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Player Reached the Top. LitRPG Series. Book V

Page 16

by Rick Scar

  “Excuse me. But before we begin, I’d like to get an answer,” he said, staring at Roxana as he did so.

  Telisssa’s fingers tapped a simple rhythm on her armrests before she said: “Very well.”

  “Thank you. As far as I know, the Three Scriptures are the patriarch’s voice and speak in his name. Am I right?”

  “Yes. I see what you’re getting at, Your Majesty.” Roxana put her hands on the table and stared back at him. “You want to know why the patriarch—”


  Roxana looked at him with surprise.

  “Forgive me, I thought you wanted to know about the attack on the Order.”

  “I want to know why your empire attacked my palace.” Raven’s yellow eyes drilled into her and then turned to Telisssa. “As well as yours. Many civilians were killed in that attack. Children included!” He hit the table with his table as he remembered that day. “What can you say was your reason? I know about yours, Your Highness, but not the Holy Empire’s.”

  “I don’t understand.” Roxana looked genuinely startled. “I’ve never given such a command.”

  “Neither have I.” Telisssa looked at Raven. “I suppose that the execution of all the Latians living in your kingdom was your response to that attack? Sansel-Ti-Mitz was giving all her orders through me. I know for sure that she didn’t send any soldiers to your palace. And don’t play an innocent man, sire, many innocent people died by your hand, too.”

  Raven said nothing, busy figuring out the reason behind all of these attacks.

  “We know for sure that the attackers wanted to kidnap Her Highness, Queen Nanel. Does the name Galaker mean anything to you?”

  Both women shook their heads.

  Raven said nothing. Roxana continued.

  “I’d like to clarify one thing. You need to know it to understand our motives. For a long time, our empire has been ruled by a council,” she said, making Telisssa raise her eyebrows as she realized just how Sansel-Ti-Mitz had managed to join forces with the Holy Empire.

  “A council? But what about the patriarch?” Nanel asked the question that was on everyone’s mind.

  “Twenty-three years ago, he fell prey to an unknown disease. We, the Three Scriptures, decided not to make this news public. We’ve been looking for a cure since then, but none of our prayers or sacrifices had any effect. The only thing that helped was the Bodyless Harbor spell. Risky as it is, it’s keeping his body in a different plane of reality where the flow of time is much slower.”

  “How did you win the council over? You couldn’t have made an alliance with the Swarm, or waged a war against the Order, without letting them know, could you? Or were they possessed, too?” Rinnah asked.

  “I’d like to hear that, too.” Telisssa gave Roxana a curious look. “I knew what would come to me as a punishment for disobedience. But what about you? How did Sansel-Ti-Mitz bind you to herself?”

  “The council consists of the Three Scriptures. And we weren’t possessed. We were blackmailed. Our minds were protected with our magic, so she couldn’t control us.”

  “Blackmailed? How?”

  “She…” Roxana closed her eyes as though hesitating whether she should reveal this secret, but, eventually, she resolved to do it. “She knew a way to the patriarch’s body. That scum… She could open small space tunnels.”

  So that’s how she won them over... But whom did the mysterious traitor serve? Raven wondered.

  In the meantime, Telisssa jumped to her feet and stared at Roxana.

  “Why didn’t you kill her?!” she cried, sounding not like a ruler but like a mother whose children had fallen prey to injustice. “Do you understand that you could’ve killed that vile hag and ended it once and for all?!” Her eyes were filled with pain. “You could’ve prevented a disaster! Saved thousands of lives! Saved my children, your people, and everyone who fell victim to her scheming! Why didn’t you do that?!” Her desperate scream resounded through the hall, gnawing at everyone’s minds, and pulling at everyone’s hearts. She was a mother lamenting her children’s pointless deaths.

  “We couldn’t,” Roxana said quietly, shaking her head as she realized the consequences of their neutrality. “She had a servant. A man.”

  “Crunch?!” Telisssa turned to Nanel. “Have you killed him? Her servant?”

  “Her servant?” Nanel frowned, remembering. “She was alone. I would’ve noticed if there was anyone with her. Why should we care about this… this servant, anyway?”

  “She warned us that she had a key. A way to kill our lord if any of us killed her.”

  “That imp has no magic!” Telisssa cried in frustration. “You’ve been deceived! They made you buy this utter nonsense!”

  “Even if it was a lie, we couldn’t have taken that risk. The life of our lord is to be protected at all costs. I’m sure that your children would’ve done the same for you.”

  Telisssa, having nothing to object to that, closed her eyes and sank back into her chair.

  “I… Yes. You’re probably right.”

  “Where’s the servant now?” Erkhor intervened. He had to make himself float so that he could be seen by everyone at the table; otherwise, they would’ve been looking at the top of his head, barely visible over the table’s edge.

  “He belongs to a forgotten clan of demons, and he can escape unwanted attention by using his tattoos.” Telisssa, having regained her composure, sat back down and shared what she knew of this silent servant.

  “Tattoos?” Nanel asked. “What did they look like?”

  “They were black, and portrayed various monsters. Honestly, I didn’t pay much attention to them.”

  “Do you know something?” Raven asked as he caught his wife’s anxious look.

  “I’m not sure. I just thought that he could be the same person as our traitor. Do you remember him escaping? He used some tattoo to disappear, and promised that he’d see us again very soon. It was shortly before I got pulled into that portal.”

  “Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a mere coincidence to me. Can you tell me what he looked like?” Raven turned to Telisssa.

  As Telisssa finished describing the servant, a system message popped up in front of Raven’s eyes.

  You have been offered a quest: Son of the Forgotten Clan

  Description: Find Crunch, the former servant of Sansel-Ti-Mitz.


  +10,000 XP

  +a lead for the following quest: Safeguarding the Worlds

  Accept: Yes/No?

  Raven stood frozen for several seconds, his brain buzzing as he feverishly searched for any link between Pandora’s prisoners and Crunch. All of them were demons, sure, but what other connection could they have had?

  “What the hell…?” Raven began but stopped as he remembered Roxana’s words.

  Oblivious of what others had been saying while he was lost in thought, he unceremoniously interrupted Roxana who was answering someone’s question.

  “You’ve said that Sansel-Ti-Mitz boasted that she could open a way to where the lord’s body is hidden, yes?”

  Roxana gave him an annoyed look, unhappy that she was interrupted, but still graced him with an answer.

  “Yes. But I’m sure it took her much effort. Opening a portal into a sealed dimension… But what are you getting at, Your Majesty?”

  “Nothing. Just confirming,” he muttered absent-mindedly, remembering Cerberus telling him the story of Insanity’s escape. Someone had opened a way out of the prison for him.

  Could it be that the hag somehow managed to get into Pandora’s dimension? Or is it just another coincidence?

  The only one who could answer this question was Crunch.

  “Can anyone tell me where Sansel-Ti-Mitz’s body is?”

  “Somewhere safe.” Having gone hunting with her husband more than once, Nanel instantly realized why he was asking this question. “But we have more important things to take care of,” she said, gesturing at the people sitting at the table.
  Raven nodded. He had forgotten why he was here.

  Chapter 269. Rest in Peace

  T he discussion of the terms of the treaty had to be delayed until the arrival of the Order’s representative. Raven wasn’t in the position to take this role, so he had to send one of the members to get Umbra in order for the meeting to officially begin.

  However, things got heated the moment he arrived.

  “Hi… Tea,” he said with some restraint, as though trying to conceal his real emotions. There must’ve been something between the two if he used a nickname to address the queen even though he forced it out with what sounded like disappointment. His slow gait looked like he was preparing for an attack, not like he was walking up to the table. “It has been quite a while since the last time I’ve been your guest. It’s a pity that you’ve become so prudent.”

  Raven, Rinnah, and the rest of the present members of the Order looked at the two in astonishment.

  “Hello yourself, Umbiratel.” Telisssa’s aura changed instantly, becoming hostile. Strange magic seemed to condense around her.

  She’s not weak at all, Raven thought. She was just kept in check by Sansel-Ti-Mitz’s even greater power.

  “My name’s Umbra,” he snapped as if she had made a fatal mistake. “Umbiratel is long dead. You know why.”

  “Too bad. I liked him.” Telisssa’s face showed a weird mix of emotions. “As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve learned from my past mistakes. How do you like my new anti-shadow treatment? It’s expensive but effective.”

  What kind of history do these two have? I ain’t buying it that they’re exes... That can’t be true! Can it? Raven was confused. Only friends and lovers poke each other like this... But which were they? How close had they been?

  He knew that the Order and the Swarm had had much bad blood between them, even before Sansel-Ti-Mitz’s arrival. Up to this moment, he hadn’t taken much interest in the history of their enmity, but now it piqued his interest.

  Umbra sat down, taking the place Koltir had stood up from, and finally noticed Roxana.

  “One of the three graces us with her presence. So, the old man is sick in his bed? Too bad. I wanted to have a chat with him.” A flicker of malice flashed in his eyes. “Did he not teach his followers that their actions have consequences?”

  Surprisingly, Roxana had no comment.

  Shit. I forgot that he’s anything but polite. Umbra appeared to know not only Telisssa, but the patriarch, too. He must’ve traveled much in his long life, meeting all sorts of people… And not only meeting, judging by the way he was talking. Raven snorted as he cast a glance at the Latian queen. He hoped that Umbra was done playing around, but something told him that he was far from done.

  “For starters: I’m not here to speak for the Order, but to observe.”

  “I beg your pardon? Aren’t you here to make peace? Do you still crave vengeance?” Telisssa showered him with questions, and Roxana gave a start at his words. If the Order didn’t make peace, the Holy Empire would have to wage the war it had begun while under Sansel-Ti-Mitz’s control. Or they’d have to pay ransom. Judging by the frown on her face, Roxana hated both of these possibilities, having hoped that the peace treaty would finally help them get themselves out of this mess.

  “Calm down.” Umbra cast a stern glance at Telisssa and raised his hand, interrupting her. “In case you haven’t noticed, a new age is coming. The prophecies are coming true, and the Order is ready for this new world. When you hear my next words, you’ll see that I have everyone’s greater good in mind.” He looked at Raven and continued: “The king of Adamarona will soon become the next Great Shadow. That’s why I’ve come here as an observer, to see that our brother leaves out no important bits during these negotiations.”

  “Is that true?” Both women raised their brows synchronously as they turned to look at Raven who was just as startled by these words as they were. The difference was that he hadn’t expected to hear them this soon, but some weeks or even months later. No one but the system knew when he’d reach the Khalaphea Desert, where the founder’s body was being kept, and how much time it’d take him to locate it.

  “Adamarona’s throne will be the Great Shadow’s new office,” Telisssa said and sighed. “What other surprises should we expect from you, White Raven? Maybe you’re going to take over the whole Floor?” she joked but her concerned tone was a stark contrast to her forced smile and laugh.

  If only she knew that she ain’t that far from the truth...

  “But, anyway, we’re making a treaty with factions, not with individuals. Unless your words mean that the Order will become a part of Adamarona.” She looked at the rogue with a silent question in her eyes, then shifted her gaze to Umbra, but read no answer in his eyes either.

  “Honestly, I’ve considered that.” Raven leaned back in his chair and moved his gaze from Roxana to Telisssa, but said nothing more.

  “Considered what?” Roxana inquired.

  Raven just flashed her a smile and said: “Let’s begin the meeting.”


  Slowly but surely, the four long hours of tedious arguing came to an end. Raven knew too well that he was unprepared to handle such negotiations without help. He wished he had Curtis or Leah with him but, for some reason, he hadn’t been able to meet with the former lately.

  The meeting’s end was marked by two system messages.

  Attention! You have completed the quest: Meet the Mother


  +100,000 XP

  Level Up!

  Having read that, he checked his character menu.

  Name: White Raven

  Level: 108

  Good. I’m growing slowly, but it’s better than nothing.

  Telisssa was wrapping the meeting up, looming over the table as she spoke with a signed draft of the treaty in her hands. Her main addressees were Raven, Roxana, and Umbra, but she also remembered the other Order members and the silent spirit knights standing behind Roxana’s back.

  “As we’ve mentioned before, everyone sitting at this table has a score to settle with the rest. This war has already taken too many lives, innocent and guilty alike.” She took a deep breath and continued: “I can’t deny the part I’ve played in the events that caused such great losses, but… But we’re finally here, together. The balance will certainly not be easy to restore, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try.” Having said that, she took a peek at the papers and continued in a more formal tone: “This treaty will hopefully lay the foundations of peace that’ll be enjoyed by all of our people.” She looked at Umbra who had been motionless for these four hours, and silent except for the occasional remark. “I suggest we call it a day and meet again in a week, on neutral ground, for another meeting, where we’ll introduce the amendments.”

  “I have to remind you,” Roxana interjected, “that I can only sign this treaty, or any other treaty regarding our future cooperation or alliance, after discussing it with the other Scriptures. Once we reach an agreement, I’ll send you a messenger to discuss the place of our next meeting.”

  “Can we hope that the others will take your side?” Raven asked, leaning back in his chair. To make any treaties with NPC parties, he needed his relationship with them to be Friendly or higher. This was stated in the message he got when discussing a union with Latakhorgh. He had recently become Friendly with the Holies, which was barely enough to proceed in the direction he needed. Reaching an agreement wasn’t guaranteed. And his relationship with the Swarm was on an even lower level.

  He wondered why Telisssa, given all the circumstances, would even discuss the peace treaty, let alone help draft it. Had Sansel-Ti-Mitz’s death affected her that deeply? That’d explain the message he got while drafting the treaty. Still, this contradiction was puzzling him.

  Attention! Thanks to your timely intervention, the war that has not even begun allowed for a meeting that would have otherwise been impossible.

  The mysterious needs of Sansel-Ti
-Mitz were both the cause and the effect of this gathering. What should have been drowned in her greed and vengeance has been granted a rare opportunity to transform into something else, and you are the one who had discovered this. Good luck, White Raven. And take care.

  “I’ll do my best to explain them the benefits of this treaty,” Roxana commented pensively, with her back perfectly straight and her hands clasped on the table.

  “I think you should remind them that our disagreements have never led to a real battle,” Umbra said. “Your despicable conspiracy,” he pointed at her and Telisssa who was seated across her, “and your failed attack on our fortress in the Alivian Mountains didn’t bear any consequence, although we’ve had – and still have – more than enough strength to pay you back. Two or three groups of your own getting killed would’ve probably cooled your heads. Thank your lucky star that we’ve had our reasons not to further taint our already tainted reputation. We’ve enough idiots sullying it even without you.”

  Umbra’s speech snapped Raven out of his thoughts, making him listen with interest, and learn more about the history between the two empires and the Order. This made him remember the kingdom located next to the Khalaphea Desert — the Whitesands.

  “Enough!” Nanel stood up from her seat, drawing everyone’s attention to herself and interrupting the brewing quarrel. “It’s not the first time you’re trying to rub salt into old wounds. By the Gods, you’re behaving like children. The goal of this meeting has been fulfilled — the draft has been made and signed. We’ll be expecting to hear from the council in a week, but I want you to understand one thing: we will sign this peace treaty. With or without you. Despite all the things I’d like to tell the Latians. Now, please, forgive us, but it’s time to take our leave. We have to bury the bodies of those who had laid down their lives to save me and you.” She stressed the last word, looking at Roxana and Telisssa, then came out from behind the table and briefly touched Raven’s shoulder, letting him know that she’d be waiting for him outside.


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