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Shadow (Military Intelligence Section 6 Book 4)

Page 16

by Heather Slade

  Quint shook his head and smiled. He was so damn proud of her, not that he had any right to be. She’d done this all on her own. He couldn’t wait to congratulate her in person.

  A FEW HOURS LATER, he got his wish when he received an alert from the front gate. He went outside and waited as they drove up. Axel exited the 4x4 first and held his hand out to Esland, who followed. Darrow and Edge exited from the other side.

  “Welcome,” Quint said when Axel and the woman he recognized as Esland walked over to him. He shook both of their hands.

  “This is Edge,” Axel told him, although he recognized him as well from the profile he’d uploaded. After they shook hands, Quint looked behind him to the person he wanted to see more than any of the others—more than anyone else on earth, actually.

  “Welcome back,” he said as he and Darrow walked toward each other. Once he was close enough, he took her in his arms and spun her around in a circle.

  Quint stopped moving but didn’t let her go. Having her body flush against his felt too damn good. When he put one hand on her bottom, Darrow wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “I want to kiss you,” he murmured.

  “What’s stopping you?”

  Quint had his back to the house. “Do we have an audience?”

  “We don’t, not that it would stop me from kissing you.”

  Quint captured her mouth with his and weaved his fingers into Darrow’s long hair. “God, I missed you,” he whispered, regretting saying the words out loud as soon as he had.

  She leaned back, put her hands on either side of his face, and looked into his eyes. “I missed you too.”

  He slid her down his body. “Z tells me you’re doing great at Monckton.”

  She shrugged and turned away from him, but not before he caught the hurt look on her face. He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. When she looked into his eyes and smiled, he forgot everything he’d planned to say. Instead, he kissed her again.

  “Feed me dinner and then take me to bed, cowboy,” she said, pulling him by the hand.

  “Who flew you in?” Deck, who had joined them, asked Axel when they sat down at the table. “Mantis and Alegria?”

  “That’s right.”

  “I’d hoped to reconnect with them.”

  Darrow was puzzled. How did Decker know the two K19 operatives?

  “They had to fly to California to pick up whoever K19 is sending this way,” Axel explained and then turned to Darrow. “I was telling Ezzie that you’ve met Merrigan Shaw.”

  “Right,” she answered, looking at True rather than Axel. “Did you know that Sir Caird originally asked her to take over as chief of MI6?”

  “It wouldn’t surprise me,” her friend responded. “Her accomplishments are legendary. I told Axel I’m envious you’ve met her. I hope I get to one day.”

  “You should reach out,” Darrow suggested.

  Axel’s reaction to Darrow’s words seemed odd. Maybe he already had.

  Quint ran his finger over the back of Darrow’s hand. “Tell me more about your training.”

  She leaned forward so her mouth was next to his ear. “I’d rather we just call it a night, Quint.” When she tilted her head and kissed his neck, he shuddered. When he looked up, they were the only two left at the table.

  Darrow got up when she noticed the same thing and began taking their dishes to the kitchen.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Quint told her.

  “I don’t mind.”

  He was about to tell her that she was a guest here, but he didn’t want to remind her of that any more than he wanted to think about how soon she’d have to leave. Instead, he began loading the dishwasher while she put away the leftover food.

  “I like this,” he heard her mumble.

  “Clean-up duty?”

  Darrow walked over and put her arms around his waist. “Being here with you, having it feel…normal between us.” She put her finger on his lips. “Before you say anything, I know this is…temporary.”

  She seemed to be struggling with her words as much as Quint found himself struggling with his thoughts. She’d said it. He didn’t have to. The time they had was finite. Rather than focusing on that, counting the hours, or planning ahead to the time Darrow would have to leave, he’d enjoy every single minute they had together as if it would be their last—because there was a good chance it would be.


  Darrow offered to ride out with Quint, but he told her to go back to sleep.

  “Don’t forget why you’re here,” he reminded her.

  He was right. She wasn’t here for a visit; she was here because True’s life was in danger and she was one of the people tasked with keeping her safe.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he said, giving her another kiss.

  “Wait,” she said when he was almost to the bedroom door. “Give me another one of those.”

  He smiled, walked back to the bed, leaned down, and kissed her again. “The sooner I get out there, the sooner I’ll be back.”

  As hard as she tried to go back to sleep, she couldn’t. She got up and went out to the kitchen. When Quint did come back, she’d have a full breakfast waiting.

  “Good morning.”

  Darrow startled when True walked in. “Good morning,” she said with her hand on her heart. “How did you sleep?”

  “I slept fine, but who are you?”

  Darrow laughed. “I slept quite well too, thanks. Coffee or tea?”

  “Tea, please.”

  “Have a seat. It’ll just be a minute.”

  “Darrow Whittaker, I’ve known you most of my life, and you are not a morning person.”

  “I know,” she said, coming to sit next to her. “It’s just that when I’m here, I am. I mean, God, Quint and the rest of the ranch hands are up before dawn. If I sleep until eight, I feel like a sloth.”

  “Wow.” Esland shook her head. “Are you two, you know, together?”

  They were, for now. Without having discussed it, there seemed to be an unspoken agreement between them that they’d live in the present and not think about what might happen in the future. “For now, we are. When I go back to England, I’ve no idea what will happen. And after, well, I am training to serve SIS in some form.”

  “What about training here, like your brother mentioned?”

  “We’ll see.” Darrow didn’t want to get her hopes up, but even if she did train in the States, it would only be for a short while. She’d still have to return to England to complete MI6 training.

  She stood when the tea kettle whistled. “Where is Axel? Still sleeping?”

  “No, making calls.”

  There was a time when needing to leave the room while Axel “took care of business” drove her mad, and she said so. “Does it bother you?” she asked.

  “I suppose it depends on whether Axel stays true to his word and lets me work on the investigation alongside the rest of you.”

  “Is that a possibility?”

  True nodded. “In fact, he has something for us to work on together.”

  “Who us?”

  “You and me.”

  “You’re joking?”

  “I’m not.”

  She rested her elbows on the table. “Well done, my friend. I admit, I didn’t think he had it in him.”

  “I thought you said she never uttered a disparaging word about me?” Axel said to True. Darrow averted her gaze when he kissed the back of her friend’s neck. “Where’s Quint this morning?”

  “He should be back soon,” said Darrow, looking at the clock. “He typically comes in for breakfast about this time.” She stood, walked back over to the kitchen, and began pulling food from the refrigerator.

  “Are you cooking breakfast?” Axel asked.

  “Watch it,” she told him, raising the pan she’d just gotten out of the cupboard. “Quint thinks I’m an excellent cook.”

  “Good morning,” said Edge, joining them at the dining table. “
Quint and Decker said they’d be in as soon as he washes up.”

  “Did you ride out with them?” Darrow asked and he nodded.

  A few minutes later, Quint came inside with Deck. “What’s this? A full breakfast?”

  Darrow smiled and kissed him.

  “Did you visit your hens this morning as well?”

  “I did,” she answered, showing him the three cartons of eggs sitting on the counter.

  “I don’t know how she does it, but Darrow somehow manages to get three times the eggs from those hens as I’m able to. Even Tee-Tee doesn’t round up that many,” Quint said, putting his arm around her shoulders.

  True and Axel both looked stupefied.

  “Tee-Tee is the Alexanders’ version of Mrs. Mollybock,” Darrow explained, but neither of their expressions changed.

  “Oh, come on,” she groaned. “Is it really that surprising that I know how to gather eggs? Your own father taught me, Axel.”

  “I am not aware of any such thing ever happening.”

  “Sod off, Fulton,” she muttered, sitting down next to Quint. “What’s the plan for today?”

  “The K19 team will arrive shortly after eleven hundred hours,” said Axel.

  “Who’s coming?” Quint asked.

  “I’m not entirely certain.” Axel fibbed.

  Something passed between him and True, which Darrow chose to ignore. “Can I get you another cup of coffee?” she asked Quint.

  “I can get it.”

  Darrow stood and took both of their cups to the kitchen. When she came back, she heard they were still discussing who was coming from K19. She looked at Quint, who rolled his eyes.

  “All right,” Axel said. “Ranger and Diesel. Do those names mean anything to you?”

  Shrugging, she picked up her fork and continued eating. “This really is fabulous, Darrow. Well done.”

  “True tells me there’s an assignment for us to work together.”

  “Right,” said Axel, finishing the last bite of food on his plate and looking at Quint. “Call is yours, mate. If you prefer I not talk missions around you, I’m happy not to, but on the other hand, you’ve been around this business all of your life.”

  “You never offered me the same courtesy,” grumbled Darrow, wondering why Axel would talk so freely in front of the ranch manager.

  Quint reached over and rubbed her shoulder. “And if he had, maybe you wouldn’t be livin’ your dream, darlin’.”

  She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  “I don’t mind either way,” Quint answered Axel. “Just so you know, I do have third-level clearance.”

  Axel raised a brow.

  “I facilitated getting him cleared through the agency,” said Decker.

  “Esland has recently learned of a trust originally put in place by Lord Maxwell Westbrook, her great-grandfather.”

  “Cor blimey,” muttered Darrow, looking between Decker and True. She was unsure which of the last two bits of information surprised her more, that Decker either now worked for the CIA or had in the past, or that True was related to Lord Maxell. “Max is your grandfather?”

  “He is,” True answered.

  “Why didn’t you ever say?”

  She shrugged. “It never came up.”

  “Anyway, this trust is significant,” Axel continued. “Shiver had received intel suggesting there may be another heir. He has no further information, other than this heir would only inherit upon Esland’s passing.”

  Darrow took a breath and sat back in her chair instead, waiting for Axel to continue.

  “Given that, Shiver believes there may be a threat potential. Also, given that Esland’s mother was an only child as was her grandmother, the heir would have to be descended from a sibling or even cousin of Lord Westbrook himself.”

  “Is this our project?” Darrow asked True.

  “Yes. I was thinking we could start with genealogy.”

  Axel asked Decker to show them how to access the network and which to use. He then explained how the biorecognition access points worked before everyone but the two of them left the room.

  “You’re smiling,” he said, pulling Darrow over to sit on his lap.

  “I’m…what’s the expression? Geeking out a bit.”

  “It is pretty cool. You know who set it all up, don’t you?” Quint asked, laughing.

  Darrow shook her head.

  “Deck and Burns Butler.”

  “Cor blimey,” she muttered. What she’d give to be in a room with him for five minutes. Not to mention she was still stunned by Deck’s involvement.

  “I hate to say this, but I need to get back out there.”

  “I know,” she sighed, wishing she could ride out with him. “Where did True run off to?” she asked, looking around the room.

  “She and Axel went that way,” answered Quint, pointing to the bedroom.

  “I’ll walk you to the barn,” she said, following him out.

  “It’s nice having my shadow with me,” he said when she walked with him over to Gunsmoke’s stall.

  “Would that I could follow you around all day. Sadly, I am on duty.”

  “It’s what you wanted, Darrow.”

  “I know, and I’m not complaining. Not really anyway. It’s the same as when you said you hated to say it, but you need to get back out here.”

  “Exactly,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “I heard a rumor you might be interested in.”

  “What’s that?” She smiled at the twinkle in his eye.

  “Doc Butler is on his way here. You may already know that.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “Then you probably don’t know that he’ll be talking with you about training with K19.”

  “And you know this, how?”

  “You’d be surprised what all I know.” He nuzzled her neck and pulled her body against his. “You know that part about me hating that I have to ride out? I’m hating it even more right now.”

  “Speaking of how you’re so well informed, where is Decker?” she asked, looking around the barn.

  “He left a little while ago and will be out of town for a few days.”

  Darrow wiggled her brows, led Quint into the office, and locked the door behind them.

  “What is your intention, ma’am?” he said, taking off his hat and putting it on the desk.

  “I have some interrogation techniques I’d like to practice on you.”

  “I always wanted to be someone’s homework. Where do we start?”

  “Take off your clothes, cowboy.”

  “You first,” he said while unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Alexander, I am the one doing the interrogating today. I’ll be making the rules.” Darrow stood in front of him and unfastened his belt.

  “I kinda like this.”

  She dropped her hands. “Quint…I…”

  “Come here,” he said, pulling her onto his lap. “What’s goin’ on, Darrow?”

  “How can two things that are so far apart both feel so right?”

  He cupped her cheek with his palm. “I don’t know the answer, sweetheart.”

  “I love being here with you.”

  “I know you do, and I love having you here, but—”

  “Don’t say it.” She tried to get up, but Quint held tight.

  “I am going to say it, and you’re going to listen. Everything you’ve ever dreamed of is within your reach. Think about that for a minute. You’re actually doing what you’ve always wanted to do. I can’t be the man who takes that away from you. I couldn’t live with myself.”

  “It’s ironic that if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be doing this at all.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Let me ask you this. Would you ask me to leave Texas, leave the ranch, and move to England?”

  She sat up straight and looked into Quint’s eyes. “Of course I wouldn’t. This is your life. It’s everything you love.”

  He didn’t need to say another
word; she got what he was trying to get her to recognize.

  Darrow lost track of time as they sat and held each other. God, she loved this man. Thinking it, ripped her heart to shreds. Saying it out loud would destroy her.

  “THEY’RE HERE,” Quint said when an alert popped up on his phone.

  “Do we have to go and greet them?”

  “Nope,” he said, holding her tighter.

  “You have to get to work, though.”

  “Not just yet,” he said as he unbuttoned her blouse.

  BOTH HER AND Quint’s phone buzzed with a message that Doc Butler was looking for her.

  “Duty calls for both of us,” said Quint, winking as he helped her back into her clothes before putting on his. “I’ll never look at this office the same way again.”

  Darrow would’ve said she wouldn’t either, but would she ever actually see it again after the next few days?

  “Go ahead,” Quint said when he saw her waiting for him. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

  When she walked out, Edge was waiting with two men she didn’t recognize.

  “This is Ranger Messick and Diesel Jacks. Both men are with K19.”

  “I understand you’ll be training with us,” said the one Edge introduced as Diesel.

  “I’ve heard a rumor,” she said, smiling. “I’m actually on my way to meet with Doc now.”

  “Do you know where—”

  Darrow guessed Edge was about to ask after Quint when the door to the office opened and he walked out.

  “Gentlemen,” he said, looking between the three men and Darrow. “What can I do for you?”

  “Thought we’d ride out with you this afternoon,” Edge said.

  Darrow saw this as the perfect opportunity to leave. “I’ll catch up with you later,” she said, waving as she walked out of the barn and over to where she saw Doc on the front porch.

  “Hi, I’m Darrow. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m sorry if I kept you waiting.” She held out her and shook his.

  “I’m Doc, or Kade as you’ll hear Merrigan call me. And you didn’t. Axel and I just finished up.” Doc motioned for her to have a seat.

  “I must confess that I feel mildly uncomfortable at the moment. If you were coerced into—”

  “Stop right there,” he said, holding up his hand. “No one coerces me into anything. Well, Merrigan does sometimes.” He winked. “But not in this case. I had a conversation yesterday with JohnTwo. He expects you’ll soon be bored with MI6 training.”


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