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My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1)

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by KC Kean

  "Like they wouldn't have found her Rafe. This is bigger than all of us and you know it. Don't try and sugar coat it and make her think there's hope, that'll only make it worse. I haven't got time for this and I've been as nice as possible, but we need to get moving. We've wasted enough time having to come find her. I humored the girl, I allowed her the time to fight, now let’s go,” she says, waving her hands in the direction of the door.

  "Honestly, what the fuck is going on. Stop talking like I'm not standing right here."

  My brain can't process what is going on around me. I have so many questions right now, but I can't seem to figure out which one to start with.

  "Luna, I'm sure you are excited and have plenty of questions. I'll answer them in the car, we need to get moving. Now,” Veronica responds, irritation ruining her whole sweet act.

  Is this woman delusional? What reaction gave my excitement away?

  None. No movement at all because I’m so far from excited it’s unreal.

  "Why aren't you listening? I'm not going anywhere!"

  I want to punch her in the face.

  I'm getting beyond angry now. She can't show up, out of the blue, yet again, suddenly expecting me to go anywhere with her. It’s official Veronica Hindman is a narcissistic sociopath.

  Fuck it.

  “I’ll happily take one for the team and knock some sense into you mother,” I say sweetly, mocking her previous tone.

  I slap her across the face.

  Pleased that I got to smack a bitch, even if it wasn’t the one I had intended to go for.

  She screams like a banshee, hand to her cheek. Stunned I would touch her. The motherly act is gone now, and she steps toward me in retaliation as Rafe stands between us, ruining all the fun.

  The guys have stepped in close too. As the banging at the door gets louder, and more frantic at the sound of her scream.

  "Raphael, you better get this little bitch in line, and for the last time, we need to leave,” my mother screams at him, using his full name.

  I look at him. Why the fuck is he going to listen to my mother?

  He isn't going to agree with what she's saying.

  I don't care what Rafe's sorry for, he can explain it more when we get out of here. Right now, I just want out of this locker room and as far away from these lunatics as possible. He looks at me with resignation written all over his face.

  "I'm sorry Luna, this is out of my hands. Go with them, it's the easiest option for now."

  How can he say that so calmly?

  "Go with them? What the hell, Rafe?" I yell. It’s worse because he’s being too calm and relaxed about all of this.

  "Luna, look at me. I promise I won't give up, but we aren't prepared right now and we're outnumbered."

  "Open the fucking door then. Jake and the others are right there, better yet don't underestimate me. Us." I yell.

  Eyebrow raised, arms out to the side. He knows what we are capable of, and he’s just giving into her.

  "I'm sorry Luna, but the guys have no idea what they'd be walking into here. Your mother is right, it is about more than any of us, and we aren't going to solve the situation here by fighting."

  "And I do? Don't just repeat what she's saying! She's just getting in your head like every other time she shows up. Tell me you're joking Rafe because I'm not leaving!"

  I push at his chest, repeatedly. I know it’s not his fault deep down, but these fuckers are caging me in. Giving me no option and he’s letting them.

  "I'm sor..."

  "Stop fucking apologizing! God dammit Rafe, have my back here!"

  Before he can respond my so-called mother interrupts, "As sweet as this all is, time really is up."

  With that, one of the meat heads jab Rafe in the neck with a syringe and he goes down. I scream, trying to run toward him but I feel a sharp sting in my neck and my world enters complete darkness as I meet the same fate as Rafe. Funny how cozy the darkness can be compared to the company of my own mother.


  Oh god.

  What the hell is the pounding in my head?

  Damn, what did I drink last night?

  Whatever it was, I need to keep away from it in the future because I feel like death. Trying to get myself in a more comfortable position, I move my hand to scrub my face when it catches and I still. Not yet opening my eyes, I try to focus better and assess the situation more.

  Why the hell am I handcuffed?

  This definitely isn't sex related, I wouldn't trust anyone enough for this.

  I try to open my eyes to see what’s happening around me, but the banging in my head is unbearable, so I try to think. Forcing myself to remain as calm as possible. I do not need to freak out right now.

  What the hell happened last night?

  Retracing my steps in my head, whilst my arm hangs in the air and my body remains stiff, I backtrack to what I can remember.

  I took Dot for a spin after work and headed towards the warehouse. Jake and Tommy had a pissing match then I finally got my first official fight. What was that guy called? Rr .. Rry .. Riggs! Riggs, man I got that little bitch submitting in no time, even though he hit me hard to the face. Fuck, that could be why my eye feels sore, but it doesn't explain why I'm handcuffed. I remember leaving the ring and Murphy stopping me with the cash and then …


  It all comes back to me like a freight train. Being overwhelmed with the mental assault of the memories, all at once, has me nauseous.

  My mother, those guys and Rafe in the locker room. My mother kept going on about leaving and Rafe, Rafe agreeing with her.

  Oh god, as if it’s playing out in my mind like a movie. I see Veronica’s fucking minion sink that syringe into Rafe’s neck, and then I followed him to the ground. Damn, is that what I'm fighting off right now?

  Before I can assess myself in more detail I hear a throat clear.

  "Luna, you can enjoy my company more with your eyes open, no?"

  Fuck, I try not to wince at the sudden sound. Sadly, it’s my mother's voice. I don't want to open my eyes because she says so, but I also don’t want to seem weak.

  Prying my eyes open, I push through the burn and glance in the direction her voice came from.

  We’re moving. I’m travelling backwards in the back of a large SUV, with two of the guys from earlier relaxing to my left. My mother is sitting in the complete opposite corner with Rafe sandwiched in between her and another one of her puppets.

  I see Rafe’s tense posture, and it seems he came around a while before I did. I also don't miss the gun resting against his skull that my mother is holding or the giant smile on her smug as shit face.

  "How nice of you to join us, Luna."

  I don't know what she wants me to say to her right now. My head is pounding, my eye hurts as I haven't been able to ice it, and there's a general throbbing throughout my bones as if they let me drop to the floor without softening the blow, no one concerned enough to catch my fall.


  Both of my wrists are cuffed together and looped through the handle just above me. I’d just like a minute to freaking process tonight, rest my head in my hands, relax the ache in my shoulders, slaughter these motherfuckers for ruining my win.

  "I thought we'd given you too much there for a minute, seeing as that was four hours ago and big ass Raphael came around within the hour!"

  I roll my eyes at the shit coming out of her mouth. I wish she’d just call him Rafe, her formalities are really annoying the hell out of me.

  “Well I'm not the size of Rafe, am I?” I state the obvious.

  It seems they didn't fully think the situation through and gave us both the same amount of drugs. Seeing as though I'm 5ft 7" and slim in frame compared to Rafe, the gentle giant. It's no wonder I was out for longer.

  "Lucky for you Rafe picked up what he thought you may need.”

  Man, does she just like the sound of her own voice or something? I roll my head back looking at the roof of
the car.

  None of her men are fazed by any of this, just satisfied to stare into space. Not even a murmured conversation between themselves.

  "I've ensured you have the best dorm possible, as your family name deserves nothing but the best. I've already gone ahead and had it filled with the required clothing and footwear you'll need along with any other bits I felt were appropriate. Now say, thank you mother."

  I glare at her, "You don't know me enough to know what I need. Otherwise you wouldn't be taking me against my will to a place I've never heard of let alone want to attend. So, I think I'll hold the thanks for now."

  She sighs at me. Veronica fucking sighs at me, like I’m the one talking nonsense.

  “Featherstone is the Academy for the leaders of the Underworld across the States, some even coming in from other countries under special agreements. It was agreed before any of our times for the descendants to attend Featherstone and learn the Underworld to follow in their bloodlines footsteps, the family name specialties, and skill sets ready to take over when the time is right."

  How am I supposed to get out of this?

  Featherstone? What sort of Academy is even called that? I'm 18. If I'm supposed to be going anywhere it's college and I don't want that either. I already know what I want so why is this being forced? I'm gonna have to give myself a minute here to prioritize what questions I need to ask first.

  “This is bullshit,” I glare.

  "You'll watch your fucking tongue young lady! There's only so much of your attitude I'm willing to take and I'm at my limit. Let me tell you, you'd be dragged to Featherstone whether it was me doing so or someone else. It is your legacy to attend Featherstone whether you like it or not, it'll be best for everyone if you know your place and do as you're told from the get-go."

  "What does that even mean? My legacy? I've never even heard of this place. I have a life I'm happy with and it doesn't involve you or some academy that I have no interest in."

  "Oh Luna, it means you are bound to attend Featherstone Academy out of oath and loyalty to your bloodlines as well as the founders, no will not be accepted as an answer. You should be appreciating the fact that I didn't come for you sooner and force you to attend the High School, like I did."

  My eyes bug out at her. I can't help it, she's talking to me like I should know what she's babbling on about and I have no clue.

  "What oath and loyalty to my bloodlines? You abandoned me when I was six years old mother, after we'd just experienced a life shattering ordeal that no one should ever have to live through! The same ordeal that killed my father!" I yell.

  I'm starting to shake a little, she's got my memories floating to the surface and I can't deal with that right now.

  My mother sits taller, hands poised on her knee.

  "Steele, that is your main bloodline when attending Featherstone, your father’s bloodline. I met your father at Featherstone as my legacy led me there also."

  She's talking so matter of fact about it all but completely overlooking any emotion. What the hell happened to this woman to make her this way? Is this how I'm going to turn out too?

  "So, let me get this straight. You show up, out of the blue again, on my 18th birthday forcing me to leave my life behind. To attend an academy named Featherstone because both you and my father attended when you were younger. Now, I have no choice with regards to the whole situation, because it falls down to an oath I didn't take and loyalty to a bloodline I no longer have a connection to?"

  It's official, she definitely is a maniac. How was she ever allowed to have a child? She is the least maternal woman I have ever met, and that goes back as long as I can remember. I don’t ever recall a loving moment between us.

  "Yes Luna, that is exactly it.”

  Looking around the car no one is surprised by what she is saying, not even Rafe.

  Rafe is taking this all in, not liking the fact that I’m learning all of this information, especially because it’s coming from my mother’s mouth. It's clear he truly thought he had spared me from all this otherwise he’d have been the one to tell me. I'm trying to digest all this information, but I just want an escape plan. I want to get out of this car and go the fuck home.

  Meeting Rafe's eyes he shakes his head lightly at me, he knows what I'm thinking and that's his way of telling me it's not possible. All the training, the constant practice, the time and dedication, and we find ourselves in a situation out of our control and he's telling me to back down, that we aren't enough to get out of this? Why?

  He must see the question in my eyes, the confusion, "Featherstone is connected to every piece of the Underworld, Luna. Every drug dealer, everything on the black market, every assassin, you name it. If it's breaking the law they know about it, and if you don't fall in line you're dead, simple as that."

  My brain can't process it. So, any illegal organization in the US is run by one giant organization who apparently call the shots that you follow, or you're done for? Mulling this all over it suddenly comes to mind.

  "Rafe, how do you even know all this?"

  It's instant, the shame. He can't even look at me. I can sense why but I want to hear it.

  "Luna, you know Rafe was a good friend of your fathers since high school so if he went to Featherstone High, then so did Rafe, silly." She giggles like it's just trivial details but it's not and Rafe knows it.

  I don't know whether I'm angry or upset but I want him to look at me and confirm it. I hate that all the information is coming from her mouth.


  "Yeah Luna, I attended Featherstone High and Academy when I was younger. I hoped it would never matter so I never discussed any of this with you, but I did attend, and I honored the Gibbs bloodline."

  Honored? Why are we calling it that? Am I reacting so differently because I'm just finding out now? Would I feel differently if I'd always known, grown up with it? I can't imagine I would feel any differently than I do now, but no one will ever know. Looking at Rafe again, seen as he has all the fucking answers anyways.

  "How long am I expected to stay for?"

  "It runs very differently from a normal college. It’s literally twelve months Luna, that’s all. You’ll still get a few holidays off campus too, like you would anywhere. The classes will be preselected for you based on what is suited to your family line.”

  Twelve months? They want me to stay a whole year?

  I look around the SUV, for what I don’t know. Back up? I’m not going to get it off these men, they don’t even care for our interaction. Apart from the two upfront, two of the guys are on their mobile phones whilst one is asleep, and we’re definitely not being quiet.

  Are they joking? The resignation in Rafe's eyes tells me he's definitely not joking. How are they expecting me to attend somewhere I don't want to be for the next fucking year? What's to say, come Fall Break, I run?

  The thought is barely a blip in my mind, when I see my mother is still holding her gun to Rafe’s head. As though they weren't apparently connected through my father in some way, like she didn't pass her child over to him without a care.

  Something tells me there is no running, based on what both Rafe and my mother have said. So, I'm stuck with this lifestyle, and I didn't even get to create it myself. Running my brain over the slithers of information being drip fed to me, I know what I need to ask next.

  "If what you're saying is accurate, what is it I'm supposed to be learning whilst I'm there?" I instantly regret it the second I see my mother’s face brighten with the information she holds.

  "Well, seeing as both of your parents are descendants, I have been able to place you for both paths, with your father’s being the most prominent of course. Featherstone is also aware of your living arrangements, so I was also able to add a few of Raphael's skill sets to your schedule."

  She's almost clapping with glee, trying to create suspense with the details she holds. I don't look at Rafe, but I saw him stiffen the instant she mentioned his name. I won’t rush her. I ca
n show patience. She wants me to goad her to say it, but I can sit here all day long maintaining eye contact. She rolls her eyes at me knowing I'm not rising to her antics.

  "Fine, my skills as a Hindman are infiltration of legitimate businesses and corrupting law officials..." she pauses, expecting a round of applause or something. Who knows, but she isn't getting a reaction out of me, or her lackeys, so I’ll take that as a win for me too.

  She continues, not fazed by my blank expression, "Raphael's skillset is weapons and combat."

  Well that makes quite a lot of sense. Although it has me wondering if he was actually in the armed forces, or if his so-called sniper skills were used for other purposes. The look on his face tells me I am right, do I even know him anymore?

  "And finally, your father's bloodline specializes in robbery, more specifically looting high value, sought after items and well, Featherstone would like to thank you for your assistance so far. You have made quite the impression. Like father, like daughter they said. Isn't that right Luna 'Moon' Steele."

  Oh shit.


  After that, the car is silent. It seems everyone in the car knows who I am, what I’ve done, and that includes Rafe. They must be able to tell from the look on my face that I’m a ticking time bomb, and I need to calm down before I can continue any further conversation or gain any new information. I’m trying to understand how this is all happening, how they know.

  Staring out the window, I take in the darkness around us as we coast down some highway to fuck knows where.

  I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have an eye for shiny objects, but have I been that obvious? As a child anything with a shine attracted me to it, like a moth to a flame. Over the years that evolved into what was wanted by paying customers, and how much they were willing to pay.

  Now that I understand where this desire came from, the items don’t seem as shiny anymore. Well, not in the shimmering eye-catching way like they were, but more for their price tags.

  When in my life could I have found myself under their spotlight?

  The whole thing could have been a test from the beginning. Veronica mentioned ‘like father like daughter’. Was it because of my father? Rafe?


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