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The Lone Star Collection

Page 5

by Renee Mackenzie

  “It’s so humid here,” Miranda said. “Do you ever get used to it?”

  “I’d like to say you do, but I haven’t yet.”

  “And how long have you lived here?”

  “Five years. I moved here to go to school.”

  “Where are you from originally?”

  “Dallas. It gets hot there, but not as humid.”

  “Ah. I see.”

  We’d arrived at my truck.

  “So this is my ride,” I said. “Do you want to ride with me? Or follow me?”

  “I’ll ride with you. If you don’t mind giving me a ride back here to pick up my car?”

  “I don’t mind at all.”

  I held her door for her as she climbed in. I took in her long, seemingly endless, shapely legs as she slid in and crossed one over the other in a most seductive move. Damn, she was hot. I wiped my chin to make sure I wasn’t drooling.

  We drove to a nearby diner, and she looked at me doubtfully.

  “Trust me,” I said. “They have great coffee here. And I thought you might enjoy a bite to eat as well.”

  “Well, now that you mention it, I am kind of hungry.”

  “Great. Now, come on. Don’t be shy.”

  I got out of my truck and went around to open her door for her.

  “Are you always this chivalrous?” she said.

  I smiled my best smile.

  “I can’t help how I was raised.”

  “Well, I like it.”


  She offered me her hand while she arched an eyebrow. I took it gratefully.

  “No need to worry here,” I said. “We’re in the Montrose. We won’t be harassed.”

  She squeezed my hand and smiled at me. I felt my insides melt again. She was gorgeous, just gorgeous. And I hoped she’d be mine. At least for the night. Or morning, as the case may be.

  The diner was pretty much empty by the time we got there. Most of the people who’d arrived after closing time were gone. We found a booth, and I slid in next to her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to me. I kissed the top of her head. She smelled of lavender and vanilla. It was a clean scent, and I nearly lost my head and kissed her on her perfect red lips. But I didn’t. I’d save that for later. Assuming there was a later.

  We looked over the menus the waitress brought. I knew what I was having, so tossed my menu on the table.

  “How did you decide so quickly?” Miranda said.

  “This isn’t my first time here.”

  She smiled at me, and my stomach turned to mush. The whole place lit up when she smiled. And her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes shined like the stars. Again, I fought the urge to kiss her.

  She finally decided what she wanted and placed her menu on top of mine. The waitress appeared, took our orders, and refilled our coffees. We sipped our drinks in silence for a few minutes before Miranda finally broke it.

  “So, you’re a student at U of H, huh? What are you studying?”


  She set her coffee cup down.

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  Huh? What was the big deal?

  “No. I’m serious. Why?”

  “Because I’m an architect.”

  “Get out.”

  She laughed, a magical sound that made my boxers dampen.

  “I’m serious. That’s why I’m in Houston. My firm in San Luis Obispo transferred me to Houston. We have a firm here, too. So tell me, how do you like what you’re learning?”

  “Oh, my God. I love it. I love everything. I love the terminology, the drafting, the whole shebang.”

  Her face lit up again.

  “That’s great. That makes me so happy. Wow. What an awesome coincidence.”

  “No kidding. I love it. So, how long have you been an architect?”

  “About seven years. I got my degree at Cal Poly.”

  “I’ve heard of that. It’s a great school for architecture.”

  “Yep. And San Luis is a beautiful area.”

  “I’ve never been there.”

  “You’ll have to put it on your bucket list. It’s amazing.”

  “Will do,” I said. “I’m always looking for new places to visit. I love to travel.”

  “Do you? Me, too. I’ve been all over the states.”

  “I’ve only started travelling. I’m waiting until I graduate to really explore.”

  “Right. Being a college student is tough on the finances. But you said you do okay at the bar?”

  “Yeah. But I don’t have the time to travel, even if I have the funds. I’m looking forward to having a nice, steady job with lots of vacation time.”

  “Well, I wish you the best of luck. When do you think you’ll graduate?”

  “I hope next year.”

  “Have you done any internships?”

  “No. I don’t suppose your firm offers any?”

  “I can look into it.”

  “That would be great. Thanks.”

  We finished our food and sipped the last of our coffee. I knew what I wanted to ask her, but was nervous. What if she didn’t want to come home with me? What if she’d just been nice all night but didn’t have feelings for me? What if I’d misread?

  “So, are you going to invite me back to your place?” she said.

  My heart soared. I hadn’t misjudged at all.

  “Would you like to come home with me?”

  “Sure. I’d like that very much. Oh, but do you have roommates?”

  “I do.”

  “Then let’s go back to the bar to get my car. You can follow me to my place.”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  We drove back to her car, holding hands the whole way. My heart was thumping loudly. It wasn’t that unusual for me to sleep with a patron, but there was something different about Miranda. I really liked her. Sure, she was older than I was, but she was gorgeous and smart and worldly. She was everything I looked for in a woman.

  Again, I opened the door for her and waited until she was safely in her car. Then I got back in my truck and followed her through the deserted streets of Houston to a nice house in the Heights.

  She pulled into the driveway of a Victorian style house. It had a wraparound porch and peaked roof. It was beautiful and perfect for her. I let out a low whistle to myself. Clearly, she did well as an architect. I hoped I would be in her financial class someday.

  She waited for me to get out and open her car door for her. Hand in hand we walked to the door, which she opened, and I followed her in. I took in her sleek, clean decorating style. The inside was as modern as the outside was historical. She led me to the living room.

  “I love your place,” I said.

  “Thank you. Would you like something to drink?”

  “Do you have beer?”

  “I only have wine.”

  “I’ll take it.”

  “Have a seat on the couch. I’ll be right there.”

  I made myself comfortable, with my arm outstretched along the back of the couch. It was a nice couch, not so soft you fell into it. It was firm and I liked it. She was back with two glasses of wine. When she handed mine to me, our fingers met for a second too long. I had to adjust the way I was sitting. There was new pressure between my legs.

  She sat and snuggled up next to me. The feel of her breasts pressed into my side made the pressure grow. I was trembling with desire and had to focus not to spill my wine as I brought my glass to my mouth.

  “Are you okay?” she said. “You’re shaking.”

  I smiled at her over the rim of my glass.

  “I’m fine. Trust me.”


  She looked into my eyes, and I swear she was trying to see my soul. She was searching for something and I couldn’t be sure what. I noticed her eyes were a darker shade of blue and reflecting the passion I was feeling.

  “Are you sure you want to finish this wine?” I said.

  She leaned back.

  “Patience. The longer we draw it out, the better it will be.”

  I drew in my breath. Patience. Yeah, right. I forced a smile.

  “You’re right. Of course.” I took another sip of wine. “So, where did you grow up? In California?”

  “Yes. I grew up in San Luis Obispo. Then went to school there and got a job right out of college. I thought I’d stay there forever.” She shrugged. “Best laid plans, right?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know where I want to get a job. Probably here in Houston. I really like it here. I hope you’ll learn to as well.”

  “Oh, I like it here just fine. As a matter of fact, I like it more each minute.”

  The smile she gave me caused spasms in my shorts. Damn, I wanted her in the worst way. More than I’d ever wanted any woman. I pulled her to me and stared into her cobalt eyes. I glanced down and saw her lips part. I looked back to her eyes, and there was no denying she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  Slowly, I lowered my mouth to hers. I saw her eyes close just before mine did the same. I brushed her lips with mine and felt electricity course through my veins. She kissed me harder and ran her tongue along my lower lip. I was quivering again. I opened my mouth and welcomed her tongue inside.

  The moment our tongues touched, my breath caught, and I felt moisture pool between my legs. It was magical. Her mouth tasted like wine, and I immediately lost myself in the kiss. The world was spinning off its axis, and I never wanted it to stop. Eventually, we ended the kiss, both of us breathing heavily.

  “Wow,” she said. “That was something else.”

  “Yeah, it was.” I didn’t know what else to say. I wasn’t sure how to put into words everything I was feeling. I set my wine glass on the coffee table and took hers from her. I placed it next to mine and stood. I offered her my hand.

  She took my hand and stood, pulling me in for another mind-blowing kiss. As well as we kissed together, I knew we’d be dynamite in bed. I couldn’t wait another minute to have her.

  “Show me your bedroom,” I said.

  She led me down the hall to a large room with a canopy bed in the center. I’m sure there was more in the room, but the bed was the focus of my attention. I pressed into her and kissed her again. I ran my hands down her back and cupped her shapely ass. I ground into her and she responded by moaning into my mouth.

  My heart was racing; my need to have her complete. I stepped back and unbuttoned her blouse, kissing every spot of skin I lay bare. She was soft and warm and smelled fresh and clean. Soon, she stood in just her shorts and bra, and I bent to kiss the silky mounds of flesh that overflowed from her bra.

  “Take it off,” she breathed. “Please. I need them to be free.”

  Happy to oblige, I unhooked her and let her breasts fall free. I caught them in my hands and kneaded them, running my thumbs over her nipples as I did. I bent to suckle one then the other as I fought with the button on her shorts. Finally releasing it, I unzipped her and released my hold on her nipples so she could step out of her shorts and thong.

  She stood there naked, in all her glory. She was beautiful, breathtakingly so. I kissed her again and walked her back to the bed.

  “You’re overdressed,” she said.

  I looked down and realized I was still fully clothed. I made a quick repair of the situation and climbed into bed with her, craving the feel of her skin against mine.

  “You’re so smooth,” I said. “So very soft and smooth.”

  “Thank you. I love your body. I have plans to make it feel things it’s never felt before.”

  I grinned.

  “I like the sound of that. But first, let me take you places you’ve never been.”

  I kissed her then, hard on the mouth, while I dragged my hand over the length of her body. Our tongues tangoed together in a dance of lust, and my need for her increased with every passing second. I slid my hand between her legs, into her warm, wet curls, and it was my turn to moan into her mouth.

  She felt amazing. I slipped my fingers inside her tight, hot center and began to move them in and out. She bucked on the bed, meeting each thrust. She rode me to first one and then another climax.

  My fingers still in place, I kissed my way down her body. I stopped to suck each nipple in turn. Down her pliable belly I nibbled until I came to where her legs met. I inhaled deeply, savoring her scent. Lowering my head, I licked and sucked her swollen clit until she cried out again as she came.

  I kissed back up her body until I could kiss her on her mouth and share her flavor with her. Our tongues danced again, and I thought surely I would explode without her help. But she soon broke the kiss and climbed between my legs.

  Afraid I would climax too soon, I gritted my teeth as I braced myself for the feel of her tongue on me. She licked all over before slipping her tongue deep inside. She felt incredible. I was shaking like a leaf, so close to the edge I wondered how long I’d last.

  She took one last lap inside then kissed her way to my throbbing nerve center. Her lips closed around it, and she flicked it with her tongue. The world went black briefly before it exploded in myriad colors as I found my release.

  Miranda continued to lick and suck, and I soared into orbit again. I tapped her shoulder.

  “That’s it. I’ve got no more in me,” I said.

  “Just one more?” she said hopefully.

  “Nope. Two’s my limit.”

  She moved into my arms, and we dozed together. I woke up late that morning and couldn’t resist the hot body lying next to me. I moved between her legs and admired her beauty briefly before I buried my face. She tasted fantastic, musky and sweet, and I couldn’t get enough.

  Miranda stirred briefly before becoming fully awake.

  “Good morning to me,” she said.

  I simply smiled, my mouth too busy to say anything. I licked my way to her clit and loved it like I had earlier, and she pressed my face into her, gyrating against me as she reached her climax.

  When she had come back to earth, I took her in my arms again.

  “So, what’s your story, Rhett?” she said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you take a different woman home from the bar every night? Or what?”

  That had been my modus operandi. I couldn’t lie about that. But did I want to be perfectly honest? Is that all she wanted? One night in the sack? I wanted more, though. How could I tell her that?

  “I’ve been known to be a player, if that’s what you’re asking,” I said.

  “Does that mean I won’t see you again? Except at the bar, I mean.”

  “I hope not. I’d like to see you regularly. I mean, if you’d be interested.”

  She broke into a wide smile.

  “I’d like that very much.”

  I exhaled. I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding my breath.

  “Yeah? Cool. I think we’ll make a great couple.”

  “As do I, Rhett. As do I.”

  About the Author

  MJ Williamz

  MJ Williamz was raised on California’s central coast which she left at age seventeen to pursue an education. She graduated from Chico State where she rediscovered her love for writing. It wasn’t until she moved to Portland, however, that her writing really took off with the publication of her first short story in 2003.

  MJ is the author of fourteen books, including three Goldie Award winners. She has also had over 30 short stories published, mostly erotica, with a few romances and horrors thrown in for good measure. She lives in Houston with her wife, fellow author Laydin Michaels, and their fur babies. Contact MJ at, or look for her on Facebook at MJ Williamz, or on Twitter at @mj_williamz.

  Alone Star

  Lacey Schmidt

  Bad ass. That was the first thought that came to Venn Jules’ mind as she looked over the Lone Starport’s new sheriff, Arnika Verne. The Sheriff stood on the deck of the hovercraft, eyeing the vast sea below with one hand on her trim neoskene-armor-clad hip and the
other wrapped around a laser-arc spear. She looked like she knew exactly how to use that spear in a hurry, too. Which was very comforting, given that Venn herself was too stymied by the Great Orange Kraken’s tentacles to keep it from chewing on either her or the Starport’s tidal stream generator.

  Operating the Lone Star State’s new near-equatorial launch facility was a health hazard given the pugnacious wildlife and militant super storms. Some said it was a suicide mission. The wild shores of Austin came with more risks to manage than the Governor and his cronies cared to admit; but at least that ass-hat and his merry troupe of brown-nosers had seen fit to let her build the Starport out of galaxy-grade titanium. They were also kind enough to grant Venn’s appeal to hire some protective muscle. Sexy muscle too.

  “Looks like you’re an ass-crack away from becoming Kraken snack,” the Sheriff said with a sultry grin. Her accent dripped of Nor-easterner, someone used to the cold horror of the Arclantic Ocean, and thus she probably knew fuck-diddle about the warm terrors of Venn’s Gulf of Mexico operations.

  Venn’s hopes of salvation diminished. “No shit. Now shoot the bastard in his damn plate-sized eye.”

  Black hair whipping in the wind, the Sheriff sent an off-hand laser bolt into the Kraken’s beak. The bolt struck just a foot shy of Venn’s head and then, in such quick succession that Venn never saw the Sheriff move, she fired two more bolts into the Kraken’s eyes. Venn dropped from the Kraken’s failing grasp into the ocean like a stone.

  Luckily, she hit the muddy red waves feet first, but the velocity of her fall still sunk her a dozen meters. She knew her immediate-personnel-locator-tags likely tripped two seconds after being submerged, but they wouldn’t do the Sheriff any good toward dragging her out of the water if she didn’t break surface in a hurry—before any of the Kraken’s sisters sensed her presence and dragged her to the blackest deep. And it would be the Kraken’s sisters, Venn knew, because their males were mostly lame, much like the men of today’s United States of Oceania.

  Venn kept kicking hard, but nearly laughed underwater as the words of her cynical birth mother sprung to mind. Men were only good for three things: sperm, hysterics, and a whole lot of indignant insinuating that ancient artifacts indicated they were really the dominant gender a thousand years ago. “Yeah, and I bet the water and sky were clear back then, too,” Venn thought and added broad, desperate breast-strokes to her efforts. She spotted what could only be the snout of a monstrous Great White shark speeding through the murky redness in front of her. Another murderous sister hard on her heels. Just great.


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