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Take Me Back (Vegas Bad Boys #2)

Page 24

by C. Morgan

  “Sounds like someone doesn’t like to miss the party,” I said.

  “Let’s just sit by the windows instead. We’ll make a pallet for Jack and pretend it’s a picnic.”

  “We have the right food.” I grabbed the blanket from the bed and put it on the floor in front of the balcony doors, where we could see the pool below. Then I brought the basket there as Beth got Jack and joined me.

  “I’m sorry if the moment was spoiled,” she said. “He’ll go back to sleep soon.”

  “Beth, you and Jack never spoil a moment. You are the best part of every moment. Jack too.”

  I looked at Jack to find him smiling.

  “He hears your voice,” said Beth. “You should sing to him.”

  “I’ll sing to both of you,” I said, and then I broke into a Sinatra classic.

  Jack giggled, clapping his hands wildly until Beth held them and helped him find the beat.

  Before I was done, he was singing along, babbling sounds that were music to my ears. Our son had been so silent, and in a short time, he had really found his voice.

  “You were right when you said it was going to be okay,” said Beth, “He really is perfect, isn’t he?” Beth kissed his little head and continued to clap his hands together.

  Jack turned his head and looked to his mother, hearing her voice with his bad ear.

  “Yeah, you both are.” In all my life, I’d never seen a prettier picture. Our little boy could hear, I had found the perfect job, one my beautiful wife could respect, and we were all together as a family. “I don’t know how life could get any better.”

  Beth grinned. “Just wait until I get you alone.” She wagged her brows and sipped her wine, then bit into a spicy cracker.

  I decided it was time to sing our son a lullaby.



  Six months later.

  “Hurry up, or we’re going to be late,” I said as I carried Jack through the house. He was fighting to get out of my arms, but I had already chased him halfway across the house. Ever since he’d learned to walk, he’d been running. Or so it seemed.

  Not only was his hearing improved, but you’d never know now that anything had ever been wrong or that anything was still impaired with his hearing.

  “I’m not going to be late,” said Clay from the closet. “I told you we’re making great time.”

  “I told Della I’d meet her there, and you have to be at least fifteen minutes early, or you know Lloyd will have a heart attack.”

  “He’ll be fine, and I already told you that we have to meet Nick beforehand. So just take a deep breath and tell me how I look.” He stepped out of the closet from putting on his shirt and coat. “Well?”

  “You look amazing. That suit fits you better than any you own. I think it’s my favorite.” It flattered his broad shoulders, and I couldn’t wait to get him back home and take it off of him.

  “Well, if you’re a good girl and calm down, I’ll let you undress me later.”

  “Now you’re reading my mind.” I walked over and gave him a kiss.

  “Why don’t you put him down?”

  “Because he’s going to run off and hide under some dusty piece of furniture if I do. He went under his bed earlier and brought out three dust bunnies. They were so big I was afraid he might keep them as pets.”

  “I thought you hired that cleaning service every two weeks.”

  “I did, but apparently, they’ve been slacking. I just want him to look perfect for your big night.” He had to do the grand opening celebration for the hotel and introduce the other acts he had lined up. Not only was he going to play a song to do the intro, but he was going to step right into his role as the host and emcee for the complex.

  “Well, give him to me and go get your bag. I’ll put him in the car.” Clay took him, and I hurried to the kitchen where I’d left my bag and found the small gift I had for Clay’s big opening night.

  “What’s that?” he asked as we headed out.

  “What? This? Nothing.” I gave a shrug.

  He grinned. “Is that for me?”


  “Well, give it to me.” He hated surprises and had never waited for anything.

  “Not until after the show. Trust me. It’s worth the wait.”

  “Come on, babe. You know I hate surprises.”

  “Yes, I do, but you’re not getting this, and if you keep on, you’re going to upset me.” I knew that would get him off my back.

  “Fine,” he said, turning his nose up.

  I tucked it into my bag just to keep him from seeing it. There was no sense in taunting him with it.

  After we settled into the car, he drove us to the complex and parked in his reserved spot near the back entrance. “This is what I call cool,” he said. “I’ve got my own parking spot.”

  I laughed. “You have your own office too, Clay. Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “Oh, it already has. You’re sitting shotgun with my huge ego.” He glanced over and gave me a look. “I just think it’s my favorite part, and I know the car loves it.”

  “I’m sure it does.” I rolled my eyes because, despite his new job, he refused to get rid of his GTO.

  While we were getting out of the car, Nick walked up and shook his hand. “You know Clay, one of the perks of building this place is knowing where the best parking is.”

  “No, kidding. Look, I have my own parking spot. I’ve really made it.”

  “Indeed, you have, my friend.” Nick smiled at me. “Beth, you look as beautiful as always. Are you keeping my boy in line?”

  “Yes, him and his mini version. They’re both giving me gray hairs.”

  Nick laughed. “That’s boys for you. And Jack too.”

  “Funny,” said Clay. “Let’s go in, and I’ll show you my office.”

  “I built your office, remember? As a matter of fact, let me show you the way.” He patted Clay on the back and opened the door for me.

  “Thank you,” I said, going ahead of him. He caught up and got the next one, leaving Clay to help himself.

  “Hey, stop hitting on my girl,” said Clay. “Honey, don’t fall for his charm.”

  “He’s still mad I dated his mom.”

  “What?” I said, looking a bit confused.

  “Hey, I’ve told you about that,” said Clay. “No more mom jokes. Especially when it’s my mom. Talk about Zane’s.”

  His friend’s mother had been my teacher in elementary. “That’s not a better picture,” I said. “How about you boys stop being silly?”

  Nick led the way to the office just to prove a point, and we stayed there until it was time to go out and take our seats for the special event.

  I found Della, who was immediately taken by Nick. She was already sitting at the reserved table, and Nick sat across from me as I introduced them.

  Jack’s high chair was placed between Della and me, and she couldn’t resist making him laugh when she finally took her eyes off of Nick.

  “Did you bring it?” she asked, giving me a sly look. I knew she was talking about the gift. She had insisted I order it and even helped me by wrapping it. I had it shipped express to her house.

  “Yes, but I’m not sure it’s a good time. This is his big night, and maybe I should wait.” I didn’t want to steal his thunder, but I knew he would really like what I had planned.

  Nick looked at me suspiciously.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing. I was just noticing how radiant you look. You’re practically glowing.” He gave me a wink and sipped his drink.

  “Clay said he was a flirt,” I said to Della.

  “Oh?” She looked him up and down. “Then we had better keep an eye on him.” I could tell that she liked what she saw, but I knew Nick was more focused on his work these days than finding someone to flirt with. Besides, Clay had told me he was still not ready to move on after losing his wife.

  To think of losing Clay, especially when the two o
f us had the entire world at our feet, would be a tragedy. I loved him so much, and I felt a pang in my gut just thinking about a world without him in it.

  Nick blushed a bit, but then he changed the subject and started talking to Jack, who was already getting restless. At least, until his father took the stage.

  Clay had a presence about him that not only lit up a room, but it commanded the attention of everyone in it.

  “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, to the grand opening of the Williston Hawk Entertainment Complex. I’m your host, Clay Whitmore, and I’d just like to welcome you along with my friends and family as we celebrate this wonderful establishment. May it bring good times to all for many years to come.”

  As the crowd cheered, Clay stepped up on stage and kicked the night off with a song. Even though I didn’t know the words, the crowd seemed to follow along and even sang a few of the lyrics when Clay held out his microphone.

  When it was over, they cheered wildly, and he announced the first performer, who was a magician and illusionist that I’d seen while on his tour.

  Clay had a moment to come to the table, and he sat next to me, pulling his chair around. “How’s my girl? Enjoying the show?”

  “I love it. You did good, honey. I’m proud of you.”

  “Proud enough to show me what you brought me? I’ve got a little time. This guy’s act takes a minute.”

  “I know how long it takes. I am waiting for the night to be over.” I glanced at Della, who was giving me those dopey eyes of hers like she couldn’t wait either.

  “Come on, Beth,” she teased. “Don’t make him wait all night.”

  I couldn’t believe she was going to turn to his side. “You’re the one who said it would be perfect at the big finale.”

  Clay looked surprised. “Oh, now I really want to know.”

  “Well, you’re not going to.”

  “Come on,” said Nick. “Don’t make his night miserable. You know he’s just going to pout, and it might ruin his show.”

  “You are all so mean. You’re supposed to be on my side.” I leaned in and put my arm around Jack. “At least he is on mama’s side.”

  “Daddy side,” he said with a big smile on his face.

  “Did you hear that, Beth?” Clay clapped as if he was going along with the crowd around us, who were so wrapped up in the magic show they didn’t know a battle was going on at our table. He leaned in closer. “It looks like you’re outnumbered, just like at home.”

  “We’ll see about that.” I took the box out of my bag and handed it to him. “Go ahead, since you have no patience at all.”

  Clay smiled big. “Thanks, baby.”

  “You had better hope it’s not something naughty,” said Nick. “Some of these old women are still staring at you.”

  Clay flashed a grin and waved at one old lady who was about to drop her dentures, her mouth gaped so big.

  Clay hurried to unwrap the gift, and his smug look faded as he took the little pink onesie out of the box. “Daddy’s Biggest Fan.” It took him a minute to process what the little pink girlie suit meant. “Beth? A baby?”

  “A daughter. Guess I’m not so outnumbered anymore.”

  He looked back down at the little outfit and held it close as the crowd cheered for the magic act.

  “I had a feeling,” said Nick, looking like he knew it all along. “Just look at her. Beth’s extra hot when she’s pregnant.”

  “Hey, man. That’s my wife.” Clay teased Nick all the time about flirting with me, and he did the same with Zane and his other friends. That and mom jokes were what kept them going.

  “And you know it’s true.”

  Clay wiped a tear and pulled me into his arms. “I’m so happy, baby. I’m dumbstruck. It’s not what I expected. I thought it was a watch.” He laughed and held the little onesie out to give it a good look again.

  “Are you disappointed?” I hoped he didn’t prefer a watch because it was too bad if he did.

  “Hell no, I’m the happiest man on earth.” He nuzzled close, and I glanced over to see the old woman smiling.

  “How long have you known?” he asked.

  “About a week. It’s been hard to keep from you, but Della said this would be a big night and to make it bigger.”

  “It’s better than all of this. I promise. God, how’d I get so lucky?” He kissed my cheek and laid his head on my shoulder as his hand touched my tummy.

  I glanced over at Nick, who had a soft smile on his face, and I wondered if our celebration might be too much for him.

  “I hope I’m as lucky one day,” he said when he noticed me looking. “I’ve still got faith there’s another love for me out there somewhere. I hope it’s as good as yours.”

  “Maybe it’s time you find her?” asked Clay. He knew how hard it was for Nick to put himself out there.

  Nick gave a nod. “I think you’re right.”

  I knew taking that step would be a big one for him.

  In the awkward silence, Della cleared her throat and fluffed her hair, giving him a big smile. “I can’t be that girl, but maybe I could jumpstart your game a little.” She gave a wink.

  Nick chuckled. “Careful. I just might be okay with that.”

  Clay finished his introductions, and when the final performance was over, giving the crowd a small taste of what was to come, he sat back down at the piano.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I know we had a wonderful show, and this is a little off the schedule, but I just got the best news in the world. You see, I’m going to be a father again, and this time, I’m going to have a beautiful baby girl.”

  The crowd went wild.

  Clay continued playing the keys as he talked. “You know, a few months ago, I thought I lost it all looking for a better life, but now I’ve got my beautiful wife and son, and now a new baby on the way. It took me too long to realize it, but I had the best life all along. And now it’s going to be even better. This song is for my Beth. I love you, honey.”

  He played on and started singing me a song I’d never heard before, and I realized it was because he’d written it for me. He looked at me while he sang, and Nick encouraged me to join him on stage. I walked up to sit beside him, and when the song was over, he kissed me, and the crowd went wild.

  “You sure know how to end a show, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

  “I’m proud of you, babe. I wrote that song when you first left, and I never thought I’d have a chance to play it for you. But I can’t think of a better time. We’re having a little girl. Jack’s going to be a big brother. Everything is finally happening for us.” He held on to me so tightly, and I held on to him too, knowing that I’d never let him go again.

  For better or worse, we were meant to be together.

  The End

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  About the Author

  Chloe is a hometown girl from Tennessee who loves a great short romance, drinking coffee most of the day, and hanging out with family. When she's not writing, she can be found playing the piano or surfing Facebook!

  Having been a reader all her life, she's hoping that you'll find yourself lost to time, laughing and falling in love all over again with her books.

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  Take Me Back

  Copyright © 2020 by C. Morgan.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and plot are all ei
ther products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental.

  Editor: Eric Martinez

  Cover Designer: Ryn Katryn Digital Art




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