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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 5

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  Artoo was beginning to like him already.

  Also in the office were Captain Magneta and Graf Zapalo.

  Artoo moaned silently, not him again.

  “Droid, play the cave recording again.” Magneta ordered and Artoo complied.

  They watched in silence and played the recording several more times, slowing on some part, zooming on the other and replaying certain scenes or lines then Magneta told Artoo to stop and told the Lieutenant to take Artoo outside and wait for their summons then they went to discuss what they’ve seen, noticed, analyzed and suspect.

  “I have here the requested updated records from Chommell Intelligence, this would have taken us weeks to get had not Senator Palpatine pulled some strings there.” the governor projected the report from his datapad and into the central projection platform.

  “Gantu Onu Raltos, Gungan, Forty years old. Orphan and a street kid in Keren City, a Pick-pocket and thief in his youth. Gantu had become a robber and troublemaker in his adolescence and a hardened criminal and compulsive murderer from then on. He joined the Chommell rebel cell here on Naboo for six months five years ago until he went off planet to be more active in his group. He was reported to have been killed by a Jedi raid two years ago in Glee Anselm and was never been seen again since.” Sio Bibble reviewed.

  “How about Alle Vomm and Sheeana Fley?” Magneta asked.

  “Alle Vomm came from a family of Corellian immigrates in Kardara, a small mining colony world deep in the Chommell Sector. He was one of the seven children that were rescued during the Kardaran Raid of the Mandalorians two decades ago. He was suspected to have been raised on Galidraan and escaped the Jedi raid there went to work on Damask Holdings plasma mine on Kardara, disappeared and later on returned here in Naboo and established the Chommell Patriots.” Bibble changed the holo to those of Alle Vomm.

  “Sheeana Fley was born here from a hybrid parentage, her mother was half-human half-Catharian and his father was a third generation half bred Chiss. She was reported missing a child but later records found her resurfacing in Corellia with colorful police records. She disappeared in Corellia and was later seen as one of Damask Holdings security personnel. She was assumed to have met Alle Vomm on Kardara when Damask Holdings established a small mining colony there. The two became lovers, made a successful multimillion credit heist on Damask Holdings’ Kardaran mining colony eleven years ago. They resurfaced a year afterwards as trouble makers who calls themselves the Chommell Patriots, became a headache to Senator Palpatine since then.”

  “Do you think the Mandalorians may be behind this?” Magneta asked.

  “I doubt that. The Mandalorians had never set their eyes on us even back in the time of the Kardaran Raid. Besides, the presence of Hath Monchar in the Mootoo Cave is more than enough proof of the involvement of the Trade Federation.” Zapalo shook his head.

  “Have your men found Hath Monchar and the others?” Bibble asked Magneta.

  “We’re still looking.” Magneta sighed.

  “What about that hooded Zabrak? Who is he?” Zapalo recalled.

  “The Senator seems to think he’s just a bounty hunter.” Bibble explained.

  “He doesn’t look like a bounty hunter to me. More like those Jedi people.” Magneta move to take the chair beside the governor.

  “The Jedi would never be involved in such criminal activities.” Zapalo scoffed.

  “I didn’t say he’s a Jedi.” Magneta felt chagrined.

  The discussion went on for another hour until they finally adjourned and decided to just double the security for the morning and wait for the reports of the search party.

  * * *

  Lieutenant Siege and Artoo decided to go to the main hangar where he was assigned to guard for the night. Siege showed Artoo the layers of docked N1 Starfighters and told him stories about his piloting lessons, how he joined the Space Fighter Corps and some of his few dogfights against the Chommell Patriots and other pirates.

  He and Artoo were on the ledge of the hangar watching the vista below when Lieutenant Panaka came running inside and calling Siege. Behind him were the entire Raid Squadron pilots heading off to their respective ships.

  “Lieutenant, we have a situation!” Panaka exclaimed.

  “What is it sir?” Hoff hurriedly stood off the ledge and met his Commander.

  “Space Patrol spotted a Neimoidian shuttle flying off from the South Pole and heading towards the moon Rori. Prepare the ships. I’m putting you in command for this sortie. I’ll get your clearance to Captain Magneta, you have to hurry or we might miss them again. They have to be captured before sunrise, understand?” Panaka ordered.

  “Yes sir! Artoo, follow me!” Hoff led Artoo to his N1 Starfighter as other pilots started to pour in from the entrance hall. Panaka issued the same command to the others and informed them that Hoff will be their leader for this raid. Then Panaka gave wave to Hoff and activated his comlink and contacted Captain Magneta.

  The Lieutenant was the first to take off and started to check on his squadron. After everyone has reported they made a wedge formation and flew up.

  “Call sign is Raid Squadron! ETA in twenty minutes, everyone, synchronize!” Hoff announced.

  “Copy that Raid Lead!” came the answers.

  “Artoo, you alright back there? Have you ever been to a space battle before?” Hoff asked.

  Artoo moaned a negative and a short reply.

  “Well Artoo, there’s a first time for everything. Here we go!”

  Chapter 5: The Moon Mountain

  Raid Squadron was actually a temporary merging of three of Naboo’s best starfighter squadrons. These squadrons are Keren, Theed and Moenia, all named after the city they were founded. Raid Squadron was currently in the phase of reorganization as the new transition of leadership is about to take place, the Advisory Council and the incoming Queen had issued a decree to form a Naboo Space Fighters Corps despite the lack of support from Senator Palpatine and the previous King, Veruna. The name to replace Raid Squadron is Bravo. Captain Ric Olié himself chose that name and the rest of the lead pilots agreed enthusiastically on it.

  But at the moment, Bravo is not yet used. It will be active this morning during the coronation. Artoo shrilled a warning that shook Lieutenant Siege off of his musings.

  “Recalibrate the sensors, they must be jamming us!” Siege told Artoo.

  “Raid Lead, we’re picking up heavy space traffic coming out of Rori!” Raid Two exclaimed. Adin Moorr was the leader of Keren Squadron and a good friend of Siege since childhood, Siege owed him his life for countless occasions, they have become so close that Adin had fallen and married Siege’s sister Lilla, unfortunately she died at childbirth and her child, Adella was abducted five years ago and was never again found. Captain Panaka suspected that the Chommell Patriots were behind it, it was rumored, though Siege never managed to confirm it, that his niece was sensitive to the Force. four years ago a pair Jedi hunted the Chommell Pirates in search for the child, the Order wanted to retrieve the boy for two main reasons, one of them was to train him to become one of them. The two Jedi never returned.

  “They’re transmitting false transponders, but they are unmistakably the Patriots.” Raid Three called out.

  “Spread out and engage, Keren and Moenia Flight! Theed Flight, we’re going in for the target. Track them down Artoo!” Siege commanded.

  Raid Two made a sharp ninety degree turn to the left while his entire Keren Flight broke formation like a panicked flock of Twirrls, a carnivorous, mammalian falconoid species, native to Naboo. The rebels fired wildly at them, more for the sake of firing than hitting.

  Adin smiled, he could now read the fighting style of his enemies by that simple reaction to their spreading out. He could now feel the general flow of their encounter and his innate reflexes is beginning to take over his usual methodical style.

  Adin suddenly made a tight loop that startled his own droid, that same moment three proton torpedoes shot past where his ship was and
detonated on two of other incoming enemy fighters.

  He checked out the readouts on his console, the Patriot’s ragtag squadron consists of battered and overly modified heaps of old model Corellian and Kuat starfighters, he even spotted five Manda Motors vintages in the fray. These enemy ships may sport thick hulls and shielding and better firepower than their Nubian N1 Starfighters but his men were better pilots than these lowlife thugs that claim to be the true patriots of the entire Chommell Sector.

  He felt, more than saw, his wingman taking a direct hit from the attacking ships ahead, with deft precision and speed he angled his ship to block his wingman that forced the other to make an involuntary bank sideways to avoid collision. That quick thinking on his part caused an ion blast to hit his shield with a following proton torpedoes to explode on his fuselage.

  Raid Two ejected himself and his droid, his vac-suit automatically sealing off his helmet and activating its oxygen reserve, their beacon kicked in. His droid R2-E6 used its side boosters to reach his floating chair and clamped it on its cylindrical body. The droid then steered him away from the battle, a click behind them, Adin’s wingman had finished off his attackers and were now making the turn to retrieve him.

  You should join the Jedi Order. Adin heard his friends’ voices. They always tell him that whenever he made inhuman maneuvers in their every mission. “They won’t take me. I’m way too old to be trained.” He muttered to himself, it was his typical retort at them.

  “Raid Two, I got you, try to make do with my compartment for the meantime.” his wingman Raid Four said through their radio.

  “Just don’t take too long. I don’t want to wake up with backaches!” Adin chuckled as he and R2-E6 make their way into the compartment under the ship of Raid Four.

  “It means you’re getting old, admit it!” laughed Raid Four.

  “Only Fambaas gets old!” he retorted.

  Out of nowhere a dark beat-up Corellian YT-1100 flew past them, Raid Four’s starfighter erupted into flames. None of them even manage to scream as they were vaporized to oblivion.

  * * *

  “Sometimes I wonder if I am the right person for this job.” Padmé sigh as Aluva brushes her hair and the other handmaidens go about preparing her bed and sleeping robe.

  “You honor me with your trust milady. Such thoughts must not be uttered in the presence of others. People may get the wrong impression.” Aluva hesitantly said.

  “And you comfort me with your understanding.” Padmé turn to regard the only non-Naboo handmaiden. “Or are you just patronizing me?”

  “I hardly understand you dilemma, as a commoner I could only imagine it. And no milady, I am not patronizing you, Eirtaé might.” Aluva grinned at the handmaiden that was preparing her bed.

  “I’ll do no such thing!” Eirtaé playfully throws a pillow on Aluva.

  “Oh Eirtaé, challenging a native of Emberlene to a pillow fight is a bad idea.” Padmé chuckled.

  “Why is it so my Queen?” Eirtaé asked as she dodged the same pillow that Aluva picked up and threw back at her.

  “It’s because we throw the entire bed instead of just the pillows.” Aluva abandoned her brush and jumped on Eirtaé dropping her on the Queen’s bed.

  “Oh my! Stop that! Her Majesty might take offence!” Rabé gasped in shock as Aluva tortures Eirtaé by tickling her sides.

  “Let them be Rabé, we’re all alone here on my chamber, no need for formalities.” Padmé was clutching her stomach as she laughs watching the two other handmaidens roll on her bed.

  “Aluva, Eirtaé, stop this at once!” Saché scoffed sternly at them. Even Rabé and Yané had abruptly stopped laughing.

  “Alright, fun’s over, we don’t want to aggravate Saché won’t we?” Padmé nodded at Rabé who went to her to finish combing her hair.

  Aluva and Eirtaé stopped and bit back their giggles as they fix the bed sheets that they ruined.

  Yané dimmed the lights as Saché made the last adjustments on the fire place before returning to her position by the door and waited for the rest of the handmaidens to rejoin her.

  Rabé finished combing the queen’s hair and went to stand beside Eirtaé as the young queen stood up and courteously dismissed them for the night.

  The handmaidens piled out of the royal bedchamber with Saché taking the last and closing the blastdoor behind her leaving Padmé alone.

  Padmé did not went to bed, instead she went to the wall on the left side of the fire place and twisted the glowlamp to the left, that section of the stone wall slid to the side and she slipped in. On the other room was a series of ultra-secured computer terminals complete with secure holonet connection from Chommell Sector to Coruscant.

  Padmé sat on her working table and opened her console and started opening the files regarding the Chommell Patriots. She glanced at her chronometer and allowed herself a full hour before going to sleep.

  The first file was about Alle Vomm, one of the original founders of the Chommell Patriots. Glancing on the detailed report she has acquired regarding this particular rebel/terrorist, Padmé surmised it would take her full hour reading about this man alone.

  With a deep sigh Padmé began reading the files and seriously hoped she finds something that would give her answers to these past series of attempts not just on her but on the questionable death of the real Ars Veruna.

  * * *

  Lieutenant Siege struggled to steady his starfighter as they enter the turbulent atmosphere of Rori. He was the only one left of Theed Flight, the enemy fleet had overwhelmed them. “Of all the places in this moon, they had to go straight into this ion storm!” Siege shouted. Artoo’s shrill was inaudible compare to the fiery noise of burning oxygen as they rip through atmosphere and into the chaotic maelstrom of a violent and massive ion storm that were now raging across the southern region of Rori.

  All of the alarms blared simultaneously and Artoo strained himself to deactivate them and at the same time help Siege steady their ship, but after passing through the atmosphere, their flight only got worse as vicious ion charged lightning crisscrossed their downward path. The combined thick hazy storm clouds and gale force winds blowing from almost every direction made visibility impossible. Their sensors were in complete disarray and so they were flying blind.

  “How long will this…” Siege shouted at the top of his lungs at Artoo when they finally shot out of the dark ion storm and into a windy mountain range.

  Siege screamed in terror as a thick massive wall of granite came out of the dissipating fog mere meters before them. Artoo took over and made an astonishing turn, barely missing the cliff face with only a foot. Their shields crackled as the invisible ray made contact with granite and then they were over the mountain and were now cruising in reduced speed.

  “…take.” Siege finished his sentence and felt a lump forming in his throat.

  Artoo beeped a quip.

  “Damn right if I throw up here! Remind to do puke on you when we land!” Siege tried very hard not to be sick.

  Artoo chirp an unmistakable laugh.

  “Shut up.” Siege groaned and slump his head on the console.

  Artoo beeped in a more serious tone.

  “Have you found them yet?”

  Artoo’s insistent bleeps made Siege look out of the canopy ahead of them.

  The site froze him in shock.

  A single massive Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleship’s center-sphere sat like an egg between the surrounding mountain ranges, using its walls and the thick storm clouds above to hide it presence from Naboo’s planetary sensors.

  Artoo slowly turn their ship away and landed inside a large cave behind one of the mountain walls. When their sensors finally recovered from the ion bombardment, they finally found the beep of their target, it was entering the battleship.

  “By the Seven! What are we going to do now?” Siege climbed out of the N1 starfighter and heaved on the side. Artoo flew out from his cache and landed slowly behind him.

sp; Artoo moaned in uncertainty.

  “We still have an hour, check the compartment, and see what explosives we have.” Siege said as he began to unpack his cooking tools and prepare for a quick meal.

  Artoo complied and rummage through the compartment and started making an inventory as his human partner eat his meal. It will be Artoo’s longest hour yet.

  * * *

  The Sith Infiltrator Scimitar emerged from hyperspace activated its cloaking device before the nearby space station manage to detect the ship’s presence.

  Lord Maul eased his ship to one of the less frequented part of the space station. The Bogg-Tseh orbital space station just at the edge of Cron Drift was one of the leading subcontractors of Damask Holdings, recently it has been bought by a dummy corporation rumored to be from one of the wealthiest business tycoon in the Corporate Sector, but there are fifty other stories in regards to the alleged identity of the true owner of this station. None of them was true of course.

  It is owned by his Master, Darth Sidious.

  The docking bay was empty. Not even the service lights were on, not a droid stirred, not a single diode blinks. It was been that way, and Lord Maul prefers it because it enhance the appearance of being abandoned, unused.

  The rest of the Bogg-Tseh crew and daily populace ignore this section of the space station. Holosigns in Aurebesh, Mando’a, Huttese and fifty other popularly used languages were fixed at the corridor serving as the boundary between the active part of the space station and the ‘abandoned’ section.

  Lord Maul emerged from his ship, locked-it by remote and made his way through the pitch black darkness to the nearest turbolift that would take him to the labyrinthine upper levels that leads to the well hidden office that was under the name of a political leader from Kardara.

  His comlink beeped, it was a long range transmission from Naboo to his Scimitar and was retransmitted to him. A voice spoke at him and Darth Maul answered, “Commence Red Pool.” then cut the connection.

  Darth Maul entered a room, it was dark but he could feel another presence, barely there, like a ghost.

  A ten foot holographic face with black hood loomed before the Zabrak. The semi-transparent blue hue of the projected image was the only source of illumination within the office.


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