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Atomic Mage 3

Page 22

by Carter, Garrett

  His roar of release deafened her and shook the stones of the building around them as she felt the last of his length fill her as his orgasm forced his hips forward and held them there against her ass as pulse after pulse of his seed left his flexing member and flowed into her.

  As the dripping sound of his seed flowing out of her overfull canal filled the silent room her mouth fell open in a silent scream of release as she rolled into another long intense orgasm.

  Her vision whited out she felt her position shift as her husband fell forward onto one clawed hand, still clutching her to his chest as his length continued to flex in her cum-drenched depths.

  Returning from her long pleasure and pain-filled trip she let out a long relieved moan as his length left her sore, well-loved, and aching core as her husband set her down gently to lay face down on the cool padded mat.

  As the last gush of his seed left her with an involuntary jerk of her hips Nat stared into space as she came down from her sex-induced high.

  "Fuck, that looked fun. Can I have some?"

  Groaning as her sore and well-used body screamed at her Nat gave Miranda a half-lidded look of irritation before she rolled her eyes with the last dregs of her strength.

  "All yours I'm going to sleep now."

  Mumbling out her permission Nat gave her shocked mother a small smile before she gave up the battle against her eyelids and with a moan of relief as she felt her dragon warrior soothe her sore muscles and the thump and squeal of Miranda as she was put on the chopping block, she let sleep overtake her proud of her achievement.

  Coming back to himself as he sneezed the last of the citrusy fumes of the paint Utra had used on him and Nat out of his nose, Cade caught the tail end of his body returning to normal as the ritual came to its end.

  Staring disbelievingly at his hands as the claws on them turned to fingernails and the black scales turned into dark brown skin he looked around at what was slowly becoming a regular sight.

  Snores from his naked wives filled the room as he enjoyed their nude bodies.

  Sweeping the room with his gaze he saw Utra huddled in a corner with the pad he and Nat had knelt on at the beginning of the ritual held protectively in front of her.

  As their eyes locked she gave a fearful shake of her head that confused him before Promena weakly lifted her head and waved a limp hand at him to get his attention.

  Turning to look at his exhausted goddess he flinched back from the vision of him in a mix of his Dragon form and his godly one as Nat groaned under him and his sex slick member slipped from his depths.

  Giving the fearful shaman an apologetic look he watched as his half-dragon half god body crept towards the shocked woman before his Mira landed in front of him, naked and in her full cambion form with a thump.

  His heart rate and his dripping shaft rose as he watched his forked tongue slip from his jaws and his attention shift from the green woman that was backpedaling towards her corner of safety to the cambion who had dropped nude at his clawed feet.

  Swallowing thickly as his girth stretched his Mira's drenched entrance to her pleasure if the screech of ecstasy she made was any indication, and as he watched her red breasts sway as his changed body took her roughly his dick throbbed leaving a trail of precum to the floor at his feet.

  Grateful for his demons... sacrifice he watched as he took her roughly, and after filling her several times, leaving her limp sexy form on the cum slick floor to ravage the rest of his wives.

  "Babies are fine, you kept them safe throughout. Ready to go home now."

  A smile grew on his face after his Promena's stilted request was seconded, thirded, fourthed, fifthed, sixthed, seventhed, and eighted by his other wives with a few pleases, nows, and groans of agreement.

  "Thank you Utra for your hospitality and the... ritual. I think we will be leaving for home now. If you could send Erot or whoever can make decisions for the clan as a whole to our home at your earliest convenience I would like to discuss his request to join us on our travels."

  As the shaman of the Swift clan gave him a hesitant nod behind her protective pad he moved around the room to collect his exhausted wives.

  Giving each a little healing to help their sore bodies stand on their own he received a sleepy kiss from each after he clothed them in turn.

  "Have a good... day Utra, and dont be a stranger. I promise every day isn't like this."

  "Yea sometimes he breaks the orgy up into threesomes."

  Giving his now hesitantly smiling mother-in-law a smile of his own as his Natty put her two exhausted cents in he followed his wives to Poppy as the daylight streaming down on them signaled how long the... ritual had lasted.

  Flying a car full of sexy sleeping wives home a massive shit-eating grin grew on his face at a passing thought.

  "That was a hell of a baby shower."

  Walking towards their door later that afternoon Cade decided to be nice to Erot as he knocked lightly on their door for once.

  He had left his sleeping wives knocked out on their bed after they had drug themselves out of Poppy.

  Even his Dia had joined in on the sleepy cuddle pile, giving him a "are you shitting me" look after he had suggested her own suite would have been a better place to recover after she had followed his other wives to their bed like a zombie lemming walking off a cliff.

  "Be quiet and follow me, my wives are still sleeping."

  Ignoring the massive smile that grew on the tall orcs face he let the man follow him to the backyard like an eight-foot-tall four hundred pound puppy.

  Offering the man a seat as he worked on dinner with the outdoor kitchen he had made after the clattering of dishes in the indoor kitchen had gained him a few threats of bodily harm from his cranky wives he prepared to make his offer.

  "I agree to your request to join us on our trip across Kandar, with one request of my own."

  Pulling a chunk of rock from the area surrounding his home he used it to fuel an Erot sized opening to his pocket dimension.

  "You and anyone you wish to bring with you will reside there if you agree to my terms."

  Seasoning his meat, he placed it in the fridge to marinate for a few hours and beckoned the gaping orc with a finger as he walked towards the opening to his little home away from home for the orc and anyone who joined him.

  As the orc joined him on the flat grassy plane he snapped his fingers in front of his green face.

  "Good now that I have your attention, your answer?"

  Erot's shaky nod made him smile, his adult activities would continue and his relatives in the Swift clan would stay happy.

  A win-win for all involved, now he just needed to stop the man from staring in wonder so he could build a home for them to stay in and out of his.

  "Now that our agreement is made and out of the way how would you like to live for the foreseeable future. I can make you and your groups stay in casa Cade as rugged or as modern as you like. So greeny what kind of home do you want?"

  A laugh burst out of him as the orc absentmindedly pointed back towards his home.

  "I can do that cousin, and how many of you should I plan that building to house. Please use words this time if you could."

  As the orc in his excitement and disbelief used his native language to describe who was coming with him and how many extra people, like their families, Cade would have to build homes to house, he caught three words that simultaneously shocked him and made him smile as the forces he had expected to have under his command grew exponentially.

  "All of them."

  Training new recruits

  Glaring at Erot as he suggested Cade move the centerpiece of the village he had created for most of the Swift Clan to live in during their trip to Ipatem and the Fandreth forest, he submitted to being a glorified mover as he shifted the twin to his mansion a few feet to the left.

  As the building settled into place after he heard Erot's "hmm" of approval he let the passing idea to provide the grinning man with a little pain to
put him in his place go as he reminded himself that he had gained a veritable army at his beck and call.

  That had been an immovable stipulation that the orc had agreed to readily.

  "The dark elves have snubbed their noses and purses at us in the past, refusing to pay for the protection of a large shipment of enchanting supplies after they received. All because one of my group leered a little at one of their royals. Even after I made the fool apologize they refused to pay, citing some idiotic law of theirs. I would pay you to take us there if I thought you would take the money. This home that you have built us is a boon we will gladly accept, and the chance to bloody their noses or worse makes the deal all the better."

  Cade understood the sentiment and Vic's story made the idea of evening out the balance of power in Ipatem even more appealing as he began to build homes similar to his first construction for the rest of his newly gained family.

  As the motes of energy rearranged themselves and solidified into a mithril wall in front of him, Cade lamented the expenditure of power as he was left with what he had gained before their trip to Kandar as he finished building the last home in the Swift village,

  Letting his irritation at his inability to use what material was available in his pocket dimension and risk creating instability in the relatively small realm, he smiled as the hundreds of orcs that had been allowed to come on this trip either claimed their homes, with only a few minor fistfights, or oohed and aahed over the three Poppy clones he had made for them.

  Returning to the now garage-sized door opening he had created with a boost from a large iron ingot he stepped out to his large back yard and contemplated where he was going to place the entrance to the new Swift village on his home.

  As a vision of a random orc going into freefall after stepping out of the large opening made him chuckle he latched onto the idea of adding another garage similar to the one they kept their Poppy in.

  Walking through their home that was currently packed with members of the swift clan chatting with his wives he spied his orc mother-in-law talking to Nat and gave her a welcoming smile.

  Her flinch at the smile hurt him a little but he could empathize with her if he were about to be sexually assaulted by a huge dragon...

  Laying eyes on Laurith he ended that train of thought quickly.

  He decided he would just have to work with the fearful woman and get her over her unwarranted fear of him.

  Stepping into the cobbled street he gave their garage a questioning look before he used a bit more of his stored power and added another Poppy sized addition complete with a side door so their guests wouldn't have to travel through their home to get out and see something they didn't need to.

  Tying the entrance to the village to the back wall of the garage he created a divider between his and their parking spaces and held back a laugh as one of their members stumbled as he stepped out of the portal, disoriented after the quick change of view.

  Stepping out of the wobbly man's way he pushed the garage door open button and suppressed a chuckle as the now greener man ran to toss his cookies on the street.

  Walking towards the village in search of Erot he hoped his idea to separate his family from the army of orcs joining them would work.

  Waving at a confused Erot he joined him and another group working out a dispute over housing.

  Pulling the man aside for a quick explanation of where their home exited now he left them to figure out the housing themselves, he had built them let them fill them.

  A day after his little addition to their home he sat cross-legged across from his Mira as he tried and failed once again to breach her mind's defenses.

  "Ow ow ow, how do you make it hurt like that?"

  Coming back to himself after what felt like the millionth time he had tried to bypass her defenses for once the salacious smile she gave him didn't make him want to jump her bones, only jump her.

  "Discover a way to get through and I might just teach you that little trick."

  Rolling his eyes at her "little trick" he resumed his attempts at invading her mind, letting his petty revenge of giving her brain a little squeeze go.

  He needed to gain this skill, if Farth found a way to get back at them for getting his subscription to the Cade show revoked he might need to tear information from his mind to save his family.

  With his goddess returned to her mortal form after the threat of the chaos god's minions removed, his demon was the next best option for training his ability to fight a god in their mind.

  With his Mira as the perfect test subject, he kept to his task of finding out what position she wanted him to take her in, a great motivator if there was one.

  Standing high above a wide grassy plain a few days later Cade stood behind his Laurith as she gave her thralls mental commands as they skirmished with Erot's orcs in a mock battle.

  As one of their Poppy clones they had dubbed battle boxes unloaded a group of orcs next to the fortifications he had built for this skirmish he admired the orcs adaptability even as he also admired his Laurith's plush ass in the tight pants she was clothed in.

  Running his hand along her soft ass he saw her smirk of amusement at his wandering hand.

  "Later my love, you are distracting me from crushing our foes beneath my claws."

  Smiling at the comment he almost believed her serious tone before a little of her suppressed lust slipped her concentration and gave him an idea of how distracting he was being over their bond.

  Wavering between continuing his hand's travels and letting his dragon wife whip the orcs admittedly decent flying into shape he satisfied himself with squeezing a handful of soft dragon ass before sitting on the hovering platform and enjoying the show.

  If the vaunted stories of the dark elves' mastery of enchanting and magery were any indication they would need to be damn near perfect in the execution of their invasion of the city.

  Either that or a heavy dose of the patented Cade family ass-whooping would be in order.

  As he saw the orcs repelled from Laurith's fortifications by her thralls combined military might and her mages elemental power he hopped he could whip the mercenaries into a respectable army.

  Pulling his moaning Mira further on to his pulsing length a week later he grasped a red heaving breast roughly in one large hand and wrapped the fingers of the other around her neck as he thrust into her scorching depths.

  Eyes glowing with power he shoved the shaking woman off his length and onto her back before sheathing himself once more for another round of the rough lovemaking she adored.

  As her long red tail circled his pumping hips he pulled a softly curving horn down and back exposing her soft throat to his lips and tongue.

  Continuing his punishing thrusts he devoured her neck for several moments to her pleasure as the vibrations from her moaning throat tickled his lips and tongue.

  Her ongoing release caused her tight scorching depths to milk his length and letting his impending release come he slipped his arms behind her swaying legs and pumped his swelling member into her hot rippling canal before forcing the head of his shaft against her open cervix and groaned his orgasm into her neck as he filled her with his godly seed.

  Releasing her shivering legs to fall limp next to his, he leaned back and laid a long lick on one hard black nipple pulling a shiver of pleasure from her deliciously sexy body before rising to his knees and waiting for her to return from her trip to bliss.

  Languishing in her hot tight depths as the last spurts of his thick seed flooded her clenching sex he enjoyed the feel of her simultaneously soft and toned body with his hands as he ran them over her alluring form.


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