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Atomic Mage 3

Page 5

by Carter, Garrett

  "Ten remain, my mate, most were destroyed beyond recovery by the mercenaries as they cleared them out of the city. It is a shame most of them necessitated being torn limb from limb to stop them or I might have been able to add to our diminishing numbers with their wounded or incapacitated members."

  Nodding as he rose from his chair ready to let the headmasters begin to fill their academy with new students, he gave his hands free rein on Laurith's curves for a few moments as she leaned into his strong body.

  "We will see what we can do to augment your sparse force my pet, but while we wait for the emperor's forces to arrive we have a few things to knock off our to-do list before we move on to Kandar."

  Collecting his wives and bidding the two mages goodbye Cade angled Poppy towards home.

  His to-do list was getting smaller by the day and as he caught his Beth's hungry honey-brown eyes with his he amended that list with a hungry smile.

  Jerking awake Cade sat up in the bed, sweat coursing down his front as the thunking sound of a dagger piercing his flesh turned into a soft knock on their bedroom door.

  Wiping his hands down his face to remove the sheen of sweat and to wipe the memory of his helplessness as he watched his wives torn limb from limb in front of him he let his hands fall into his lap as he looked around the bed for the loves of his new life.

  Finding them sleeping peacefully he almost rose from the bed to answer the door before spotting twin golden circles staring intently at him.

  "Good morning my Mina, I didn't mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep while I check the door and get something to eat."

  "You will get through this my mate. We are here and as healthy and whole as ever."

  "I understand that my love, we just need to get my subconscious to get the message and we will be golden."

  A quick nod and a sleepy kiss followed his response before Mina joined her other wives back in dreamland after their rotating carousel of hormone-driven visits to the toilet the night before.

  Rising from the bed and clothing himself with a little push of power to keep from disturbing his pregnant wives he decided to make a meal for them after their long night after he figured out who had helped him out of his nightmare.

  A massive smile grew on his face as he saw Eve outside the door with her small hand raised to knock as he opened the door.

  "And what do I owe the pleasure of your presence this morning my pixie?"

  "You have a message from the emperor my Cade. Do you want me to read it to you?"

  "Not right here, if you would join me in the kitchen I think the others would enjoy something to fill their bellies with after last night. You can read it to me while I cook, sound good?"

  Her brilliant smile and cute nod held him captive for a moment as he remembered his little trip through her past and with that thought in mind he let his pixie lead him toward the kitchen.

  Finishing browning the breakfast sausage on the stove, Cade listened with half an ear as Eve finished reading the long, egotistical, and narcissistic message.

  He had given the short woman glances throughout her reading of the message, examining her slim body in her spaghetti strap dress.

  His gaze had lingered on her perky breasts for a few moments before he allowed his eyes to wander, traveling down the oblivious young woman's slim curves as she leaned against the counter.

  "In closing, you will hand over all ill-gotten gains from your insurrection to Duke Jance in two weeks, along with surrendering yourself to the duke and his guards."

  Barking out a laugh at the incredulous message Cade leaned over and kissed the shocked woman on her cheek, pulled out of his travels down his pixie's body by the duke's familiar name.

  "I wondered how the duke had handled being put in his place, we will just have to intercept them on their way here and deliver our own message. But before all of that mess goes down we need to set up our operation at the mine. What do you think my pixie? Should we give the duke a spanking before or after we set ourselves up to corner the mithril market in this world?"

  Her pretty giggle at his suggestion caused his heart to race as he looked into her green eyes.

  Giving in to his need for a moment he turned to her and kissed the lips that he had been admiring for months.

  Her surprise squeak amused him as much as the flavor of her lips enamored him as her surprise left her and she joined him in their kiss.

  "Where did that come from? Not that I am complaining."

  Her question after their kiss ended caused him to smile.

  "I find myself with an overabundance of amazing women that love and care for me, and yet I want more. I will admit to being a little greedy and I would like to apologize in advance for what I am about to tell you. I have been a lecherous sneak and have been spying on you."

  The shock then embarrassment on her face made him want to kiss her again so he did, the little secret he had found out about his pixie was worth more than gold in his opinion.

  "Not like that though I have been peaking a little, you my Eve are a year older than you think."

  The smile that grew on her face caused him to kiss her once more before he turned off the burner on the stove.

  "Let's make plates for breakfast in bed for our wives then I would like to continue our talk."

  As Eve smiled and helped him dish out the food they shared a few quick caresses and more than a few more kisses before they made their way up to their bedroom.

  "I miss that old woman more than you would believe. She was tough but fair and even after I got old enough to take care of myself she had nothing but good advice with a few whoopings to keep me on my toes."

  As she reminisced on wobbly legs Cade gave a short chuckle as he steadied her, their caresses and kisses might have been a little more intense than his pixie was ready for.

  After the second time their kiss had devolved into a short make-out session his wives food had gotten cold and required him to reheat it.

  That had been the first reheating of the food the second had come when his pixie had given the hard length trapped in his pants a firm caress after they had bumped into one another.

  After her almost silent moan he had lost a few moments to his building lust and found himself pinning her to the countertop, his now exposed dick creasing her soft ass as she arched her back in offering.

  Bunching her dress up exposing her drenched entrance, evidence that he wasn't the only one excited by the prospect of the culmination of their long courting, he leaned down placing his face next to hers which caused another short make-out session to take place.

  "Give it to me. I neeeeed it in me, please."

  Groaning softly and cupping a pert breast Cade thrust his dick twice through her soft cheeks before pinching a hard nipple.

  Pulling his hips back and diving into her lips once again he brushed the head of his aching shaft against her sopping wet lips before pushing into her slowly.

  A gasp of lust left them both as the first few inches of his length entered her snug channel and Cade's battle to last more than a few seconds in her drenched canal began in earnest as he moved his hips slowly back and forth working his length into his Eve's snug depths.

  "So big, feels so good my Cade. I'm going to cuuuum."

  Her words interspersed with quiet huffing breaths had him on the brink of filling her for the first time as their hips met and the head of his dick bumped lightly against her cervix.

  Her soft moan and fluttering channel almost threw him over the edge as her orgasm attempted to milk the seed from his achingly hard length.

  Wanting to see her face as she came for him for the first time he placed a large hand under her chin and pulled her head back to face him as he held onto his control over his impending orgasm by the skin of his teeth.

  He found out quickly that was a mistake.

  Looking into her green pools almost eclipsed by her black pupils and her slack-jawed blissful stare sent a kick through his middle as the dam of his self-con
trol began to crack.

  "Fuck, I am going to fill you my Eve. Do you wish for my children now or later?"

  His dick swelled as his pixie clenched her small fists in indecision and he was glad they had ended up in their current position as he felt the muscles of her drenched canal clench around his invading shaft in an attempt to keep him from removing his length from her depths.

  Her indecision broke through some of his lust and without her express request he fought his rising climax and began the arduous task of extracting himself from her clenching core.

  Capturing his lips in a heated kiss, they both gave a shaky moan as they fought the need to complete their first coupling properly.

  Fighting every instinctual need to fill his pixie with his seed as she fought the need to sink her claws into his hips to keep him from removing his warmth and the fullness she had just gotten after so long waiting, they both shook with almost incomprehensible need as their muscles locked them in place.

  Looking down into her green eyes as his fight to remove his almost painfully engorged length from her wet depths was almost won with the head of his dick left to remove, his willpower broke with her one whispered plea.


  Kissing her fiercely he claimed his Eve as he slammed his hips home once again and filled her.

  Moaning into the kiss he wrapped her in one strong arm around her tight middle as pulses of his seed left him and soaked her depths, her snug canal milking his flexing member as she followed him into bliss.

  Her arms fell to his strong grip on her body as the force of his release straightened his legs and lifted his pixie off her feet.

  Coming down from their hights his dick gave one last kick inside of her drenched depths before she looked up into his eyes with wide eyes as his member buried in her swelled to full mast once more.


  Kissing him possessively she pushed back against his hips with a pleased groan as she languished in the warmth her mate had given her before turning around and smoothing down her dress.

  "I want more of that later my Cade."

  As she began collecting the plates once again acting as if he hadn't just given her a shaking orgasm as he filled her, the little monster in his mind that drove him to ravish his wives at every opportunity whispered a few words into his ear.

  "Fuck her till she can't walk straight."

  Giving the house a quick scan and finding everyone still asleep he gave in to those desires with a savage grin.

  Grabbing the smug woman he sat her plush ass on the counter and slid his length home once again in her cum soaked depths as he enjoyed her wide-eyed stare.

  "I think now would be a good time to educate you on my stamina and recovery time my Eve, I am going to take you until you can't walk straight. Am I understood?"

  Her fluttering eyes and shaky nod as he ground himself unto her clenching channel was all the permission he needed as he began endeavoring to give her a thorough lesson on who was boss.

  Leaving a happy but exhausted Eve in her room with a kiss that resulted in her slim body being slammed against her door, he devoured her lips once more as the need to have her moaning his name in lust and love once more overcame him.

  Her soft moans brought him back to himself a few moments later as he found himself grinding his naked length against her sex slick entrance and gently set her down on shaky legs with an embarrassed cough before clothing himself with a blush.

  "I am glad you enjoyed yourself my pixie, if you still want our mating fight I will be ready whenever you are."

  Her laugh of disbelief after she recovered her breath and leaned back against her door to provide some relief to her sore legs caused him to kiss her once more before stepping back from the temptation she offered.

  "I think I have lost that fight my Cade, did it really require five rounds to make your point? I have been thoroughly claimed and a fight that I am sure to lose isn't very tempting though I think I would be happy to enjoy another morning making breakfast."

  Smiling at the wobbly woman he nodded in response to her question and cupped her short muzzle with his hand.

  "Breakfast with my pixie sounds amazing we will have to make it a semi-regular thing, but you need rest at the moment and Sabine needs her morning bloody Cade. Get some sleep my Eve our day is going to be busy."

  Casting a glance at the still-dark sky through the garage windows they shared another quick kiss before she closed the door and he returned to the rest of his wives.

  Claiming the spirited woman had been a large step for him, her early addition to their family was a gift he hadn't expected but one he intended to cherish.

  Loose ends

  Kissing his sweets pink lips as he filled her after her morning drink Cade looked down into her violet eyes and his heart rose into his throat as they laid on the abandoned bed of their room.

  "What is the matter, my love?"

  Her face scrunching into a cute and curious expression gave him fits as butterfly's fluttered in his belly before he leaned back and gave her a serious look.

  "Nothing is wrong my sweet, the opposite. I would like you to wear a little piece of jewelry I made for you my little snake."

  Her enthusiastic nod and look of glee were all the "I do" he needed from his sweet Sabine.

  Pulling the choker he had made for her after Beth's contact had delivered the gems on their return from Indaria's academy from a small cavity he had made he enjoyed her impatient smile.

  As the mithril band with scale patterns engraved in it appeared in his open palm the smile on his face grew as Sabine sat up and ran her fingers along the row of five gems set inside the choker with a whispered: "it's beautiful".

  "Til death do us part my love, or forever if I have anything to do with it."

  Kissing his teary-eyed wife he separated the solid band into two parts before placing it around her lissom neck and combining the two halves once again.

  Tying the usual two enchantments to his sweets precious body he rolled onto the massive bed and stared intently into his wife's eyes.

  "What is their name going to be?"

  Placing a large hand over her womb he, for what seemed like the millionth time today, checked on his little one as he or she grew in his or her mother's womb.

  "Ryl, our child's name will be Ryl, my love. I can't wait to meet her."

  "My little girl will be just as sweet as her mother, our little bird of a goddess has been singing her secrets I see."

  Her high clear laugh at the question was interrupted by a knock on their door.

  Kissing her brow he walked over to answer the door as he gave her a knowing look that caused her laugh to devolve into the giggles he knew and loved.

  A bleary-eyed Eve glanced at her mate before giving his sex slick member a quick grope and delivering her message.

  "I am not going to get over the thought that that monster was in me, Solec is here to see you and he looks a little frazzled... trolls are a little hard to read."

  Giving as good as he got Cade pinched a clothed nipple before kissing the jaguar woman and giving her pleasure center a quick spike before answering.

  "I would think I had tamed your impulses my pixie. Let's see what Solec wants and we might have time to teach you properly about teasing me without the intention to please."


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