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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 22

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  “Things have been tough for you, little sister.” Sola placed an arm over Padmé.

  “At first yes, but since Captain Panaka got the idea of making Padmé the Handmaiden a different person from Amidala the Queen, the actual risk for my safety has been reduced. But I’m not saying I’m off the hook.” Padmé smiled apologetically.

  “So this Sabé, is she the one we’ve been seeing in public and in the HoloNet?” Sola asked.

  “Yes. I am always standing within eye contact of her. She is a brave woman and a very good and loyal friend. All of them are.” Padmé looked at the two handmaidens that accompanied her.

  “Mother and father were constantly worried to death whenever you fly off to distant worlds, you’ve even barely spent half the year as Queen and you’ve already endured so much.” Sola’s voice cracked a little as sobs tries to break through her voice.

  “I know, and it pains me more to know how much this duty is making you all worried for my safety than the actual threats on my life. But you have to be strong for mother and father. I am doing my best, though I’ll feel a lot better if I know you are being strong for their sake.” Padmé smiled warmly.

  “Of course I’m being strong for them, what makes you think you’re the one holding this family together?” Sola laughed.

  Padmé joined her sister’s laughter, “That’s more like it.”

  Captain Siege trailed behind by Artoo Detoo made his way to the Queen. “Your Highness, we have problem, we must head back to Theed as soon as possible.”

  “What happened? What’s wrong?” Padmé asked. The Handmaidens were already saying their goodbye to Padmé’s parents.

  Hoff glanced at Sola and braced himself, “The blockade has started.”

  * * *

  Queen Amidala was once more clad in her Throne-room gown and has called a full emergency meeting.

  Everyone she needed is present.

  Aluva D’asima and Sabé stood behind her left and right shoulders. The other Royal Handmaidens including the reserves sat on an outer semi-circle ring of chairs facing inward.

  Captain Panaka stood to her right by the edge of her low table.

  Governor Sio Bibble was poised on the first inner chair to her left. The rest of the Inner Chairs were occupied by the Advisory Council.

  Captain Ric Olié and Captain Hoff Siege stood in attention by the columns of the blastdoor. The hologram of Senator Palpatine and Supreme Chancellor Valorum was projected at the center facing the Queen of Naboo.

  “Your Majesty we are deeply sorry for this rash move from the Trade Federation. I have conferred with the Jedi Council and they have immediately dispatched two Jedi ambassadors to negotiate to Viceroy Nute Gunray and convince him to remove the blockade.” Chancellor Valorum assured her.

  “I have filed a formal complaint to the Trade Federation for this drastic action against our sovereignty. Senator Lott Dod must answer this complaint.” Senator Palpatine promised.

  “How long until the Jedi arrive before they could begin the negotiation?” Amidala asked.

  “They have been dispatched an hour ago; they should be there in another hour. Your Highness, please contact me at once the moment the Jedi reported to you. Farewell and May the Force be with you.” Chancellor Valorum bowed and ended his transmission.

  “Don’t worry my Queen. I will deal with the bureaucratic end of this mess. Meanwhile please be patient and wait for the Jedi ambassadors.” Palpatine said in parting.

  * * *

  Queen Amidala issued a stand down to the entire Naboo Royal Security Forces stressing to Captain Panaka and Captain Ric Olié that even if they launch the entirely Naboo Space Fighters Corps they would only be decimated by a single Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class ship, and there were dozens of those orbiting now around Naboo and more are emerging from hyperspace.

  Captain Panaka called the other two captains and together they walked to the main Theed hangar and from there spoke with each other freely. “We should disperse our forces. We must not be caught in one city.” Panaka said.

  “So the Trade Federation will invade us, what about the Jedi ambassadors?” Hoff asked.

  “We must be prepared for a worst case scenario. Hoff, tell my nephew to divide our ground forces and redistribute them across the outlying cities.” Panaka instructed.

  “Got it.” Hoff nodded and took Artoo with him.

  “Ric, prime the Royal Starship in case we need to take the Queen, off-world.” Panaka said to his friend.

  “I’ll handle it.” Ric Olié nodded gravely as Panaka headed to the Conference Room to make the calls for his Security Officers.

  Captain Panaka held a quick briefing with all of his Security Officers once Captain Siege and Artoo Detoo rejoined Panaka on the conference room. Panaka used the help of the astromech droid to show the officers his plans for defense and guerilla tactics should the Trade Federation begin their invasion.

  Artoo Detoo projected a miniature holomap of Theed as Panaka pointed out to them key places to set up ambush, traps and hideouts. After Theed, Panaka gave instructions for the defenses of the rest of the cities of the Naboo.

  After a few suggestions and discussions the Security Officers were dismissed and they each hurried to their respective designations to rally their forces and begin setting up their defenses.

  “Hoff, take Artoo to the NRE and have them distribute all functional weapons, landspeeders, speederbikes, and airspeeders to every city as fast as possible. Also have those vehicles retrofitted with armaments and shielding. Keep everything quiet, we do not want to incite panic to our people.” Panaka explained.

  “Yes sir!” Hoff saluted and rode at his landspeeder with Artoo Detoo and drove in a hurry to the NRE compound in the outskirts of Theed.

  * * *

  At the command bridge of the Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleship Saak’ak, Viceroy Nute Gunray, Settlement Officer Rune Haako, Captain Daultay Dofine and the Lady Sarc Crimos watched the approaching silver protocol droid.

  “What? What did you say?” Viceroy Nute Gunray was shocked at the news relayed to him by the silver protocol droid.

  “The Ambassadors are Jedi Knights, I believe.” TC-14 repeated.

  “I told you the Senate will send the Jedi.” the Lady Sarc Crimos grunted.

  “I knew it! They were sent to force a settlement! The game’s up! Blind me, we’re done for!” Daultay Dofine exclaimed.

  “Stay calm. Go and distract them while I contact Lord Sidious.” Nute Gunray nodded.

  “Are you brain-dead? I will not go in there with two Jedi Knights, send her!” Dofine pointed at the hybrid Dark Jedi.

  “Neimoidian cowards, must I do everything myself?” the Lady Sarc Crimos growled and took a cadre of battle droids with her.

  * * *

  Captain Panaka returned to the throne room in time to see Queen Amidala making contact with the Trade Federation Viceroy. He stood on his post on the right side of the table of the Queen.

  “Again you come before me, Your Highness. The Federation is pleased.” Viceroy Nute Gunray abruptly said as his holographic transmission began.

  “You will not be pleased when you hear what I have to say, Viceroy. Your trade boycott of our planet has ended.” Amidala said coldly.

  “I was not aware of such a failure.” Nute Gunray shook his head.

  “I have word that the Chancellor’s ambassadors are with you now, and that you have been commanded to reach a settlement.” Amidala said with conviction.

  “I know nothing about any ambassadors… you must be mistaken.” Nute Gunray shrugged.

  Aluva and Sabé glanced at each other as Governor Sio Bibble and the Advisory Council whispered among them.

  “Beware, Viceroy… the Trade Federation is going too far this time. You have already failed in your scheme with the Chommell Patriots and with that Dark Jedi in the past. You will do so again.” Amidala warned the cunning Neimoidian.

  “We will never do anything without the approval of
the Senate. You assume too much.” the Viceroy feigned innocence.

  “We will see.” Queen Amidala said flatly and signaled for the transmission to end. Aluva leaned down on the Queen as Amidala whispered at her.

  “Make contact with the Lady Crystaé, then take her with you to Otoh Gunga, try to warn the Gungans and see if we could sway them to help us secure our people should the Trade Federation do invade us. If the Jedi has already failed then we must gather as many allies as we could. Even if the Republic manages to spare a fracture of their navy to aid us, it’ll be too late before they get here.” Queen Amidala said to Aluva who nodded at her orders gravely.

  Governor Sio Bibble finally managed to get a secure line with Senator Palpatine and the old man’s hologram appeared before them at the center.

  “Your Highness, I just got back from a meeting with the Supreme Chancellor and I…” Palpatine bowed but Amidala spoke at once.

  “The Viceroy claims that no ambassadors came to them at all.” Amidala said.

  “How could that be true? I have assurances from the Chancellor… his Ambassadors did arrived. It must be the… get… negotiate…” the hologram of the Senator flickered to static until it disappeared entirely.

  “Senator Palpatine?” Amidala called out to the empty projection platform then turn to regard her Captain, “What’s happening?”

  Panaka turns to the Tech Sergeant, “Check the transmission generators…”

  “A malfunction?” the Governor frowned.

  “It could be that the Trade Federation is jamming our signal, Your Highness.” Panaka surmised as he tries to get in touch with the NRE to no use.

  “A communications disruption could mean only one thing, invasion.” Governor Sio Bibble informed them.

  “The Trade Federation will not dare go that far. They can never risk defying the Republic’s Law so openly.” Amidala countered.

  “The Senate will revoke their trade franchise, and they’d be finished. They are already in deep trouble as it is, for their involvement with the Chommell Patriots. If they invade they will only seal their doom under the mercy of the Republic.” Panaka explained.

  “We must continue to rely on negotiation, and so should they.” the Queen decided.

  “What negotiation? We’ve just lost all communications! And where on the galaxy are the Chancellor’s Ambassadors?” Sio Bibble exclaimed.

  Panaka turns to warn the Queen, “This is a dangerous situation, Your Highness. Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened Trade Federation army.”

  Amidala glanced at each and everyone in the throne room and spoke gravely, “I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.”

  The Queen stared at them all in grave determination; she left her next words hanging in the air unspoken but far more clearly than actually voicing it out loud.

  And neither will we back out should they decide to do so.

  Chapter 26: The Chancellor’s Ambassadors

  The Galactic Republic Consular-class space cruiser Radiant VII emerged from hyperspace and cruised across the Naboo System towards the numerous Trade Federation blockade around the planet of Naboo.

  Radiant VII sailed straight to the Trade Federation Viceroy’s flagship Saak’ak.

  Captain Maoi Madakor and her co-pilot Lieutenant Antidar Williams hailed the battleship.

  “Trade Federation flagship Saak’ak this is Captain Madakor of the Republic Judicial Forces, Captain of the diplomatic ship Radiant VII. We are under orders from the Supreme Chancellor to deliver the Ambassadors to negotiate with Viceroy Nute Gunray.” Captain Madakor announced.

  “Please hold your approach vector and await instructions.” answered an artificial female voice.

  The Radiant VII complied but after ten minutes the taller of the Ambassadors finally stood up from his chair and approached the captain.

  “Captain,” the taller ambassador spoke.

  “Yes sir?” Captain Madakor acknowledged.

  “Tell them we wish to board at once.”

  “Yes sir.” Captain Madakor nodded at her co-pilot who opened a visual uplink to the command bridge of the flagship Saak’ak.

  “With all due respect Viceroy, the ambassadors for the supreme chancellor have requested that they be allowed to board immediately.” Captain Madakor stated.

  “Yes, yes, Captain, of course. We would be happy to receive the ambassadors at once.” Viceroy Nute Gunray nodded and a beacon was activated on the Inner Wall Hangar of the massive Saak’ak.

  Moments later the two ambassadors has been escorted by TC-14 to the empty conference room and informed them to wait for the arrival of the Viceroy.

  The cloaked pair threw back their hood.

  “I got a bad feeling about this.” the Jedi padawan learner Obi-Wan Kenobi stated. He just got back from the still ongoing conflict on Anzat and was just barely recovered from grief at the recent death of his friend Padawan Darsha Assant and her fallen master, Anoon Bondara.

  “I don’t sense anything.” Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn shrugged and regarded his padawan with mild curiosity.

  “It’s not about here, Master. It’s not about this mission. It’s something elsewhere… something elusive.” Obi-Wan frowned trying to figure out what was bothering him.

  Qui-Gon nodded in understanding as they move to look out at the wide transparisteel viewport revealing a panoramic view of the planet of Naboo and the Trade Federation blockade around it.

  “Don’t center on your anxiety, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration on the here and the now, where it belongs.” Qui-Gon said to him.

  “But Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future…” Obi-Wan objected.

  “But not at the expense of the present. Be mindful of the Living Force my young padawan.” Qui-Gon countered.

  Obi-Wan smiled and changed the topic. “Yes Master. How do you think the viceroy would deal to the supreme chancellor’s demands?”

  “These Neimoidians are cowards, cunning and scheming but cowards nonetheless. Remember when we first encounter them during the Stark Hyperspace War twelve years ago? They will not be hard to persuade. The negotiations will be short.” Qui-Gon explained to him.

  * * *

  Darth Sidious’ holo appeared before Viceroy Nute Gunray and Captain Daultay Dofine just moments after the Lady Sarc Crimos went to deal with the Jedi.

  “What is it?” Sidious grunted in annoyance for being disturbed.

  “The Republic Ambassadors are Jedi Knights.” Viceroy Gunray said at once.

  “Are you sure?” the Sith Lord hissed.

  “They have been identified, my lord.” Gunray nodded but Dofine brushed past him and pointed a finger at the Dark Lord of the Sith’s image.

  “This scheme of yours has failed Lord Sidious! The blockade is finished! We dare not go up against Jedi Knights!” Dofine exclaimed accusingly.

  Darth Sidious’ image seemed to grow even bigger as the Neimoidian captain began to gasp for air and clutch his throat. Viceroy Gunray was too terrified to move or even react as he watches his captain struggle in futility until he went limp and fell dead.

  “Viceroy, get rid of this stunted piece of slime out of my sight. Do you understand?” Darth Sidious growled menacingly.

  “Yes, my lord.” Gunray signaled for the battle droids to drag the captain’s corpse out of the command bridge.

  “This turn of events is unfortunate, but not fatal. We must accelerate our plans Viceroy. Begin landing your troops.” Darth Sidious commanded.

  “My lord, is it legal?” Gunray hesitated to ask.

  “I will make it legal.” the Sith nodded.

  “And the Jedi?” Gunray asked in fear.

  “The chancellor should never have brought them into this. Send the Lady Crimos, have them killed immediately.” Darth Sidious ordered.

  “She’s on her way to them already.” Gunray bowed as the image of the Sith faded, he then turn to Rune Haako.

  “Blow up their ship and
start the deployment!” Viceroy Nute Gunray exclaimed.

  * * *

  “Master is it customary for Neimoidians to make their guests wait this long?” Obi-Wan inquired.

  TC-14 entered the conference room and started to serve drinks to them.

  “I sense an unusual amount of fear for something as trivial as this trade dispute. Their inability to suppress such fear only strengthens my resolve that the Trade Federation is indeed actually behind the numerous attempts of the Chommell Patriots since the final days of the late King Veruna’s rule.” Qui-Gon Jinn speculated.

  “The bodies of Master Nirgi Nug and his apprentice Vaed Illomerg were found on the Elai planetoid only a couple of dozen parsecs from Cato Neimoidia. As I recall, they were sent to Cato Neimoidia to investigate the Trade Federation link to the Chommell Patriots.” Obi-Wan supplied.

  “Your memory serves you well Obi-Wan. Yes, the Council would have wanted to send us there to finish Master Nug and his apprentice’ mission but Master Dooku had argued against it and convinced Masters Yoda and Windu to send us here instead.” Qui-Gon nodded.

  “Master!” Obi-Wan gasped as smoke started to fill the conference room.

  “Oh dear!” TC-14 backed away from them.

  “Dioxide!” Qui-Gon exclaimed and the two Jedi held their breath with the assistance of the Force.

  Upon tapping the Force the pair also instantly sensed a powerful dark presence just outside the blastdoors.

  The battle droids positioned themselves outside with blaster rifles aimed at the blastdoor. Lady Sarc Crimos held her lightsabers ready as she stood at the back of the droids, she grinned when she felt the subtle probing of the Jedi on her presence.

  The blastdoor slid open and the battle droids poised to open fire but TC-14 emerged from the smoke covered interior of the conference room.

  “Oh! Excuse me, Sirs… thank you.” TC-14 scuttled out carrying her serving tray. The droids’ gaze momentarily followed the protocol droid, and when they returns their attention at the room, two beams of light sizzled through the haze, one green and the other blue.

  “Open fire!” the commanding droid ordered.

  Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi emerged from the smoke and started blocking, deflecting and redirecting the barrage of laser bolts back to the battle droids.

  Moments later, when the last standing droids there finally collapsed in heaps of molten metal pieces, the Lady Sarc Crimos finally ignited her lightsabers.


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