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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 36

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  “You are unaccustomed to such heights Anakin, it’s perfectly understandable.” Obi-Wan said to him as he leads him out of the turbolift.

  They entered the Jedi Temple Map Room and there were a few Jedi milling around the circular chamber, at the center was a large holomap of the entire galaxy. Anakin move closer by the railing and his eyes drank on the colorful projections.

  “There’s so many of them, more than the stars I saw back home.” Anakin gasped.

  “Anakin, I’d like you to stay here for a while as we make our report to the Council. Stay here alright?” Qui-Gon said to him seriously.

  Obi-Wan crouched in his one knee and added, “You can also enjoy the sights outside through any of the three Contemplation Stations.”

  “Anakin, this is Jedi Master Jurokk, from the Jedi Temple Security Force, like Master J’garru. Just tell him if you need anything until we get back to you alright?” Qui-Gon said introducing him to one of the Jedi in the room.

  “Hello, Anakin, do you want to see the city from the Contemplation Station?” Jurokk led Anakin to one of the veranda and nodded at the two Jedi.

  “See you later!” Anakin smiled at Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan as the two went up to the Jedi Council Chamber above the Map Room.

  * * *

  “I have never been to Tatooine, but I do hear stories about it from the others. Have you seen a krayt dragon? I am most curious about them you see; I have this fascination with large creatures… actually any creatures at all, from microscopic life forms to the fabled Oswafts of the ThonBoka nebula.” Jurokk admitted to Anakin as they leaned by the railing on the Contemplation Station facing the Tranquility Spire rising at the center of the Jedi Temple.

  “I haven’t exactly encountered one since I am not allowed to wander outside Mos Espa. I was a slave you know, me and my mom. It has been my biggest dream to be free. It would have been better if mom was freed too.” Anakin mused.

  Jurokk nodded in understanding and empathy, he placed an arm over the boy’s shoulder, “I was a slave too Anakin. Although in my case I was but an infant that time, I was taken early by the Jedi. I was told that our entire village has been burned and everyone was slain. I guess you were luckier to have known who your mother was, experience the love of a parent.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that Master Jurokk.” Anakin said to him.

  “I will be honest with you Anakin, you are almost ten now right? It will not be easy for you to be accepted by the Council. Most Jedi were taken in during their infancy. But do not let my warning dampen your hopes my child, there are in fact cases when such situation are overlooked… or exempted.” Jurokk informed him.

  “Will I truly be able to move objects and do some cool stuff that all Jedi do?” Anakin asked earnestly.

  “In due time Anakin, I’m sure you have great potential, otherwise Master Qui-Gon himself wouldn’t have bothered to bring you here all the way from Tatooine.” Jurokk nodded at him.

  “I just won on a Podracing back home, it must be one of the reason Master Qui-Gon decided I ought to be a Jedi.” Anakin said.

  “Really? That is great Anakin, you are the first human I’ve ever known to race the pods… and win!” Jurokk congratulated him.

  “I wish I could tell the future, I’d be able to help a lot of people if I could see the future.” Anakin mused.

  “Ah the Force offers us a wide variety of gifts to explore… and excel. There are telepaths, masters of telekinesis, illusions, visions, precognition, Force-manipulation, shatterpoint seers, healing, Force-communing and many other special abilities. Who knows, maybe your powers lies in precognition, that same talent that enables you to pilot a Podracer. If I am to posses such gift I’d want to see my death, so that I can face it with dignity. If you’ll ask me, I’d rather go down with a fight, against a worthy opponent.” Jurokk said distantly.

  “I’m sure you’ll win if that enemy comes. Or at least, if it was your death, you would take him down with you.” Anakin suggested and looked at the Jedi’s eyes.

  “That would be really something isn’t it? I remember reading in the archives about a Jedi who lived several thousand years ago who managed to move an entire planet out of its orbit. Although many masters, including Master Yoda himself, claims it was just a metaphor but he winked at me when he said that.” Jurokk nodded.

  “Wow!” Anakin’s round eyes somehow grew even bigger much to the amusement of Master Jurokk.

  “Anakin?” Obi-Wan came to join them.

  “The Council will see you now.” Qui-Gon said coming from behind Obi-Wan. Anakin shook hands with Master Jurokk and rejoined the two. Master Jinn bowed at his fellow master as they took the boy up to meet the twelve Jedi Council Masters of their Order.

  * * *

  Qui-Gon Jinn accompanied Anakin Skywalker into the Jedi Council Chamber while Obi-Wan Kenobi stayed by the doorway.

  “Relax Annie. They will just ask you questions and all you need to do is be honest… and polite.” Qui-Gon added the last quickly and grinned at him reassuringly.

  “If you say so,” Anakin took a deep breath and they stepped inside and stopped at the center of the circular room.

  Anakin nervously looked around, the curved transparisteel windows were high and wide and almost served as the walls of the chamber as well. Five glinting metallic pillars were spaced around the chamber to support the dome above and contain the power lines of wide-ranged antennas that comprised in appearance as the crown of the Tranquility Spire.

  The intricate leafy designs on the floor were symmetrical symbolizing equality and harmony of the Jedi, the Order and the Force. Twelve chairs were arrange around the chamber facing to the center, the only gap was that the space in front of the metal door.

  What caused Anakin’s nervousness were those seated on each of the varying size and shapes of those twelve chairs.

  “At the center, leave the boy, Master Qui-Gon.” The little green bipedal alien with big round eyes and large pointed ears waved his three stubby clawed fingers.

  Jedi Master Mace Windu began the questioning without preamble and asked Anakin a series of basic questions; his name, age, homeworld, parentage, studies and hobbies. The former slave boy answered everything at once until the Korun Master finally nodded as Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi leaned forward from his seat and continued the questioning.

  The Cerean asked the boy about his personalities, his experience as a slave, as a racer, his dreams and his unusual experiences with the use or assistance of the Force. Although Anakin did not knew it then, the more he relay his past experiences, the more he realizes how it was all attributed to the Force and thought how could he have missed that possibility.

  The rest of the Council took turns in questioning him. Eeth Koth prodded him about his friends on Tatooine, the people there and his relationship with all of them in both personally and socially.

  Plo Koon focused on his talent with machines, Oppo Rancisis on his relationship with Watto and to other slave masters he was in constant dealing. Master Even Piel inquired of him about his dreams and how he interprets them while Yaddle grilled him about his goals, aspirations for his future.

  Yarael Poof asked him about his beliefs, philosophy and although Anakin was too young to have a full set of belief and concept about such matters, he openly gave out his opinions of such matters if he has one. Adi Gallia interviewed him about his experience as a racer from his first race to his championship, about his thoughts and what he have learned through it all.

  Depa Bilaba centered her probing on Anakin’s experience, thoughts, and such in regard to his meeting Qui-Gon and the others and his experience with them from the first time in the junkshop to his stay here on Coruscant.

  Anakin answered honestly and as polite as we could to the Council’s and from the doorway of the antechamber, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan silently nodded in satisfaction at Anakin’s responses and composure.

  Yoda was staring at Anakin the whole time. Anakin somehow felt those green eyes boring into his so
ul, exposing him from his hiding and his secret, leaving him naked and open before all the Jedi Masters gathered around them.

  “Do you know what this is?” Master Windu asked him producing a pad on a handle and showing it to the boy.

  “Is it some kind of a datapad? …on a stick.” Anakin guessed.

  “This is a Testing Screen, random common objects and things will be displayed here and you are to identify them without looking at the display.” Master Windu explained.

  “You want me to guess…” Anakin asked.

  “Guess it, you will not. Identify it, you will. Calm your inner storm and know it, you will.” Yoda explained.

  Still a bit doubtful, Anakin bear one thing in mind, this is his test to become what he has always dreamed of, to become a Jedi. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

  Mace Windu activated the Testing Screen and nodded at the boy.

  Anakin closed his eyes, did his best to calm himself, think of nothing else then opened his eyes and stared directly at the round power cell cap at the center of the Testing Screen’s pad.

  “A ship, a cup… a speeder, a comlink…” Anakin ranted every image that came to his mind and finally after a full minute of non-stop identifying it all, Masters Windu, Yoda and Ki-Adi-Mundi nodded at each other.

  “Perfect record, the boy is good.” The Cerean Jedi commented.

  “How feel are you?” Yoda asked, ignoring the result of the test.

  “Cold, sir.” Anakin admitted.

  “Afraid are you?” Yoda probed searching out through the boy’s racing mind.

  “No sir.” Anakin denied defensively.

  “See through you we can.” Yoda warned him.

  “Be mindful of your feelings.” Mace Windu added.

  “Your thoughts dwell on your mother.” Ki-Adi-Mundi mused.

  “I miss her.” Anakin nodded at the Cerean.

  “Afraid to lose her, I think.” Yoda concluded.

  Annoyed, Anakin growled, “What does that go to do with anything?”

  “Everything!” Yoda leaned forward, eyes intense; his presence seemed to dominate the entire chamber without even appearing to straighten up before him. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate. Hate… leads to suffering.”

  “I am not afraid.” Anakin said with firm conviction.

  “Yes, you will be. You will be.” Yoda grinned for the first time, and Anakin felt the chill in his bones crawling through him all of a sudden.

  After that Anakin, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan was told to leave the Jedi Council Chamber for a moment as the Masters deliberated and in no less than a minute the trio was back once more.

  Anakin stood at the center once more, with Qui-Gon a few steps behind him and to the master’s side his apprentice Obi-Wan.

  “Unanimous the deliberation is, Master Qui-Gon. Agree we are about the boy’s power.” Yoda started.

  “His cells contain a very high concentration of midi-Chlorians than any ever recorded.” Mace Windu added.

  “The Force is undoubtedly strong in him.” Ki-Adi-Mundi nodded in agreement.

  Qui-Gon Jinn beamed with excitement, “He is to be trained then?”

  “No. He will not be trained.” Mace Windu said flatly as he leaned back on his chair, his face daring the other Master to challenge his decision.

  Qui-Gon did challenge their decision. “No?” he stepped forward to stand directly behind the boy and touched Anakin’s shoulders. Anakin’s face paled in disbelief and Obi-Wan looked at his master with mixed emotions.

  “He is too old. There’s already too much anger in him.” the Korun Master stated.

  “He is the Chosen One! You must see it!” Qui-Gon said vehemently.

  “Clouded this boy’s future is, masked by his youth.” Yoda said contemplatively. “Of your feelings, be mindful, Master Jinn, hrmm!”

  “I will train him then.” Qui-Gon declared, “I take Anakin Skywalker as my Padawan learner.”

  “An apprentice you already have, Qui-Gon, impossible to take another.” Yoda reminded him.

  “We forbid it.” Mace Windu added at once.

  “Obi-Wan is ready,” Qui-Gon stated.

  “I am ready to face the trials.” Obi-Wan said to back-up his master’s claim.

  “Obi-Wan is headstrong, and he has much to learn still about the Living Force, but he is capable. There is little more he can learn from me.” Qui-Gon proclaimed.

  “Our own counsel we will keep as to who is ready, Qui-Gon. More to learn he has.” Yoda shook his head slowly.

  “Now is not the time for this. The senate will vote tomorrow for the new Supreme Chancellor. We are informed that Queen Amidala intends to go home, which will put pressure to the Trade Federation and could widen the confrontation…”

  The Jedi Council and Master Jinn discussed more about the upcoming chain of events that might lead to an actual war between the Naboo and the Trade Federation in the next couple of minutes. Obi-Wan led Anakin out of the chamber and waited for Qui-Gon on the Contemplation Station.

  Obi-Wan saw how hard the boy tries to keep himself from crying. He felt for the boy’s plight. He remembered his own youth when he was waiting to be chosen by a Master for apprenticeship. Obi-Wan placed a hand on Anakin and the boy came to him and cried as he buries his face on the young Jedi’s robe.

  Chapter 42: The Queen, the Boss and the Viceroy

  Nym, Reti, Vana Sage, Rhys Dallows, Clynt Resnon, Captain Kael stood on the landing pad at the roof of the partially restored central ziggurat in the Jafanara Ruins. Even Borvo the Hutt was there after Reti struck a business deal with the Hutt, a precarious one but good enough for the Hutt to commit his private army and release his Naboo slaves for their temporary allegiance to Nym’s forces, the Moviana Patriots and to the Naboo… and now with the Gungans too… hopefully.

  A few days before the Trade Federation attacked the underwater city of the Gungans, Reti managed to sweet talk Borvo to hear out his insane business proposal, one that later enraged both Nym, Resnon and Captain Kael.

  The Toydarian offered the Hutt a semi-exclusive trade rights to the outlying cities and towns of Naboo, those that were outside the reserved trading places for Nym’s and Resnon’s people, which would all take effect once the blockade conflict is resolved in favor of the Naboo.

  The deal isn’t binding yet, they still needed the clearance of Captain Panaka, Governor Sio Bibble and the Seal of Approval by Queen Amidala. That part of the proposed contract would be dealt with finality by the Queen, after the crisis. The Queen assured Reti that she will ratify that proposal the moment they got out of the impending war against the Trade Federation.

  It was an assurance good enough for Borvo the Hutt who in hopes to gain more favor in the eyes of the Queen sent his men past the blockade to convince his kin Jiliac, Zorba and Ziro to lend him their own private armies for the time being.

  Nym on the other hand made an equally dangerous but much needed ally from the underground criminal organization Black Sun. A few days before Yanth the Hutt, a Vigo of Black Sun, was mysteriously killed in Coruscant, Nym had collected a favor on the Hutt in the form of smuggling about two thousand Black Sun mercenaries into Naboo to temporarily serve under the command of Nym.

  The larger remainder of the Moviana Patriots had also reported to Clynt Resnon that they had just left Moviana and were now cruising in hyperspace towards the Chommell Sector to help them against the Trade Federation.

  Standing alone with them were the Gungans Jar-jar-Binks, Captain Roos Tarpals, Major Fassa, General Tablos Ceer, Boss Rugor Nass and his High Council members Rep Teers, Rep Slarm, Rep Lyonie and Rep Been.

  “Dessa should better be for real, Jar-jar.” Tarpals growled as he waited impatiently for the arrival of the Queen of Naboo.

  “Easy Roos, messa just spoken to Captain Olié, they already emerged from hyperspace a minute ago.” Jar-jar assured his old friend, former nemesis and new ally.

  Boss Nass looked down at the mix of people
below the high ziggurat. This was the first time that any of them has seen such a sight. Thousands of Gungans and humans and few other species were busy stacking crates of ammunitions, assembling cannons, arming and cleaning several war vehicles and armored and armed creatures.

  “Looks like your negotiations are just mere formality Boss Nass.” Nym stood beside the broad Gungan.

  “Messa need to hear it from da Queen herself, wessa gonna fight on our own if wessa have to.” Boss Nass rumbled.

  “You can’t fool me Boss Nass. I can see in your eyes that you have already made your decision. When the droid army decimated your city, I knew at once that you will finally come out of your pacifist cocoon and fight with us.” Nym told him.

  Rugor looked at the Freeorin and snorted.

  “See! Deyssa there!” Jar-jar exclaimed excitedly and pointed at the sky above them.

  Everyone looked up, saw the tiny shape that was the Naboo Royal Starship and flying in defensive escort formation around her were the entire Bravo Squadron and the Vengeance Squadron.

  The group stood back as the majestic starship descended and landed smoothly on the landing pad they were in. The two squadrons broke formation and headed deeper into the thick forest where the rest of the remaining starfighters of the Moviana Patriots, Nym’s forces and that of the Naboo underground were grounded for repairs, refueling and re-arming.

  Jar-jar stepped forward as the starship’s hatch slid open and the ramp came down with a hiss of hydraulics.

  Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi were the first to come down followed shortly by Captains Panaka and Hoff Siege.

  Next were Aluva D’asima with the boy Anakin and Artoo Detoo, behind strode Queen Amidala in a battle dress of crimson long skirt draped with a dark purple surcoat and a broad waistband. Her hair was covered by a braided royal crown similar to that of her Palace red gown.

  The rest of her Royal Handmaidens flanked her as usual and the last to leave the ship were Captain Ric Olié and five of his ship crew.

  Jar-jar and the others bowed to Queen Amidala in greeting then move to introduce the Queen to Boss Rugor Nass.

  “Dessa outcast says wessa should help the Naboo. Youssa very well know messa stand in this. We do not care about the Naboo…” Boss Nass started to say and held out a massive hand to stop the Queen from reacting.


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