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Take Me Back (Vegas Bad Boys #2)

Page 13

by C. Morgan

  When I found him down in the parking lot revving his rental, I laughed. It was a green SUV that just didn’t suit him. I walked up and opened the door. “Hey, Mom. I’m ready for soccer practice.”

  “Fuck you. It’s all they had while they get me a truck.” He drove away as I shut the door and put on my seatbelt.

  “Turn right. I have a cool place we should go. They have the best pastries and breakfast sandwiches around.”

  “It’s not McDonald’s, is it? Because I want something that doesn’t have a drive-thru.”

  “Then go where I tell you.” I gave him a nudge and eased back in my seat.

  “Fine.” He glanced at me. “You seem happy. What happened?”

  I shrugged. “I’ve spent a little time with Jack, I guess. And Beth.”

  “Beth too? Damn. How’d you pull that off?”

  “I took them to the amphitheater the other day and spent hours talking about old times.” I sighed. “It might have backfired. I kind of think I pushed it too far last night after I cooked her dinner.”

  “You cooked her dinner? Wow, you’re really pulling out the stops. Do you think you tried too hard, or did you burn the food?”

  “The food was perfection, and get this. My boy loves sweet potatoes. He’s eating other stuff too now that he’s getting teeth, and I slipped him a little tiny piece of my tender steak. He’s going to be so strong someday.”

  “So, what went wrong?”

  “We put him down for the night and I seduced his mother.”

  “Seduced, huh?” He laughed. “You really did pull out all of the stops.”

  “Yeah, well, she said it didn’t change anything while she was taking off my clothes, but it did to me. I guess I should have seen it going badly, and by the time we were done, she asked me to leave. I kind of feel like an asshole.”

  “There’s bound to be leftover sexual tension between the two of you, but don’t let it complicate things.”

  “I know. It’s just this guy was all over her at her office. He had her crowded against her desk and had sent his kid down the hall. I walked in on it and got a little possessive. But dammit, she’s still my wife, you know? I don’t want some guy hitting on her. And I’m not sure she wants him. She says no, but with my being the only man she’s ever been with, eventually she’ll be curious and move on. I just needed to show that ass that she is still mine.”

  “She’s not your property, Clay.” Nick laughed, looking at the road ahead.

  “Turn here,” I said. “A-Subs. You’ll love it. And I know she’s not my property. She’s my wife though, and he needs to back off. But in my defense, she was more than willing. And practically instigated it herself.”

  “That’s good. I know I’d do anything for one more night with my wife, but make sure you’re not playing games with her. If you’re going to change and be the man she needs, then I say go for it. Fight like hell to keep her.”

  “I’m not playing games. Those days are done, and I’m already fighting like hell for her. I just hope I didn’t fuck it up. You know I don’t want her to be standoffish. Maybe I’d be willing to back off some if there wasn’t another man in the picture. I swear, the old me would have wasted that asshole. But his kid was there, and it was Beth’s work, and I knew better.”

  “Well, at least you’re already making good decisions. Have you found any work?”

  “I’ve looked at the jobs listed around here and tried a few of my old haunts, the ones that didn’t ban me for life, but there wasn’t anyone willing to take me back, and the ones that would aren’t any place I need to be right now.”

  “Sounds like you’re at least trying. Something has to turn up. With the way this place is changing, you’ll find something soon enough. Hell, even the job I’m doing is going to include an entertainment complex. They want a place for concerts and other big events.”

  “That would be great. But they probably only want bigger acts.”

  “I’ll let you know if I hear anything, but you should keep your eye on it.”

  “I will, but I’ve been wondering if Beth is right. Maybe I could find something else to do. Maybe not music but something in that wheelhouse. There has to be something for me, and I guess I’ll just have to keep looking until I find it.”

  “It will all work out.” He parked in the first available space and shut off the engine. “And this is my treat, so it better be good.”

  I didn’t bother arguing with him and got out to show him inside.

  After we stood in line, ordered, and paid for our food, we went to wait on our orders to be brought to the table.

  “This stuff looks good,” he said, glancing over at other people’s plates. “It’s also a lot nicer than I thought, and the place is clean. I might have to come back if it’s as good as you say it is.”

  “Beth and I used to come here at least once a week. Maybe when Jack gets a few more teeth, I’ll bring him.”

  Nick smiled. “Well, you’ve got him eating steak, so who knows?”

  “Well, he mostly just sucked all the flavor and spat out the rest, but he liked it. I think the texture surprised him. Beth would probably kill me if she knew I gave it to him.”

  “Yeah, I’d keep that to myself. You’re lucky he didn’t choke. My son used to choke on everything. He finally outgrew it. But then, after his mother died, he stopped eating for a while. He’s getting better, but I still have to watch him.”

  “It has to be tough. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to Beth. Jack needs her. I mean, I guess I’m expendable.”

  “Hey, you’re not. You still have to be present. But you’re making strides to change and I’m proud of you.”

  “I hope Beth is. I wish she could see it.”

  “Show her. Don’t give up just because she sent you away last night. She was probably just freaking out. I mean, she’s trying to make a clean break, but she let herself slip.”

  “I get it. I just don’t know how she’s going to react the next time I see her. She’s probably going to beat my ass for letting it happen.”

  Nick laughed. “I’d love to see that. You getting your ass whipped by that little woman.”

  “Hey, she can be mean. And I can’t hit back, so she lets me have it.” I smiled knowing she liked to jab me in the ribs with her fingertips. I hated it—and missed it all the same.

  “You should call her.”

  “Maybe I will. I wanted to take her and Jack to the park, but I don’t know if she’d fall for that again. I brought her to the amphitheater and surprised her with a picnic.”

  “Wow, aren’t you the romantic? But she still let you cook for her, so you might be onto something.”

  “True.” Maybe it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I decided I’d call her.

  Our food came and Nick’s eyes grew big. “This looks great. I apologize for doubting you.”

  We ate in silence for a while, enjoying the food, and finally, I got up and excused myself to make a call.

  I went and stood in the bathroom lobby and dialed Beth’s number. I was surprised when she answered on the second ring. “Hey, Clay.” Her voice wasn’t as hard as I expected it to be, and I couldn’t help but wonder how she was doing.

  “Hey. Are you okay??

  “Yeah, it’s just been a long morning already.”

  “I’m having breakfast with Nick, but I just wanted to check on you and ask if I could take you and Jack to the park today?”

  There was a long pause, and then she responded, “Sure, that would be nice. Jack would like that.”

  “Cool. I’m free all day. Did you have plans with Della or something? I could work around them.”

  “No. Della is working with her father again. They have a lot going on. This is the second Saturday in a row she’s had to work. How about before noon, we can go there and then have lunch after?”

  “Yeah, that’s perfect. Thank you.”

  “I’ll see you then.” She ended the call and I breathed a sigh of re
lief that she was still talking to me. I’d try my hardest not to fuck things up again.

  I went back to the table with a smile on my face.

  “You’re smiling again,” he said with a chuckle.

  “I’m taking Beth and Jack to the park in a bit. I did what you said and I called her. She didn’t sound mad, but she was quiet, and I kind of feel like she might let me have it later.”

  “I’m glad it’s working out. You keep doing what’s right, putting your family first, and the rest will fall into place.”

  “So far, so good. I’m going to keep putting in the effort. They’re worth it.”

  Nick smiled and then went about finishing his food but I was too anxious. I not only needed to see Jack, but I needed Beth as well.

  Chapter 22


  I didn’t think it was necessary for Clay to come all the way from town to my house to get us, so I texted him back a few minutes later and told him we would meet him at the community park at eleven.

  After preparing Jack for the outing by changing him into his little shorts and a comfortable T-shirt, I loaded his diaper bag with what he would need and put him in the car.

  As we drove across town to the park, Della called me. I didn’t expect to hear from her, so I wondered if something had gone wrong. “Hey, Del. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” she said, sounding a bit frustrated. “I just had to step away for a minute. My father is driving me crazy. He’s in a bad mood, and apparently, I can’t do anything right. But I need you to distract me from that. I will not let him get me down. How are things going with you?”

  “I’m on my way to the park to see Clay.”

  “Really? You sure do see him a lot for someone who is supposed to be trying to move on with your life. What’s gotten into you?”

  “Funny you put it that way, but Clay did. Last night.”

  “What?!” she screamed, and I nearly jumped in my seat. “You slept with him?”

  I tugged the seatbelt to loosen it. It suddenly felt like a noose. “It was a moment of weakness. It just happened.”

  “And you must have been okay with it since you’re on your way back to him now. Are you going in for round two?”

  “It wasn’t like that.” I sighed and wished I hadn’t told her. I’d never hear the end of it.

  “That’s a voice steeped with regret. Was it at least hot?”

  “Yes. Are you kidding? Bad sex was never a problem with Clay. It’s not the reason I left. And we were having a good time. It was wonderful, and then I kind of flipped out at the end and asked him to leave.”

  “Oh, man. That had to sting.”

  “I know it upset him, but I just felt like I was out of control. I wanted him, but I knew I shouldn’t let it get too deep.”

  “He seduced you and took advantage. Anyone could have had a weak moment.”

  “You make me sound like a victim, and I can’t even agree with you.”

  “What do you mean? He instigated it, didn’t he? The way he’s been after you? Begging you? It just seemed like he would have.”

  “He kissed me, and I practically jumped his bones.” I couldn’t help myself.

  Della chuckled. “You little slut. That’s awesome. Take what you want and send him away. I like it. You know, this puts me in a much better mood already. Thanks, friend.”

  “I don’t like it. I’m going to talk to him about it later. I feel bad. I promised myself when I left that I wouldn’t sleep with him again and lead him on, and then I did.”

  “Why should you feel bad? You didn’t do anything wrong. He’s a big boy, and he came to play. That’s just all part of the game.”

  “But I don’t want to play games or to give him false hope. It’s just that he nearly punched Luke in the face and didn’t. And I guess I was a bit turned on by his anger and his restraint. I don’t know. It was just at the moment. I saw something better about him. I’m sure I’ll see him today and realize I’ve made a mistake. It’s just a matter of time before Clay screws up again.”

  “Maybe he won’t. What then?”

  “I wish I had that kind of faith in him, and the fact that I don’t just makes it all that much clearer. That’s why, before I leave the park, I’m asking for the divorce papers again. He’ll get the point.”

  “I’m not sure you’re getting it,” she said with a laugh. “But hey, I have to go. You have fun and try and keep your hands to yourself.”

  “I’m sure I’ll manage. Bye.” I ended the call and turned into the park to find Clay was already there.

  He was sitting on a bench alone, and the look on his face when he saw me pulling in told me he wasn’t sure what to expect.

  He waited for me to shut the car off and walked around to help me get Jack out. “You look so cute,” he said to Jack. “I like his little shorts.”

  “Della got those for him,” I said, taking the diaper bag out. “She’s always spoiling him.”

  “I should take him shopping sometime. I’d love to get him some overalls.”

  “He has a pair. I got some at the shower. I showed them to you.” He had been too tired to pay attention, and his eyes had probably been too blurry from the night before.

  “Oh, I guess I forgot.”

  There was a lot he’d forgotten from when he used to play and drink all night. “Yeah, well, you could always buy him some in a bigger size. At this rate, he’s going to have to go naked if he keeps on outgrowing his clothes.” I walked to the back to get his stroller.

  “Here,” he said. “Take Jack and let me get that.”

  “It’s fine. I do it all the time and usually while holding Jack. I’ll manage. You hold your son.” I wanted him to spend as much time with him as he could. He had a lot of lost time to make up for, and maybe while that was my fault, he seemed to be doing better.

  He was looking a lot better rested. The usual tired look of bloodshot eyes had cleared up, and he didn’t smell like alcohol and cigarettes. Even his skin looked better, and he had a fresh look that reminded me of when he was much younger.

  But his smile faded a bit. “I’m sorry if it’s hard for you. I should be around to help you more.”

  I hadn’t said it to be hurtful. I was just being honest. “I’ve already gotten used to the idea that I’ll be doing a lot on my own. But it’s okay. It’s the decision I made, and I’m good with it.”

  “I see,” he said as his expression faded. He turned his attention to Jack. “Your mama’s a strong lady. You know that?”

  His words took me by surprise. He hadn’t ever really said anything like that before, especially to Jack.

  “You really think so? Or are you just trying to butter me up?” I gave him a sideward look.

  “No, I’m serious. You are strong.”

  An awkward pause followed as I left the comment hanging.

  Once I had the stroller out and ready, he put Jack in it, and we walked across the park to a shaded bench under a big tree with low-hanging branches near the swings.

  “This looks like a good spot,” I said.

  Clay stopped the stroller and turned Jack around where he had a good view of the park and both of us before he sat beside me on the bench and let out a long breath. “You know I realized that I don’t say it enough, and maybe not at all, but I really think you’re an amazing mother, Beth. You are strong. You always have been, and I guess I just took that for granted and leaned on you a little too hard when I should have been lifting you up. I’m sorry. And I’ll do better no matter what happens. I’ll be stronger for you and Jack like I should have been all along.”

  “Thanks.” I had to look away. The sincerity in his eyes made me want to kiss him. And I couldn’t let that happen.

  “Seriously, the way you finished your degree and got an amazing job that you love and you still manage to keep it all together. I wonder if I’d ever be half as successful at my piano playing.”

  “You’re an amazing musician, Clay. And I’m sorry for what I sai
d before. I never meant for you to stop playing music.” I felt like that had come out all wrong.

  “No, you’re right. I need to find something. I’ve been looking but not having much luck.”

  “You’ll find it. And I’m not sorry about last night, but you understand it can’t keep happening. I mean, it’s just going to make the inevitable harder for us both.”

  Clay nodded. “Yeah, I’m trying to get things sorted out. I guess I don’t need to confuse myself. But I just couldn’t help myself.” He smiled, and it was the same sexy grin that had melted my heart and gotten in my pants.

  “Stop it,” I said. “It’s no fair looking at me that way.”

  “I’m always going to look at you that way, Beth. I can’t help it. I’m always going to be turned on by you. And you weren’t much help deterring me. I forgot how fast you could whip it out.”

  “Clay!” I slapped his arm, and we laughed. “Don’t say it like that.” I glanced around and hoped no one was listening.

  His smile was ear to ear, and as he chuckled, Jack laughed too. “See? He thinks it’s funny.”

  “Clay!” I got up and went to the nearest swing.

  Clay got Jack from his stroller, and they came to sit in the one beside me. “We can’t let you have all the fun.”

  We swung for a while, me going a lot higher than him with Jack, but Jack liked it a lot and giggled more than I’d ever heard him.

  After a while, the crowd got bigger, and Clay pointed out a food truck that had parked in the lot. “Do you want to give them a try?”

  “Sure,” I said, getting to my feet. I brushed off my pants. “I’ll buy.”

  “No, you won’t. I invited you.”

  “But I want to, and you’re going to let me. Besides, you got all of that stuff for the picnic basket.”

  “Ah, that reminds me. I brought you a pack of those spicy crackers. They’re in the car.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.” I was glad he had, but I didn’t want him doing little things like that for me as much as I wanted him to do it for Jack.

  “I know, but I thought I had better have a peace offering after last night. I thought you weren’t going to want to see me, and the crackers could possibly be my way to soften you up.”


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