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Page 19

by S. W. Frank

  “Sí,” her brother answered. His small face was a replica of Al and Sal, just paler.

  “How did you know that?” Selange asked. The math was above her grade level. Angelina and Vincent had only recently entered elementary school. Allie was in middle school and Sal in an upper grade. She stared quizzically at her children wondering whether they had been in their older siblings books.

  They looked at one another and giggled, leaving her out of the joke, although she suspected she was the brunt of many, the way most parents are.

  “Care to share?” she asked, sitting sideways on the floor as the smarty pants whispered in each other’s ears.

  Vincent answered; Angelina rolled her eyes exaggeratedly because her brother spilled the beans. “You helped with Allie’s math problem yesterday and you nodded when she asked was zero point zero three correct, but it wasn’t so we changed it before she went to school.”

  “Really?” Selange asked, surprised at the revelation. Yesterday she’d been preoccupied. There were last minute preparations for Nico’s party, Anita asking about a grocery list and reading the financial reports on the charity. Yes, she was definitely wrong to nod until she checked over the calculation. She really had to talk to Alfonzo about the twins. There’s educational testing that can gauge IQ’s and from what she just heard, they may have a set of real smarty-pants, literally.

  “Angie didn’t want to say anything,” Vincent said sheepishly but then he was saved from further explanation by Sophie’s return. She asked Selange if she could go upstairs and double-check that the boxes were labeled correctly.

  Selange rose. “O-kayyyy,” she said, wondering what Sophie was up to now.

  “It is important,” Sophie replied.

  Selange deliberated for a moment and then decided to find out what Nico wanted. She took the stairs by twos, the khaki slacks stretching tighter around the thighs each step.

  When she reached the top, opened the door, Nico was there to close it and he pulled her by the arm to an adjacent private room.

  “This better be important Nico, I swear this better be because this does not look kosher.”

  “Sophie has the staff cleaning the top floor and tending the garden. She allotted me fifteen minutes to talk to you privately. It is important.” His voice always took a softer tone in her presence. He hoped his eyes withheld his deep affection. “Have you read anything in Nicolo’s book about his father’s meetings?”


  “Dammit girl don’t answer a question with a question!”

  Her eyes were inquisitive. What did Nico want and why? “You’re not talking to a fucking girl Nico, now answer my question. What’s so important that you’ll risk everything to ask me about an old man’s autobiography in other words –ancient history?”

  “Because Selange whatever you read and tell Alfonzo prematurely might put Alfonzo in a compromising position.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  He groaned, shook his head and tried to keep his annoyance at bay. She was as frustrating as her husband was.  “Look, if you read anything about a secret meeting and names are mentioned. I ask that you refrain from telling him and inform me immediately. All I need is a couple of days, three at most to confirm my suspicions and then you can shout whatever you want to Alfonzo.”

  She stepped backward from the tall man whose request was as detrimental to her marriage as the two of them sequestered in a private room. “Are you crazy Nico? Are you seriously asking me to keep a secret from Al after every damn thing that happened between us? Are you trying to get me and you killed for betrayal?”

  He waved his hand. “Alfonzo will never harm you, just as I couldn’t. Me, well that’s another story.”

  “No, Nico. Crimes of passion are real tales and there is but so much Alfonzo will take. I vowed to never keep secrets and you ask me to lie and I can’t do it.”

  “Not lie Selange, hold back what you learn if there is anything found in that book which brings toil to your conscience.”

  “You are Alberti’s son. He sits in your words and those riddles toy with lives. Spit it out Nico. Just tell me what I might read so I can decide whether to reveal it to my husband.”

  She had not gotten to the meetings in the book. The confirmation was really all he needed. He had tipped her hand and she’d go home and speed read. Nevertheless, he had to ask.

  He had time.

  “When you came to me in the night consumed with invisible blood in your mind, I understood that horror scene. The blood on my hands is real. The Nico I was got compromised by selfish dreams. The Nico loyal to family and his oath was brought to ruin. Since then I have searched for repentance, and find it only remaining vigilant and committed. It is my duty Selange since young.”

  “You’re skating on thin ice,” she replied while pushing at his chest, recognizing she’d never budge the solid body. Then she realized she looked upon a tortured soul. “I didn’t intentionally seek to wreck our lives. I wasn’t in my right frame of mind and you know that…you sonovabitch and you’re using this to appeal to my guilt. I see what you’re doing. I’ve reconciled and taken responsibility for my wrongs and you’re making me feel dirty all over again!”

  “We are dirty, you and I, everyone. We make excuses for what we do, our bad decisions, our envious hearts and lust filled minds. I fell in love with you long before that night. The many times you risked your life and freedom to protect your husband; I saw a kindred spirit, a Protezione. When you went after Monticelli, I led a protector-wife. When you cried over me when I lay wounded your tears were loving ointment. You see girl, I could not turn you away that night and didn’t want to. The Nico without a heart may have and then killed you for treachery but I was weak, you awakened my conscience. I cannot have such a thing to discharge my duties. Even the vilest find my tasks repulsive. I am Protezione of Giacanti without friends because family is that and more. Trust is what I ask of you, honor my brother’s memory and afford me the opportunity to make right what I have destroyed within myself that is needed for protection of our clan. You have shown loyalty to my wife, when I have not. You prove redemption is attainable.” His eyes were dark jewels, beseeching a healer to put salve to his wounds. He needed to honor his commitments. For the sake of family, he wanted to prove she had not robbed him of the ability to carry out hard tasks. His love for Ari, his children, his family depended on what actions he took every day of his life. Remove the hardness and he is useless to wield his sword of protection. He wished to die in glory with Vincent and the honorable warriors of ancient time forgotten in the computer age. Protezione, she did not realize stood at the ready beside great leaders long before religion, long before the prophets. Ethiopia’s land is where they began and he bowed to her that night as he would a princess. “On our ancestors I swear to you I will never dishonor Ari, you or our family, all I need is time Donna Giacanti.”

  The greatest and epic stories are when the heroine saves herself and inadvertently the hero. These Mafiosi Giacanti were troubled, each one and required patient love and firm feet of their spouses. “Honor has fled in these times we live. Protection was never offered but honorably given to all women. That is gone as is chivalry and duty. Forgive me for being a girl without understanding the magnitude of your plight. Forgive me for that wedge driven between husband and a wife who has now become like a sister. Forgive me the love I misappropriated in silliness called delusion. My eyes are wide in maturity and my heart is unwavering in its devotion to my husband. Forgive me Nico and dually forgive yourself.”

  Nico watched the sparkly tear fall to the floor. Her poetic words were eloquent in an age of slang. She’d read the book, the signs were there in her archaic words. A cultured mind breathes in prose and poetry is a rejoinder to his hidden passion –art. A desperate enforcer sought repose to his conflicted spirit. He wanted to hold Semira, hug his sons and have the remainder of his days loving Ari.

  “Respeta is my forgiveness. I have watched y
ou become a wonderful woman, devoted mother and friend to family. Now give your trust to a Protezione and on the blood of our ancestors, may you choose rightly and just.”

  Selange wiped her eyes. She saw the knife cutting through her flesh and said to the guardian enforcer. “I will not lie to my husband Nico because I will not read. That is my answer. It is your protection and mine. My devotion is to Alfonzo and I will never falter again. That’s the right I will forever choose.”  Selange reached for the door. She had lingered long enough. She looked over her shoulder at Nico. “Put your heart to rest Nico. There is a time I believed I loved you as much as my husband. Since then I have grown to understand a strong love survives the worst. We have caused suffering but have a second chance to heal the wounds we caused. If you feel unworthy of love’s passion then you will wilt beneath its force and exacerbate an infection. Cling to Ari’s love as I have to Alfonzo because there is a salve when hearts unify. The force is great against adversaries. Betray my husband or squander my kindness and your death will be as violent as you have lived by our hands!” 

  The door closed with the quietest of clicks. A silent demolition can cause destruction, he understood firsthand about such devices.

  Nico’s eyebrow rose. Selange had seen through his ruse to solicit information. He exited the house before the staff witnessed his departure, chuckling at the girl oh yeah –woman.

  All she had to say is ‘go to hell Nico,’ but no, she had to go and threaten him with double death. Now is that any way to treat her best friend and a loyal Protezione, eh? He wondered.











  Chapter Thirty







  Sergio’s smile faded. His wife Lucia had taken the baby out shopping and attached a note to the wall so he’d find it the moment he entered. He told Lucia repeatedly about doing that mess, but Lucia’s that Sicilian Mafia Princess type that believes she is untouchable based on who she is. Well, hadn’t that theory been killed many times over?

  He called her on the cell and her sweet voice was irritating. She manipulated the situation with her use of sexual deprivation as a weapon. Whenever they disagreed, she’d pout those luscious lips, turn and sway her round bottom in his face as she marched into another room. She refused to talk or have sex until he apologized and gave her what she wanted. Italian women are masters of provocative exploitation. They’re well aware of their loveliness and feminine sensuality. They’re definitely Aphrodite’s children.

  “Return, ora,” Sergio said the moment she answered and disconnected before she had a chance to protest and make him feel bad.

  However, he felt terrible when he went to fetch food and stopped cold when he saw the dining table. Flowers, wine, smoked meats with baguettes, and vegetables with a cigar adorned the shiny wood. There sat a second note that read with consideration to her husband’s unspoken desire to have a few moments of alone time to unwind.

  He lifted the note and frowned. Wow, he loved the shit out of Lucia. The ratchet girls he dated would have had a bunch of friends in the house, eager to leave him to hang out with the baby as soon as he stepped in the home. 

  Mi amore.  Enjoy your cigar while I am out. Kisses!    


  Sergio took advantage of daddy hour and called Lucia back to apologize after making a thick sandwich.

  “Ah, bello, I suspected you had not found my surprise yet. You are forgiven bello. I will buy you something nice, ciao amore.”

  “Ciao,” he said as he chewed. For real? She would buy him something for acting a fool, okay, I’m staying with her for sure, he thought. Feeling good was short-lived when his Uncle Nico appeared uninvited at his door with an expression that suggested he was on a deadly mission.

  Nico had looked around. “Enjoying married life nipote?”

  “Sure am,” Sergio said after reclaiming a seat at the table to pour wine.

  “I need your assitance on a job.”

  “Sorry, Unk but I don’t have the stomach for butchering up people. Now if someone’s shooting at us, that’s different. I’ll be there in a heartbeat but the kind of murdering you do, it’s sick.”

  Nico took a seat, fingering the unwrapped cigar, the run of the mill brand, and scoffed after discreetly reading Lucia’s message. “I’m glad you’re aware of your weaknesses. Only a big man admits he has any.”

  Sergio drank the spirits in a gulp. “I’m glad you’re glad. Anyway, you have a bunch of soldati and what about Tony?”

  There was a scowl. “Tony’s not family.” By now, Nicole had already received a message on her voicemail from her sister saying she and Tony were elongating their honeymoon and going in hibernation for a week or so and she’ll call her the day of the party. Yeah, Nico was aware of the surprise bash his wife had in store. He’d be there but Tony and a few others wouldn’t.

  The small devices in those phones had already corroded the chips and the cells. For noise and environmental reasons, he didn’t want to burn the place, instead he used an expansive grout that is for silent demolitions. Disruptions are kept to a minimum. The grout cracks the surface, demolishing large boulders and concrete reducing objects to rubble.

  He’d taken some from one of Alfonzo’s construction sites a while back and stored it in that shed. That secluded villa was one of many safe houses he and Vincent had spread about Italy. Leveling it with bodies wasn’t anything he had planned until Tony fucked up and left him no choice.

  Sergio shifted uncomfortably. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, he’s not family and what I need to get done requires a family member to assist. It’s hush-hush.”

  Sergio offered Nico a bite of his food and Nico declined, watching Sergio with those  dark coals that made people feel ill at ease.

  “Well, what’s this job you need me for?” Sergio asked, devoid of his usual jovialty.

  Nico always smirked at the ‘pretty boy’ never wanting to get his hands dirty. Sitting in one of those offices of Alfonzo’s maintained his somewhat lavish lifetyle that Lucia benefitted from, settling for a Giacanti however young when what she had been after for years was Giuseppe. Yeah, his nipote was pussy whipped as the kids say, and bad.

  “Why…why…why?” Nico growled, thinking of how earlier today he heard Selange ask the same question. They didn’t need the particulars, but on this occasion he tested the ‘pretty boy’s’ allegiance. “I believe one or all of the DeMarco’s might be pulling the wool over our eyes and I intend to find out which one?”

  Sergio pushed back his seat. “Hold up, hold up Nico. You’re talking crazy. Does Alfonzo know that’s what you believe? Do you have any proof whatsoever before you going making roadkill of people?”

  “Proof?” He chortled and stood. “Sergio…Sergio…Sergio the time has come for you to remove your head from between Lucia’s pussy and return to the game."

  "Unk, I don't want any part of what you're doing. The shits crazy. You're crazy!"

  Nico elbowed the food out of his nephew. When Sergio stood up his hands went in the air to surrender when he saw the barrel of Nico's gun. "Calm down Unk, chill. I'm family...I'm family!"

  "What's crazy is you really don't believe I'll kill your ass. Family is a unit and you've proven you don't belong," Nico snarled. He pressed the barrel to Sergio's skull and pulled the trigger. 


  No bullet emitted. Sergio shivered but he had never gazed anywhere but Nico’s face. He sank to his seat, speechless.

  Nico reholstered the empty gun. “You know Sergio, your dad and I had a bond. There isn’t anybody I trusted more than him.” Nico sat, spreading his legs wide to avoid the gunk on the
floor and reached for the uneaten sandwich in Sergio’s plate. He ate, observing the perspiration rolling from his nephew’s head, seeing rain on a window instead of flesh. “Um, that was good.” He wiped his fingers on a napkin and then stood to get water from the fridge, glancing over his shoulder at the kid as he guzzled from the bottle before tossing it away.

  “Why do you do crazy things to people Unk? What happened that you can’t see there’s something twisted about the things you’re doing?” Sergio voiced.

  Nico strolled over, folded his arms and stared at his nephew. “Who said I’m unaware? I’m doing what many don’t have the stomach to do Sergio. It’s kept you alive and this family for years. That’s what you need to understand. Your dad did. When I went to my brother for aid, he never once asked a question. He trusted me the way I trusted him. I don’t ask favors of friends, Serge. When I step to a person to ask for their help, know I do so rarely and it’s because I love and trust you because you’re family.”

  “Then you pull a gun.”


  “How would I know and what if I pulled mine?”

  “Then I’d have a hole –well maybe. You can’t shoot that good, you might’ve missed you were so damn scared.”

  “You’re really crazy Unk.”

  “You said that all ready. Go back to your meal and clean up the mess before your wife thinks you didn’t appreciate the appeasement as she spends your money at high end stores.”

  Sergio’s eyes narrowed. “I didn’t say she was out shopping? How did you know that?”

  “Why do you think I visited when I did?”

  “You’re spying on me Unk?”

  “I try to keep tabs on everybody, that’s my job.” Nico tossed one of his cigars on the table. “This is a better brand. No hard feelings young buck. Don’t worry, I’m not so crazy I’d kill you when your wife is on her way home.” He headed for the door. “By the way, give me your answer at the party. Time’s a ticking if you want to stay in those fancy duds.”

  “You know about the party?”

  “Sergio, there’s not much I don’t and when I’m stumped about something I tend to investigate.”


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