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Dream Seeker (The Dream Catcher Series Book 3)

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by Michelle Areaux


  Dream Seeker is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2020 by Michelle Areaux and K. M. Sparks

  All rights reserved.

  Editing by KP Editing

  Cover design by KP Designs


  Published by Kingston Publishing Company

  The uploading, scanning, and distribution of this book in any form or by any means—including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions of this work, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents






















  When the forces of good and bad collide together in one frightening eruption, what is there to do, but flee? I just got my parents back and now the Dark Magic Witches are trying to take down the entire world in their path. If I thought that being a Dream Wanderer was bad, I was surely stuck inside my teenage brain. After discovering that I am neither a Dream Wanderer nor a Dream Catcher, but more specifically, something much more powerful that not even I can truly come to terms with it.

  There was a time that I would have given everything to be just another girl. I was always known as the freak of the school-- too much of a “zombie” for anyone at school to actually talk to. But not my boyfriend. Cam walked in like a lightning bolt, striking into my life with a ray of light. Every moment that passed felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I could breathe again. It didn’t matter the whispers that traveled around, as long as he was there beside me.

  He’s always been there.

  Even now, while the sky is consumed by dark painful clouds and a hole the size of a mountain towering over us, the wind lapping my long hair around me and rubbish bouncing against the sidewalks. While a storm so massive gets closer and closer to exploding like a volcano, he’s here, holding my hand, giving me the strength that I need to push through this.

  The strength to yell over the roaring wind. “It’s only going to get worse!”

  I wanted to be wrong, I wanted what I said to be wrong and that in some ways this is just some freak of a storm in New Orleans...But even though my mind is pleading with my heart, my heart is screaming out the truth, and that is, that this is anything but a storm -- this has dark magic written all over it.

  Ashton strides across the dark road, his eyes smokey. “You guys can’t stay here.”

  “What is it to you anyway?” Cam growls, pushing me behind him. “If it wasn’t for you, we could have ended all of this. You played us.”

  “Cam, stop.”

  “You’re really going to stand up for him, right now?”

  Aunt Everlyn rises above the roar. “She is right, Cameron. He might have taken part in distracting us, but he did help us get there at one point or another. If he didn’t care, do you think he would be here now and not with his mother?”

  I couldn’t agree more. I wanted to be mad at him for what he did and how he betrayed our trust, but the confused and pained look in his eyes when his mother revealed his deepest secret was almost as bad as I felt when I learned who I am. Ashton didn’t choose who his family is or who he generated from, but what he can choose is whose side he is on now. By his being here in the midst of the disaster his mother is unleashing, it is clear that he has chosen his side and his mother isn’t on it.

  Cameron sighs. “Fine, but I’m watching you.”

  Ashton nods, running his large hand through his hair. “We really need to get you guys out of here.”

  “We can’t just leave, this is our home and right now a lot of people are in danger.” I say, glancing back at my parents.

  My mother nods, her scared eyes wandering over us. “I can’t agree with her more. This is our town, our home. My husband and I just got it back. We're not letting her take away the only place where we don’t have to be afraid or ashamed of what we are.”

  “Then what do we do? If she and those Black Witches did some type of hugu, we don’t know what spell she used or if it can even be broken.”

  “I do,” Ashton states.

  All eyes fall on him. Aunt Everlyn speaks, barely loud enough to hear. “What do you suggest?”

  “My mother is selfish and resentful. She’ll stop at nothing to get revenge against you,” he pauses, shaking his head. “Against Dream Wanderers and Catchers. To her they are an abomination. Despite her dark magic and cold-blooded heart, she is still a breathing, walking person and even she has something she cares about. If we find that something, we can use it against her. Tear down her forces and stop this. But first, we need to figure out what we are up against and what this-- “ He points a long finger toward the sky-- “ is or we are going in there blindly and none of us will make it out alive if we do.”

  It doesn’t matter how cruel someone is or how much hatred is in their veins, everyone has a weakness, a breaking point; and if Ashton is right, we can use it against her. Beat her at her own foolish game. All we need to do is find it. A crackle of branch against branch drifts from above us. Looking up, the tall branches from the front yard tree quivers, weakening and almost instantly comes crashing down with only enough time to squeal. Ashton rushes forward, pushing Cam and I out of the way before the large thick branch hits the walkway with a thud.

  Gulping, I speak. You said we can’t stay here?”

  “Not unless you want to put this place in more danger. She is looking for you, all of you. She’ll stop at nothing and the best place for you all to be is as far away from here as possible, even if that means leaving New Orleans.”

  “Leave!” My father replies, “We can’t leave, the town is crumbling around us.”

  “The world is coming down,” I agree, catching my father's eyes. “But, Ashton is right. If we stay here we could cause more damage, but that doesn’t mean we have to leave New Orleans. We just need to get somewhere safe, off the grid until we can investigate and find out what this storm is and how to stop it.”

  Cameron's eyes light up like a light bulb. “I have just the place!”

  The six of us scramble around the house packing what we can in the short amount of time that we have, rushing to jam pack my Aunt Everlyn’s vehicle without causing us to be snuggled against each other. Cameron claims that he and his father, always used to go to a cabin, somewhere far off the grid that we could reside in, until we get this sorted out. A place that I can explore my unraveling powers without being noticed and a place although still under the frightening sky, gives us the shelter we need to break through this. My father recommended contacting the FBI agent and Officer Chris when we arrive, to fill them in on what we know. I can’t say that I don’t agree with him. I’ve already received countless phone calls from the station, rejecting them each time as
I shuffle through my clothing and swipe the grimoire from my bedside table, rushing to climb into the car beside my boyfriend and Ashton on the other side. My mother and father taking the front seat and my aunt in the very back.

  If it wasn’t for the fear coursing through my body and the struggle to keep the burn from within my hands at bay, I would almost think that this is just a family get away trip. Leaning against the window, I rub my tired eyes, a familiar feeling settling over me, scared to fall asleep for what I might see, I strain to keep my eyes open as we zoom down the road in and out of oncoming traffic, dodging rubbish and tree branches that fall in our path.

  This is it, this is what it means to be everything but ordinary. I can’t help but wonder what Hailey would say right now…. Hailey, it hadn’t occurred to me that she’s in just as much danger as everyone else. Cursing, I pinch my nose. I should have demanded that we stop and get her and her family. She was once my enemy but after Officer Chris, Cam, and I saved her from her evil cheerleader friend, somewhere along the way she became less, snudy. For the first time since I started High School I didn’t hear her harsh whispers and giggles with her friends as they stared at the sick zombie girl in baggy hoodies and dark winged eyes from lack of sleep. I didn’t have to cower in the corner afraid of what everyone might say -- Hailey finally understood or at the most what she could. Only partially filling her in on the life of Adylin Sparks.

  As my father rounded a sharp corner, my eyes suddenly feel heavy, fighting to keep them open, I glanced over at my boyfriend and took in his scruffy chin, lips pressed together in worry and his eyes narrow, his shoulders slouched and he looked cadaver-like. The once bright eyes looked dim and less lively. I can’t help the rush of fear that sneaks up on me with the very thought that everything we have been through might be becoming too much for him and the idea of losing him, tears at my entire soul.

  Shaking his head, almost as though he is wishing away unwanted thoughts, his own eyelids fall closed as gravity takes him under. Willing myself to calm my racing thoughts about the Black Witches and what this could mean for Cam and I, I snuggle against him, my head resting on his broad shoulder. As sleep begins to consume me, I can feel his arm drop around me, pulling me closer. For that moment I feel like everything will fall together... the world will fall back into place and everything will be okay.

  But even a moment can come to an end in a blink of an eye.


  There is an old saying that dreams are a window to our soul.

  That when the body is in that deep form of sleep, our imagination speaks to us--letting us in on secrets to what life has in store for us.

  If that is true, then my imagination sure has a dark sense of humor. For my dreams have never been inviting or given me much to hope for. Instead, my dreams have been filled with demons and death. Dark murderers and crimes so senseless and twisted, even the hardest of criminals would cringe at just one glimpse of the vivid images I see when my body should be resting.

  I guess it’s true-- there really isn’t any rest for the wicked.

  “Wake up,” I hear, as I slowly begin to open my eyes. Darkness floods my vision but voices echo all around me.

  “Come on baby, wake up,” I hear Cam say, as he gently nudges my arm.

  The car has stopped moving and I am still resting against Cameron. He is my safe place. My one true home and even now as I am unsure of where we are, I still feel that same sense of security just being in his presence.

  “I’m awake,” I say, my voice groggy as I rub my eyes, willing my vision to clear so I can see.

  As I begin to look around, I see that everyone else is outside of the car, but Cameron and I are still tucked away in the backseat.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, as I finally sit up and really take in the surroundings around me.

  Outside of the car, I see my mom, dad, and aunt huddled around the front of the car. The headlights shining brightly on them-- almost illuminating them with a spotlight. Officer Chris and his patrol car are parked beside my parents, the interior light of his vehicle on, as he stands near my family.

  I can hear the nightly rhythms of the southern Louisiana night as frogs croak off in the distance and small chirps are heard to my right. We are on a dark, one lane dirt road, somewhere deep in a bayou. Large Spanish Moss trees line the roadway and only the glow of the moonlight filters through the trees, providing some sense of light and guidance on this lonely stretch of road.

  Giving me a soft look, Cameron turns to face me. “We have been driving for hours, but I didn’t want to wake you. It seemed like you were finally sleeping soundly, and I knew how bad you needed that uninterrupted sleep. Your dad stopped after your aunt called Officer Chris. It seems, we are all working together to get us to safety,” Cameron says.

  I glance around again, shaking my head as I take in his words. “Someone should have woken me,” I state, my voice rising as the panic of the situation is starting to hit me. “My dad didn’t want to leave New Orleans. But, isn’t that what we are doing?” I ask, pointing outside the car window.

  “Calm down,” Cam soothes.

  Noticing me, the group in front of the car turns around and now I have an audience watching me freak out.

  “I can’t calm down. I just got my parents back and now we are running away from the only home we have ever known. This is so messed up,” I cry.

  “I know you are upset, but I am here,” Cameron offers.

  Even though his words are meant to settle me, they only enrage me more. If Cameron is with me now, then that means he has run away, too. His family will be so worried about him.

  “Cameron, you have a family that will miss you,” I say, tears forming in my eyes. “You can’t come with us.”

  The words break my heart.

  Cameron looks at me like he wants to argue with me; but deep down, he knows I am right. If he goes missing, his family will look for him. Everyone will figure out what we are up to and we will be discovered for what we truly are.

  Officer Chris walks toward our car, and it finally registers why he is here.

  “You aren’t coming with us, are you?” I ask.

  Cameron can’t speak, he only shakes his head no.

  “Cameron, are you ready?” Officer Chris asks.

  “Give me a minute, ok?” Cameron says.

  Officer Chris only nods then walks back to where my family is still stationed in front of the car.

  “I don’t want to leave you, I need you to understand that,” Cameron pleads. He grabs my hands and holds them tightly inside his. “I fought to come with you, but your family and Officer Chris all said the same things you just said. Me being with you while you are on the run, will only bring more attention to you. This isn’t permanent. Your family has a plan, and I just have to trust that their plan will end the Black Witches and bring you back to me shortly,” he states with such conviction, I can’t muster the words to argue.

  I love Cameron more than the air I need to breathe; and if he trusts that he will work, then I must put faith into it, too. Even though I am walking into all of this blindly, I know that I will eventually have a long car ride to get all of the answers I need. For now, I must say goodbye to the one true love I have-- Cameron.

  Scooting out of the car, Cameron and I go stand with my family. Officer Chris opens the passenger door of his car and we all stand, just watching one another.

  “Did Cameron explain everything to you?” my dad asks.

  “Not everything, but I will get my answers,” I state firmly.

  My dad nods his head and Cameron pulls me into him for a fierce hug.

  “I love you. This is just a blip in our lives. Soon enough, you will be home again and our world will be safe once more,” he whispers into my ear.

  I hold onto him for a minute longer, before finally kissing him and letting him go.

  I knew that Cameron let me sleep in the car because he wanted me to rest, but I also knew that he let me sleep because had I kno
wn they were all devising a plan to seperate me and Cameron, I never would have agreed to it. But now, I am angry and ready to hear the plan they have created so we can end this madness once and for all.

  Cameron moves to Officer Chris’s car; and as he falls into the passenger seat, he mouths I love you, once more.

  My mom and aunt both grab me and hold me as I begin to crumble. Even though he is only away from me for now, my heart breaks for the loss of my time with Cameron. My mom and aunt slide into the backseat with me, holding me as I sob. My dad begins to drive again, and I can’t watch as Cameron and I begin to move in two different directions.


  "This isn't right," I tell my parents, thinking about Cam.

  We've been driving for what feels like forever and the further we get out of town, the more my anxiety rises. With little to no information, I feel so left in the dark. After we parted ways back at my house, Ashton claimed he needed to run from his mother, that the Black Witches claim on him was too strong for him to be around me. That it could put my family and I at even more risk. But he promised that when the dust settled and we needed him, he'd be there… something pushes at my mind, telling me I shouldn't trust him. He's crossed us once. But another tells me to give the poor boy a break. He can't choose what family he is born into.

  But the more we drift down the dark road, the further I get from Cam. I can't help but feel a boiling anger toward my parents and aunt for taking me away from the life I've just grown accustomed to, because of Cameron.

  "Honey," my mother says, rubbing my back. "You have to understand, this is to keep him safe."

  "He's safe with me," I grumbled. "I can protect him."

  My aunt shakes her head. " We don't have a doubt that you could. But Adilyn you have to understand, being there will put the entire town at risk. We have to protect our home."

  "He is my home. And unfortunately, my home is driving in the opposite direction towards the danger."


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