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Page 49

by Ronald Zastre

  “Boy, you guys are pussies,” Tim laughed.

  “Son, that was possibly the most painful, scary thing I’ve ever had to go through, and I knew what was happening. I hear all the personnel that didn’t know are really traumatized.”

  “Hey, it worked better than we imagined,” Tim said.

  “Yes, it certainly got their attention. Amazing really, because it worked better than stomping them into the ground.”

  “Got Steiner’s attention, huh?”

  “For the moment, but the old snake is no doubt trying to come up with something else. Unlimited amounts of platinum and diamonds must be ruining his beauty sleep,” Ed laughed and then asked more serious. “What did you need to talk to me about?”


  “I told you Son, she’s safe.”

  “Not good enough.”

  “I don’t know what else I can do. I—”

  “I just called to tell you, I will be taking care of it,” Tim interrupted.

  “What? How?” Ed asked.

  “Let’s just say, a new piece of tech has surfaced, and I will be using it to get Ann.”

  “Son, she’s 45,000 feet up, and inside an airplane.”

  “Not for long.”

  “Son, you can’t be serious? You cannot afford to cause any casualties, not now!”

  “No one is going to even get a headache, I promise,” Tim said and then hung up.

  Chapter 30


  Tim requested the location of Clank when he confirmed the Pod was set to automatic.

  Tim appeared in the misty, foggy place where he had talked to Clank the last time.

  “Time to talk Mister Machine,” Tim said loudly, turning around to survey the surroundings.

  There was nothing in this strange chamber except the mist and fog. Tim could tell by the way the sound of his voice echoed; it was the same size as the first time.

  “Hey, I’ve come to discuss some things, it’s time you know. I can stop you from doing anything, if I want. I won’t let you hurt anyone else.” I hope. There’s still people in Whuc Seaacki and I don’t know if I can hide them forever. Maybe they don’t have any real value to Clank, anymore. Tim stood there waiting, but received no answer.

  “I’m not going away, I can wait. We need to resolve this as soon as possible,” Tim said in a sing song tone. He wanted to sound as cocky as possible to the Man-machine.

  “You can’t do anything. I can stop you at anytime so come on out, and we will resolve this thing. I think I have a solution that will please you,” Tim continued.

  “Why do you persist with this foolishness?” Clank finally decided to communicate. “I am more powerful than you!” The voice was loud and surrounded Tim, but there was still nothing to be seen.

  “First, let’s talk face to face; second, I’m not here to flex muscles. Whether or not you think you possess more or less power is irrelevant. There is a problem, and I have a solution. Do you want to hear it?”

  “Power ‘is’ the problem, do you not agree?”

  “No, I definitely disagree.”

  “The one with the most power wins, how can there be anything else to discuss?” the Man-machine said.

  “What is there to win?” Tim questioned.

  “This place your servants call Timtown.”

  “I don’t have any servants, they’re my friends.”

  “They are fed by you, they are clothed by you, they are protected by you, they are completely dependent on you, and they serve you. They are your servants,” the Man-machine said sarcastically.

  “Where do you get these weird ideas?”

  “If you would care to look at the definition of servant, as perceived by the creators of Whuc Seaacki, you would find a servant is defined as a person totally dependent upon another. Do they not fit that description?”

  “What does Whuc Seaacki have to say about friends?” asked Tim.

  “It is irrelevant! The prize is not the few persons we are trying to catalogue. The thing we seek to possess is Whuc Seaacki itself and the tremendous power it contains. Am I not right?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Quit playing games with me! You come here to discuss things and then you engage in word puzzles.”

  “I am not playing games. I am trying to tell you I do not want Timtown,” Tim announced, playing the word game to annoy Clank. “I am going to destroy it and I want—”

  “You fool!” Clank’s voice boomed out from the mist with incredible volume. “I will never allow that! This is mine, all mine!”

  “You forget, I’m Number One and I control the fate of Timtown, not you. That is why I wanted to—”

  “It is mine, all mine!” Clank interrupted again.

  “You’re not listening, I am still Number One and—”

  “I repeat. . .you are a fool! Do you know what happens if the Number One is not able to continue, or steps down?”

  Tim didn’t answer.

  “The Number Two automatically assumes that position,” the Man-machine said.

  “That makes sense, but what makes you think I’ll step down, or do you contemplate something happening to me, maybe?”

  “That is possible, you are not entirely invincible. You have weaknesses.”

  “I wonder, I really do. I’m continually surprised by the ease my position is able to shield me. Oh, the things Duo has. I’m sure you were impressed with the Pod.”

  “That is what you call the craft you were flying today?”

  “Yeah, pretty neat huh? By the way, if you decided to be an asshole, again, I can do the same thing, again.”

  “Who is the Duo you refer to?” the Man-machine asked.

  “He’s the computer only I have access to. That’s why I can be so cocky. He has information even you don’t have.”

  “Impossible, I possess all the information in Whuc Seaacki.”

  “Oh come on, you know better than that. Where do you think the Pod came from? That’s part of the deal I was talking about.”

  “You would give me that craft, in return for what?” the Man-machine asked.

  “Not that one, one much better.”

  “And in return?”

  “You will leave, and I will destroy Timtown.”

  “That is truly foolish, to destroy all this, why?”

  “You know the answer to that.”

  “Ah, to save the world, but what is here could save the world.”

  “I don’t think the world is ready for all this. I’m sure it would be abused,” Tim said sadly.

  “My, my, well then, why don’t you continue as the guardian of Whuc Seaacki and monitor its use, to see that it is not?”

  “Because you and the others would never give up trying to get it away from me.”

  “And you fear it might possibly happen?”

  “Possibly, possibly not, but I want to get on with my life. I’m not the born leader type.”

  “You are a unique individual, that is for sure. You mentioned something better than the Pod. May I ask what that is?”

  “A Deep Space Probe, a star ship,” Tim said.

  “It does exist then?” the Man-machine responded with hopefulness in its voice.

  “Yes, you should see it. Wow! I was able to put out my hand and touch something that has traveled the Universe.”

  “And it is here?”

  “No, but I can show you where,” Tim lied.

  “You will do that, if I agree to leave?”


  “I would like to see it,” Clank said.

  “Not until you agree to the terms, and they are implemented.”

  “Do you know where you are now?” the Man-machine asked with what Tim thought was a small laugh.

  “No, I just had Duo transport me to where you were located.”

  “I’m surprised your Mr. Duo didn’t tell you what this place is. Then again, maybe he didn’t know?” Clank laughed.

  “Get it off your chest. Wha
t is this place? I know you’re dying to tell me,” Tim laughed back.

  “No, Timmy, you are the one that is dying,” Clank stated in a loud voice.

  “Oh bullshit, I can transport myself out of here before you can do anything to hurt me.”

  “Not so Timmy, this is the one place that you cannot escape.”

  “Take me out now!” Tim immediately requested, but nothing happened. “Duo, I’m talking to you.” There still was no response.

  “Not going anywhere, huh? I am sure you are totally surprised. And you thought you were sooo smart. You were not, after all. You did not even check to see if there was such a spot as this, but I did, and now I will be the Number One and. . .Why are you so quiet Timmy?” The tone of Clank’s voice was maniacally hostile.

  “I’m thinking.”

  “And calling out to your Mr. Duo. What does he say?” Clank’s voice had changed to a sympathetic tone.

  “None of your business.”

  “Cannot contact him, huh? Do you want to know why?” Now the voice had a jeering tone. “Do you know where you are?” Now the voice was taunting.

  “No, I don’t! I already told you that!”

  “This is the one place you should not have come Timmy,” Clank sounded victorious.

  “You already said that.”

  “Oh yes. I guess this would be a good time to strike up a deal?” Clank didn’t sound sincere.

  “Could be?”

  “Let me ask you, and you tell the truth. Why did you offer to let me go? Why didn’t you just try to destroy this place and me with it?” The Man-machine sounded sincere.

  “I don’t know? You know, I hadn’t really thought out my reasons for offering Clank a way out. I figured you deserved a chance, after all you went through.”

  “You still consider me your brother then?”

  “I don’t consider you anything but a menace. I just recognize the face.”

  “Apparently that is enough to sway your decisions.”


  “I do not miss the human thing, but I remember the good feelings I had as a human. I no longer desire them, but I remember they were sometimes . . . pleasant,” Clank’s voice was quieter.

  “That’s part of the reason I’m letting you go,” Tim said, sounding confident, like he could slip out of this proposed trap anytime he pleased. “I know it’s not your fault you became what you did. If you had known, you would have done it different.”

  “No. I would not have done anything different. I spent too many years with a total frustration that you or anybody else could ever realize. This is my destiny,” Clank countered.

  “Master of the World. I guess any of the Arty who may have been in you has really disappeared. My brother was a kind person.”

  “I can be kind as well. I was going to get you here, and when you finally figured out that you were indeed, trapped, I was going to taunt you with this deal and that deal, to see you squirm. But I have changed my mind Timmy. You are a human that deserves better, so I am going to destroy you quickly. That is my final show of respect for you.”

  When Tim didn’t respond, Clank continued. “I will tell you, as I’m sure you are curious how I finally managed to better you, if you want,” the Man-machine continued.

  “Yeah, go ahead and crow.”

  “You came to the second engine room of the Facility, the backup. The base takes considerable power to operate, as I am sure you must have realized. Apparently you never questioned how that power was supplied. Your Mr. Duo, your protector, has nothing to do with something as lowly as the engine room so he was unaware of its operation and design. You see Timmy, Whuc Seaacki gets its tremendous energy needs from a fusion reactor that is magnetically sealed. When you transported in here, I initiated that seal. Anything that can contain the power of the Sun can surely contain you. There is no way out for you,” the Man-machine laughed.

  “Duo, is listening to you right now. I will be out of here in a moment,” Tim stated.

  “Not so Timmy, I have closed all channels, and in a moment the fusion reactor will start. It will be over for you in less than a millisecond. I will respect your concern for your friends and protect them.”

  “Like you respected Sims?”

  “That was before I formulated this plan. At first, I thought I might be able to persuade you to turn it all over by other means. Now, I have succeeded with this plan and I do not need to coerce the others. They are safe, I promise.”

  “It won’t work Clank because I have set the self-destruct. If I don’t return every so often, it will automatically go off.”

  “I have no indication of such a program,” Clank said.

  “There are so many things you didn’t know about. You didn’t know about the space ships, and I know that you looked and looked. You didn’t know about Duo, and the Secret Place. Do you know what is there? It’s unbelievable!”

  “I am sure it is, and I am looking forward to seeing it, and I will,” Clank bragged.

  “Duo won’t make you Number One, I made sure of that!” Tim yelled.

  “The chain of command dictates Number Two replaces Number One, I made sure of that,” Clank said with confidence.

  “I changed the rules. As Number One I can do that.”

  “You’re bluffing,” the Man-machine laughed.

  “If you destroy me, you destroy everything you want so bad. I made sure of that. How stupid do you think I am?”

  “Stupid enough to come here, and get yourself trapped,” Clank’s voice boomed out.

  “I knew there was always the possibility, so I made sure. If I go, so does everything else. I came to see you, to talk a deal, and you used the situation to deceive me. I understood the risks with you, so I was smart enough to ensure if anything happened to me, everything goes.”

  “What about your friends?”

  “They’re gone and they will have to fend for themselves, but it’s better than having you running amuck.”

  “I think you’re bluffing, and I think I am going to be the new Number One. Good-bye Timmy.”

  “Wait! Please wait!” Tim yelled, as the pressure in the chamber dramatically increased. The atmosphere of the chamber was changed to almost pure tritium within a couple of seconds. The secondary fusion generator of Timtown came on line with a horrendous bang. Within a tenth of a second the chamber was heated to fifty-million degrees, and the tritium was being fused into helium, producing vast amounts of energy.


  The second Pod shot out of the small space port and quickly disappeared into the night sky. No one saw it go.


  A thousand miles away, a 747 with the Presidential Seal on its fuselage was just disconnecting from the airborne tanker that had filled its tanks. The plane designated Air Force One pulled its nose up slightly and headed for its cruising altitude. A small black object closed on it very fast, and when the object was a half mile away, it slowed, and matched the speed of the monstrous plane. The giant plane was escorted by five sleek F-15 Eagle fighters, but none of them was aware they had a visitor.


  Inside the 747, the crew had settled down for the next part of the long, continuing flight. They had been in the air for 49 hours already. The pilot was the only one still awake fifteen minutes after the refueling. All the rear cabin personnel were down, getting needed sleep. A teenage girl was curled up in one of the lounge couches, a blanket covering her. She wasn’t asleep, but was close.


  Tim focused his attention on the 747, projecting his thoughts through the fuselage. His mental description of Ann allowed the Pod’s recognition system to lock on to the drowsy teen inside the plane.


  Ann was barely cognizant of the tractor beam grasping her. There was barely any sensation, and if her eyes had been closed she most likely wouldn’t have realized something was happening. She perceived that she was starting to move, by sight only, but that caught her attention and she let out a scream as she move
d across the plane. No one inside the plane heard her though because she was imbedded inside the tractor beam. Ann’s first reaction was sheer terror as she rushed toward the skin of the aircraft. Ann put out her hands to deflect the impact, but instead of a crash, she found herself outside the plane and rushing through the pitch black darkness. It suddenly occurred to her that Timtown was responsible, and the terror subsided as she looked around. Ann was surprised that she was not totally freaking out. Here she was suspended in midair with the surface of the Earth far below.

  “Holy Shit!” Ann screamed; as she watched the 747 she had boarded many hours before fly away from her. Ann deduced she wasn’t falling, but was inside of some-kind of transparent membrane taking her somewhere. Ann looked ahead in the direction she sensed she was moving and saw the Pod.

  “Oh-my-God!” Ann whispered to herself as she closed the distance to the alien craft. Now as she studied the unearthly shape she was apprehensive, not sure if it was still a Timtown thing.

  At that moment, Tim activated the canopy transparency, and Ann suddenly saw him sitting in the Pod. Now relieved, her first emotion was anger.

  “You bastard!” Ann shouted.

  “Hey Darling,” Tim returned.

  “Don’t darling me, you creep!”

  “I can see you don’t appreciate my gesture here.”

  “You put me back immediately! I don’t want anything to do with you or your weird shit,” Ann screamed, now just feet from the canopy and obviously no longer frightened.

  “Can’t do it Ann.”

  “Why not! I don’t want anything to do with any of your schemes.”

  “Too late for that. That’s why I did this.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re the focus of a big, big struggle.”

  “I am not?”

  “Ann, you’ve been flying around and around, cooped up in that plane. Didn’t you ever wonder why they never landed?”


  “Well, Darling, one side has you, the other wants you, and I saved your ass, so there.”

  “Oh thanks, but now what?”

  “I don’t know? I can’t bring you in here, no room.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m not interested.”

  “I don’t suppose you’d consider going back?”


  “I talked to Duo because I figured you might be difficult, so we thought maybe you’d like to go someplace else?”


  “We found a small town a long way from most of the problems, interested?”


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