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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 2

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  Artoo whirled his dome to look at those who are already gathered ahead of them.

  He saw Palace Guards in every corner and columns, alert and watchful. Then there were the Royal Handmaidens sitting on equally spaced chairs that forms the outer circle of the throne. The inner circle is composed of the Royal Advisory Council including Governor Sio Bibble. Graf Zapalo went straight to his chair. The rest Artoo recognized based in his NRE programming as Hela Brandes the Music Advisor and Lufta Shif the Education Advisor. He landed quietly and resumes rolling and halted beside the chair of Eckener.

  Artoo’s single photoreceptor finally rested on the two other presences in the throne room. One old man sat on the throne; he was stiff with authority and power and Artoo easily identified him as King Veruna, the outgoing ruler of Naboo. Technically, Veruna had already abdicated from his throne but under the circumstances, his presence is imperative in this meeting and the group had agreed that the former King still be seated on the throne at least for this one last session. Beside the throne, a special smaller version of it was placed and there sat a very young and beautiful girl. But despite her youth, her eyes glowed with knowledge and determination. Artoo found her name in his database, Padmé Naberrie, the most celebrated Princess of Naboo, the successor of the King and the one that would take up the Royal name Amidala at the beginning of the coronation tomorrow.

  There was a certain tinge of underlying tension between Veruna and Padmé. The nature of their succession was not one would normally call harmonious. Everyone in this chamber knew that Veruna is a tyrant and has outlived his power and popularity among his people.

  Not one of Veruna’s loyalists has remained in the Royal Advisory Council and the only one person he could call a true ally here was Captain Maris Magneta, his Chief of Royal Security, which he knew would also be replaced once the new Queen has been crowned.

  The former Princess of Theed was unanimously voted by the people to succeed Veruna and end his rule. Ars Veruna deeply suspected that Senator Palpatine was behind his downfall because he repeatedly refuses to the Senator’s under-the-table suggestions that Naboo should enter a temporary and informal alliance with the Chommell Patriots in order to deal against the looming Trade Federation embargo.

  The outgoing King nodded at Sio Bibble and the governor in turn gave a nod to Hugo. The old man patted Artoo’s domed head, “R2-D2, activate the holos and also start recording and transmitting.” He said

  Artoo beeped in affirmative. This is pre-programmed in him back in Nubia and was further ‘polished’ by NRE. The droid moved to the center and attached on the holoprojector. Three figures instantly appeared in separate holos and Artoo returned to Hugo’s side and began holorecording the meeting.

  “Senator Palpatine, Master Yoda, Chancellor Valorum, we are greatly honored that you have found time to hear our plea.” King Veruna began.

  “Always eager to help, the Council does.” Yoda’s image nodded.

  “Has the Viceroy of the Trade Federation made contact since the last time we talked?” Valorum asked without preamble.

  “Yes. They continue to insist we defer to their mad proposals.” The King sighed.

  “The Neimoidians just wanted to evade the new taxation laws. They must not be permitted to execute their demands. This is what they have been complaining about since the Chancellor passed the bill months ago, especially now that an amendment is being proposed in the Senate by Senator Bail Antilles of Alderaan.” Palpatine said, turning to face Valorum.

  “You mentioned in the message that they threaten to put a blockade in your planet. Is this true? Have they made the move to do so?” Valorum asked Veruna.

  “Viceroy Nute Gunray have indeed said so, we have the recording if you wish to see it. But he has not sent any of his ships within the Chommell Sector yet.” the King explained.

  “The Trade Federation representative, Senator Lott Dod denies all of this of course. But if you do have that recording, it would serve as a powerful proof of their harassment.” Palpatine commented.

  “Thoughts you have, Princess Naberrie?” Yoda nodded at the silent Queen-to-be.

  “Lord Veruna, if I may.” Padmé said to the King. Her use of his current civilian title made the Advisory fidget in unease. The Handmaidens eyes widened as those of the Palace Guards. Veruna himself looked shocked but he quickly controls his reaction and composed an unconcerned expression. It was a subtle but firm reminder of who really has the power and authority now, a cunning attack to the ever self-assured and stolid former King Veruna.

  Veruna kept his composure in check and nodded at her to speak.

  “Chancellor, Senator, Master Jedi, My Lord, Governor, my Advisors, I strongly believe that this harassment of the Trade Federation is an obvious ploy to evade the taxation trade routes recently imposed by the Republic. But on the other side I also feel that this act of threat is mere duplicity. The Neimoidians are a cowardly race and I feel something deeper is edging them into this. It is my intuition…”

  Veruna raised a hand to interrupt and smirked at her. “Princess Naberrie, your imagination surpasses me. Though I must remind you that even if they are of cowardly race, as you so eloquently put it, they are still the Trade Federation. They are sly business people and have access to the largest droid foundries in the Outer Rim alone. They can make all of their threatening as real as they wanted, they do not need this deeper something to goad them. Their greed has already covered that part.”

  “Agree I am…” Yoda nodded solemnly and Veruna looked victorious at once.

  “…to the Crown Queen’s intuition.” Yoda finished and the former King scowled.

  “This matter requires further investigation.” Valorum said to them then turn to ask the Jedi Master, “Should the Jedi be on this situation now Master Yoda?”

  “Deliberate on this, the Council will.” Yoda agreed.

  “Master Jedi, with all due respect, we are in the verge of a crisis here, don’t you think deliberations are…” Padmé started to say.

  “Deliberate on whom to send, not whether to take part. Involved in this, we already are.” Yoda smiled at her.

  “Thank you Master Jedi.” Padmé graciously bowed.

  “For the meantime, I suggest you postpone the coronation tomorrow. It is not safe to be in public view during this time of conflict.” Palpatine suggested, looking at Padmé.

  “I agree…” Veruna said.

  “No. The announcements have been made. The coronation begins tomorrow and postponing it would only send the wrong message to those who are aware of our dire situation. The Trade Federation would see this as a sign of weakness in our part. The off-world traders would interpret this as a proof of danger in dealing with us. Postponing it would only make things worse. We need to show them that we are confident in our security and rights, that their harassments are empty and do not faze us at all.” Padmé argued.

  Suddenly one of the Palace Guards behind Hugo raised his weapon and fired at Veruna and Padmé. The holos blocking the attacker and his targets partially blurred his aim. The blaster bolt struck harmlessly on Padmé’s chair while the second shot grazed Veruna’s left arm.

  Artoo Detoo spun and rolled at once toward the surprised assassin. Before any of the Palace Guards could return fire, Artoo rammed the attacker while emitting a battle cry-like ear-splitting shrill. As the assassin fell on his back, Artoo zapped him with his stored electrical surge rendering the man unconscious.

  The rest of the Palace Guards now went to drag the assassin while the other went to check on their leaders.

  “It seems there is no question now as to the severity of this impending conflict.” Padmé said to everyone.

  Chapter 2: Unveiled Plot

  Artoo Detoo was taken by Captain Maris Magneta to the Palace Security Dome just across the east exit of Theed Palace, accompanied by a dozen Palace Guards including the ranking officer Lieutenant Panaka pulling the unconscious assassin on a hover capsule.

  Entering the dome the g
roup began to go over their respective tasks with their fingers almost dancing across the knobs, switches and buttons on the boards and consoles which fascinated Artoo Detoo.

  The Lieutenant, a tall dark skinned man paused and noticed the astromech droid standing silently observing them on a corner. He walked toward Artoo and addressed the droid.

  “I saw what you did. I honestly have no idea how you manage to override one of your core programming never to harm a sentient being, it’s a scary notion to know what you can do but I got to admit that it was both heroic and unexpected. Anyways, we have recovered a highly encrypted datacard from the assassin and our decrypting computers and slicers could not open it. Do you have the latest decrypting programming?” Panaka inquired.

  Artoo tweeted in affirmative and the Lieutenant beckoned him to follow. The two went on the inner room where Captain Magneta and the rest of the decrypting team gathered.

  “Captain, this droid has the updated slicing programs. We’ll work on it and call as soon as we have results.” Panaka said cocking his head at Artoo.

  Captain Magneta turn to regard the droid with a slight crease in his eyes then move his gaze on his Lieutenant.

  “Well then, the meeting is still ongoing and I have to personally supervise security there. Work on the decryption and contact me at once if the droid cracks it.” Captain Magneta ordered and stood up and left.

  “There’s the console, the encrypted file is labeled as N3-E21.” Panaka said to the droid.

  Artoo beeped once and rolled onto the console and connected his scomp link into the console and began extracting the said encrypted file. Panaka sat by the chair beside Artoo and waited patiently.

  An hour passed and the room was left for the two of them as the other crew ended their shift. There will be no third shift for the night because as tradition, Coronation Day is a holiday and the entire Palace staff and crew are off except only for the security and event divisions.

  Panaka glanced at his chronometer. They still have at least twelve hours before the coronation ceremony begins. Just as he was about to ask the progress of Artoo, the astromech beeped in excitement, or alarm, Panaka wasn’t really sure because he was not that good at interpreting droids.

  “What is it?” Panaka asked instead.

  Artoo relayed his message in the console for Panaka to read.

  Panaka’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped in disbelief at what he just read. “Droid, are you absolutely sure you have this right? Answer me!” he growled.

  Artoo beeped an affirmative.

  Panaka closed his eyes and clenched his fists.

  Fools! We’re all been fooled! The Lieutenant said to himself but then he regained his composure and took a long deep breath before opening his eyes. The orbs that stared back at Artoo Detoo was glazed with renewed conviction and determination.

  But something was still nagging him and Panaka stopped and forced himself to slow down and think and analyze the situation. Thinking about it now he suddenly realizes it is most probably a trap. No assassin in his right mind would carry a datacard in his person that contains information that would implicate him and/or his employer. It is definitely a trap. Then on the one side, ignoring it would only make his job of unraveling this mystery even harder. Let it unfold, he recalled a Jedi Master once saying to him during his time in the Republic Special Task Force while on a hunt for a notorious pirate gang in the Corporate Sector. Master Tholme, yes that was his name, he remembered him saying, “Among my Jedi friends we have this saying, to discover the culprit, one must spring the trap.”

  Lieutenant Panaka stood up and activated his comlink to contact Captain Magneta. “Captain, listen very carefully, the droid has just decoded the assassin’s datacard. According to the encryption, King Veruna has been dead for a month now, the unconscious Veruna we found a month ago turns out to be a clone, arrest that impostor!”

  “This is absurd Lieutenant! I will not have this madness tolerated! That droid must have malfunctioned or something or that datacard must be planted there to mislead us.” Magneta’s voice was sharp and angrily hissing.

  “But Captain, according to the encryption, that clone is conditioned to kill the Queen during the coronation!” Panaka insisted.

  “Really now? Then why was he also a target of that assassin?” Magneta countered.

  “What could possibly be a better cover than being a victim as well?” Panaka was determined to convince his captain.

  “Give me proof Lieutenant. As much as I doubt this, I admit I must be open to possibilities however unlikely it may be. Get me a substantial proof! We cannot arrest Veruna with just that unreliable information as evidence. You have ten hours.” Magneta growled.

  “Yes Captain.” Panaka sighed and closed the comlink.

  “Droid, can you trace its source or something?” the Lieutenant asked.

  Artoo beeped and re-inserted his scomp link and began working his way in analyzing every byte of the decoded file for clues of its origin.

  “How long will this take?” Panaka frowned.

  Artoo’s reply appeared on the monitor.

  “Alright, get on with it. I’ll be back in an hour. Anyone else comes in here that isn’t me, call me.” Panaka left the droid his spare comlink.

  Lieutenant Panaka left in hurry and called for the rest of the Palace Security personnel that wasn’t assigned inside the throne room and started to brief them about the situation and prepare them to his plan.

  Artoo watched Lieutenant Panaka leave, he was about to run a playback of the meeting while he was waiting when a Palace Guard entered.

  Artoo hooted and beeped at him trying to make the newcomer leave but the guard merely grinned and raised a bolt-gun and fired. Sparks surged in Artoo’s internal circuitry as the restraining bolt attached itself on his ‘chest’. Artoo made a desperate burst of coded message to Panaka’s comlink before he was shut-down by the intruder.

  * * *

  “According to our Intelligence report the assassin has known ties with the Chommell Patriots. They wish to destroy Naboo’s democratic monarchy and replace it with their authoritarian rule.” the image of Senator Palpatine stated as he reads through his datapad.

  “These bands of terrorists are no patriots.” Governor Sio Bibble grunted in disgust.

  “And these are the same group involved in the bombing of the NRE compound earlier?” Padmé asked.

  “It is the same M.O. as the one that happened in the spaceport three months ago.” Zapalo nodded in confirmation.

  “No connection found leading back to the Trade Federation?” the new Queen looked at Palpatine.

  “I’m afraid there is no compelling evidence at all, not even the slightest hint.” Palpatine shook his head.

  “Captain Magneta, what of the datacard found on the assassin?” Padmé turn her gaze at the Chief of Royal Security.

  “Lieutenant Panaka and that droid are still working on it. I’ve given strict order to hand to me any development the moment they found some. I must say that that little droid has displayed a rather unexpected act of heroism and quick thinking.” Magneta admitted.

  “The droid is our savior, he must be commended…” Padmé started to say.

  “The reward of commendation can wait, Your Highness, I implore you to postpone the coronation until this matter has been dealt with. It’s for your own protection.” Palpatine pleaded.

  “I’m sorry Senator, but cowering at the slightest hint of danger is not what I had in mind for our people, allies and enemies to see in their new monarch. This is an affront to our sovereignty and an attack to our stability. We will not be daunted, we must send back a clear message that terrorism has no place to our society and the new regent, I, the Queen of Naboo, will never tolerate such atrocity.” Padmé’s voice was hard and firm, her unblinking stare offers no room for disagreement.

  “Very well Your Highness, but we should at least increase your security forces. Would you like me to send you some from our allied sectors?”
the Galactic Senator offered.

  “Our own people will suffice, having off-worlders at this time of our vulnerability will only give our enemies opportunity to insert more of their followers and continue with their attempts to topple our regime.” Padmé countered.

  “But Your Majesty, Naboo does not have enough men to defend you and our people.” Palpatine insisted.

  “I agree Your Excellency but this is not a war. I want you to arrange us a personal meeting with the Viceroy of the Trade Federation, but only when the Jedi has arrived to carry on the long overdue negotiations. I want to see the eyes of the Viceroy as he works out his lies in front of me.” Padmé said in finality.

  Captain Maris Magneta’s comlink beeped and he steps out of the room to take the call.

  * * *

  When Artoo was automatically reactivated, he noticed he was in some sort of a tunnel, a cave by the looks of it. His internal chronometer informed him that he was out for at least two hours. He tried to move but he only managed to rock and sway in place. The restraining bolt prevented him from leaving his position. He couldn’t also use any of his tools that could be attributed to a weapon. Moaning in frustration, Artoo glances around the cave, there were faint lights here and there and the continuous thrumming and slight vibration in the walls and ground indicated a nearby power source. His scanners are unrestrained so he quickly made use of it to determine where he was.

  His sonar sensors gave him a clear sonic blueprint of the cave. He was in the bottom most part of a five layer cave tunnel. Next move, Artoo ran his NRE list of geographical and topographical holomaps and searched for a match. It took him a fracture of a millisecond to find out that he was in the Mootoo Cave deep in the Eptto forest, ten clicks southwest of Keren City.

  Artoo made another scan, for biological entities and his scanning registered eighty sentient beings within the Mootoo Cave, fifty of which were Gungans, twenty eight humans, one Neimoidian, which alarmed Artoo and one Iridonian Zabrak that confuses him because its presence was illogical according to the data from his remote uplink to the satellite information center of Naboo there has been no xeno-traffic in Naboo for a year now and that Iridonia has never traded or transacted with the Naboo, nor their people has ever had record of in any of coming here, not once.


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