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Dream Seeker (The Dream Catcher Series Book 3)

Page 4

by Michelle Areaux

  I start running, my feet pounding against nothing, heading towards nowhere. What have I gotten myself into?

  “Is someone there?” I try again, knowing I will come up short of an answer.

  But to my surprise, there is a faint voice in the distance, a dominant voice. “Adylin. Can you hear me?”

  “I think so,” I call out.

  The voice breaks through again. “Good. You need to let them in, honey. The sooner you do, the faster you’ll be let go of.”

  “What is this?”

  “It’s a place between places. Just breathe and believe.”

  Just breathe and believe. I keep telling myself over and over again, waiting for something magical to happen. I will myself to believe that the ancestors are here, that I am a part of them. Just as fast as the feeling of being terrified comes, it subsides.

  The void spins around me making me nauseous. I wrap my arms around myself, feeling a breeze beat against my face. I feel like I am neither here nor there. I know I was coming face to face with the type of magic that is out of this world.

  What I hadn’t thought about was the intensity of it all.

  A sound drifts from behind me, the void coming to a stop. I turned slowly. There right before me is a woman with long silver hair falling down her shoulders. She’s got bright green eyes that sparkle and is short and slouched forward. She looks almost familiar with her round face and long pointed nose.

  “Who are you?”

  The woman smiles and she replies. “I am one of your great ancestors, darling.”

  At that very moment, I knew that I was going to learn far more about my heritage and come face-to-face with who I am meant to be.


  I lurch forward and fall to my knees. The impact of coming out of my dream state was far more powerful than I had expected. I swear, I thought I had been awake. I thought that I was truly speaking with a ghost at that moment. But, in reality, I was in another form of a dream state.

  Trying to keep up with my own changes was almost too much for me to handle. I was a Dream Catcher then I turned into a Dream Wanderer. Now, I am a Dream Seeker, but let’s not forget the fact that I also have magic running inside of me that makes me as powerful as the Black Witches. Oh yeah, and now, I can see and talk with ghosts in a dream-like trance.

  Yeah, nothing crazy going on here.

  “Adylin,” I hear my name being called, but I am still on the ground and trying to catch my breath.

  I feel someone grabbing me and I realize that I am clutching onto the grass beneath me.

  “I’m ok,” I say, my voice weak and strained.

  “What happened?” I hear my dad ask.

  Cameron and my dad are standing me up and they both hold me tightly.

  I right myself and finally feel like I can stand on my own.

  “I was in this strange vortex where I heard our ancestors whispering to me, but I couldn’t make out faces. Then, I thought I was back here with you all and a woman came and talked to me. But then, I was brought out of the dream-like state and fell,” I say, reliving the moment again.

  “So, you talked to a ghost?” Cameron and Ashton asks at the same time.

  I shake my head, unsure of what to say. “I think so. I mean, she seemed so real, but she wasn’t actually here,” I responded.

  “Not technically,” my dad says.

  We all spin around and look at my dad. “I am assuming you know all about this,” I say.

  Of course he knew. Having my parents back was still surreal and now learning that he knew more about me than I did, just about had me losing my mind.

  “This is part of what I need to tell you. But, I had no idea you were this powerful,” dad states, his eyes twinkling with a wild bewilderment.

  “I have heard all about this,” Ashton states.

  This time, we all spin around and face him.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask.

  We give our attention to Ashton as he runs a hand through his dark hair. He looks tense and I can tell he doesn’t really want to talk about it.

  “Growing up in a coven with Dark Magic Witches allows you to hear things you weren’t meant to hear,” he begins. “I once heard my mom talking about the magic of talking to the long deceased. They said those who are able to communicate with their magical ancestors hold far greater power. You can find the key to stopping the witches by uncovering the magical spells by the ancestors,” Ashton states.

  “That is correct. We have spells binding us together but our ancestors hold information only the special ones like Adylin can retrieve,” my dad finishes for him.

  “So, what you both are saying is that I can now talk to dead people who will help me stop the Black Witches?” I ask.

  My head is starting to spin from all of this information. I go to sit back onto the ground and Cameron helps me slowly make my way down.

  “Are you ok?” he asks, as he sits down next to me.

  “I think so. This is just a lot of information to handle,” I admit.

  My dad and Ashton stand in front of me and Cameron looks up at both of them. “What happens next?” he asks.

  I was thinking the same thing, but honestly, I feared hearing any more information that might freak me out. In times like these, I just wanted to close my eyes and wake up a normal girl. Someone who didn’t have to worry about murders in her dreams, or witches, or talking to dead people. But again, that just wasn’t me.

  As much as I dreamed of a regular life, I knew how important my role was.

  “We need to get Adylin inside and we need to research the old spell books left by our ancestors. Then, we continue to practice helping her tap into the magic that allows her to speak with the ancestors. They will give her the answers, in time,” dad says, and Ashton nods in agreement.

  I look between them both and sigh. I lay back onto the grass and take a minute to listen to the sounds of the Earth around me.

  These may just be my last few moments of calm before the storm of my life hits.


  I wanted to stay in that grass for as long as I could, but my life wouldn’t allow it. I guess when you grow up with a huge witch background, there’s no being normal for me. I am still and always will be the town freak, a pretty awesome one at that.

  If it wasn’t for Cameron being by my side, I would have taken all of this news differently; in fact, I wouldn’t have faced it like I have and my parents would still be in the witches’ gasp.

  Cameron showed me that I am so much more than I ever wanted to believe and, with him, I didn’t feel insane. I feel at home.

  We all stand around the large table, flipping through endless dusty books that my father insisted he bring along after rampaging through our attic back home, I hadn’t understood why he wanted them so badly when we were in a hurry to get as far away from there as possible, but now, I understand.

  These large, dusty and ripped novels are family history. Novels of the ancestors and dark magic. Basically everything that we need to know to get through this dark storm that is rising against all odds.

  Of course, that means we have to read through the bunch until we find what we are looking for and there’s a good twenty or so books in that box. I can already tell this is going to be a long, painful night.

  Cameron, Ashton, Aunt Everyln, my parents and I all scan through the novels. Officer Chris and the detective headed out hours ago, needing to get back to the office but swearing they will return in the morning.

  My eyes scan over the dark worn pages, the smell of the novel drifting to my nose. I always did love the smell of reading a novel, even one this old. Something caught my attention as I flip to the next page. There’s a weird Pentacle tribal symbol drawn out across the top of the page, below there is small lettering.

  I ducked my head further into the novel, curling my legs beneath me in the chair, I read onward.

  The witches Pentacle is well known for Wiccan. It’s a symbol of faith. It represents Water, Eart
h, Air, Fire and the unusual force of Spirit, also known as Ether. The Pentacle divides the world for balance, casting its protection on its user. Uses consist of banishing and the riding of darkness

  The words fall over me, sending a chill down my spine. The meaning behind the Pentacle gives me a little bit of hope. I look up from the novel. “I think I found something.”

  All eyes fall on me. “What is it?” my mother asks, setting her novel down. Cameron moves to my side, looking over my shoulder.

  “It might not be much, but it’s a start,” I offer, shrugging. “It says a drawn-up Pentacle offers protection from darkness. A Wiccan technologic that revolves around all five of the witch’s elements.”

  Cameron mumbles, “Water, Fire, Air, earth and Spirit.”

  I nod. “It’s not a lot, but if it protects against darkness, maybe we could use it.”

  My father watches me, pinching the bridge of his nose,” It’s a start. What we are looking for is much bigger than a Pentacle symbol. We need something that will allow you to speak through your ancestors or even better, for them to speak through you.”

  I slouch forward, scowling, “Dang it.”

  He offers me a small smile. “It’s close sweetheart. The Pentacle can protect against darkness, and it’s something to keep in mind; but dig a little deeper, we are bound to find something.”

  Not willing to admit to defeat, I bury myself back into the novel, trailing over the words. Cameron remains by my side, his hand resting on my shoulder for support. That little gesture makes me feel all that much better. We’ve all been through so much the last year, and it’s insane to know everything we have encountered and overcome. There’s so many times that I think about where I would be right now if things hadn’t gone the way they have, but just as fast I push it away. Why would I want it to go back? I mean, yeah we have been through one mess of a storm, but we’ve made it this far.

  The Black Witches are determined to take everything away from me that I just got back, but that’s not going to happen. Over my own dead body. If that means giving into the darkness myself to protect the ones I love the most, well then, that is exactly what I am going to do. Only I don’t want any of them to know. I’ve dragged them into too much already, this is something I need to do alone.

  I glance around the room, taking in the faces of the people I love the most, my eyes lingering on my boyfriend who now caught up in conversation with my aunt. When I advert my gaze, Ashton's eyes catch my own and a silent conversation passes between us both. By the way he scowls, his arms crossed, unwilling to help us read, I know he can tell what I am thinking and I am hoping that he doesn’t rat me out. That isn’t going to go over well with any of the others.

  But if I am going to do this on my own, then I need someone that can help me distract the rest of them when the time comes. Of course, I know Ashton isn’t going to stay behind either, so I supposed I would need to trust him enough to let him go with me.

  Averting my gaze, I finger the dirty page, lost in my own tempting thoughts.

  “What about this?” Aunt Everlyn bites her lip. Glancing up from the novel in her hands.

  My father and mother leaned over to read over her shoulder, while the rest of us waited patiently for them to spill the dirty.

  Open the Lines of Communication With Your Ancestors.

  In order to open the lines of communication you must first will yourself to believe in the impossible, You need to prepare your body and mind to let in the force of your Ancestors, allowing them to seek a safe haven in your mind where they can communicate with you. To do so, you must first create an Ancestor Altar and or Shrine. By doing this, you are creating the connection between the force of the real world and the realm of the dead of your bloodline.

  “What is a Shrine or Ancestor Altar?” Cameron asks, leaning against the back of my chair.

  My aunt looks up. “It’s much like a church, it’s a place you can pray and complete offerings for those you have lost; however, by doing so you are opening yourself up to the spirits and letting them seek refuge in your mind.”

  “So, If I do this, they’ll be able to communicate with me?” I wanted to know, in fact, I needed to know. If I am going to go about this alone in the end, I need to learn everything that I can right now.

  My father nods. “Essentially, yes,” he says, as he moves around the table, his eyes trailing over the other novels. “It allows them to speak to you through the connection, thus allowing you to hear them up here,” he points to his head, “or in here,” his finger falls to his chest.” It’s all dependent on how much you allow them in.”

  Cameron moves to sit next to me, pulling my hand into his lap. Ashton’s eyes darted there, a look crossing over his face before disappearing. “If you go into it with doubts and unbelief, it could very well not work, “Ashton tells us. “My mother practiced Wiccan magic far too long and one of the things she was trying to conquer was touching base with our own personal Ancestors, to give her far more power,” he cringes at the idea. “Of course, that didn’t go as planned.”

  “Thank the ancestors,” my mother utters.

  The Black Witches can connect their ancestors to give them far more power?

  That is not a calming picture.

  “Okay, Shrine or Ancestor’s Altar, got it,” I said, frantically nodding my head, “what else?”

  My aunt looks at me over the rim of the novel, her lips moving as she continues onward.

  The Secret Key

  When you are reaching out to the Ancestors for guidance, one of the most effective ways to draw them into the void of your subconsciousness and showing them the way to your welcoming safe haven is to whip up an herb tea, Be sure to include all the finest roots and herbs to relax your body and mind as you worship them over your Altar/Shrine. Relax and breathe them in, make them a part of who you are and they will follow that path.

  Oh great, now I have to drink an herb and root tea, sounds disgusting.

  The Breakthrough

  A way for your Ancestors to enter into your mind without disturbing the balance between there and here is to visit you in your unconscious state of mind, This, however, does not interrupt the souls natural dreaming in the background, only shielding them from the host while the Ancestor is present. Be sure to carry a journal near the document that you remember. Not all visits will come through your subconscious fully and pieces may be shattered for you to uncover.

  This just keeps getting better and better. My head falls against my bent knees, my head aching from the information. Cameron places his hand on my shoulder. “You can do this.”

  “I’m glad someone has faith in me.”

  He leans forward, kissing my cheek. “Everyone here does; you just have to believe in yourself.”

  I wanted to tell him that I have faith. That I know that I can do this, but somehow, the words don’t find their way out. Truth be told, I don’t have faith and that’s the part that scares me.

  My mother scowls. “Sweetie, I can only imagine what is going through that head of yours right now. But the girl that rescued Hailey and the same one that risked her life to save her parents is still in there. You are one strong girl and have witnessed far more than someone at your age should,“ she says, as she gestures towards Cam, “so have you. Yet, you are both here, fighting for what is right. If that is not strength, then I really don’t know what is.”

  “Cameron is the reason I’m here,” he smiles, making my heart ache. “If it wasn’t for him believing in me when I didn’t. I don’t think I would be here right now.”

  My boyfriend is the only reason I have coped with the news of what I am and the news that I continue to receive until this day. He’s been my rock through it all and I honestly don’t know how he does it. I am one messed up girl. Forever a freak. But still, when he looked into my eyes, it feels like he is looking straight into my soul and something inside of me catches fire and the burning electricity that shoots through me is so surreal and powerful that I
feel glad to be alive.

  “I’ve always got you, baby,” Cam brushes a strand of hair from my face.

  I can’t help the cheesy smile that found its way to my face, a feeling of genuine happiness courses through my entire body. “You are a dork,” I laugh.

  Cameron doesn’t deny it; he only plants a kiss against my lips. His are soft. “I’ll be anything you need me to be,” those small words light up my entire soul.

  “Jesus, get a room, would ya?” Ashton growls, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s making me sick looking at the two of you.”

  My mother laughs, “Oh it’s not that bad,” she turns towards me, my cheeks burning, “you should have seen your father and I back then. He was a wild one.”

  “Eww!” I cover my ears. “Mom I don’t need to hear this!”

  They laugh together, my father pulling my mother in close. I never thought that I would see the day my parents would be lovey-dovey in front of me, and as much as I would like to not hear of their wild history together. I would need to remind myself when this storm is over to ask my mother about them and endure such information. The idea no longer making my stomach turn. “You and Cam are much like your mother and I, always so inseparable,” my father divulged

  My aunt reckoned that was, in fact, the truth. “These two old farts were so in love that they put my own reckless romance to shame.”

  It feels nice being able to talk like this with my parents. For the moment, it felt normal. I wanted it to stay like this, but I knew that we would soon have to get back to facing reality and that time is near.

  “Can we focus?” Ashton stressed.

  “Ahhh,” my father says, as he nods, leaning back over the open novel. “The boy is right. We have far more important things to attend to right now, but when this is all over, my dear, remind me and that is a story I would happily tell.”


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