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Broken (Breaking the Rules Series Book 1)

Page 8

by K. Webster

  “Great! This is really going to be a great dynamic for our team here. Since you two know each other, things will go so much more smoothly,” Jordan beamed warmly, patting my bare thigh and then removing it to neaten his stack of paper in front of him.

  I looked up to see Bray and Jackson wearing matching glares, this time directed towards Jordan, who seemed oblivious. The testosterone was thick in the conference room today.

  Jordan quickly addressed a few things before excusing everyone. I jumped from my seat and bolted back to my desk. Once I sat down and pretended to be preoccupied with booting up my computer, Jackson stalked past me into his office, slamming the door behind him. Shit. Today was even worse than yesterday!

  Now, I had to work with someone who was the ultimate cause of the way I was today. Working with Bray was going to prove to be extremely difficult, especially since the pain in my heart I had eradicated pulsed at the sight of him earlier.

  Jordan and Bray walked out together, shaking hands before Jordan went over to his office. Bray sauntered over to my desk and glanced at my legs. Dragging his eyes back to mine, he said, “You look really beautiful, Andi.” I muttered a thanks and turned my attention to the computer screen. He stood quietly for a moment before walking over to his office right next to Jackson’s.

  Pepper needed to know today’s events.


  Guess who works here now? Never in a million years could I have predicted this. Imagine the worst possible scenario and you’ll be right. Drinks again tonight? This time at our apartment with Olive?

  Your best friend who has no luck at all,


  After I hit send, my inbox chimed immediately with her response.

  Fucking Brayden.

  Sighing at my luck, I got busy returning phone calls and planning meetings for all three guys. The morning flew by, and I was startled when Jackson came out of his office and left without saying a word to me.

  I guess we were back to the cold Jackson I didn’t like. He had said that we were having lunch, so I was guessing he had gone to go get it.

  Brayden suddenly emerged from his office and walked over to my desk. “Want to grab some lunch and catch up?” he asked, smiling at me. I squirmed under his gaze. Everything about this chance encounter had my nerves on edge.

  “Jackson went to get some for me. Maybe tomorrow?” I quipped, biting my lip.

  His eyes fell to my lips and he looked almost sad when he glanced back up at me. “Sure, tomorrow,” he muttered hoarsely and took off out the door.

  An hour later, Bray came back in. Stopping at my desk on the way to his office, he asked if he had any messages. “I emailed them to you. Check your calendar. I set up something on Thursday with a Mr. Higgins,” I told him.

  Glancing into Jackson’s office and then back to me, he asked, “How was lunch?”

  “Um, Jackson is supposed to be bringing it back,” I offered weakly. Considering it was now a quarter to two, I thought I might have been stood up again. When my stomach growled loudly, I clutched it trying to get it to stop.

  He frowned at me. “Shit, Andi, you know you get lightheaded if you don’t eat properly. Let’s go. We’ll run down to the café here in the building and grab you a sandwich.”

  I stood up, quickly deciding that I needed to eat in order to function for the rest of the afternoon. The room spun and I grabbed the desk trying to gain my bearings. Suddenly, two arms were around my middle trying to ease me back into the chair.

  “Andi, sit down,” Bray urged quietly. “I’ll be right back.”

  I put my head on the desk and waited for Bray to return. When he finally came back about ten minutes later, I was happy to see him. He had a sandwich in one hand and a soda in the other. Unscrewing the lid, he handed it over to me. “Here, drink this. It will make you feel better so you can stomach the food. You need to bring some snacks to keep up here. Working at a fast-paced firm like this, there may be times you can’t eat and we can’t have you fainting. You know how you get,” he gently chided.

  I nodded my head and sipped down the soda. Finally, I felt okay enough to eat the sandwich. Tearing it open, I ate it quickly. He watched me sadly while I ate. This had to be the most awkward situation ever. When I nervously tried to put the lid back on the bottle, my fumbling hands dropped it at my feet.

  Before I could bend over to pick it up, Bray had already knelt down to retrieve it. When he glanced up at me, his eyes skittered up my legs, landing right between them. Heat instantly flooded his face as he looked up at me with a smoldering expression. “Fuck, Andi! You’re not wearing any panties!” he hissed, glancing there again.

  Embarrassment overcame me as I crossed my legs quickly, ending his peep show.

  “Is that so?” a familiar voice asked behind him. Jackson was glaring at Bray, who was still crouched in shock. Bray shot up from the floor and spun to face him.

  “She has to eat or she will pass out. If you promise to bring her food, then fucking do it,” he growled at Jackson and stormed back to his office.

  Jackson looked after him and then jerked his gaze back to me. “Shit. I’m sorry, Andi,” he apologized, rubbing both hands across his face. “I was having a really bad morning and I completely forgot.”

  Shaking my head, I avoided looking in his direction and pretended to be doing something on the computer. “It’s no problem. Bray got me a sandwich,” I answered softly.

  I could hear the grinding of his teeth before he grunted and went into his office, closing the door behind him.

  A little while later, Jordan came over. “Andi, I need a favor. The firm is really needing some good publicity. The museum where your friend Pepper works is having a gala event soon. They’ve already pinned down their sponsors, but I want Compton Enterprises to be the main sponsor. I don’t care how much it costs and how much persuading it takes, but please make it happen,” he said and went back to his office.

  Well, I could always try. I’d get some drinks in Pepper tonight and beg her. Maybe she’d feel sorry for me and pull some strings. If anyone could make something happen, Pepper could.

  When Jackson’s door opened, I glanced up at him. His hard glare from earlier was gone and the softer side of him was looking at me. “Can you come in here for a minute?” he asked, motioning towards his office.

  I stood up and walked over to him. He allowed me to pass and closed the door behind him.

  Grabbing my hand, he pulled me to him. My body melted to his but I was still upset with him. “Andi, I am fucking impossible to be around. When I found you on Friday, I looked forward to a weekend of not being my usual self and enjoying the moment. We had a great time and I loved every minute of it. Now that you work here, I’m having trouble being that man you knew because of the person I really am. I am an unhappy person. But you actually make me happy. You’re smart, sexy, and confident. I don’t deserve someone like you. My shit for brains can’t even remember to honor our dates. Please forgive me. I’m really trying here,” he pleads, frowning at me, clearly angry with himself.

  His confession warmed my insides. We were both damaged people trying to live normal lives. Maybe we could fumble our way through this after all.

  I stood on my toes and gently kissed his lips, letting him know that I was trying to forgive him without words. His hands threaded through my hair and pressed me farther into his lips. I moaned because I wanted him so badly. His tongue slipped into my mouth and stroked my own. Our kiss became more fervent. One of his hands slid to my ass and grabbed it. I dropped my hands down to his belt and started undoing it.

  He groaned and reached over to lock his office door. Breaking from our kiss, I finished with his pants and pulled them down. His hands grasped the bottom of my skirt and hiked it up over my hips. “Fuck, Andi, you are so fucking sexy. You didn’t wear panties for me and I was a dick to you. I don’t deserve you,” he growled as he reached down to cup my sex.

  “Jackson, please fuck me now,” I breathed as he stroked my c
lit. Reaching around me, he grabbed my ass and lifted me onto the credenza. I spread my legs so he could access me better. He reached down and guided his cock into me.

  I threw my head backwards as he began pumping into me. My orgasm teased me as it got closer. When I started to moan loudly, Jackson’s hand covered my mouth and kissed my neck. “Shhh, baby, shhh,” he crooned into my ear.

  My body thrashed uncontrollably as my orgasm crashed into me. His pumping slowed as I felt him come. We probably would have stayed like that, milking the last of our orgasms, but a loud knocking on the door made us jerk apart.

  Jackson hastily pulled up his pants and quickly fastened them. “Yes?” he asked gruffly even though he was smiling at me.

  “It’s me, Bray. Is Andi in there? I need to ask her something about my schedule,” he requests through the door. Glancing at my legs as I was pulling down my skirt, Jackson reached over and grabbed some tissue from the box on the credenza.

  “We’re just finishing up. I’ll send her over in just a minute,” he called out. He came back over to me and crouched. Wiping my leg with the tissue, he cleaned up the remains from our heated moment. Bringing his lips to the inside of my thigh, he kissed it.

  Smiling at me, he stood up and walked back over to his desk, picking up the phone to make a phone call. My cheeks flushed and I hurried out of the office to go see what Bray needed. Jackson was so hot and cold, but that was totally freaking hot.

  A dark two weeks…

  “This will be your room,” Pepper says with a smile as she gestures to the bedroom. I love everything about this apartment. It has really high ceilings and open windows. The hardwoods are the original and add charm to the building. Crown molding decorates the top of the walls, looking ornate. This place was absolutely gorgeous. For once in the past two weeks, I am genuinely happy.

  “Pepper, I’m so excited. This place is fabulous. I promise I’ll pay half the rent once I get a real job. In the meantime, I’ll buy our groceries,” I assure her.

  She just waves me away, grinning. “Andi, no worries. I don’t care if you pay me at all. You’re my best friend. We’re going to have such a blast!”

  We hug each other and I bask in the power that rolls off of Pepper. She is my rock and I am blessed to have someone like her in my life.

  Slipping out of Jackson’s office, I quickly go to Bray’s.

  He’s hunched over, looking at some paperwork when I walk in. Closing the door behind me, I walk over to his desk. When he looked up and saw me, he smiled, gesturing for me to sit.

  I sat down and waited for him to speak. “Andi, my appointment with Mr. Higgins is on Thursday, as you know. Do you think you could come with me and take notes? I’m trying to get him to accept our offer versus a competitor’s. I think having you there will be a good learning experience for you,” he informs me.

  I nodded, excited to go into the field and meet with a client. “Sure. I mean, as long as it’s okay with Jordan and Jackson. Will you clear it with them first?” I asked.

  “I already spoke to Jordan about it. He said that was fine and they’ll manage without you.” He turned his attention back to his computer. “Well, I need to get back to work,” he sighed, dismissing me.

  When I stood to leave, he stood as well and walked over to me.

  “Andi, this is so fucking hard working with you. I just want to sprawl you out on my desk and make love to you like old times. It has been incredibly difficult to resist doing what I’d love to do to you today.” He stepped really close to me, enveloping me in his scent once again, and grabbed a lock of my hair, twirling it between his fingers. “And the fact that I know you aren’t wearing panties makes me want you so fucking bad,” he growled, pressing his body against mine so I can feel his erection.

  Jerking away, I shakily walked out of the office. He had no right to walk back into my life and try to pick things up again like the worst part of my life had never happened.

  I went back to my desk and sulked for the remainder of the afternoon. Bray really complicated my life. I’d finally gotten things somewhat sorted out and here he was again, messing it all up.

  “Let me take you home,” Jackson stated, coming from his office.

  I turned and smiled at him. “Okay, let me grab my purse.”

  As we got ready to leave, Bray stepped out of his office, closing the door behind him. His eyes darted to mine and darkened when he saw Jackson standing near me.

  Storming past us, he grumbled, “Andi. Jackson,” and disappeared out the door. Yep, definitely awkward. My phone chimed in my purse, so I pulled it out to see who had texted me.

  Pepper: Something came up at work. I’m having to sort through it. Our main sponsor just pulled their place and I am scrambling to find a replacement. Rain check on drinks?

  Smiling, I told Jackson to hold on a minute and rushed into Jordan’s office. “Pepper just texted me saying that their main sponsor pulled out for the gala. Here’s her business card. Call her and set it up. I bet she’ll be happy to find a quick replacement,” I speculated, handing Jordan the card.

  He smiled in satisfaction, grabbing the card from me, and picked up the phone to dial her number. “Pepper,’s me, Jordan Compton,” he greeted. I turned on my heels after waving bye to him and met Jackson by the door.

  Jackson grabbed my hand in his and we headed to his car. George greeted me with his cute accent when we stepped into the vehicle. “Want to grab dinner?” Jackson asked me. I nodded since Pepper couldn’t hang out with me anyway. “George, take us to Santino’s Grill.”

  His hand slid to my thigh and I grinned at him. I was more than happy to be spending time with Hot Jackson. He was making his appearance more and more today rather than Cold Jackson.

  “What are you smiling about?” he asked me as his hand rubbed up and down my upper thigh. My body shivered like it always did when he touched me.

  “You,” I answered simply. His eyes dropped to my lips. Knowing it would get to him, I licked them. The light in his eyes ignited and he pressed against my lips with his own. My core ached for him. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I climbed over him and straddled his lap. He groaned and reached over, pressing a button that dropped a divider between the driver and the backseat.

  His hands grabbed the bottom of my skirt while I kissed him wildly and yanked it up. He took a handful of my ass with each hand and I grinded myself into him. Removing his hands, he unbuttoned my blazer, slipping it off. Thankfully the windows to the car were incredibly dark because I was about to give them a show otherwise.

  He pulled off my camisole, leaving me in just my bra, but quickly fumbled with that and yanked it off of me too. I helped him slip out of his jacket and began working the buttons on his shirt. Once I got them undone, we both pulled it away from him. I leaned forward, kissing him again, this time our bare chests touching.

  Grinding into him some more, he practically tossed me off of him so he could pull his pants down. When he got them down far enough, I straddled him again, easing myself onto him. I started bouncing on his cock, making my tits bob in his face. He grabbed them and started sucking and kissing them all over.

  My orgasm came surprisingly fast and I almost stopped riding him to allow it to shudder through me, but his hands grabbed my ass again and helped me bounce until his own burst into me. We relaxed, still joined, and I nuzzled my face into his neck. His hands rubbed up and down along my naked back, making me shiver.

  We stayed like this in comfortable, silent bliss until the car stopped. I scrambled to throw my clothes back on and Jackson just smiled at me. “You’re so beautiful with your ‘just fucked’ hair. If we weren’t already at the restaurant, I’d fuck you again just to keep up your sexy hairstyle,” he smirked at me.

  Sticking my tongue out, I finished dressing. “And do that again and we certainly will never leave this car,” he growled making me giggle.

  Once dressed, we stepped out of the car and the heavenly aroma of authentic Mexican food hit me. I moaned
at how good it smelled and Jackson squeezed my ass making me yelp. “When you make that noise, it takes everything in me not to bend you over right now,” he said gruffly. I laughed and grabbed his hand hurrying him into the restaurant.

  After we made it inside, I was mesmerized by the colorfully painted walls and columns, the garish decorations all over the place, and the delicious smells that filled the air. The hostess seated us by a window and set down some chips and salsa in front of us. Speaking in Spanish, she asked a question. Jackson flawlessly recited something back to her in her language and she hurried away.

  “We’re having margaritas,” he informed me, smiling.

  I grinned because you can’t have good Mexican food without margaritas. “What’s good here?” I asked him trying to read the menu that was all in Spanish.

  “The fajitas are amazing. You want to try those?” he questioned, taking my hand in his.

  “Sounds great. I’m just happy to be on an actual date with you,” I replied happily.

  A look of regret passed across his features at my words. “I’m sorry, Andi. I told you I suck at this. I’m trying. I promise.”

  The server set down two giant margaritas and a bowl of queso. He let go of my hand so we could eat our appetizer. Speaking quickly, he ordered for us, and she once again scurried away.

  “So tell me how you know Brayden,” he said, turning serious. My eyes jerked to his because I certainly didn’t want to have this conversation right now. His eyes darkened because he knew deep down that Bray was more than just a college mate.

  Sucking it up, I resolved to tell him the truth. “Bray and I met our first year in college. We were both getting our degrees, majoring in Architecture. He was my world,” I confess softly, sipping at my margarita. “We dated for almost four years. Last March, he very romantically proposed to me in Central Park.” I sighed because the sad part was coming. Jackson was waiting patiently for me to continue but still had a scowl on his face.

  “I was so excited about our wedding. One day I got out of work early and wanted to surprise him. I found him banging some chick. Jackson, it absolutely devastated me,” I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. When he jerked out of the booth, I thought he was going to leave me there, but he sat down beside me, scooting me over with his hips.


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