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An Alien Easter (Zerconian Warriors)

Page 5

by Sadie Carter

  “Can you put him back in?”

  Moroco blinked. “Oh, is that human humor? It is sarcasm because you know that cannot happen. Human humor is very odd,” he said to Aran, the young healer helping him.

  He had to shout his words over the baby’s screams.

  “It’s not humor. I’m serious. Put him back in. Or wait. Get Boris. I’m giving the baby to him.”

  Aran’s eyes widened. “You are giving the future Emperor of Zerconia to your bodyguard?”

  “Boris isn’t just my bodyguard, he’s family. And why can’t Elodie rule? Is she not good enough to be Empress?” Zoey demanded.

  “But. . .but. . .she is female, Empress,” Aran pointed out.

  “Get. Him. Out of here,” Zoey said to Moroco between gritted teeth.

  Moroco waved at the other male, shooing him away. He turned back to Zoey.

  “Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, mama’s gonna buy you something to stop you crying.” She stared into his face, which was scrunched up in anger.

  “Empress. . .”

  “Oh no, don’t give me that Empress bullshit right now,” she warned him. “I’m not in the mood, Moroco.” She jiggled the baby up and down. “Why won’t he calm down? He’s been fed, he’s been changed. What else does he want?”

  “Here, if I may?” Moroco picked up the baby at her nod. He rested the small boy against his shoulder and rocked back and forth.

  The baby’s cries dropped off as he drifted off to sleep. Zoey leaned back against the masic, exhausted.

  “You’re a natural, Moroco.”

  The healer just snorted.

  “Where’s Dex?” she asked. “Shouldn’t he be back by now?” She wanted her mate. After being transported to the medical center, Moroco and Aran had immediately gotten to work performing a surprisingly quick C-section. As soon as she was out of any danger, Dex had told her that he had something urgent requiring his attention then kissed her and left. If she’d been feeling more like herself, she would have been extremely pissed. But now that she was feeling better, she realized he wouldn’t have left her and the baby unless it was absolutely dire.

  “The Emperor had to consult with Koran.”

  That sounded suspicious. “About what?”

  “Empress, you need to rest,” Moroco warned her. “You are still not fully well.”

  “I can see you subscribe to the ‘keep-the-little-woman-happy-and-ignorant’ sort of mating.”

  “Empress, you do not need to worry,” he said condescendingly.

  “People always say that when you do need to worry.”

  He gave her an exasperated look, his hands on his hips. “Empress—”

  “I command you to tell me.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You command me?”

  “I’m the Empress, right? You have to do what I say.”

  “Not if I believe it is detrimental to your safety and health.”

  “Loopholes! There are always freaking loopholes.” She scowled up at him. “I should have offered Saffron more money to smother you in your sleep.”

  “You offered my mate money to smother me in my sleep?” He looked outraged.


  Moroco placed the baby back into her arms.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “Giving you back your baby. I need to go check in with my mate.”

  “What’s going on? What’s wrong?” she asked, alarmed.

  “Everything is fine,” Moroco lied.

  She snorted to herself as he left. “Right, everything is fine. What he doesn’t realize is that I know everything is not fine. Because there is not much that would keep your daddy away from us right now. So, if he’s not here. . .”

  Then everything was really, really not fine.


  She took a deep, calming breath. She knew sometimes she acted like everything was a big joke. But she loved this place and all the people who lived here. Well, except for the old bat. She tolerated her.

  She hoped everyone was all right.

  She stared down into the chubbiest, cutest face she’d ever seen. He was hers. All hers. Oh, and Dex’s too. Of course. She ran her finger down his cheek. “Hey there, little fella.” He had a tuft of blond hair that was sticking straight up from his head. “I guess since your daddy isn’t here, I get to name you.” She tried to push the hair down and it sprang straight back up.

  “Hmm, you look like a Spike. But I don’t think your daddy will like that much. How about Cadman? It means warrior. Cadman Spike Xa’a, welcome to the world, buddy. Such as it is.”

  Cadman kept sleeping, which Zoey thought actually wasn’t a bad idea.


  Macon and Annabel

  The bakery looked like the Easter bunny had gone on a rampage.

  Annabel tried to catch her breath as Tane and Jack barely managed to hold down an enraged Axel, his eyes glowing a fierce red. Racar moved in and injected the screaming, out-of-control warrior with a sedative. Immediately, his screams stopped as he slumped unconscious to the floor. The three of them hefted him onto a hover-stretcher, which Racar quickly secured him to.

  “Oh, thank God for that,” Blue said as silence filled the room.

  She was standing next to Annabel, her own breathing coming in heavy pants. As soon as Annabel had heard the bakery alarm go off, she’d raced over here to help Tane, Jack, and Blue attempt to subdue a raging Axel. Unfortunately, Axel was a huge warrior and his anger seemed to give him added strength.

  She glanced around the bakery, watching as Racar raced over to the pantry, opening the door to a clearly shaken Ellie. Blackness crept into her vision and she swayed where she stood.

  “This place is a mess,” she commented.

  “Oh yeah, Ellie is going to have a fit,” Blue agreed.

  As though on cue, Ellie screamed.

  “Ellie, if it’s any consolation, I’m pretty sure that last batch of chocolate was perfect,” Blue told her, swiping some chocolate off her cheek.

  Annabel stared at her incredulously. Blue pointed at her then rubbed her own cheek. “You’ve got a little bit, just here.”

  Annabel went to raise her hand to flip the other woman off, then realized she couldn’t move it.

  Huh. That was funny.

  She stared down at her arm, saw the large rip in her shirt and the blood that was seeping out of an open wound.

  “Oh God, Annabel, your arm,” Blue said, horrified.

  Dizziness washed over her. “Whatever you do, don’t tell Macon until I’m healed. He’s going to completely lose his mind.”

  “Where is my mate?” The roar rattled through her head, making her groan.

  “What happened to not telling him until I was healed?” she muttered, staring up into Racar’s face.

  “We could not keep that from him,” Racar admonished. “Also, there has been a delay in getting you into the regen machine because of your need for special blood.”

  “If you weren’t so difficult, you’d already be all healed,” Blue told her cheerfully.

  The door slid open and Macon raced inside. His chest was heaving, his gaze frantic as he glanced around the room.

  “Dude, calm down,” Blue told him. “She’s fine. It’s just a scratch.”

  Annabel stared up at Blue incredulously. “You know your bedside manner sucks, right? Do you have any sort of empathy? My arm was nearly chopped off.”

  “What?” Macon screamed.

  Oh. Yeah. Whoops.

  He leaned over her, running his gaze all over her. “Her arm nearly came off? No one told me her arm was almost amputated.”

  “Because it was not.” Racar sent them both chiding looks.

  “I’m fine, babe,” Annabel told her mate. “It’s just a scratch.”

  “It does not look like just a scratch. A scratch would not cause you to faint or have Racar preparing the regen chamber with your emergency blood.” The last few words were said on a roar.

  Blue rubbed her ears.
“Racar might need to prep the regen chamber for my ears. You’ve got some lungs on you.”

  “You have injured your ears, Blue?” Racar gave the other woman a worried look and moved towards her.

  Blue waved her hand at him. “It’s okay. I’m sure I’ll survive.”

  Annabel just snorted.

  “Mate?” Macon still stared at her worriedly.

  “I’m fine. Honest. I didn’t even realize I was injured. Axel must have got me with a knife, but Racar will fix me up good as new.”

  Macon closed his eyes for a brief moment. She felt bad at how much she had worried him.

  “I’m fine, babe. If there’s somewhere else you need to be—”

  He opened his eyes with a snap. “Where else would I need to be but by your side!”

  She smiled up at him. “Love you too, big dude. Right, Racar, we ready to get this show on the road already?”

  “We do not need to move, Annabel; the regen chamber is right here.” Racar pointed to the side of the room where the regen machine was.

  Blue shook her head and patted Racar’s shoulder. “Human saying, Racar. If no one needs me, I’m going to go and clean up. Dried chocolate on your skin is really itchy after a while.”

  “You smell really good, though. Watch no beasties try to eat you on the way home.” Annabel grinned at her.

  Blue grinned back. “Always the optimist. There’s only one beastie I want eating me.”

  “Ew. TMI.”

  Racar looked at Blue, clearly alarmed. “You want a beast to eat you? Are you feeling well, Blue?”

  Blue leaned in and whispered into Racar’s ear. He froze. “Oh. I see.”

  Blue winked at Annabel, then waved at Macon. As she stepped out the door, they heard her screech. Macon leaped towards the door.

  “Giz! No! Stop licking me! I know I’m covered in chocolate, but you don’t need to. . .” Her laughter echoed in the distance.

  Macon moved away from the door and it slid shut. He walked back to Annabel. “She is very odd.”

  “Reminds me of me,” Annabel told him. She tried to reach up to touch him but grimaced as she moved her sore arm.

  “Racar!” Macon barked in alarm. “Is that regen chamber ready yet? My mate is in pain.”

  “Yes, we are ready for her,” Racar replied calmly.

  “Kiss me, babe,” she demanded. It was a sign of how worried he was that he didn’t object to her endearment.

  He leaned in and gave her a light peck.

  “Hey! That wasn’t much of a kiss,” she moaned.

  “As soon as you are out of the chamber and well, you may have all the kisses you desire, my mate.”

  “Racar! Let’s get this thing fired up.”

  “Um, we do not have to fire it up, Annabel.”

  Annabel gave him a look and he just nodded. “Right. More human sayings. I understand.”

  “You do?” Macon asked dryly. “Because I do believe you would be the only one.”

  Macon paced furiously up and down the passage outside the room where his mate was being treated.

  “Macon! What do you do out here?”

  He glanced up to see the Emperor walking towards him. Two guards followed at a discreet distance behind him.

  “Where is Annabel? Is she well?”

  “She has an injury to her arm. Because she cannot have synthetic blood, it has meant Racar needed time to prepare the regen chamber with her blood we keep in reserve, but she is in there now. He sent me out here to wait.” Macon scowled. “Apparently, I was in the way.”

  “I am glad to hear she will be well. It sounded as though Axel destroyed Ellie’s bakery.”

  “Yes,” Macon said darkly. “What I wish to know is what is causing so many males to act this way?”

  “I would like to know that also.” Dex frowned.

  “How did the process go with Ferhard’s cure?” Macon asked. “Were there any signs of improvements?”

  He had felt Annabel’s pain through their bond, and had to leave just as Ferhard was about to inject one of the affected warriors.

  “Nothing has changed as yet, but the researcher said it could take a full moon cycle. He is an interesting male.”

  “I do not trust him.”

  Dex nodded. “He will be watched at all times. Right now, I must go attend my mate and son.”

  “Of course. Congratulations.”

  Dex gave him a smile. “I am a very lucky warrior.”

  All of those who had found their mates were lucky. Macon had never expected to have a human mate, had never wanted one. But now he had found Annabel, he could not imagine ever being without her. He just wished she would stop getting injured. Seeing her hurt, feeling her pain through their bond, knowing he could have lost her…It was almost enough to bring a strong, tough warrior to his knees.


  Zoey and Dex

  They were both sleeping when he walked into the chamber. They looked so peaceful. And quiet. His mate was curled on her side, her body wrapped protectively around the baby, who slept on his back. Giz poked his head up from where he was lying against the back of Zoey’s legs. He gave Dex a sleepy look then licked his lips.

  Dex decided he did not want to know what the sticky brown substance in his fur was.

  Sometimes, it felt like it was one crisis after another. He could not remember a peaceful time—at least not before Zoey had exploded into his life. Certainly, his life was never quiet or boring.

  And he would not have it any other way.

  He moved closer, reaching down to brush his finger over his son’s cheek. His son. He had a daughter and a son. Indeed, he did not believe there was a warrior on this planet who was luckier than he was.

  When he moved his gaze up to Zoey’s face, he was surprised to see her eyes open and watching him. She smiled.

  “Hello, my own,” he said to her gently, brushing strands of hair away from her face.

  “Hey, about time you turned up.” She smiled, telling him she was not truly mad. But he could not help but feel as though he had let her down.

  He sighed. Even though he was a warrior and capable of great things, sometimes he wished he was not the Emperor. That he did not have so much responsibility lying on his shoulders.

  “Are you all right, Dex? I wasn’t serious. I know something is going on. Even though Moroco, that rat-fink bastard, won’t tell me what it is.”

  “Sometimes, my own, I do believe it would be nice to go on one of your holidays again.”

  “You mean like that holiday where I got chased by Chewbacca’s much uglier, much angrier, and much smellier son?”


  “Okay, what the hell has happened? Is it really the apocalypse? What’s wrong? Are you ill? Are you dying? What is going on?” The baby stirred and let out a startled cry. “Oh shit, we’ve woken Cadman.”

  Actually, he rather thought that she had woken the baby. Wait, Cadman?

  “Cadman?” he asked.

  “Oh yeah, I named him,” she told him as she set her nipple into the baby’s mouth. The little one immediately started suckling. “I was going to call him Spike cause of his spikey hair but wasn’t sure you’d like that. So I settled on Cadman Spike Xa’a. It means warrior.”

  “Then it is very apt.” He ran his hand over his son’s spiky hair. “For he is going to be a fine, strong warrior. Just look at him feed.”

  “Dex, what’s going on? And don’t tell me ‘nothing,’ because I know you. I know that nothing short of a large emergency would have dragged you away from me and our son.”

  “I am sorry I could not be here, my mate. I do not know what I can do to make that up to you. I would have been here if it was at all possible.”

  “I know you would have been. You do not have to do anything to make it up to me. Just tell me what’s going on.”

  “We have five warriors in lockdown,” he explained.

  She frowned. “Lockdown? Why?”

  “Mating fever.”

bsp; “What? Five warriors are going through mating fever at the same time? Has that ever happened before? And why would they need to be put into lockdown? Don’t most warriors just leave? Don’t they go off somewhere to die?”

  “Yes, most warriors do leave once mating fever hits them. For some reason, these five did not and I do not know why. It is all very suspicious. We do not know what made these warriors so violent. Larzen attacking you, Axel destroying the bakery.”

  “Wait, the bakery, what? Go back to that.”

  She removed the baby from her breast then carefully rolled onto her back. Giz moved over with a small grumble.

  “Are you all right, mate? Have you not been into a regen chamber yet?” he asked, concerned as she winced.

  “I’ve been in the regen machine, however, Moroco didn’t want me in for long. He wasn’t sure how it would affect my milk supply. So I’m only partially healed. It’s fine, though. Carry on.”

  He watched her worriedly for signs of pain. Moroco had told him all was well. But still, he would keep watch over her, as much as he could with a crisis on his hands.

  “How long does he wish you to stay here?”

  “Another day, I think. But really, I feel good. Just a bit of a twinge now and then down there. I think I could go home now.”

  “You will stay as long as Moroco says you must,” he told her sternly.

  “But, Dex—”

  “I will not have you compromising your health any more, Zoey. I do not think you realize how ill you were. I could have lost you!”

  The baby popped off her breast and gaped up at him. Dex swore the little boy actually frowned, although he was certain that was impossible.

  “I am sorry, Cadman. Please go back to drinking.”

  Zoey settled the baby on her breast once more. “You’re right, Dex. I’m sorry. I’ll do what Moroco says.”


  “Promise. I don’t want to worry you anymore. Frankly, you look terrible. Now, what’s happened to the bakery? Is Annabel all right? Is anyone else hurt?”

  “Axel broke in to the bakery while Ellie, Blue, Keely, Marc, Tane, and Jack were inside. Apparently, Ellie was trying to perfect her chocolate recipe for some Easter eggs that you said were a national emergency?”


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