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A Frightening Fangs-giving

Page 17

by Addison Moore

  A body pounces on me from behind, and I glance back to see Jasper’s worried face.

  “Bizzy!” he shouts at top volume over the screams from the crowd. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” My chest heaves as I struggle to catch my next breath. “She did it.” I point over to Marigold as she rolls around on the ground, trying to evict the animals from her body. “She confessed to killing Ember. She confessed to everything.”

  Jasper and Leo quickly pluck her off the ground and whisk her through the crowd.

  Sherlock and Fish herd the kittens my way, and I put them all back into my wonky quilt papoose, much to the delight of the crowd. Fish hops into my arms and we finally make our way back to the sidewalk.

  Macy runs my way and shakes me.

  “I saw the whole thing!” she shouts. “Are you nuts? That woman had a gun.”

  “You’re free.” I pull my sister in and give her a firm embrace. “It’s all over.”

  The crowd gives a raucous cheer, and Macy and I turn to see a giant sleigh making its way down the street. Santa sits at the helm while tossing candy canes left and right to anyone willing to catch them.

  Macy slings her arm over my shoulders. “That man in the red suit looks luscious. How about I wrap him up with a bow and gift him to you for Christmas? After all you’ve done for me, you deserve it.”

  “Macy”—I give her the side-eye for even suggesting it—“I’m a happily married woman.”

  She makes a face. “So I guess you’re sticking with the traitor, huh?”

  “He’s not a traitor. He was doing his job.”

  “You did his job for him. But don’t tell him I said that. Something tells me, I’d better stay on his good side.”

  The crowd goes wild, and we look up just in time to see Santa winking at us before it rains candy canes in our direction.

  This holiday isn’t even over, and it’s already passing the baton to the next.

  Everything is happening so quickly. But one thing is for sure—everything will taste a little bit better today knowing that justice was served up cold to the woman who killed Ember Sweet.

  Rest in peace, Ember.

  I glance to her shop just as a pale handprint appears on the storefront window like a plume of fog before slowly evaporating.

  Maybe, just maybe, Ember Sweet had the last word after all.

  Chapter 17

  Thanksgiving has always meant two things to me: food and family.

  I marvel as I look around at the faces who have joined me for this glorious feast. Jasper’s three brothers and his sister, Ella, have stopped by—including Ella’s husband and their seven-month-old daughter, Willow. Macy, my mother, and Huxley are here. Georgie and Juni, and that guy with the jelly belly Juni picked up at the Happy Hour bar a few weeks back have shown up.

  Macy is here with Hunter as her date. My brother had to bring Mackenzie, much to my dismay, and I’ve been biting my tongue this entire time not wanting to ruin this perfect meal by accusing her of two-timing Huxley. Jordy is here, too, having a lively conversation with Hux at the moment.

  Leo and Emmie are canoodling at the other end of the table while everyone finishes up with their meal.

  And last but never least, I have Jasper Wilder by my side, handsome and strong and every bit the naughty detective as he flirts merciless with me all through dinner—telepathically, of course.

  Fish and Sherlock sit by the fire, along with Emmie and Leo’s dogs, Cinnamon, a labradoodle that looks like a bona fide teddy bear, and Gatsby, a handsome golden retriever. Nessa’s little dog, Peanut, and Sprinkles, Juni’s Yorkie, are here, too. And the kittens are most certainly here. All three of them have enjoyed tumbling around with the dogs while Fish does her best to mind them like a mama bear, or in this case, a mama cat.

  It turned out, not a single guest was here to have dinner at the inn. Each of them went off to celebrate with family in the area. I tried sending both Grady and Nessa home early, but after they insisted on helping every last guest, I insisted they have a bite to eat with us before they left. And they both happily complied.

  Since the grand dining room would be empty, and the buffet gone to waste, we moved our private party into this room. It’s a far more fancier setting than pulling a few tables together in the café.

  The fireplace is roaring, and the wood paneled walls are decorated with swags of maple leaves. The expansive table is dotted with pumpkins all the way across, and sitting in the very middle is a cornucopia brimming with gourds and corn. But the real showstopper is the food the Country Cottage Café provided. A smorgasbord of every offering this holiday requires, including three different turkeys cooked three different ways—smoked, roasted, and fried. And suffice it to say, I ate more than my fair share of each.

  Grady comes over while slipping on his jacket. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Bizzy.”

  Nessa rises from the table as well. “Thanks for having us. My mother is going to kill me when I show up to her house with a full belly.”

  Emmie stands. “I’ll walk you out. I’ve got pies that need to be brought over from the café.”

  Jordy jumps up. “I’ll help. The sooner they get here, the sooner they get in my stomach.”

  Soon, the entire room is on their feet as if this were the seventh inning stretch. Because, let’s face it, we all know this meal is far from over.

  Jasper bows in and lands a kiss to my cheek. “Dinner was wonderful. You’re wonderful.” He brushes the hair from my eyes. “You did it. You solved another case. November may have been a whirlwind, but I predict we’re going to have a calm and peaceful December. It’s Christmastime, it’s practically a requirement.” He hitches his head toward the crowd to our left. “Let’s head over to my brother’s. I think they’re eyeing your mother with less than chaste intent.”

  A laugh bumps from me. “It wouldn’t be the first time,” I say just as Macy and Hunter step this way. “I’ll be right there.”

  Jasper takes off just as Macy offers me a hug.

  “It’s been real.” She pulls back with tears in her eyes. “Thanks for facing a gun-toting madwoman just to clear my name. I would like to think I’d do the same for you.” She shrugs. “I most likely wouldn’t, but you never know.”

  The three of us share a laugh as the kittens run over and practically claw their way up Hunter’s pants.

  “Whoa.” He quickly scoops them up into his arms. “I don’t think I can get enough of this cuteness.” He dots a quick kiss to each of their foreheads.

  Georgie strides up with Fish in her arms. “Looks like the terrific trio has finally found a home.” She slaps Hunter on his back. “It was fate, kid. Stop by my new shop and I’ll set you up with a wonky quilt these cool cats can call their own. They were destined to be yours. Sometimes we choose the sweet treat, and sometimes the sweet treat chooses us.”

  Macy shakes her head. “That’s too much dessert for one person.”

  Hunter shrugs as he looks my way. “I don’t know, I think I can handle it. What do you think, Bizzy? Can I be the good home these girls need and deserve?”

  All three of the kittens mewl in turn, begging and pleading with me to let it be so.

  Fish sighs. Go ahead and do it, Bizzy. But only if we can see them again.

  I take a deep breath. “Then let it be so, indeed. Congratulations, Hunter. You’re the father to three baby girls. And I have no doubt you’ll take good care of them. Just be sure to visit the inn with them again. We’re going to miss them like crazy.”

  Macy sighs his way. “I don’t suppose you’ll have room for one more girl in your life, would you?”

  He chuckles at the thought. “For you, kitten, there’s always room.”

  Georgie leads them to the fireplace as she formally introduces Hunter to the rest of the menagerie while the furry cutie pies do their best to lick his face clean.

  I’m about to head over to Jasper when Leo steps in front of me.

  He looks handsome in a ca
sual jacket with a dress shirt on underneath. And judging by those rampant heated thoughts Emmie was having all through dinner, Emmie more than noticed just how handsome he looks.

  “I hope you don’t mind.” He shifts from foot to foot while giving an apprehensive smile. “I’ve got a huge favor to ask.”

  “Anything,” I say as I lean in. “Leo, we’re family, and not because we’re both telesensual. Emmie is head over heels in love with you.”

  He takes a breath. “That’s exactly how I feel about her.” He nods. “I’m going to do it. I’m going to pop the question on Christmas Eve, Bizzy.”

  My mouth falls open, and I take in a never-ending breath.

  He gives a nervous laugh. “I want you to help me figure out the perfect proposal, and I want you to help me pick out the perfect ring, too. I need this to be special, and nobody knows Emmie the way you do. Will you do it? Will you help?”

  I toss my arms around him and give him a hard embrace as I sniff back tears. “You bet I will. I’ll get my wheels turning right away. Don’t you worry. Emmie Crosby is going to have the world’s most perfect proposal. Everything is going to be special. Thank you, Leo, for loving her the way you do. She’s lucky to have you.”

  “I’m the lucky one.” He nods to someone from over my shoulder. “I’d better tell Jasper.”

  I’m about to go with him when Huxley cuts me off at the pass.

  “Hey, Biz, got a second?” He scratches at the back of his neck, a sure sign he’s nervous—and considering whom he’s with, I don’t blame him. Mackenzie probably has the power to make even her own mother twitchy.

  “Of course, what do you need? An escape route?”

  He shoots me a look. “All right, you’re very funny. I know that was a dig at Mack, but I want you to like her. In fact, I want you to love her. If I get my way, she’s going to be around for a very long time. I’m going to ask her to marry me, come Christmas Eve.” He blows out a heavy sigh. “And I want you to help me plan it.”

  A hard groan comes from me, the kind that expels from you by way of a good sock to the stomach.

  “Of course,” I hear myself say. I couldn’t deny my brother anything, least of all his delusions.

  “Great.” He perks up a notch. “I’ll need help with the ring, too. Nothing too flashy. Underneath it all, Mackenzie is a simple girl.”

  More like simple cheater.

  “Fine. I’ll help pick out the ring, but nothing pointy that can be used against you later as a weapon.”

  He bucks with a laugh. “You’re killing me.”

  I want to say let’s hope Mackenzie doesn’t kill you first, but I opt to glue my lips shut instead.

  He pats me on the back. “I need some more of that cider. Are you up for a cup?”

  “No thanks,” I say as he takes off. As much as I want to join Jasper and his family, I’m afraid I’m needed elsewhere. I winnow Mackenzie out from a conversation she seems to be having with Juni, and I pull her to the side.

  “I know what you’re up to,” I hiss. Mackenzie’s wild chestnut hair cascades down her back, and she’s wearing a cranberry pantsuit with matching heels, looking every bit the devil she is. “If you have any decency at all, you’ll break it off with my brother as soon as this party is over. I don’t appreciate you using him like your plaything.”

  She squints hard over at me. “What are you warbling about? And what’s so bad about your brother being my plaything? I, for one, happen to know he enjoys it.”

  “Gross,” I grunt as I pull out my phone and quickly riffle through my pictures until I come across the bomb that’s about to blow the lid off of Mackenzie’s cheating ways. “We both know you’re two-timing my brother, and you’re doing it with this man right here.” I shove the phone to her face, and her mouth squares out as she examines the picture.

  “What in the hell?” She shakes her head as she steps back. “Are you following me?”

  “I didn’t have to. You did that out in the open. And don’t play Ms. Innocent with me. I could practically read your mind that day. You didn’t want Huxley to see you.”

  She cranes her neck past my shoulder for a moment. “Fine. You’re right,” she snips in my face. “I didn’t want Hux to see us together. That’s Elliot Timber, my cousin who happens to work at a jewelry store in Rose Glen. If you must know my business, I’m getting ready to propose to your brother.”

  “What?” I squawk so loud the room quiets down to a hush before picking up once again with its pleasant din. “You’re going to propose?”

  “Would you keep it down before you ruin everything? And yes.” She practically bites my nose off when she says it. “I’m going to propose, and I want you to help. I need you to get his class ring or something. I want the ring to fit when I give it to him.”

  “Class ring?” I ask, stunned. “Fine.” I close my eyes in defeat. “I’ll ask my mother. I think it’s actually in her possession.”

  “Never mind, I can ask her myself.” Her lips curl at the tips. “And once your brother says yes, on Christmas Eve, you’ll have a brand-new sister to look forward to—me.” She gives a malevolent wink. “I’ve always felt a connection to you, Bizzy. Something extra besides the friendship we once shared, and now I know why. It was destiny that we become family all along.” Her shoulders bounce. “Be warned, if you ruin my surprise, I’ll make you pay.” She stalks off, and I sag at the thought of being permanently leashed to Mackenzie Woods as family.

  Before I can process any of it, Emmie and Jordy wheel in a couple of carts laden down with enough pumpkin, pecan, and apple pies to feed a small island nation—not to mention a mound of those apple cider mini donuts. And I think I see a pumpkin cheesecake on there, too.

  Jasper comes up. “Here you are. I was getting worried.” He bears those lightning gray eyes to mine. “Is everything okay?”

  I’m about to answer when Grady pokes his head back into the room and heads this way.

  “I was about to take off when I spotted this on the desk. It must have come in with yesterday’s mail. Sorry, things were a bit frantic. Happy Thanksgiving,” he says as hands me a white envelope with the word urgent written on the back and the return address is a quite a familiar one.

  “It’s from Quinn Bennet, the owner of the inn,” I say as I open it up, and both Jasper and I quickly read it.

  Dear Bizzy,

  I hope this letter finds you well. I’m headed stateside on business, and while I’m in town, I’ll be entertaining a few of my closest friends. They are an interesting group, I’m sure you’ll adore them. Have the inn ready for a grand holiday party on the first Saturday of December. This is going to be a holiday season to remember.


  Earl Quinn Bennet

  I close my eyes for a moment before looking up at my handsome husband. “So much for a peaceful holiday season.”

  He wraps his arms around me. “I have a feeling this will be a Christmas to remember, indeed.”

  I nod up at him. “It will be.”

  I can feel it in my creaky bones.

  The inn is about to host the party of the year, and I have less than a week to put it all together.

  Two proposals and one very potent party are coming right up.

  Here’s hoping I survive them all.

  And if the murderous track record this town holds is any indication, someone may not survive at all.

  Need more Cider Cove? Click here to pick up A Christmas to Dismember (Country Cottage Mysteries 12)! It’s Christmas in Cider Cove!

  An innkeeper who reads minds. An ornery detective. And a trail of bodies. Cider Cove is the premiere destination for murder.

  ***Includes RECIPE

  My name is Bizzy Baker, and I can read minds—not every mind, not every time but most of the time and believe me when I say it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

  The holidays have arrived in Cider Cove and so has the owner of the Country Cottage Inn. Bizzy is instructed to throw a holiday gala to reme
mber to wow the owner’s fancy friends but the festivities come to an abrupt end when a killer joins the party. Christmas is afoot and so is murder.

  The Country Cottage Inn is known for its hospitality. Leaving can be murder.

  Need more Cider Cove? Click here to pick up A Christmas to Dismember (Country Cottage Mysteries 12)! It’s Christmas in Cider Cove!

  Ready for some more Thanksgiving fun? Click here—> Pecan Pie Predicament (Murder in the Mix 27) and read today! It’s Thanksgiving and someone is carving up murder. Warning, lots of fun up ahead!

  My name is Lottie Lemon, and I see dead people. Okay, so I rarely see dead people, mostly I see furry creatures of the dearly departed variety, who have come back from the other side to warn me of their previous owner’s impending doom.

  It's Thanksgiving in Honey Hollow and there will be cooking, lots and lots of baking, and of course plenty of murder to go around. Not only do I stumble upon a new body but I have so much aftermath to deal with after the biggest Halloween fiasco the town has ever seen. Autumn has descended full force, and all I want to do is curl up by the fire with fuzzy socks, a good book, and my sweet cats—but there's a killer on the loose who has far more nefarious plans for me.

  PICK IT UP TODAY! You will not want to miss this book , Pecan Pie Predicament (Murder in the Mix 27). I promise! Be sure to grab it NOW!

  ***Love Janet Evanovich? You’ll have a blast with Meow for Murder. Enjoy the sneak peek!

  Pick it up NOW! —> An Awful Cat-titude

  A highly inaccurate psychic. A grumpy writer. And a corpse. Welcome to Starry Falls. Running from the mob can be murder.

  Confession. I’m no psychic. But I can sort of see the future—albeit not accurately. And you better believe, I’ve never let that little detail stop me from prognosticating my way into a pickle. So when I ticked off the mob, the feds, and my wily ex, I decided to take my Uncle Vinny’s advice and start over with a new name and new hair color while relying on my old shtick—getting my psychic wires crossed and putting myself in danger.


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