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Atomic Mage 3

Page 27

by Carter, Garrett

  "It has the same regenerative abilities as our other wives' wedding bands with a little extra for your particular situation. It should grow and shrink with you as you change forms, adjusting its thickness as needed. It will also be an energy source for you when needed, consuming itself until the borders of the scene from your memory are reached. It should last centuries with heavy use before I need to add to it."

  Looking into her mate's grey eyes Laurith couldn't help but gaze longingly back at the amazing mate that had conquered her and given her so much in such a short time.

  "Keep up your gifts and the only thing you will need to add my love is another of our children to it. Now get your head off of my back before we scare our hosts."

  Wondering at her strange request Cade lifted his head from her hindquarters and as she rose he caught a whiff of her potent pheromones that caused his eyes to widen at the implications of what would happen if he let the alluring scent overcome him.

  Sealing off his nostrils to prevent another underground quickie he turned his gaze to Keraden and a female dark elf he assumed was Faraden approaching them slowly due to his infirmity.

  Ignoring his Laurith's slippery tongue running along his snout as she showed her affection for her mate he gave the two elves his full attention as he fought the mild effects of the small taste of her scent that he did get.

  "Welcome to our home Mage Cade, my second in command has told me that you can make our shattered bodies whole once more. I request that you heal all of those that you can with me being the exception."

  Curious as to why the elf had made her request with that caveat Cade looked her up and down in her dark brown dress and leggings finding only a scar that ran from above her left eye and down her face disappearing into the neckline of her dress.

  Unable to scan her further so close to the strange rock surrounding them he nodded his large head before sharing a look with his still amorous Laurith as she rubbed her neck against his scally back and feathered wings.

  "Fine we can talk but I want you to take me later my love."

  Fighting the losing battle with the lust and love he felt for his wife Cade was glad for the pants he gained when they transformed that hid the half-mast erection his pet had given him.

  Relief mixed with disappointment ran through him as his Laurith returned to her human form clothed in a form-fitting robe that covered her from just below her delicate collar bones to scant inches below her knees.

  Appreciating her restraint and her amazing curves enhanced by the soft swell of her middle in the black robe he pulled her to him for a quick kiss before nodding to their hosts.

  Eyeing her marriage band for several moments as they walked to the edge of the town Faraden ran he was glad his enchantment had worked as he intended.

  Eyeing his work as the mithril sheath extending from the belly of his pet's horn to its tip, the whole of it glimmering in the torchlight of the small underground town they were approaching.

  Seeing that Faraden and Keraden's large hooded cloaks were not exclusive to just them as he watched several hundred hooded figures with various disabilities and disfigurements go about their daily routines as they approached a small but well-built house.

  "This is my home and the best place to have our discussion on what it will cost my people to return to their proper place."

  Following the leader and second in command of this bedraggled group into her home, Cade gave his dragon wife a look of playful suspicion as they watched the two elves remove their cloaks in tandem and like a well-oiled machine pull together a quick meal for the four of them.

  "They seem to be more than just the leaders of this group."

  Smiling at his wife's mental comment as she enjoyed their preparations along with him he had to agree, there was a flow to their movements that spoke of a long term living arrangement between the two and a few unconscious touches from both of them screamed that they were in a longish term relationship.

  Missing his Eve and their regular couples cooking sessions as he watched two finish putting together a simple meal of stew and bread he shoved down the anxiety he had been feeling.

  Accepting his food from a blushing Faraden with half a mind he pushed with as much power as he could towards where he thought his other wives were.

  Feeling a tap on his arm he came out of his focused state and gave his Laurith a confused look.

  "Your eyes were starting to glow my love."

  Blinking and ending his search for their wives he gave their hosts a strained smile after he saw their shocked faces.

  "I apologize I was trying to check on our other wives, the rock around us is limiting some of my abilities at the moment."

  The hesitant smile on Faraden's face helped his guilt somewhat at ignoring his hosts but the downcast eyes of Keraden confused him until the leader of the graven spoke.

  "It's just as well I would hate to have a husband who didn't care for his wives, we can speed this along with my offer. If you will heal our people so they may return to the city above I will become your wife as payment for your kindness toward our group."

  Blinking slowly in disbelief at the dark elf woman as her words sank in Cade let the silence caused by her proposal stretch for a few long seconds before he responded.

  "I think we might have gotten our wires crossed somewhere, I don't require your hand, lovely as it might be, to offer my services. I propose a different deal, I will heal everyone, you included if you will take over control of Aroth and Ipatem and rule over the country in my name and answer only to me or my Dresk. Does that sound like a better plan than throwing away your life with Keraden?"

  Smiling as his offer caused Keraden to clench his hands together with hope written on his black face and Faraden to give Cade a wide-eyed stare.

  Pulling his dragon wife to him by her slim waist he enjoyed his pet's soft curves under her robe as he unconsciously rubbed her baby bump and waited for the elf's answer.

  Finding a small bit of comfort in his wife's soft body at his side and growing baby girl in her belly he pushed down the empty feeling he felt at the absence of his loves beautiful faces being available to him.

  Pushing down the dread he felt as memories of the loneliness he felt after Tony had died he was grateful for his Laurith's hand on his thigh as Faraden made her response.

  Turning his gaze from his wife's loving red yellow-rimmed eyes he gave the leader of the graven his best winning smile.

  "I... I don't know what to say to that offer Mage Cade. For centuries no millennia, we have released our damaged and unnecessary people from this life and after my altercation with the matriarch, I was to share the same fate. When word of your exploits in Zeme made their way to our kingdom it gave hope to us who refused to be killed to sustain our race's perfect reputation. Keraden and I were ready to pay any price to see our people back among our kin. Even give up what we have strived to build, together. I had thought to only give to the others what they wished for so many years, my own circumstances barring that possibility for myself. If you can make us whole we will fight to bring you a kingdom worth ruling."

  Smiling as the eradication of the dark elves became less and less necessary by the second Cade rose and offered his hand to the shorter woman.

  "Then we have an agreement, I will provide you with the equipment and assistance you need to remove Liraden's skinny ass from her throne and you and the graven will be healed and rule this country for me."

  Her firm shake of his hand sealed their deal and with a vigorous handshake from Keraden as the man thanked him profusely for healing their group and allowing him to remain by Faraden's side he made a beeline for the entrance to the cavern.

  Relief flowed through him as he took a long few minutes to check in on his wives, thankful nothing had happened to his loves.

  Kissing his Laurith deeply after she joined him in the torch-lit tunnel he pulled her soft curvy body against him before he let his hands find her robe covered ass, he had solved their genocide pro
blem and with a little healing and a whole lot of training the dark elves would be another in a long line of kingdoms that answered to him.

  Catching a small whiff of his dragon wife's potent pheromones as she turned her lips and tongue to his neck and jaw and his hands began to lift the hem of her robe he decided a little celebration was in order.


  A hard head makes a soft ass

  Eyes glowing with power as sweat cascaded down his body Cade focused his scanning ability on the chunk of black rock before him in their garage as his goddess and Mira enjoyed watching the waves of energy coming off their powerful husband.

  Almost losing his focus as the fist-sized mystery rock's internal structure was revealed to him for a split second he bore down on the rock's stubborn defenses and was partially successful in assimilating some of its makeup.

  Turning to his two wives as they sipped on their drinks a few feet away a smile grew on his face as they wolf-whistled at him and called for more sweaty brown skin to be put on display.

  "Take it OFF!!"

  Fighting a blush after his demon's excited shout he turned his gaze to his Promena and smiled as he followed her delicate fingers request and slipped his sweat-soaked shirt from his body.

  Enjoying the cool breeze on his body his pants tightened as he spotted the twin points of arousal of his goddesses gravity-defying breasts as they tented the light material of her dress.

  Raising his gaze from the mouthwatering sight he enjoyed her lust-filled gaze and dilated silver eyes before the clatter of a cup was swiftly followed by strong hands gripped the front of his pants and with a tear and pop of buttons dropped them to his ankles.

  Looking down to his insatiable red wife his grin at her antics didn't have time to form before half of his rising member slipped between her black lips forcing a grunt of pleasure from his chest.

  His backside fell against the bench he had just been working at as he braced himself with both hands as his Mira began to suck insistently on the head of his hard dick and stroke it with her soft hands lubricated with saliva and a growing amount of his precum.

  Heart rate rising to thunder in his ears as his needy demon of a wife moaned around his steel-hard shaft he missed his goddesses approach as his eyes began to roll back in his head at the hot wet sensation of her skilled mouth and throat threatened to force him over the edge into bliss in record time.

  "You seem to have had a measure of success, my love. Any insights you wish to share with us?"

  Losing the battle with his release as his goddesses delicate fingers wrapped firmly around his engorged member vacated by his Mira's soft hand that had slipped below her dress swiftly followed by the soft wet sounds of her pleasuring herself.

  After a single long stroke of his member in her firm grip, his dick throbbed in her grasp as the first pulse of his seed left him and his attempt at a reply was replaced by a long groan as his red wife took him to the base and the intense sensation of her swallowing down his cum caused his middle to seize.

  His goddesses soft lips against his pulled him somewhat out of this bliss and sending their clothes to their room with what was left of his focus he palmed her pale breast and moaned into their kiss as his Mira let loose a scream around his pulsing member in her own powerful release.

  Coming up for air as the last throb of his saliva-covered shaft signaled the end to his climax he lifted his Promena by her plush ass and sheathed her drenched depths on his slick member with a groan as his demon fell to her back shivering in ecstasy.

  Enjoying his wife's legs around his waist and her strong yet deceptively delicate arms around his neck he sampled the taste of her neck as she screamed her pleasure into his shoulder as he plundered her clenching core.

  Through the pleasure-filled haze that flowed through his mind, he felt his Mira by his side and lifting his lips from his Promena's delicate neck before her fingers slipping into his mouth surprising him before that emotion was blown away by the delicious flavor of her release.

  Wanting to sample her further but unwilling to remove his invading length from his goddesses snug slippery depths he tilted his head back and with a bit of power lifted and lowered his red wife's hot entrance to his face.

  Slowing his ravaging of his Promena's snug canal too long hard thrusts he began to devour his Mira's sopping channel before her strong legs locked around the back of his head.

  FUCK!! not both, fucking SHIT!!"

  As her hot core was pushed into his face Cade lost a bit of his rhythm as he realized what his wife's screams of pleasure implied what was happening to her other tighter hole.

  His guess was proved true a moment later as the idea of his goddess feasting on his Mira's red puckered star caused his already hard length to swell in her depths pulling a moan muffled by red cheeks from her as his hips were soaked by her violent release.

  Supporting his shaking cambion wife with his power he caught his goddesses limp form in his arms as her legs around his waist went slack.

  Lifting her with his abilities off of his aching member he gently sat her in the seat she had vacated and lowered his Mira to be impaled by his sensitive shaft.

  "Not that one my master, you haven't sampled my other hole yet. Our goddess has prepared it for your pleasure, please fill it with your godly seed."

  The look of absolute submission his Mira gave him at that moment struck him almost physically to his core and hardened him further to almost painful rigidity.

  Holding her black gaze with his softly glowing eyes he fought the need to close his eyes in rapture as her delicate fingers angled his unbearably hard shaft to pierce her slick puckered entrance.

  As the head of his shaft slipped past that snug barrier his hands had exposed as he supported her weight by her well-padded but still firm ass his length pulsed with a stream of thick precum as his impending orgasm threatened to blow through his fraying control.

  Staring into the black void of her eyes he held back his release as his Mira braced her feet against the edge of the bench behind him and her strong hands around the back of his neck and sheathed her master and husband's length into her in slow increments that threatened to drop them off the precipice into bliss they hovered over.

  "You have claimed all of me my master... my husband... my love. Now fill me with your power my one and only."

  Shaking with need as his Mira's every word was followed by the soft smack of her ass against his hips they both fought to prolong the exquisite pleasure they both felt.

  Leaning back slightly Cade joined his red wife in their slow torturous lovemaking as he thrust slowly into the tight hot depths of her rosebud, spurts of precum lubricating their coupling every time her ass met his hips.

  Grasping her toned waist as he lost the battle with his climax he pulled her down on him and watched as his Mira's muscles stood out in stark relief against her red skin as her wings and long red tail sprouted from her shoulders and lower back as his swelling member forced her powerful release to crash through her soaking his hips and the floor beneath them with her bliss.

  Staring open-mouthed into his wife's black eyes he was delirious with pleasure as his long in coming orgasm left him stiff as a board the active lizard part of his brain caused him to give shallow pumps of his soaked hips into the vise-like grip of her hot channel as he filled her.

  Reaching what he hoped was the end of what felt like hours of blissful release he lower them slowly to the floor wet with their combined climaxes and helped his wife lay on her back against his raised knees, holding her limp upper body up by her slim neck.

  Enjoying the sight of her red nether lips drenched by her overwhelming orgasm his length still buried in her hot tight ass swelled once more.


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