they were breaking them big time.

  “Oh, it’s fine. Sergeant Major Montgomery won’t mind at all.”

  “Are you fucking kidding?” I ask. “He’s a hard-ass douche that lives to torture us. If he finds us in his quarters drinking his…”

  “It’s not like we’re fucking his daughter” Ace said with a smirk in Elliot’s direction.

  Elliot visibly shivered then sent him the finger. I knew I’d missed some social cue or inside joke, but I didn’t know what that was. Looking at Elliot. I asked, “Did you fuck his daughter?”

  “I would,” Ace said as Elliot gagged. “She’s fucking hot.”

  He handed me a picture from the side table, and I whistled at the beautiful girl that must be in her late twenties. “Shit, I’d fucking do her.”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Elliot demanded. “Neither of you are doing my fucking sister!”

  “Your…Your sister? Is Sergeant Major Montgomery your father?”

  After Elliot admitted that he was, we broke out the hard alcohol and started pounding the shit back. I admitted to also being a military brat and the three of us hit it off. They didn’t judge me for my odd behavior or ask me to step out of my comfort zone. We’d gotten good and drunk that night, caught by Elliot’s father, and spent the next week cleaning toilets together with toothbrushes. I, of course, wore gloves.

  After that, when they hadn’t made fun of me, we became inseparable. It wasn’t long before Ace and I figured out that pushing Dave’s buttons could be fun. We did so by fucking everything that had a vagina in a one-hundred-mile radius of our camp, including the wives, mothers, and daughters of every commanding officer. Well, everyone except Sergeant Major Montgomery because by then, we thought of Elliot like a brother and Raina, as hot as she was, was off-limits.

  I hear the bell over the door ring, and I can sense who just walked in, so I don’t bother to turn around.

  I feel Jordan’s warmth seeping into my back as she plasters herself to my body, her breasts rubbing on the planes of my back. Her nipples harden as soon as she touches me, I can feel them through her clothing, and I want to turn around and scold her for not being dressed warmly enough. But then her fingers are in my hair, her nails raking against my scalp, and I groan in pleasure, my cock instantly hardening in public from a mere touch from this girl.

  “Callan, baby,” she coos into my ear right before her tongue sweeps over the shell. Her fingers and tongue, the way she’s so casually touching me, is something I’ve only ever experienced pleasure from with her. I’d allowed Courtney to touch me because for that brief blip in time, I thought she was the one and I’d have to learn to live with it. But with Jordan, every touch brings welcomed sensations shooting through my system. “I love you. This has all been a gigantic misunderstanding.”

  “Hey, man,” I hear Elliot’s voice, but I don’t turn around to see either of them. “It’s as big of a clusterfuck as I made with Adams. Let’s talk it out and see if we can fix shit, okay?”

  I slowly begin to soften when my eyes catch with Colleen’s and she smiles with a slight nod of her head.

  I repeat her action to my friends then slide off the bar stool to lead them to my apartment.

  Elliot takes Courtney’s hand and Ace has Bridget’s in his free one. Ace’s other hand is occupied by the baby carrier little Oliver is sleeping in. Jordan thinks about reaching out for me but then Jenny giggles and all eyes shift her way. “It’s a flustercluck,” she slurs.

  “Is she drunk?” I ask. “Where’s Beast?”

  “We made her leave him home, and she’s still upset over Lucas so she couldn’t function in public without a little liquid courage,” Courtney states. “She’s a fucking lightweight that can’t hold her booze, this is the best we could do with her.”

  “Ah, you gave her the bottle and told her to have at it,” Elliot rebuffs.

  “I didn’t think she was going to down that much that fast, gingerbread boy, now shush.”

  Elliot kisses his wife’s temple and Jordan chooses to help her sister up the stairs to my place instead of fighting for my hand. I shoo her away and lift Jenny into my arms.

  She squeals before saying, “How could you not be with this man. He’s so romancey. If you don’t want him, I’ll take him.” Then she stretches up to whisper, “I’m not a virgin anymore.”

  “Um,” I stutter as I jostle her to open the door. “We all know, Jenn. You’ve been going on about this Lucas Hart dude for months now.”

  He’s the baby-talker she met at Alexander Hardware and made me sit through the story of their meeting.

  I ignore the hustle and bustle of my friends when Teyler Walker, still sprawled on my sofa, comes into view, and I plop Jenny down next to him.

  She gets one look at the handsome, older athlete and moans, “I’m an experienced single woman now. Take me.”

  “Jenny!” The rest of the sisters scoff in unison before throwing themselves on the sofa, each fighting for the spots on Tey’s sides. Courtney and Bridget win. Jordan’s eyes haven’t left mine, so she hadn’t moved fast enough. Honestly, it doesn’t appear that she even tried, more like she just got tied up in their actions and landed on the sofa in a heap next to Courtney.

  Ace and Elliot extricate their wives from Tey, then I reach down and shift Jenny to the chair opposite him. She had mounted him like a tree by that point, and the poor guy looked scared as shit.

  “Ah, I think I’m going to head down for a cup of tea. See what my,” he clears his throat and corrects himself, “Colleen’s got going on later.”

  “Good luck,” I state with a scoff because women are difficult no matter their age.

  “You too, man,” Tey says with a pat to my back.

  The women complain that I forced him to leave, Elliot and Ace laugh at their dramatics, but Jordan remains silent.

  Then Jenny breaks the quiet
with her slurred words. “He’ssss a tall drinka iced tea, not like tha’ dick Lucas is.”

  The group cracks up in laughter as Jenny slumps to the side and closes her eyes to take a refreshing nap. Then the other females in the room share some nonverbal communication, grab their men and walk to the kitchenette to get everyone drinks and leave Jordan and I alone with the now snoring Jenny.

  “Callan, please let me explain. Can we talk somewhere private?”

  I nod and extend my arm, so she’ll head in the direction of my bedroom, the only semi-private space in my small apartment.

  I open the door and let Jordan walk through before me.

  She slowly lowers her body to my bed then pats the spot next to her like she would for a small child. I guess that makes sense, she apparently has been thinking of me in a very different way than I’ve been thinking of her. I lower my body next to hers all the same because I can’t stop myself, I’m drawn to her like a moth to light.

  She turns to face me and takes my hands in hers. I stiffen slightly at the action and a sad look crosses her face in misunderstanding of the reason for my reaction. It wasn’t because she touched me and I responded as I would as if she were someone else, it was because I’m not sure what the touch means to her. Is she touching me to offer comfort like she would someone less than her, a person that needs her help as a therapist, a case study? Or was she touching me as she always had as a man she claimed to love? “Don’t shut me out like that,” she begs.

  I sigh deeply. “I’m not trying to shut you out, Jor, but I lost all trust in you and everything you’ve ever said. I feel like our whole relationship has been a lie, a ruse on your part to study your weird, fucked-up boyfriend.”

  “Callan, it’s not like that. I’ve never seen you as…”

  “Your boyfriend? Fuck, am I that pathetic at reading social cues? Christ!”

  “That’s not what I was going to say. I was going to say weird or fucked up.” She shrugs. “I understand your issues, but they’re not that big of a deal.”

  “Not that big of a deal? Jordan, you’re doing research for a paper and using me as your case study.”

  “I’m guessing you only read the first few pages of my notes. Callan, the paper I’m writing is about how adults with social deficits can overcome them and lead fulfilled, romantic lives.”

  I heave in a sigh and try to process the meaning behind her words. Unable to wrap my gifted brain around what this means for us as a couple just yet, I shift to the others. “Did Elliot and Ace know that?”

  “Yes, sort of. I mean, at first they thought that you guys were right and that it was about the size of your dick and how good you are in bed.”

  I laugh. “I told them that.”

  “Callan, your dick size and abilities to make me come were never in question.”

  I puff up my proud chest, but then I hear the but in her comment. “What was in question?” I ask.

  “Your ability to let go of your past and have a fulfilled future with me. Your hang-ups and rigidity, your social struggles, are they able to be managed…that sort of thing. But it never had anything to do with me thinking less of you for your disability. In fact, I don’t see you as having a disability, I see you as being unique and special and I’m so in love with…”

  I crash my mouth over hers and force her lips to open while I thrust my hardening erection into her thigh with a strangled groan. My lips are hard on hers, my kisses rough and demanding, laced with frustration. After being estranged, even if only for a short period of time, it’s made me a crazy man. As she opens for me, her hands twining in my hair and pulling me closer into her, my tongue twirls with hers, and a rumble from my chest sounds in the quiet space. My hands mimic hers and sink into her hair as I pull her body to the bed and cover it with mine.

  “They’ll hear us, Callan.”

  “And do you care, because I’m out of fucks to give, baby?” I ask between kisses that I can only pray have her growing wet for me.

  “No, I don’t care. If they don’t want to hear you fucking me…hard, they can leave.”

  “You want me to fuck you hard, Jordan? Fuck you until you forget every one of my hang-ups?”

  “Callan, don’t think that I don’t love everything about you because I do, hang-ups and all.”

  Wanting to know if she means every one of my hang ups including my kinky tastes, I reach under my bed and pull out the strand of rope I keep there.

  “Why do you have that?” she asks as her eyes widen.

  “So I can tie you up,” I state, and then with one swift movement, I quickly tie her wrists together in front of her then raise her hands above her head and attach them to the hook I installed for this very reason.

  I lay my body flush on top of her and I can feel her heart hammering in her chest. “We good?”

  “Fuck, yes, Callan, we’re good with this. Are we good with everything else? Do you forgive me?”

  I shrug. “I needed your forgiveness not too long ago and if I remember correctly, you made me work my ass off for it. Maybe we can work your ass off a little faster.”

  The thought of me fucking her ass has Jordan’s hips pushing into me. She grinds her pussy over my cock and smirks when I groan and shift, so the head of my dick is rubbing on her clit. It’s an act we regularly engaged in when we were together. After Jordan and I got back together, we went at each other hard and I knew she was sore, so I let up. It’s been awhile since I last took her like that, but tonight is going to be her lucky night…and mine.

  Jordan’s breathing turns shallow as she glares into my eyes and shakes her head with a smile. “Maybe we can,” she says. Then takes a deep breath when I nuzzle into her neck and bite down over her pulse point before licking my way to her ear and rubbing my rough stubble over her sensitive flesh.

  Jordan begins to squirm in desperation for me. My girl likes my kinky side and tonight she’s going to get it. “I’m going to tell the others to go home. I’ll drive us back there later. I’ll text Tey and tell him to give us an hour, so be quick, baby. After that,” I shrug again, “he’ll hear you scream my name every time I make you come.”

  “Please, Callan,” she begs as I arrange my pillows under her then turn to leave. “Hurry.”

  Our friends are in my living space and I don’t waste any time. “Jordan and I are working it out with sex. I’m going to fuck her hard, so you might want to head home. From there, you should only hear her screaming my name after the particularly strong orgasms. From here,” I nod at my couch where they’re all huddled, “you’ll hear every one.”

  “Jesus Christ!” Ace scoffs. “You can’t be talking like that around my kid much longer.”

  “He’s not speaking yet. We’ll cross that bridge when the time comes. But right now, it’s my girl’s time to come so if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be home in a few hours.”

  With that, I turn and head back into my bedroom. I hear them scurrying to leave before I even have the door closed.

  I find Jordan exactly how I left her, propped up in the perfect position for what I have in mind.

  Jordan tries her damnedest to reach my mouth when I teasingly lower my body to hers and let my hands trail up her thighs. “You’re wearing way too many clothes for what I have in mind,” I say as I divest her of her pants and panties. I toss them aside, but not before bringing that hot pink scrap of silk to my face and inhaling as she watches.

  Then I return my hands to her legs and run them, this time, up her bare flesh. When I feel the slickness on her inner thighs, I’m forced to fight to catch my breath and lessen the ache behind my zipper.

  After a few shifts for comfort, my fingers find her slippery folds as she lifts her hips in desperation. “My God, Jordan, you’re so fucking wet for me.”

  “Yes,” She sighs as two of my fingers slip to her pussy and I begin to rub gentle circles over her bud at a torturously slow pace, one I know won’t make her come for a very long time. But as I let a finger toy at the entrance of h
er ass, another rimming her pussy, Jordan sighs and warns me that she’s close. “I might come from you doing that.”

  “Well, then,” I state as I slide my body between her legs and settle in for a taste. I bury two of my fingers deep inside her wet pussy while another enters her tight ass. She bucks against my hand, matching my movements, and then I lower to suck her clit between my lips, and she detonates.

  “Callan! I’m coming,” she purrs, loud enough that our friends probably hear her from the B and B that they should have returned to by now.

  “That’s right. Maybe your little notebook should have been about how fucking good I am in bed.”

  Jordan sighs, she’s spent already, but I’m nowhere close to being done with her. In fact, I’m just getting her warmed up.

  I shift from my position between her legs and flick the snap of my jeans then lower the zipper to free my aching cock. Taking myself in hand, I straddle her lower chest just under her luscious tits and begin to stroke my smooth flesh. Then I lean forward and grip the headboard while allowing my cock to brush against her pouty lips.

  Jordan’s evil tongue snakes out and wets me, swirls around the head, and laps at the moisture she’s causing to escape. At her first swipe, my cock jumps and my eyes slide shut from the anticipation of pleasure I know is ahead.

  “Suck me off. It’s my turn to come before I take you. I want to last for that whole hour I told you we had and I’m planning on doing it in your ass, baby.”

  The way I had propped her up on my pillows makes me want to praise myself for the foresight, but I haven’t the time. I need my dick in her mouth and I need it there now. She was in the best of positions to take my cock deep into her throat and the thought damn near has me shooting my load all over her face.

  Jordan leans forward and sucks me into her wet mouth, wrapping her plush lips around my girth, stretching her mouth to accommodate my size. Then she flicks that fucking tongue over my silky head and I see fucking stars as my back tingles and my balls tighten to my body.


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