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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 8

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  Reaching the end of the hall the clone turned left and entered the queen’s bedroom. Saw the sleeping form of Padmé Naberrie on the blue silken robe and blanket. The clone raised the blaster and fired in full power with the setting set on kill. The bright red beam of the blaster tore through the bed leaving scorched fabrics, foam and wood killing the sleeping figure leaving a gaping hole in her cauterized belly.

  The clone was momentarily blinded as the lights suddenly turned very bright in the bedroom and it felt a steely blow connected with a jarring impact on its nape. Before the clone could even react it was kicked in the left ribs sending him sprawling on the carpeted floor.

  The tallest of the new queen’s handmaidens stood before the clone. Her eyes aflame with an unspoken threat, behind her comes the rest of the new handmaidens and Padmé Naberrie herself.

  The clone leaped but the tall handmaiden swung a roundhouse kick and hit the other square on the chest sending him back sprawling from where he was.

  The clone charged again the handmaiden matched his attack. The two sparred with quick blurry hand movements, each deadly to its intended targets but both were evenly match, they easily dodged, blocked and countered every punch, jab and chop they could deliver at each other.

  One swift punch got through the clone’s defenses and connected hard on his left jaw. Padmé heard the loud crack of bones as the left jaw broke.

  The clone spat blood and eyed the tall handmaiden with disbelief.

  “You’re not a real handmaiden!” he muttered, his broken jaw made it even harder to speak and enunciate.

  “And you are not the real Veruna.” the tall handmaiden grinned.

  “I am Veruna! Every cell of it!” he countered.

  “A clone nonetheless. If you must know, I am Aluva D’asima of Emberlene. I owe my life to Queen Amidala. That is all I am allowing you to know.” Aluva snarled contemptuously.

  The clone started to say something but Aluva grabbed his collar, raised him over her and slammed him hard on the other corner of the room. The clone retaliated and the two was once again intertwined with each other, their seemingly erratic fighting techniques mixes with their cold, brutal precision.

  They fought fiercely that way for the next twenty minutes until Captain Panaka arrived with several Palace Guards.

  The clone dug his fingers on his hip into its flesh after he knocked Aluva off her feet. Then his fingers came out bloody holding a two inch capsule with led on it. Aluva and Panaka recognized the device.

  “It’s a bomb!” Panaka exclaimed and unceremoniously grabbed Padmé and threw her down the outside room and place his body protectively over her, his eyes closed tightly expecting a powerful explosion. He looked up and saw Aluva advanced on the clone.

  Aluva swung, grabbed the clone’s hand holding the small bomb detonator and shoved it into its mouth and then gave him an amazingly strong kick to the window. The clone plummeted down the cliff face side of the new queen’s room, a few seconds during the fall, the clone exploded.

  Panaka stood up and helped Padmé on her feet and the two went to look out of the window. “What a way to go.” Panaka said.

  Chapter 8: The Chancellor’s Decree

  Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum sat on his bleak office, doing his best to maintain a calm disposition as he listens to the argument ensuing before him. Seated to his left side of the table were Sei Taria his loyal Spiran aide and the stern Chagrian aide Mas Amedda both holding their datapads and a stack of datacards while they stolidly observed the other guests in the Supreme Chancellor’s office.

  Across the table were a group of senators and Jedi. Senators Palpatine of Naboo, Orn Free Taa of Ryloth, Passel Argente of Lethe Merchandising, Mon Mothma of Chandrila, Fang Zar of Sern Prime and Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia sat on the long sofa facing the Supreme Chancellor and heatedly debating about the assassination of the leaders of the Trade Federation almost a year ago and the objection of the new Neimoidian leaders on the on-going bill regarding the revision of taxations in trade routes.

  The four Council members of the Jedi Order and one non-council Jedi Master stood on the right side of the seated senators offering insights and counter arguments whenever a question was directed at them or something is said that needed their interjection. Masters Yoda, Dooku, Mace Windu, Sifo-Dyas and Qui-Gon Jinn regarded the matter at hand with calmness and objectivity.

  “I am telling you something is not right here. The leaders of the Trade Federation being assassinated has something to do with this stirring conflict in Naboo about this taxation amendment we are to vote for today. The murdered Viceroy and his ranking officers were supportive of the proposed taxation bill, now they have been succeeded by former Senator Nute Gunray whose ideals and stand in taxation laws are completely contrast to the stand of the former leaders of the Trade Federation. He has to have a hand in this.” Fang Zar argued.

  “Choose your words carefully my friend. Accusing Viceroy Gunray without evidence is not what a respected senator like you should be uttering even in as private as this office.” the stout Twi’lek senator grunted.

  “The Viceroy has every reason to oppose the bill. I for one openly agree with him. This proposal will only choke the economic progress throughout the Republic, the restrictions represented in this amendment will further lead to the decline of profits margin not only for the Trade Federation and Lethe Merchandising but also for the other giant corporations such as the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Commerce Guild and so on.” Passel Argente stated.

  “The amendment will not destroy our economy. It will save us from plummeting down to economic chaos, the only reason these corporations were opposing this is because the bill itself has already limited their profits, and that this amendment will only increase that limitation. The smaller companies will greatly benefit because it will allow them equal opportunity that those larger business enterprises has been denying them for centuries.” Garm Bel Iblis countered.

  “In the first place, the bill has already been passed by Senator Palpatine seven months ago. I don’t see the need to amend it.” Passel Argente protested.

  “If I may, this word just came in. A small group of Naboo pilots has discovered a Trade Federation ship hiding in Rori. According to the report here, the ship was destroyed and a certain Hath Monchar is suspected to have died in the encounter there.” Senator Palpatine interjected, reading through his datapad.

  “Hath Monchar is one of the heads of the Trade Federation. This will not look good to the newly crowned Queen of Naboo at all.” Master Sifo-Dyas said.

  “The Trade Federation should never have been there in the first place.” Qui-Gon Jinn shook his head.

  “The matter is unclear. There is another development as well, King Veruna turns out to be dead for a month now and the one we’ve been speaking to this past few weeks was a clone. The clone tried to assassinate the Queen around the same time the incident in Rori was taking place.” Palpatine added.

  “The Trade Federation has gone too far this time!” Fang Zar growled.

  “We don’t know that yet.” Passel Argente argued.

  “The events in Naboo all ties up to them.” Garm Bel Iblis nodded at Fang Zar.

  “What does the Neimoidian representatives say on this?” Mon Mothma asked, speaking for the first time.

  “They do not know yet about these recent incidents.” Palpatine shook his head.

  “So they say.” Fang Zar scoffed.

  “We must dispatch a mediator to settle this conflict.” Orn Free Taa threw a pleading glance at Master Yoda.

  “To the Trade Federation a Jedi has already been sent.” Yoda nodded solemnly.

  “But the troubles are on Naboo. We should send Jedi there to protect the Queen, her coronation starts today, considering the past incidents, I believe whoever is responsible to those assassination attempts will not stop that easily. Someone clearly replaced King Veruna with a clone for a purpose. I could only imagine what the culprit would do once the clone was back to
the throne. Naboo will fall under his control.” Mon Mothma implied.

  “Agree with you the council does. Master Windu, emissaries to Naboo, who shall be?” Yoda turn to his Korun friend.

  “Most of our Jedi have been dispatched elsewhere, a lot of crisis has been occurring across the galaxy recently…” Mace Windu mused.

  “I will go.” Master Sifo-Dyas stated. “I don’t have an apprentice right now but… Master Dooku?” he turned to regard his old comrade.

  “The entire council will be going to Naboo in a few hours but I can only stay there for the duration of the coronation, I have prior engagements after that.” Dooku shrugged.

  “My padawan is on a peacekeeping mission to Anzat with Master C’baoth’s envoy, I will go with Master Sifo-Dyas.” Qui-Gon volunteered.

  “You can’t stay long there as well. We are to reinforce our Jedi on Anzat.” Mace Windu reminded him.

  “Then I guess we’ll have to solve it before the coronation ends.” Qui-Gon smiled.

  “Persistent you are Master Qui-Gon. Solve it in only a few hours you can?” Yoda grinned.

  “The revision of the taxation law will inhibit the monopoly of the Trade Federation in their sectors of operation. The fact that I have allowed them to build up their own private army because of that crisis with the Nebula Front terrorists has given them a dangerous capacity to impose their terms over their clients. It was my mistake to give them such resources. This amendment is intended to end their droid army production and induce the Trade Federation to allocate half of the control of their droid foundry to the Republic.” Valorum explained.

  “You’re blackmailing them? Is this what has become of the Republic?” Passel Argente frowned at the Supreme Chancellor.

  “I don’t think of it that way Senator Argente.” Palpatine went for the defense of the Chancellor. “The new Viceroy of the Trade Federation wasn’t there yet when the approval for their small army was ratified by the senate. Now that the involved Neimoidians were killed, Viceroy Nute Gunray and his henchmen have now full control of the production of their droid army in which I am personally alarmed.”

  “The army is for the protection of the Trade Federation.” Senator Orn Free Taa said.

  “It’s still a private army, and who would protect Naboo?” Bel Iblis countered.

  “Do not forget the involvement of the Chommell Patriots in this.” Fang Zar smirked at Argente and Free Taa.

  “My points exactly, it may very well be the doing of those terrorist group rather than the Trade Federation. Those rebels could be just distracting us from looking closely into their operations by blaming their attacks to the Trade Federation.” Passel Argente elaborated.

  “According to Senator Palpatine, a certain Hath Monchar has been seen working with the Chommell Patriots. Hath Monchar is said to be a high ranking Trade Federation leader.” Mace Windu interjected.

  “Then he’s the traitor, using his connections on the Trade Federation to aid those rebels. But he was dead already right, in that explosion on Rori?” Orn Free Taa shrugged.

  “That is why I am going there to investigate, so I can give you all the answers to your questions.” Sifo-Dyas nodded.

  “Chancellor, Senators, we shall take our leave now, we will discuss this further in the Council.” Mace Windu bowed to Valorum and nodded at the gathered Senators.

  “Rush not into conclusions you must. Danger I sense in Naboo.” Yoda said as the Jedi strode out of the Chancellor’s office.

  “What did he mean by that?” Orn Free Taa frowned in confusion.

  “Senator Palpatine, do you think Viceroy Gunray will actually use his droid army?” Bail asked.

  “I do not know but with the events going on in these past few days alone, I think this new Viceroy can be a problem for the Republic.” Palpatine sighed.

  “It gives us all the more reason to settle this issue as soon as possible.” Garm Bel Iblis nodded.

  “Chancellor Valorum, the Senate will be in session in a few minutes.” Sei Taria politely interrupted them.

  “Very well, senators, my friends, let’s get moving.” Supreme Chancellor Valorum stood up. The other senators piled out of the office as Sei Taria and Mas Amedda discusses the final details to the leader of the Galactic Republic.

  * * *

  Adnara Prime, Outer Rim borders.

  Darth Maul watched in silent trepidation at the dark green globe and its seven moons. This is the location of the first item on his list.

  Verdant as the offal bowels of realm of the tree-dwellers and the plant-tenders and barren as the ruins of ancient valley of our forefathers, contrasting landmarks home to the cold nest of the brethren. Recover the symbol of supremacy and gain the eyes of gods.

  Lord Maul was unfamiliar with the origin of the riddle, but if his master deemed it important of his notice and Maul’s time then it has to be found at all costs.

  His shameful defeat against Sarc wounded him far deeper than any physical pain his life has ever thrown at him. His pride shattered, his ego bleeding and his understanding improved. It was another lesson to him by his master, through the use of Sarc Crimos.

  Maul shook his straying thoughts off of her and focused on the riddle. His conclusion seemed sound enough for him. The riddle mentions a forest as lush and deadly at the jungles of Kashyyyk and Ithoria. He knew that because ‘tree-dwellers’ are the Wookies and ‘plant-tenders’ were the Ithorians. The ancient valley of their forefathers was in no doubt Korriban therefore the world he must seek both has jungles and barren regions. Home to the cold nest of the brethren, Maul could only think of one thing that makes sense, the Yn Brethren, an ancient cult of reptoids in the Adnaran Sector. From what he knows of Sith legends, the old Kings of the Sith Imperium of Adnara posses what they called the Staff of Vision.

  Recover the symbol of supremacy and gain the eyes of gods.

  Adnara makes all sense and now he is here.

  Maul activated the cloaking device and made his way to the planet ahead of him.

  The Dark Side of the Force is too strong in this sector. Somehow, he knew this will not be easy at all.

  * * *

  “Countess Feena, you are cleared for planet fall. Please follow the landing coordinates being transmitted to your navicomputer. Welcome to Naboo.” A soothing male voice informed her.

  The Lady Sarc Crimos slumped back on her chair and set the ship to autopilot on the given coordinates. According to the local holonews, the honor guests from Coruscant have not yet arrived. Sarc smiled and clicked her claws. It would be a huge deal for her if she could slay the entire Jedi Council and even the Supreme Chancellor himself after she kills the Queen of Naboo.

  It wasn’t exactly what her master requires of her to do but nevertheless, she was never exactly the type to give a Ranat’s tail about following orders to the letter. She is a rogue. She abandoned the Nightsisters, turned her back to Black Sun, betrayed the Jedi Order and that doesn’t faze her at all if she cross the Sith. It was in her nature to defy.

  Lord Sidious admitted it himself. He knows what a loose cannon she really is. Yet the Sith Lord continues to tolerate her erratic form of servitude. She still has value in him.

  The Lady Sarc was no fool either. She knows that when she outlive her usefulness the Sith will have her killed, most likely by his apprentice.

  And she knows perfectly how to manipulate Darth Maul.

  * * *

  The blastdoor silently slid open and a silhouette tiptoed out and across the marble flooring of the wide Royal corridor. Before that figure could reach the next turn a hooded form appeared and blocked the way.

  “By the Maker! You startled me!” the queen gasped as she recognized the figure standing in her way.

  “You Majesty, you’re supposed to be resting. You still have an hour’s sleep.” Aluva D’asima said as she accompanied the queen back to her quarters.

  “I woke up with that sudden sense of fear, it was as if danger was about to spring itself out of the shadow
s of my curtains.” Amidala explained.

  “I will keep you safe Your Majesty. I am your bodyguard and the women of Emberlene never shy from danger. I will protect you with my life.” Aluva assured her.

  Amidala sat on the edge of her bed while Aluva locked the blastdoor, checked the windows and went to pour her a glass of water, “Aluva, can I ask you about one thing?” Amidala looked at her bodyguard.

  “Anything Your Highness, you need not ask for permission.” Aluva bowed.

  “What is it that you keep in that box of yours, the one you convinced Captain Magneta to have placed in my bed chamber?” Amidala glanced at the secret wall entrance.

  Aluva smiled and moved to that side of the wall and touched a particular tile. The marble wall slid to the inside and she stepped in, when she emerged she was carrying a long box.

  Amidala nodded at her and Aluva placed it on the queen’s bed and opened it with her thumbprint. The top hatch opened and Aluva removed the item inside it. Amidala looked at the object with a mixture of amazement and curiosity; “An ancient sword, I trust there is a story behind that weapon.” the queen smiled at her.

  “There is, Your Highness.” Aluva nodded, the queen tapped the bed and the handmaiden sat beside her and began her story.

  “This is a cortosis sword dating back to the ancient days of the Jedi Order when the Republic was but an infant. Our legend says that this sword belongs to Master Csafin Et’rairu the great ancestor of the Emberlene Jedi Enclave during the Hundred Year Darkness.”

  “Legend has it that when a faction of the Predatrine Imperium invaded our sector, Master Et’rairu led his people to fight them off. It was a costly battle but Csafin fought to the last warrior and was said to have died last. The people of Emberlene took his sword and honored his sacrifice. They burned him at Mount Emba and renamed the mountain to Et’rairu, the family that carries the sword made their home at the foot of the mountain.”

  “Through time the settlement below grew into a sprawling city, Uval, named after the man who first carried the sword for safekeeping. Uval since then has passed the sword to the first born of their family and generations after generations it became an heirloom.”


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