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Transcend (Celestial Academy Book 3): A Reverse Harem Romance

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by Maya Nicole

  Two fingers slid into my pussy as Tobias kissed me. He silenced my cry as my orgasm ripped through my body. Tobias rolled me on top of him and slid into me in one swift movement that made my core clench.

  Reve moved to the front of me and stood over Tobias's head. "I hope you enjoy the view down there." He chuckled and moved forward for me to take him in my mouth. His hands went to my hair.

  I was so blissed out that my mind wasn't even on the other two. It was hard keeping track of where everyone was when I could barely keep my eyes from closing.

  Wet fingers slid between my cheeks, and I slid my mouth off Reve and looked back over my shoulder. Asher had his eyes on my ass as he slid a finger between the cheeks.

  I groaned as he probed the tight hole and then slowly worked his finger inside. Olly was behind him doing the same. I raised an eyebrow.

  "Don't even say anything, Dani." He shut his eyes for a moment then opened them. "I can't believe I'm about to lose my ass virginity."

  I stifled a laugh and turned back to Reve, who was slowly stroking his dick. Asher slid into me, and Tobias grunted a curse under me. I took Reve in my mouth and flicked my tongue over the head.

  It took a few minutes to find a rhythm, but soon the sounds that filled the room sent another orgasm crashing through my body. I dug my nails into Reve's ass cheeks, and he thrust deeper into my mouth, nearly hitting the back of my throat.

  Asher's thrusts behind me got more erratic, and he bit into my shoulder. I felt like I might float away as my entire body tightened again.

  "Fuck," Reve grunted as he came. I swallowed all of him as another orgasm rocketed through me. That seemed to set off a flurry of cursing and grunts as a chain reaction of orgasms rolled through everyone.

  Reve moved, and I collapsed forward on Tobias.

  "I love you guys." I gasped. Tobias's chest shook as he laughed. "Don't laugh at me."

  They could laugh at me all they wanted if they kept giving me orgasms. I just hoped it wasn't the last time I got to experience all of them at once.

  After cleaning up, we fell asleep ready for whatever hell was going to throw at us.

  Chapter Nine

  We were supposed to leave at sunrise, but instead, we were jolted awake as the earth shook. I dove under the table like the well-trained Californian I was. Earthquakes and California went hand in hand. Earthquake drills were the norm in school.

  The guys joined me under the table, with Olly looking the most disturbed by what was happening. When we were in Shanghai, the hospital had shaken slightly as the massive demon serpent flew towards it, but this was ten times worse.

  This earthquake was much different than what I had experienced before. I wondered if the building was going to collapse. It lasted twice as long as a typical earthquake.

  As soon as the shaking stopped, we climbed out from under the table and threw on our clothes. None of us spoke, because what do you say to each other when it's pretty apparent something substantial just happened?


  You say nothing.

  "It's demons." Reve appeared just before our phones started pinging with messages. He was out of breath and bent over with his hands on his knees.

  I had gotten so used to him being invisible that I hadn't even realized he was missing when the earthquake started.

  I grabbed my phone off the charger and swiped open the messages. Tobias came to look over my shoulder and then snatched the phone from me.

  "Seriously?" I glared at him and tried to take the phone back.

  "It's an emergency message from Michael." As if that gave him an excuse to be grabby with my phone. He pushed a few buttons. "A mass amount of demons came through at the same time."

  "Through the ground?"

  "The ground just happened to get in the way." Reve had finally caught his breath and was pacing while we finished putting on clothes and shoes.

  I snatched my phone from Tobias's fingers and looked at the messages. It was a mass push message.

  Over a hundred demons have broken through on the Griffith Observatory's grounds. More arrive every few minutes. All capable angels, including academy students, are requested immediately. Weapons will be available upon arrival.

  My heart felt like it was coming up through my throat. Had a hole been ripped through the barrier? Was hell about to come to Earth? Were we all going to die?

  I tugged on my boots and jumped up once they were on. Four sets of eyes were watching me, then they looked at each other. I knew what they were thinking, and I wasn't about to let them leave without me.

  "I'm not staying behind this time. What if I can control them? Isn't this the perfect opportunity for me to see what I'm capable of?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

  Olly ran his hands over his head. It was a nervous movement I hadn't seen him do before. He looked at the guys again before stepping towards me and taking my hands in his.

  "We don't want to-"

  I pulled my hands away and backed up a step. "Don't give me that shit. I want to fight."

  "You aren't ready, Dani." He made a move to grab my hands again, and I put them in my pockets. "We decided to keep you out of this for as long as possible."

  I narrowed my eyes and saw Asher shift from one foot to the other. His unease was definitely warranted in this case. I was tired of being stuck on the fine line between fragile and badass. It was time for me to spread my hypothetical wings and fly.

  "Let's just go. She'll get over it," Reve said.

  Oh no, he didn't.

  "I'm a grown-ass woman. Reve, you will take me." I cringed as I said the words, and saw the hurt on his face but then threw his words back at him. "You'll get over it."

  Tobias cleared his throat from where he was watching the exchange between us. "Let's go. Reve. Go ahead and take her like she's requested. I'm sure your bike will get you two there in no time."

  Shit, shit, shit.

  My jaw dropped a bit as Asher, Tobias, and Olly walked past me and planted kisses on my cheek. They walked quickly out the door, leaving Reve and me in the room.

  "What just happened?" I looked at the closed door and then to Reve, who had an amused look on his face.

  "I certainly will take you." He pulled his keys out of his pocket. "We should get going, it will take us almost an hour to get there."

  I followed him downstairs and out of the building, where angels were taking off in groups. Reve couldn't fly with me. It had been an oversight on my part. A foolish one.

  Reve walked in front of me as we made our way to the parking lot. There was no way in hell I was going to sit for almost an hour on his crotch rocket. We were supposed to stick together. Save the light from the dark and all that bull shit.

  How could we if I wasn't even included?

  Before I could question my sanity, and before Reve realized the wheels in my mind were spinning, I turned and ran towards the student dorm buildings.

  Someone would take me. Even if I had to beg and offer them my first-born child or my car, I'd get someone to fly me to hell on Earth.

  I heard Reve shout my name, but I was already closing in on the large clusters of students readying to take off from between the dorm buildings.

  Spotting Ethan and Cora, I plowed through a few groups and nearly ran straight into them in my haste.

  "Let's go now!" I looked over my shoulder and saw all the students I had just moved through part like the Red Sea for Reve.

  Ethan's eyes widened, and he looked at Cora for direction. See, that's what the men were supposed to do; look to the woman for direction.

  "You heard the lady! Let's go." Cora's wings snapped out with Ethan's following quickly behind.

  Ethan grabbed me around the waist, and we shot into the sky. I was getting used to flying, finally, but still couldn't keep my eyes open. I'd rather not see how far my potential death lay.

  We landed in a large parking lot. It was chaos as angels dashed around in search of weapons, which were piled on the asphalt. I manag
ed to find a sword that was lightweight, and we ran towards the mayhem.

  The noise level intensified as we got closer to the actual observatory, or what was left of it. I had only seen it once on a field trip and remembered how amazing the building was.

  Now, it was starting to look like a pile of rubble.

  Angels were carrying other angels back towards the parking lot, while others flew past us right into the melee. My ears were ringing as screams and shrieks pierced them.

  Several fires were spread out on the lawn, bonfire style. The smell made bile rise in my throat.

  "Holy shit." Cora seemed to be frozen in place as her mind processed the scene before her.

  I wanted to be frozen too, but a demon that looked like a science experiment gone wrong was headed straight for us.

  Practicing with each other and on practice dummies was nothing compared to having a horse-sized demon that had the head of some kind of bird and the body of a dog, come barreling towards you. I certainly wasn't going to stay standing in its way. I grabbed Cora's arm and pulled her with me out of its path.

  It was headed towards the parking lot, but just before it reached where the grass and cement met, two knives landed in its throat, sending it falling onto its side. Betty landed next to it and stabbed it in its heart before another angel came along to take its head.

  She retrieved her bloody knives and then shot back into the sky. I still didn't like her much, but that was a badass move she had just pulled.

  "Where'd Ethan go?" Cora looked around frantically as we stayed glued to each other's sides.

  We were out of our element. Coming here was a stupid idea. The amount of capability we had in us was about the size of our pinkies. At least that was the case when things were so crazy all around us.

  Had there just been one demon, we would have been fine.

  There were hundreds.

  I needed to find my angels. I might not have known what the hell I was doing, but they'd help guide me. Or at least have my back.

  A gremlin-looking creature seemed to come out of nowhere and attached itself to my boot. Thank fuck for knee-high boots because the little bugger couldn't bite through the leather, despite his best efforts.

  Cora kicked him off and then brought her sword down on him, slicing him in two. Green goop coated her sword, and it suddenly smelled like cotton candy.

  I couldn't resist the urge to take in the sweet scent and breathed in deeply. The world suddenly became much more vibrant and seemed to streak with rainbow colors. I looked over at Cora, who had dropped her sword and was examining her hand in fascination.

  She had such gorgeous hair. It looked like a unicorn had painted it with all the colors of the rainbow. I dropped my sword and reached out my hand to pet it. It was so soft, like the fur of a chinchilla.

  How did I even know what the fur of a chinchilla felt like?

  "You're so pretty, Cora."

  She touched my hair and nodded, her eyes glazed over and shiny in the light coming from the moon and fires. "No. You’re the pretty one, Danica. You have four boyfriends. Four!" She burst into giggles, and so did I.

  We wrapped our arms around each other in a hug.

  "Fuck! You spilled its blood!" There Ethan was. Cora's face lit up like a Christmas tree. Really, like an actual Christmas tree.

  Ethan rushed over to us and picked up my sword. He grabbed us and tried to pull us away from the cotton candy scent that made everything so lovely.

  "No, Big E." Cora twisted out of his grasp and linked her arm with mine. "It's so perfectly lovely right here. Dani, I think you should leave your four boyfriends, and we can go get married."

  I giggled, and both of us burst into laughter again. In the back of my mind, I knew that this wasn't the time or place to laugh like two cackling hyenas. I felt so free. So alive.

  "You killed a Dulcis Fiend!" Cora cocked her head as Ethan chastised us. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about. "Oh my God, we need to move now!"

  I didn't know what all the fuss was over. I was perfectly content where I was. We struggled with Ethan as he attempted to push us away from the really gross-looking animal on the ground. Where had that come from?

  "Dulcis Fiends?" Cora shook her head and rubbed her eyes. "I killed... oh! Oh, my God!"

  I glanced where her eyes were glued. I didn't see what the big deal was. They were kind of cute. There were about ten headed straight towards us.

  Cora picked up her sword and pushed me behind her. "Damn it. Is this all of them?"

  "How much did she inhale?" Just as the question left Ethan's lips, the demons made it to us and spread in a semi-circle.

  Cora had a tight grip on my arm because I tried to walk forward to pet one. They looked like little old green grandpas. They were adorable.

  "We have to burn them!" Ethan shouted as the sounds around us escalated. "Fuck!"

  One of the demons was on Ethan's leg. He started shaking his leg to get it off. Just when it went flying, another one lunged for him.

  "What's happening?" My mind was foggy, and I looked around. "What in the fresh hell are these things?"

  I grabbed my sword out of Ethan's hand.

  "Don't kill them with a sword!" Cora was attempting to get two off Ethan's leg.

  "Hey!" I shouted. "Get off him!"

  Ten sets of beady little eyes turned to look at me. My eyes went wide, and I backed up a step. This was like the scene out of Jurassic Park when the Dilophosaurus stares at the nerdy guy right before it kills his ass.

  "Send them home," Reve said from next to me.

  "Go home!" They hesitated for only a moment before they ran towards the observatory.

  "Fuck, my leg." Ethan was now on the ground holding his leg. "It's not healing. Why isn't it healing?"

  He was panicking. Two angels jogged over to us and picked him up. Cora looked torn between going with him and staying with me. Hell, I wanted to go with her.

  "Go, I'll be fine."

  Would I be fine? Would Ethan be fine?

  She gave my arm a squeeze and then ran after the angels and Ethan towards the parking lot.

  "Let's go." I looked in the direction of Reve's voice. He was pissed. "Now."

  "But I can help! You saw me! I can send them home!" I turned back towards the observatory.

  "Danica." His hand wrapped around my arm. "You think you're helping? You just signed Ethan's death certificate. Now, let's go before-"

  "What do you mean I signed his death certificate?" I turned to where I knew he was. His hand was still on my arm.

  "Dulcis Fiends have venom that is so potent that one drop of it can kill two thousand people."

  "He'll be fine. The healers will take care of it." Reve didn't reply, and I bit my lip to stop from bursting into tears. "Let me go, Reve."

  Reve's hand disappeared, and I turned and ran towards the first demon I spotted. I told him to go home. He ran in the same direction I had seen the others run. This would work. I could send them all back to where they came from.

  Things became a blur then. I had to clamp down on my fear every time I got close to a demon.

  I had sent at least ten back when my command didn't work. The demon was humanoid and killed another angel right in front of me.

  "What was that, little girl?" He cocked his head to the side and then lunged for me, grabbing me around the neck.

  I felt my throat being squeezed as he lifted me off the ground and then threw me. A body caught my fall, and we landed in a heap.

  The demon stalked towards me again, a murderous look in his eyes. Why hadn't my command worked?

  "Go home! Kill yourself!" I sounded desperate. Was this it? Was I about to die because I was stubborn?

  The body under me shifted and jumped to his feet. I looked up to see Reve. He grabbed two knives from somewhere on his body and met the demon head-on.

  They were a blur of motion as they fought. I scrambled back a little farther, and then a head rolled towards me.

shut my eyes, and for the first time in forever, I said a little prayer to the man upstairs to not let it be Reve.

  Arms lifted me, and my eyes snapped open. Reve looked back at me. I was shaking and felt the overwhelming urge to cry.

  Things hadn't processed up until that point. I slowly turned my head and looked around. There were so many bodies in the grass that the grass was no longer green. It was painted a dark brown color with both angel blood and demon blood mixing.

  "We need to go, Danica. I know you want to help, but this is why we didn't want you here."

  My eyes were drawn to a spot near the Astronomers Monument. Or at least what was left of it. The ground and air were rippling.

  "Do you see that?" I pointed and stepped around Reve, heading towards it.

  "See what?"

  As I got closer, I could feel the change in the air. It was warmer and smelled like the inside of a drawer that hadn't been opened in years.

  I was about ten feet away when several demons came out of it and ran straight towards us. I raised my sword, but before I could get a swing in, Asher, Olly, and Tobias landed in front of us and killed the demons.

  "How the fuck did she get here?" Asher moved towards Reve with a murderous look on his face. "We had a plan."

  "She ran." Reve ghosted just before Asher got to him.

  He turned towards me. "Let's go."

  Olly and Tobias were fighting off another few demons that just came through the ripple.

  "Is that a present?" Asher let go of my hand that he had just taken and approached a beautifully wrapped box near one of the beheaded demons. "Jesus. It has your name on it, Dani."

  I stepped up beside him and looked at it. I squatted down and then snatched it from the ground. Asher made a noise, and I looked over at him.

  "How do you know it's not a bomb?" I rolled my eyes at his question and ran a thumb over the name tag.

  It was my father's handwriting, I was sure of it. I ripped it open and dropped the box as my fingers clasped the watch that was inside. It was one of his favorites that he always wore.


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