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Take Me Back (Vegas Bad Boys #2)

Page 9

by C. Morgan

  “Well, let’s get back to work.”

  “I think my dad likes you,” he said. “He asks me a lot of questions about you.” Taylor giggled, and my face turned red as I glanced up and saw Luke standing out in the hall on his cell phone.

  “Taylor, honey. We’re friends. Now let’s focus on work.” I managed to get him back on track, and by the end of it, he was doing much better with all of the reviewed sounds.

  I waved his father in and turned my attention back to Taylor. “You’re doing great. I’m going to move you ahead in the course, but I’m going to do the same review from time to time. Okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Son, could you give us a minute?” his dad asked. “Just wait outside. I want to speak to Ms. Whitmore.”

  Taylor told me goodbye and went to sit as his father instructed. Luke waited until he shut the door and stepped a little closer. “Thanks again for seeing him today. It’s so nice of you to take your personal time for us.”

  “It’s my job and a pleasure. I know what it’s like to be on your own. Things happen.”

  “Well, I was hoping you’d let me thank you by taking you out for dinner.” He gave me a sly grin, and while it had probably melted many hearts in his time, I wasn’t interested.

  “No, thanks. And it’s Mrs. Whitmore actually. I’m still married.”

  “Right, but you’re separated?” He gave me a little nudge. “Look, Beth, I think you’re amazing and beautiful, and well, if you’re ready for a little fun, then I’d love to be the one to give it to you. Who knows? Maybe we’re meant to be.”

  He wanted a hookup, and I felt my body respond at the thought, while my mind was screaming no. The contradiction of my emotions made me feel uneasy. It would be simple to go out with him, sleep with him, and be done with him. But I was Jack’s mother, and I didn’t want to be that kind of woman. “I’m not ready for that. And I think it will be a while after my divorce before I find myself in that place.”

  He moved closer still and took my hand. “I can respect that. But know that I’m here for you if you change your mind. If you ever want to talk, grab a cup of coffee, or cry on my shoulder.”

  “I don’t do much crying, thanks. But I’ll keep the coffee in mind.” At that point, I just wanted him out of my office. He was attractive and could probably show me a good time, but Taylor was waiting for him outside, and I was afraid the man was going to try and kiss me with his son watching. The outcome would not only teach his father a lesson but Taylor one as well.

  “Call me,” he said. “Anytime. We can just talk if you want to take it slowly. I’ll wait for something worth waiting for.” He turned and left, shutting the door behind him.

  I couldn’t believe how fast my heart was racing, and the emotions I was feeling were a lot of flattery and a little guilt. I had never been with another man, and I wasn’t sure I would ever be ready for that anytime soon, but it might feel good to entertain a fantasy or two.

  I packed up my things, got my cold groceries out of the office fridge, and went to the car. I loaded up and got in as I sent another text to Jack.

  I’m on my way home.

  Good, we miss you.

  I read those words and closed my eyes, and a part of me wished that we could go back in time to when things were good, and Clay could do everything over and make things right. But then all of the memories of how he’d screwed things up came flooding back, and it would take more than a handsome man and some slick talking to put me in that situation again. Be it with Clay or anyone else.

  I arrived at home to find them both lying on the couch, and Clay was singing to our boy as he took a bottle and grew sleepy-eyed.

  It was the kind of moment I would usually treasure if there wasn’t so much between Clay and me. “Hey,” I said.

  “I didn’t want to move,” said Clay. “He’s almost out.”

  “I can take him to his bed. He’ll go back down.”

  “I’ll do it,” he said. He got up and walked him to the bedroom as I put my bag down and kicked off my shoes.

  When he came out a minute later, he walked over and unhooked his keyboard. “I played for him,” he said. “But I’ll put it back in the attic.”

  “It’s fine if you want to leave it down. We can put it in the guest room. In case you help out again.”

  He nodded. “Thanks. I didn’t really want to crawl up there again.”

  I smiled at him. “It’s fine. How’d it go?”

  “Good, thanks again for letting me see him. I was wondering if I could see him again soon?”

  “I’ll think about it. I’m not sure when yet.” I figured he’d start an argument, but he didn’t.

  Instead, he took out his keys and looked at me as if he wanted to kiss me goodbye. As our eyes lingered, neither of us really seemed to know what else to say. He let out a breath. “Well, I should get going. Thanks again, Beth.” He turned and left, shutting the door quietly behind him.

  I closed my eyes and listened to his car start, wondering if I should have said something. It just seemed like something was missing.

  I raked my hand through my hair and decided to lie down and rest while Jack was. I went to lie on the couch where Clay and Jack had just been, and the cushion and pillows smelled like Clay’s cologne. I rested my eyes and turned to face the back as I cuddled the pillow close.

  Before I knew it, I felt a weight beside me, just at my knees, and I knew I wasn’t alone. I was still wanted, and even though I’d only ever been with Clay, it wasn’t going to hurt anything now to dream.

  I felt the body over me, the strength in his muscles as he moved over me and kissed my lips. But I kept my eyes closed, knowing until I opened them, he could be anyone.

  His mouth captured mine, and I could feel his erection nudging against my sex. I moved my hips upward, grinding on him. “See, it’s just like with anyone else,” he said, his voice sounding like he was speaking through a tube, echoing to an indistinguishable tone.

  I reached down and stroked his naked flesh, and before I knew it, he tugged down my pants nice and slowly, slipping them down past my knees, and finally off of my feet. Then he kissed me there, his mouth touching every part of me, causing me to writhe in pleasure.

  I tried to think about Luke. Did I want him? It would be someone different, but this felt too familiar. The movement became so sensual, I felt like I might come. Maybe it was best not to see them, but I couldn’t help myself. I needed to see who was bringing me the pleasure and knew when I saw him that I wouldn’t be able to deny myself from having him.

  I opened my eyes to see his chest and the names tattooed over his heart. Beth and Jack. I looked up to see Clay’s eyes filled with lust and passion. “I love you, Beth. You’re always my girl.”

  “Don’t stop,” I told him. I closed my eyes, and suddenly, I jerked awake. I guessed I had my answer. I couldn’t even dream of another man.

  Chapter 15


  After my day with Jack, I was worried about him even more. It was like I couldn’t get him off my mind, and I didn’t want to. I was so in love with my son, and I knew I had to do everything I could to take care of him, which meant finding a gig somewhere.

  After a few rejections and being tossed out of Frills when I went to get my final check, I slipped into LeRoy’s, which was nearly empty. The night had yet to bring a crowd.

  “Hey,” I said when I found LeRoy playing bartender. “Are you pulling double duty again?”

  “Yeah, my bartender is sick. Looks like I’ll be here all night.”

  “Who is going to play the piano?”

  “Are you offering?”

  “Does it come with pay?”

  “Are you looking for work?”

  “I might be.”

  “I might have a proposition for you. If you tell me what has you so down.”

  “I’ve just been with my son all day, and I hated to leave him.”

  “Divorce is hard.”

And he had tests this week. We found out a few days ago that he can’t hear in one of his ears, and there’s a little loss in the other, along with the possibility of developing a much worse impairment as he grows. I guess seeing the piano brings it home, you know? I wanted to teach him. And I promised him today I would. He’s only eight months, but I don’t know. I hope I can keep the promise.”

  “Sure, you can. Let me show you a little something.” He slung the bar towel over his shoulder and then walked around to sit on his piano bench. His fingers worked their magic, tickling the ivories until the sweetest music known to angels came forth from the bowels of the instrument.

  I’d never heard the song before. But I could tell that it meant a lot to him. He was not as much playing the song as he was making love to it. And I wondered if it was for someone he had loved and lost.

  “That’s amazing.”

  “Yeah? You really like it?”

  “I love it. I’d love to play half as good as you.” I was good, but LeRoy was great. He was seasoned. “But I don’t know what you’re getting at.”

  “I’m like your son, Clay. I can only hear in one ear too. And I haven’t let it slow me down any. You see, when you have an impairment, you make up for it in other ways, and I have found that my loss helped me focus in on the sounds I can hear.”

  “Don’t you ever wonder what you’d sound like if you had both, though?”

  “No, because I play better than most without it. It’s my advantage, not a disadvantage. It’s all in how you use it. Don’t lose perspective of that. Your son is going to be fine. He’ll probably play better than you when you’re done with him.” He gave me a teasing grin.

  I laughed. “Thanks. I needed to hear that. I’m so worried about him. Today was amazing, but I know it’s over with Beth. I just need to try and make some money and prove to her I can be a good provider and that I’ll do my best for them.”

  “Well, I do have a job for you actually.”

  “I’ll play every request, and I won’t walk off. I swear.”

  “Hell, son, it’s not that. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played and worked at the bar. Besides, what I need you to do is much more important.”

  “Okay, so what are we talking about?”

  “Well, I’ll give you two-hundred-and-fifty bucks if you do this job for me.”

  “Okay. You still haven’t said what it is.”

  “My niece, Maisy, is in town from New Orleans. And I wanted you to show her a good time.”

  “You’re going to pay me to take out your niece?”

  He nodded. “That’s all you have to do.”

  “Is she hot?” I figured she was probably homely if she looked like LeRoy.

  “Hell, son, she looks just like my sister, who was a rare beauty in my family. She’s just a little wild, and she’s sweet. But she drives me nuts. I’m sure you can handle her.”

  “Just for tonight? Two-fifty?”

  “Yep, and stay out of her pants. I’ll lop that dick of yours off if you try any funny business.”

  “Don’t worry, LeRoy. I’m all for keeping it in my pants. How old is she?”


  “I’m almost thirty.”

  “And? You should be old enough to show some respect.”

  I wasn’t sure what this was going to look like, but as long as I didn’t go around to the normal spots or anywhere Beth would see me, I’d be fine.

  “Besides, you can see it as testing the waters. You’ll be back in that dating pool soon, and this little shark is going to break you in.” He laughed again, and the sound was so ominous, I got a little scared.

  “So, when do I pick her up?”

  “Take her now please. She’s upstairs at my place. I’m pretty sure she’s already planning on coming down. But she causes too much trouble around here.”

  “Okay, so I guess I’ll go on up?” I wanted to make sure it was okay, treading lightly with his kin.

  “Hurry up before this place lights up.” He shooed me away toward the back, and I took the back staircase up to his house.

  I knocked on the door, and when it opened, a young woman in a tight dress showing off too much cleavage opened the door. Her hair was fire-engine red, and she had almost as many tattoos as me, including one on her neck, and heels so high she could barely stand in them.

  “You’re Maisy?”

  “Mhm, and who the hell are you?” Her voice sent chills down my spine. It was the kind of pitch that reminded me of nails on a chalkboard.

  “I’m Clay. I’m a friend of LeRoy’s, and he thought you might want to hang out with me tonight. I’ll show you the town, take you to dinner.”

  She looked me up and down as if she could devour me. “Okay. Where are you going to take me, Clay? Because I don’t want to go to no cheap restaurant. I want luxury and to be treated like a queen.” She shook her long-nailed finger in my face.

  “Sure, whatever you want.” I had no idea that was the biggest mistake telling her that.

  As soon as we said goodbye to LeRoy, who gave me a little extra spending cash for the date, we got in the car, and Maisy had something to say about it. “Is this what you drive?” She made a face.

  “Yes, it’s a classic muscle car.”

  “Do you race it?”

  “No, but I could if I wanted. It’s fast.”

  She giggled and then got in. I hurried around, and when I slid into the seat beside her, she turned and latched onto my arm. “I want you to drive me fast,” she said, licking her lips.

  “Where do you want to go?” I forced a smile and contemplated where I could take her that wouldn’t kill my reputation. I may have been a bad boy, but the women in Williston still liked to flirt, which made me more money in tips, and I didn’t need her ruining that for me.

  “Where do you live?” she asked, looking me up and down.

  “I live at the Grand, but we can’t go there.” I could already see the lust in her eyes. She was a little vixen, and I wasn’t falling for her game.

  “How come you live in a hotel?”

  “Because I’m separated. I’m going through a divorce.”

  “Oh, well, I’d love to help you make your wife jealous. Why don’t you take me there, fuck me, and we’ll take photos? You can send them to her. Or I will.” She moved closer and began rubbing her hand up my thigh, her long nails getting dangerously close to my crotch.

  “Hey, hey. Enough with the roaming hands. Your uncle will castrate me if I lay a finger on you, and despite what you might think, I’m not interested in you that way. We’re just going out as friends. He wanted me to show you a good time, but not that kind of good time.”

  “You won’t have to touch me. I’ll touch you.” She put her hand on my crotch, stroking my bulge. I had to fight the stimulation.

  I pushed her hand away. “Stop.”

  “Mm, you’re big.” She giggled. “I want to see it.”

  “No, you’re not touching or seeing it. I’m still married, and I’m not taking you out to get laid. It’s a favor to your uncle, and that’s it.”

  “Yeah, he can’t handle me. I flirt with all of his patrons, and last time I was down, I stole his best vodka and sneaked upstairs with his bouncer.”

  “You sound like a handful.”

  She slipped her dress’s straps down off her shoulder.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I thought I’d show you they are much more than a handful. Maybe you’d show me yours.” She tugged the front of the dress down.

  Her breasts were perfect, and for a split second, I had to remind myself that those weren’t mine for the taking. “Put your clothes back on, Maisy, or I’ll take you back to your uncle. I’m not playing.”

  “You’re no fun. I’m not a virgin, and I don’t see why it would matter if we did hook up. Live a little.”

  “I’d know I did it, and I don’t want to live with that.” I was already having nightmares.

  “Your wife left you
. She doesn’t care.” She moved her legs together. “Touching you made me hot.” She reached up under her skirt and shimmied out of her panties. “If you don’t finish me, I will. Want to watch?” She tossed them at me, and they landed in my lap.

  “You’re wasting your time with me. I’m done.” I turned into the next street and then turned into a parking lot.

  “Good idea. Park here. I’ll climb on top.” She giggled like she was enjoying teasing me.

  “I’m taking you back to your uncle.”

  “I’ll say you tried to rape me.” She gave a grin and then licked her lips.

  “We haven’t been gone long enough for that, and besides, he’s onto you. He said you were wild.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Don’t take me back. Let’s have some fun. I’ll be good. I promise.” She gave me a pouty look.

  “I’m not fucking you.” I tossed her panties to her. “Put them on.”

  “Fine, take me dancing. You must know the hottest clubs.” She took her panties and slipped them over her heels and up her legs. I looked away when she came dangerously close to flashing me.

  Once she was dressed, I took her to Luminesce, the skankiest club in town, where I thought she’d fit in.

  “This place is hot,” she said as we walked in. There were people making out on the floor, and God knew what was happening at the tables. “Go dance. I’m going to sit and have a drink.” I had to get away from her.

  She found a poor guy who was looking pretty desperate, and before I knew it, they were grinding all over each other on the dance floor. She twerked her ass up at him and went low, teasing him. Now and then, she’d glance at me and give me a smile as if she liked me watching.

  I wondered how I’d feel if Beth started going out on the town again. She had always been the responsible type but liked to let go now and then just to unwind. With Jack, she’d never be caught dead in a place like this—and probably not before him either. I was always worried about another man coming on strong like Maisy had with me. Beth was far from naïve, but could she handle herself? I’d always been there to protect her.


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