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Page 51

by Alexie Aaron [Aaron, Alexie]

  “Mia, you go and put on something decent,” Ralph ordered. “Honestly, where is your father?”

  “Forty-five and three quarters,” Mia said. “Um, I didn’t know we were having a party.”

  “That’s no excuse. You always have to put your best foot forward.”

  “Yes, Ralph. Excuse me, Acalan, I have to go and change my clothes.”

  “Not before dancing with your favorite uncle,” Quentin said, running up. He picked Mia up and swung her around.

  “You’re going to make her sick,” Baxter warned.

  “Forty-seven and three quarters,” Ted said, walking by.

  Murphy exited the house as if his pants were on fire. “Audrey is having the baby on the bathroom floor. She’s calling for someone named ‘Rat Bastard!’”

  “That’s me,” Orion said and drank down his beer in one gulp.

  Before Orion could get to the front porch, they heard a new baby cry.

  Mia looked over at Ted, and they said together, “Forty-eight!”

  Ethan walked out of the house, looking a little green. “Mother and baby are doing fine, but the floor’s a mess.”

  Mia excused herself, and as she walked up the steps, she heard Dupree say behind her. “Finally, Cooper’s around for cleanup.”



  PEEPS: Paranormal Entity Exposure Partners.

  Dupree, Mike: Founding partner of PEEPs and on-camera personality.

  Garrett, Cid: Contractor, investigator, cameraman, and technician.

  Hicks, Burt: Founding partner of PEEPs, lead investigator, and cameraman.

  Jake: Ghost, research and computers.

  Martin, Mia Cooper: Sensitive, lead investigator, and security. Ted’s wife and Brian, Varden, and Dieter Martin’s mother. Healer of angels.

  Martin, Ted: Lead technician, computers, and communications. Mia’s husband and Brian, Varden, and Dieter Martin’s father. Technical genius.

  Stavros, Audrey: Researcher and investigator, married to Orion Stavros, mother of Luke Stavros.

  Murphy, Stephen: Ghost, translator, and security.

  Recurring Characters:

  Abigor, Duke of Hades: Fallen angel, commander of 60 legions of demons.

  Aldridge, Ethan: Teenage paintball-gang member who was sentenced to a juvenile detention facility for his part in coercing Rory Kline and the deaths of Jason Jones and Keith Summerfield. Aided in bringing Blair Summerfield to justice.

  Ahlberg, Varden: Part of Angelo’s birdman guard, brother of Victor, killed in the battle of the witch trees.

  Ahlberg, Victor: Angelo’s birdman General, brother of the fallen Varden. On leave fighting Cynosura.

  Altair: Fallen archangel. Also known as Wyatt Wayne.

  Aosoth: Fallen. A dark female force in the pantheon of the

  Order of the Nine Angels. Mia killed her in Given Enough Rope.

  Azrael: Archangel of Death.

  Babcia aka Sophia: Very powerful Crone witch. Lazar Popov’s Polish grandmother.

  Baxter: Wizard, doctor, paranormal Psychiatrist, friend of Quentin.

  Bouché, Guillaume: Beverly Cooper’s deceased Hattian magician lover. Sabine Norwood’s father.

  Bouvier, Beth: One-time PEEP, Beth worked with Roumain to control Ted in order to destroy his marriage with Mia. After she joined with the Cynosura to destroy the Martins. She is a dark witch.

  Braverman, Don: Tom’s father and Susan’s husband.

  Braverman, Susan: Mega Chicago Bears fan, housewife, Tom Braverman’s mother and the Martin’s babysitter.

  Braverman, Tom: Acting Sheriff, school friend of Mia. Murphy brought him back to life, inadvertently giving him the sight.

  Cabello, Acalan: Artist, painter, seer of angels, Mia’s childhood school friend.

  Cabello, Zarita aka Grandma Z: Grandmother of Acalan and shop assistant.

  Callen, Mason: Young man rescued in Puzzle by PEEPs. Distant relative of Murphy’s through his father’s mother. Brother of Patrick.

  Callen, Patrick: Distant cousin of Murphy. Met in Puzzle. Brother of Mason.

  Carmichael, Andy: Assistant manager of the Big Bear Cemetery, formally the night watchman.

  Cerise, Tauni: Nurse and friend of Sabine Norwood and her triplets.

  Chambers, Vince: Deputy for the Big Bear Lake County Sheriff’s department.

  Connie: Ted’s middle married sister.

  Cooper, Amanda: Mia’s mother. Sociologist. Died in A Daughter of Nyx.

  Cooper, Beverly: Very talented sensitive. Was assumed to be an aunt to Mia Martin, mother of Sabine Norwood, sister of Charles Cooper, and associate of Father Santos and Gerald Shem.

  Cooper, Doctor Charles: Mia’s father. Archaeologist.

  Countess: Very powerful ghost who rules the Big Bear Lake Cemetery.

  Deschamps, Maurice: Ghost husband of the Countess, a notorious ghost who had designs on Mia as a child and as an adult.

  Dis Pater: Roman god of the underworld. Protects the graves of the paupers with his horde of di inferi.

  Ed, aka He-who-walks-through-time: Superhuman, Judy’s partner.

  Enos: Young birdman, Danish orphan, adopted by Victor.

  Ester: Acalan’s guardian angel.

  Gabriel: Archangel general who doesn’t like Mia.

  Hallie: Ted’s eldest married sister.

  Hansen, Neil: The father of Mia’s dead daughter. Both were killed by a vengeful ghost.

  Holden, Jessie: Cross over character from Cid Garrett P.I.. Contractor specializing in pre-Civil war roof structures.

  Idra: Head Gray Lady after Elizabeth left. Healer of birdmen.

  Jefferies, Alan: Lawyer for PEEPs and the Martins.

  Jones, Edward: Small conman who uses the dead to burgle for him.

  Judy, aka Refugia: Birdwoman, former Gray Lady, independent healer, and Ed’s partner.

  Komal: Master of bilocation. Lives in spirit form on a hidden island in Lake Michigan.

  Krouse, Robin: Oboe player, sister to David Krouse (Linebacker on Dieter’s FB team) girlfriend of Lazar.

  Lane-Cordoba, Lisa: Vengeful, tormenting woman who went to school with Mia.

  Leighton, Mark: Teenager who can see angels. Son of a veteran with Locked-in Syndrome.

  Lobo: Hacker. Mia’s first lover. He saved her from the streets of Chicago and called her Wife.

  Lucifer: Fallen archangel in charge of Hell.

  Maggie Mae: Mixed-breed dog of PEEPs who can see ghosts.

  Margaret Mary, aka M&Ms: Feisty nurse at Green Ridge Hospital.

  Martin, Brian: The Chosen One. Son of Mia and Ted Martin.

  Martin, Dieter: Teenage attrpeur-âme (a catcher of souls) from Nigeria, adopted son of Mia and Ted Martin.

  Martin, Millie: Ted’s mother Millicent.

  Martin, Varden: Son of Mia and Ted Martin. Carries the soul of dead birdman Varden, Victor’s brother.

  Martin, Reg: Ted’s father.

  Martin, Whitney: Former Deputy Sheriff, Mia’s high school crush and ex-boyfriend. He runs a special paranormal investigative group for the FBI.

  Mbengar: High demon. Not controlled by Hell. Noble, sometimes acts as arbitrator between the fallen and the demons. First mentioned in Give Enough Rope.

  Mendelssohn, Ralph: Musical stage designer, Mia’s godfather, married to Bernard Wesley.

  Michael, aka Saint Michael: Prince of Angels, leader of angel winged army, Mia’s boss.

  Michaels, Angelo: Birdman and associate of Father Santos. Lead warrior and librarian for the Brotherhood of the Wing.

  Monroe, Gloria: Former associate of Edward Jones (a con man who enslaved ghost to act as muscle in his illegal activities).

  Murphy, Chastity: Deceased wife of Stephen Murphy.

  Nanny Berta: Birdwoman caregiver of children. Introduced in Sideshow.

  Neyer, Émile: Patriarch of the Sanctuary and Mia Martin’s grandfather.

r, Adele: Mia’s grandmother.

  Neyer, Aubree: Mia’s aunt who discovered that Mia existed when she saw the BBB poster of her. International comedian.

  Nicholai: Birdman. Mia’s trainer. Former Squadron Commander.

  Noah: Brian’s artistic preschool friend. Affectionately known as camouflaged, tissue-paper-licking Noah.

  Nordin: Wyatt Wayne’s (Altair’s) former butler. See Candle.

  Norwood, Brian: Deceased husband of Sabine. Namesake for Brian Martin.

  Norwood, Sabine: Sensitive, clairvoyant, and medium, associate of Father Santos, widow, adopted cousin of Mia, and mother of triplets.

  O’Brien, Gates: Mike Dupree’s girlfriend and stunt woman for Wheels Up. First seen in Sideshow.

  Popov, Lazar: One legged veteran hired on as a farm manager for the Martins.

  Popov, Magda: Lazar’s mother and Babcia’s daughter.

  Popov, Grzegorz: Lazar’s father. Farmer.

  Quivers, Shane: aka Shivers. Military man possessed by Abigor. First appeared in the The Long Game.

  Raphael: Archangel of Healing. Specialty is the mind. Green aura.

  Reynolds, Quentin: Mia’s half uncle, son of her grandmother Fredericka and a fallen angel, Nephilim.

  Roumain, Judge: Judge of Purgatory.

  Ryan, John: Former Sheriff of Big Bear Lake. On leave fighting the Cynosura.

  Santos, Father (Paolo): Roman Catholic priest, exorcist, mind reader, and leader of a professional group of paranormal investigators.

  Sariel: Archangel, Mia’s guardian angel.

  Seth: Young Birdman, adopted by Victor.

  Shem, Gerald: Associate of Father Santos, businessman who trades in favors, Beverly Cooper’s paramour.

  Simon, Father: Priest of the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, exorcists and associate of Father Santos.

  Soren: Elder and judge of the Brotherhood of the Wing.

  Stavros, Luke: Son of Audrey and Orion. First angel to be born on earth.

  Stavros, Orion: Birdman, scribe, researcher, field medic, Mia’s grandfather, Angelo Michaels’s friend, and Audrey’s husband. Father of Luke.

  Sticks: Heroic demon from New Orleans. Mia mistakenly was engaged to him for a short time.

  Templeton, Rand aka Old lady Templeton: Cid’s girlfriend and dynamic high school teacher and organic farmer.

  Tony: Bouncer from 88 Keys sweet on Tauni Cerise. First mentioned in Given Enough Rope.

  Walters, Doctor: Chief of medicine for Green Ridge Hospital. He’s handled Mia and PEEPs unusual injuries and isn’t afraid of a paranormal situation but rather not know the source.

  Wayne, Wyatt: Demon, also known as Altair.

  Wesley, Doctor Bernard: Director of the Culture Department of Chicago’s Field Museum, friend of Father Santos, Mia’s godfather, and married to Ralph Mendelssohn.


  Attrpeur-âme: A catcher of souls.

  Between, The: A dimension between what the human eye can see and navigate.

  Bilocation (bilocator, bilocating): The movement of the soul out of the body. See OOB.

  Council of Women: A group of spirits and living women who govern ghosts.

  Cynosura: A cult of wealthy people who operate under the guise of bringing enlightenment to all but, in reality, want to enslave all for the benefit of furthering their agendas.

  Dark Vault: Vault where information, relics, and entities of Dark Magic are contained.

  Dark World: An unescapable prison for spirits who interfere physically with the living. They wander alone for an eternity, never coming in contact with anything else.

  Die Zuflucht: The Sanctuary of the Neyer clan. See: Book of Souls.

  Di inferi: demons controlled by Dis Pater. They guard pauper graves.

  Earcom: Communication device worn inside the ear while investigating.

  EMF: Electromagnetic field.

  Flitch: A demonic parasite that slowly takes over the mind of his host, causing the host to act contrary to their natural makeup.

  Gray Lady: Female birdwoman whose vocation is healing.

  GSD or Ghost Ship Dimension: The between but over water.

  Hellhounds: Supernatural dogs who typically serve demons and Others.

  HSG aka Honorable Society of Gargoyles: Social society of gargoyles.

  House of El: Superman’s family (clan)

  Locked-in Syndrome: a medical condition, usually resulting from a stroke that damages part of the brainstem, in which the body and most of the facial muscles are paralyzed but consciousness remains, and the ability to perform certain eye movements is preserved.

  Macumba: is a syncretic religion practiced in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.

  Mind Palace: A way your mind stores memories. The consciousness invents a place that you’re familiar with. It’s basically how it separates thoughts and stores memories. Each person’s is different.

  Nymphs: Beautiful female humanoids with blue seal skin and womanly bodies, who work with Baxter to heal.

  Ocular: Little wormlike robot. Normally used for observation activities. It can produce an electric shock when needed.

  O.I.: stands for obligatory injun. A phrase coined by the Native American Nietzsche Bigg Tree in Given Enough Rope.

  Other: Paranormal contract negotiators and enforcers.

  OOB: Out of body. State of bilocation.

  Quimbanda: Dark art form of Macumba.

  Permeation spell: A controlling spell or curse received by touching a cursed object such as paper.

  Profiterole: Puff pastry, typically sweet, but can be savory with steak and cheeses added to the middle of the pastry.

  Red shirt: Last PEEP hired. In homage to Star Trek’s red-shirted crewmen and women who were the first sacrificed.

  Striga (strigae): female witch from Mordovia. Practitioner of dark magic.

  Tardis: Famed Doctor Who time craft, known to be quite a bit larger inside than the outer shell of phone box appears on the outside.

  Tartarian: Denizens of Tartarus (underworld)

  The between: Areas of airspace where paranormal creatures can navigate unseen by the human populace.

  Yeti: Fabled Abominable Snowman, ape-like creature lives hidden in the Sherpa hidden valleys.

  Alexie Aaron

  After traveling the world, Alexie Aaron, a Midwestern native, returned to her roots where she’s been haunting for years. She now lives at the top of the mitt with her husband and family.

  Her popular Haunted Series was born from her memories of fleeting shapes rushing around doorways, an heirloom chair that rocked itself, cold feelings of mysterious dread, and warm feelings from the traces of loved ones long gone. From the Haunted Series, another series was born. The Cid Garrett P.I. series, which takes the reader on a more conventional paranormal adventure.

  Alexie also writes the Cin Fin-Lathen Mysteries. These mysteries, set in England and south Florida, combine action and intrigue with a liberal dose of humor.

  Want more information? Visit for updates, blog posts, podcasts, and much, much more.




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