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Purr For Me: Bad Boy Autos (Drive Me Wild Book 2)

Page 17

by Bronwen Evans

  He caressed and kneaded them, but when he started rubbing her nipples with his thumbs, Lexie moaned. “Just like that,” she murmured, her voice husky from passion.

  Kade clamped down on his need for release and concentrated on Lexie. He wanted to make her scream, to brand himself on her soul. He wanted to show her how much he loved her, and there was no better way to do that than to give her what she wanted, how she needed it.

  Continuing to rub the pads of his thumbs across her taut nipples, he asked, “Just like that?”


  “What will happen if I do?”

  A moan rose from her throat.

  “Will you come for me?”

  “Oh god.”

  “Will you?”


  “Good. You feel so good, babe…”

  The more he talked to her, the more urgent her movements grew. She trembled and strained towards her goal. He could tell that she was almost there, and he wanted to help her reach her goal, to give her the pleasure she sought.

  Running his right hand down her body, he found her sex and brushed his thumb over her clitoris.

  She switched to a rocking motion that created greater friction and had him sucking in a breath. The new angle intensified the pleasurable sensations coursing through his body, and he almost lost control. It was tested even further when the first pulses of her release began. Her hips moved against his in a frantic pace, and she cried out. She dropped her head forward and froze.

  Kade watched with pride and amazement as she came. Her mouth hung open a little and tremors shook her as bliss filled her face. Her orgasm ended on a high-pitched, shuddering moan that faded into heavy breathing.

  “That was incredible.”

  Kade kissed her and lay back on the chair. “I’m glad, but you better hang on tight. That was just the warm-up lap, now the race is on.”

  He positioned Lexie where he wanted her and started thrusting, long, deep strokes that gave her a few moments to recover. But it wasn’t long before he set a blistering pace. Over and over, he drove into her, loving the little mewling cries that came from the back of her throat.

  But when she leaned forward and bit his shoulder, it sent him into a frenzy. Wrapping an arm around her waist and bracing his feet on the chair, he started thrusting even faster, driving them both towards completion at breakneck speed.

  “Yes, Kade! Yes, yes…”

  Her words became a litany, an almost incoherent string of words as he felt her climax again. This time while she contracted around him, Kade followed her. Her voice rose in a crescendo, and he let out a loud groan as a powerful wave of ecstasy crashed down on him. He gave one last thrust as Lexie quaked against him.

  Holding on to each other, they rode around the far turn and sailed across the finish line. Their mutual release was so intense that neither could speak nor move once the rapture of the moment began fading. Lexie flopped down on him, and he kissed her temple and caressed her back. They lay like that for several minutes before Lexie raised her head and stared into his eyes.

  He smiled and brushed hair back from her face. “You are the most incredible woman I’ve ever known.”

  The blush that stained her cheeks was endearing, because Lexie didn’t blush easily. He’d seen tons of guys compliment her, but she’d never reacted to them that way. It made him feel good to know that he affected her.

  Sliding her arms around his neck, she cupped the back of his head, loving the feel of his smooth skin. “Do you have any idea what an awesome guy you are?”

  His mouth quirked up in a smug smile. “Maybe a little.”

  She tweaked his ear. “Stop that. I’m being serious here.”

  Embracing her, he kissed her nose. “Sorry. You were saying?”

  “I know there are good guys out there, but after Jason, I didn’t have any hope of ever meeting one. Then you turned up with that car and showed me that good men do exist. From the first time you took me out, you treated me with respect and kindness.” She traced the line of his strong jaw with her fingers. “You make me so happy that sometimes I feel like I’m dreaming. You’re all I could ever ask for in a man…and I love you so much.”

  His eyes went wide, and his breathing came faster. “Lexie, don’t say it just because you’re lost in the euphoria of great sex.”

  “Not sex, making love.” Taking his face in her hands, Lexie said, “I love you.”

  Kade examined her face for a few moments. He settled his lips over hers in a slow, sweet, devastating kiss that ignited her hunger for him.

  Pulling back, he smiled into her eyes. “Tell me again.”

  “I love you, Kade.”

  His hands started roaming over her, and Lexie wanted him with an intensity that left her feeling a little lightheaded. “I love you, too, Lex. But we really do need to talk.”

  She laughed. “I don’t have the energy to talk right now.”

  “It’s important.” She snuggled closer. “It’s about the cabin.”

  Something in his voice alerted her, and her eyes flew open. “You went to the bank today?”

  “Sort of.” With that, he moved her off him and rose, walking to pull his jeans on. “Get dressed and I’ll make us a drink. You’ll need it.”

  Her heart slowed as her guts churned. Something was wrong.

  She scrambled into her clothes and followed him into the kitchen. His hands were shaking. “What about my cabin?”

  “When I got there, someone else had already bought it.”

  Her breath choked in her throat. She wrapped her arms around herself to beat back the pain. “No. I had until five p.m.” She whirled on him. “Were you late? Did you mess this up? How could you?”

  He pulled her into his arms and she beat at his chest. “No. I was there at two p.m. But it is because of me. Sit down and I’ll explain.”

  She sat on his couch in his arms as he told her the story. Each word taking a piece of her new happiness with her. When he’d finished, she wiped the tears from her face.

  “Pease don’t cry. I have my lawyer and investigation team working on how we stop this and try to get the cabin back.”

  “But even if we prove wrong doing the cabin could be gone.”

  “Yes. I’m so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

  She wanted to say, “it’s not your fault.” She wanted to scream at the injustice of having the cabin almost in her grasp, only to have it taken away again—by something a Colter did. She knew that wasn’t fair, but she could hardly breathe through the pain.

  She pushed to her feet. Her head was pounding, and she felt ill.

  “I need to go. I need to process all of this.” She looked down at him and tears fell. “I don’t want to blame you. I know it’s not really your fault, but I’ve just lost the most important thing in my life and I… I need some time to grieve.”

  “I thought I might be the most important thing in your life.”

  His hurt pierced her heart and made her feel about an inch tall.

  She couldn’t answer him, so she turned and fled.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Kade was on a mission. He’d worked through his contacts and found out that Jason was staying with one of his buddies who lived in East LA. After the disaster of the cabin, he’d ensure Jason divorced her with no further drama. He owed her that.

  Weariness weighed him down. He wished he’d paid off the mortgage when he’d first suggested it to Lexie. If he had, she wouldn’t have shut him out of her life. His heart wouldn’t have a shattered hollow in his chest.

  Why couldn’t she love me enough?

  His mind argued with itself—she loves me, she loves me not. Deep down, he knew she no longer loved his brother, but that didn’t mean she loved him either. Pain made him irrational, and he hoped he could be civil to Jason.

  He’d not heard from Lexie in days, and it was so hard not to go to her and beg her to take him back, but he’d give her the space she’d asked for, scared she might leav
e for good. He needed space, too. He couldn’t forget the pain that had swamped him when she’d walked out, proving she loved her cabin more than him.

  Driving down the street, Kade rehearsed what he would say to Jason as he looked for the right building. He spied a parking spot and quickly swung into it.

  Getting out, he locked his car and strode toward the tall brick building with purposeful steps. He ran up the stairs to the third floor and knocked on the door of apartment 18. It opened, and Jason stood there. He looked haggard, and thinner than the last time Kade had seen him.

  “I wondered when you’d get around to finding me.” Jason stepped back, opening the door wider. “C’mon in, bro.”

  Kade stepped into the kitchen of the apartment and looked around. The place was dated, but surprisingly clean. The wood-paneled walls made the small room seem dark, and the faded green floral linoleum had seen better days. However, the appliances and single window sparkled.

  “You want a beer?”

  Kade shook his head. “No. I want you to sign your divorce papers. Lexie doesn’t want you back.”

  Jason took a Coke from the refrigerator and twisted off the top.

  “Still sober?” Kade said.

  Jason leaned against the counter and took a swig of his drink. “I’m off drugs and booze.”

  “I’m hoping the brother I used to know and love is around today, because I’m here to beg you to give Lexie the divorce she wants.”

  Silence fell between them as Jason met Kade’s plea-filled gaze. At length, he said, “You love her, don’t you?”

  “More than life.” Kade didn’t feel shy about admitting it. “Can you say that you ever loved her like that?”

  The regret in Jason’s smile surprised Kade. “No. I can’t. I should’ve done us both a favor and never put a ring on her finger. She’s one hell of a woman, but I’m not in love with her. I don’t think I ever was. I wasn’t capable of loving anyone but myself.”

  Kade smiled. “That’s quite an insight.”

  Jason nodded sagely. “You’re right, but enough about that. The only reason you want me to sign the divorce papers is because you want to marry her. Am I right?”

  Kade didn’t deny it. “Yeah. But I don’t think that will happen anytime soon.”

  “How come?”

  At Jason’s puzzled frown, Kade sat on the kitchen stool and told him the story about the Ericksons.

  “That funkin’ sucks, man. Charlie and Jack always were douchebags.” He looked at Kade and sighed. “It’s really my fault. If I hadn’t mortgaged the property…”

  “What’s done is done. I’m holding off sending in the story in to make them think I’m going to play along but I have a team working on the problem. But I admit, the chance of getting her cabin back is slim.”

  “You mean get Lexie back,” Jason said.

  “I wish. The cabin is a good start.” They looked at each other, both full of guilt. “Anyway, will you sign the papers?”

  “Sure. I should have signed them weeks ago but—but I was scared. Signing the papers means I really am starting at the beginning again. I just needed to be sure it wouldn’t send me spiraling downwards again. It’s a slippery slope and a battlefield I walk every day. I’m still scared…”

  Kade really looked at his brother. He looked so tired. It must be tiring, this constant battle. “You have me.” He was so lucky he didn’t have any addictions—except Lexie. “I’ve been doing up the mansion. It’s almost finished. The guesthouse is yours if you want it.”

  Jason stood up tall and took his hands out of his pockets. “You mean it? You’ll let me live in the guesthouse?”

  “As long as you stay off the drugs, it’s yours.”

  “I will. If I go back—I’m dead. The drugs will kill me next time I know it.”

  “I don’t want to lose my only brother, so you let me know if you need any help. In fact, I have some work for you. Research mostly, but your contacts in the racing world will come in helpful.”

  Jason’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank you, Kade. I won’t let you down. I promise.”

  Kade stood and they hugged each other. A weight lifted off Kade’s heart. He hoped this meant he had his brother back. A more mature, wiser and humble brother.

  No sooner had Kade left his apartment, Jason picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Mrs. Erickson, Jason Colter here. I was wondering if you had time for a visit this afternoon. You do? Wonderful. I’ll see you at four p.m.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Sully knocked on Lexie’s apartment door and looked around the neighborhood. It seemed nice enough, but he’d never live in a place like this. It was too cookie-cutter for him. He preferred his ancient house with all its quirks, the huge backyard and swimming pool. However, Lexie couldn’t afford to be fussy.

  When Lexie opened the door she wasn’t surprised to see him.

  “Look, I appreciate you stopping by, but I’m fine. I just need some time.”

  Sully put his hands on his hips. “You’ve had time. You need to get back to work. I need my partner back, and we’ve got two design jobs lined up.”

  Lexie nodded. “I know. I’m just—”

  “Wallowing. That’s what you’re doing. Start doing what you love again. That’s what you do when you get your head messed up,” Sully said. “Bury yourself in work.”

  His attitude made her temper flare. “Is that what you did after your divorce?” she challenged.

  Sully’s face tightened, but he nodded. “Yep. It was a big part of what kept me from drinking myself to death. I’ve been down lower than you, sweetheart, but I clawed my way back. So, I’m speaking from experience when I say that you can do it, too. It’s gonna hurt like hell, but you just take it one moment at a time.”

  “I’m just trying to work out what I want, and what I need. I know it was only a cabin, but it was all I had.”

  “Not all. You’ve got Kade.”

  “I know and he deserves someone who isn’t broken and messed up.”

  “Ah, damn it. Can you try to forgive him? It really wasn’t his fault about the cabin. You know you’re blaming the wrong Colter.”

  “I do know that. It’s more about me than him. I’m so messed up.”

  “Are you? The cabin is just wood and nails. Your mother lives in your memories and in your heart. I think that cabin is your crutch. With a man like Kade standing by your side, you don’t need it. Love is all you need. And from what Kendra and Stella have told me, Kade loves you in spades. He’s hurting, too.”

  A tiny piece of her knew Sully was right. But she’d had so little time with her mother, the cabin…

  Suddenly, Sully was there. She squeezed her eyes shut and leaned against him as big, hot tears dripped onto her cheeks and soaked his shirt. It was the first time she’d cried over Kade, and agony battered her from all directions. She was too weak to resist as Sully guided her over to the couch and sat down with her.

  He didn’t talk, just held her while she poured out all of her heartache. Uncontrollable sobs wracked her body, and it felt like the river of tears would never dry up.

  After a time, Sully pulled her back and said, “Hey, now, you gotta stop. You’re gonna make yourself sick, girl.”

  Lexie shook her head as another sob shook her.

  Sully grabbed her arms, threw back his head and shouted, “She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean!”

  Lexie immediately ceased crying and clapped a hand over his mouth. “Shut the hell up. Oh, my god, Sully.”

  He laughed behind her hand and pulled it away. “I knew that would get your attention. Now, look, I know that it will be a real bitch, but you have to come back. It will help, I swear.

  “You’ve worked too hard to give up your dreams over a massive disappointment. You’re stronger than that, and you got a lot of friends who’ll help you through this. And a man who loves you if you’ll let him. You know how rare that is?” He kissed the side of her head and got up. “So you qui
t your bawling, and get your ass to work tomorrow, or I’ll be back to serenade you some more.”

  Gratitude for his kindness filled Lexie. “Thank you, Sully.”

  He gave her a stern look and shook his finger at her. “You just thank me by showing up tomorrow.”

  She grabbed a tissue from the box on the coffee table and blew her nose. “Okay.”

  “I’m holding you to that.”

  In her mind, she saw Sully singing again and started laughing, feeling lighter than she had since the debacle with Kade. Huffing out a sigh, she said, “Okay, Lexie, time to get your shit together.”

  And she had to go talk with Kade. He would be worried sick, blaming himself.

  She was so stupid. Sully was right—it was only a cabin.

  She gripped the locket around her neck. Her mother was wherever Lexie was, because she was in her heart. It was time to put the past behind her. And she needed her big girls' panties on to learn to trust again. Deep down, she knew Kade would never hurt her on purpose. He would always be there for her.

  It suddenly seemed all so clear. She loved Kade and losing the cabin didn’t change that.

  Pulling her mobile out of her pocket, she dialed Kendra’s number. “Hey, Kendra. Can you do me a favor? I want to plan a surprise dinner for Kade.”

  “Oh, wonderful! You’ve forgiven him.”

  “There really isn’t anything to forgive. I owe him a huge apology for blaming him. So, can you help me organize this?”

  “Sure. I’d love to. I’ll get Stella to help. What do you want me to do?”

  “Well, Sully told me Kade’s moving back into his house on Friday. Stella’s working on getting a spare key to Kade’s house and I was wondering if you could get Tom to take him out for the afternoon, then you, Stella and I could set up a lovely surprise dinner.”

  “Sure, Tom will think of something. But what are you going to do?”

  “I’ll just dial in Stella. She’ll have some ideas.”

  Soon after Lexie had explained that she wanted to surprise Kade, Stella was full of brilliant ideas. Stella outlined her plan, and soon the girls were giggling away.


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