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Always Be My Baby

Page 5

by Mary Ting

  Gus lightly tapped my shoulder. “Was anyone else there?”

  “It’s none of your business, but no.” I checked the containers filled with tomatoes, lettuce, onion, rice, beans, chicken, beef, shredded pork, and sauces.

  Gus crossed his arms. “You keep telling yourself that. Oh, by the way, Lucas stopped by just before you came in with Mr. Hot Man.”

  My eyes shot to him, my heart thundering. “What did he say?”

  Gus took out the tortillas and placed them neatly on the counter. “Nothing much.” He scowled. “He was grouchy and rude. He wanted to know when you were coming to work. Because of his attitude, I told him you weren’t working today.”

  I didn’t know whether to be annoyed with Gus or hug him. “Thanks,” I said curtly.

  Gus pushed back his hair. “I don’t like bullies with attitudes, and I especially don’t like cheaters.”

  I froze when I reached the register, seeing a customer heading toward us. “How do you know what he did?”

  I wanted to hide from embarrassment. Though I didn’t do anything wrong, I suddenly realized one of the reasons why I couldn’t go back with Lucas wasn’t just because he cheated on me, but also because of my pride.

  The whole damn campus knew what Lucas had done. Of course people would talk, especially among the fraternities and sororities.

  Gus placed a soft hand over mine, and he gave me a compassionate expression. “I think you know the answer.”

  Chapter Thirteen



  After working my eight-hour shift, I was beyond exhausted. The twinkling, beautiful stars were apparent in the clear night sky, surrounding the full moon. As I took in the serene beauty, I shivered and entered my apartment.

  “Hey, Cammy. How was your day?” Leah peered up from her laptop and smiled.

  I slouched next to her on the sofa with my legs apart. “I’ve never been this tired and cold. I think I’m coming down with something.”

  Leah shifted in her seat and angled her body toward me. “Oh no. Maybe you’re getting what I got. If you caught it from me I’m so sorry.”

  Leaning my head back, I placed my hand over my forehead. “It’s not your fault, Leah. It’s probably from lack of sleep. A part of me wants to dump Lucas’s ass, but we’ve been together for a year. I don’t know if I can let him go.”

  “Obviously.” Leah reached for me, causing me to sit straighter and meet her gaze. “I know how you feel. And you shouldn’t have to make that kind of decision right now. It’s been like what, less than a week? Lucas better not be giving you a hard time. It was his fault. If he truly cares for you, he’ll wait. But if a part of you doubts this relationship, you might want to consider leaving him.”

  “I know,” I sighed, grabbing a throw pillow to hug it. “I wish things were simple.”

  Leah punched her fingers along the computer keyboard and then faced me. “Speaking of Lucas. The dude came by.”

  “What did he want?” The room suddenly felt cooler.

  “The usual. He wanted to know where you were and what time you would come home.”

  I rubbed at my temple, a headache forming. “What did you say?”

  Her lips twitched, radiating a satisfied smile. “I said you were out on a hot date and he should screw himself.”

  Blood drained out of me. “Leah.”

  “I’m just kidding.” She smirked. “I said you would be home later this evening, and I slammed the door on his face. I told him he should have kept his ugly lips to himself and he better have kept his dick inside his pants or I would cut it off.”

  My lips parted in shock, but what was I shocked about? Leah spoke her mind, and she didn’t care what others thought of her. Sometimes I wished I could be like her. Stronger. Bolder.

  “Do you still have the Nyquil I gave you?” I rested my head on the armrest, trembling. “I don’t feel so good, Leah.”

  “Crap.” Leah placed her hand over my forehead. “You’re burning up. I’ll be right back.” Leah only took a few steps when the door chimed. “Who the hell is that?” she cursed under her breath. “Great timing.”

  I couldn’t tell who it was from her voice.

  “Lucas. Come in.” Leah peeked over her shoulder and locked her wicked, up to no good, eyes to mine.

  What was Leah up to? She sounded too pleased for his company. Ugh. Didn’t she know I didn’t want to see him?

  “Lucas, it’s not a good time.” My fever gripped me into shivers.

  Lucas ignored my words as usual and sat across from me. His eyes flamed with anger and his fists tightened. “Cammy. What the hell?”

  I blinked. What’s wrong with him? I stared and stared, unable to part my lips to speak.

  “What?” I finally spat. “I don’t feel well. I have a fever. Can we please talk when I’m better?”

  “Are you sleeping with him?” He speared his eyes to mine.

  “What? Who are you talking about?” Heat flushed through my neck and my face, mixed with rage and fever.

  “Grayson. You told me you wanted space, but you’re parading around the campus with him like he’s your boyfriend.”

  I inhaled a breath and seethed, “He’s my friend. I have friends, you know. You’re allowed to have friends but I’m not?”

  “That’s not the point, Cammy.” He raked his hair back, clenching his jaw. “What do you want me to do? You want me to get down on my knees and beg? I’ll do whatever you want. Just give us another chance.”

  The ache in my head and stomach took a turn for the worse. “I don’t feel good, Lucas.” My head spun and the walls closed in tighter.

  Leah handed me Nyquil to drink. “Here, sweetie. Maybe this will help.” She whirled to Lucas. “She’s not feeling well. Either take care of her or get out. But don’t make it worse.”

  As if something finally clicked, understanding registered on his face. “Do you need anything?” Lucas asked, his tone and expression finally softening.

  “No.” I spread across the sofa and closed my eyes. I was tired, angry, and I didn’t want to talk to him.

  How dare he accuse me of having a boyfriend behind his back? And to think I was worried about his feelings and reputation with his frat brothers. I wanted to toss my glass of water at him. But I was too tired and too sick.

  There was no fight in me. I didn’t care if he stayed or left. The ringing in my head and my temperature changing from hot and cold took everything out of me.

  “Let me help you to your bed.” Leah’s voice. Her hand on my forehead felt like ice.

  Then another pair of hands supported me. Someone took off my flats and covered me.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Homemade Soup


  I drifted in and out of sleep for two days. Leah helped me drink water and sip some soup. Through the hazy slumber, a male’s voice sounded from a distance.

  A part of me hoped it was Lucas so I could prove to Leah that he truly cared for me. If he had stayed or at least came every day to check up on me, I would give him another chance.

  By the third day, my fever finally relented, and my stiff muscles eased. Apparently, my flu was worse than Leah’s.

  Laughter and murmurs came from the other side of the door. Lucas? Leah was laughing with him? Impossible.

  Leah didn’t like Lucas, and if it were up to her, I wouldn’t be with him. But you don’t get to choose who you love. Love chooses for you.

  I sat up when a soft knock on the door reverberated, and before I could say a word, the door swung open.

  “Cammy, you’re awake.” Leah smiled, coming toward me with a bed tray.

  “You are too good to me,” I said. “What would I do without you?”

  “You did the same for me, roomie. Just paying you back. Besides, what are friends for if you can’t use them?” She snickered.

  After she placed the tray in a standing position across my lap, she sat on the edge of the bed with a beaming smile.

p; “You seem happy today,” I commented. “What’s going on? Did you meet someone? I heard a guy’s voice.” My stomach rumbled from the aroma and the sight of what appeared to be a homemade chicken noodle soup when I took off the plate that kept the bowl warm. Steam rose like ghost mists. “Did you cook this?”

  Leah fanned a hand to her chest. “Me? Cook that? Hell no. You know I burn everything. Besides, I would never touch raw whole chicken.”

  True. I’d never seen Leah cook. “Then where did you get this soup?”

  “From the chef,” a manly voice answered.

  I slowly craned my head toward the threshold. Grayson had his hands inside his jean pockets, leaning his back against the door. His blue T-shirt accentuated his eyes even more.

  “Grayson?” I swallowed. “How? When? What are you doing here?” I tried not to sound too surprised.

  “When you didn’t come to class, I got worried. I figured you would at least come to class to find out what you got on your test. You don’t seem to be the type to ditch.” He chuckled lightly.

  Leah slid off the bed. “I told Grayson you’re sick. Well, you’re better now, but you were sick. Last night he came back with homemade chicken soup. I fed you some, but you probably don’t remember because you were so drugged with Nyquil. You slept forever.”

  I glanced between Leah and Grayson. “Thank you both for taking care of me. I really didn’t want to call my mom. And Grayson, you didn’t have to go out of your way to make me soup.”

  My stomach already felt full, not from soup, but from his kindness, for caring. I felt a sharp pain in my heart. Lucas might have helped tuck me in bed, most likely from Leah’s harsh demand, but he didn’t stay. And he had never cooked for me.

  You deserve someone that cares about you when you’re sick. You deserve someone that walks you home. Leah’s words echoed in my mind. I did deserve someone better than Lucas, but regardless, Lucas had a year ahead of Grayson.

  Lucas and I shared a year of good and bad. I couldn’t just toss him away, couldn’t let go yet. But a part of my heart tugged toward Grayson. Help me.

  “Well.” Leah’s voice broke Grayson’s and my stare. “I better get going. I have a class in a half hour.” Leah winked at me. “Have fun.” Then she turned to Grayson. “Can you put the tray back into the kitchen for me when Cammy is done? And thanks for the soup again. That was very sweet of you.”

  Grayson rubbed the back of his head and grinned. “You’re welcome.”

  “Cammy is sick. No kissing.” Leah stepped out of my view, leaving the two of us alone.

  My face burned and I almost choked on the spoonful of soup I had just sipped. Grayson’s face blanched and his eyes widened.

  “You don’t have to wait until I finish my soup, Grayson. I’m sure you have other important things to do. And again, thank you so much for the delicious soup,” I rambled, nervous at how much I enjoyed his company.

  He shrugged. “It’s my pleasure to watch you eat and keep you company. And you’re welcome. I had to show you my awesome skills. Besides being really good at playing Frogger, I’m also a good cook. My mother forced me to learn before I left for college. She said it was a sure way to win a girl’s heart.” He considered his words with a blink. “I mean we’re friends. I didn’t make soup because of what she said. You were very sick, and I’m glad to help.”

  “Thank you,” I said sincerely and then took another spoonful. “So you just going to stand there and watch me eat or are you going to join me?”

  “Leah and I already ate together.” He gestured out the door with the tilt of his head. “In the dining area. As friends.”

  I snorted inwardly. “Then would you like to keep me company? You could sit on my desk chair instead of standing. You’re making me nervous.”

  “Oh, sorry.” He took a few steps and glanced at my bookshelf. “When do you have time to read?”

  I wiped my mouth with a paper napkin. “I read those during summer.” I scratched an itch on my nose. “I know you used to be in a fraternity. Why did you de-pledge?”

  His eyes widened in surprise, probably not expecting that question out of the blue. Taking my desk chair, he sat, his chest facing the back of the chair, and scrubbed his face. Finding that quite sexy, I craned my neck sideways.

  “I de-pledged when I realized it was taking too much time away from my ex-girlfriend. We fought a lot because pledging took too much time away from our relationship. She wasn’t happy about the social events and me meeting other sorority girls. I understood. If the situation was the opposite, I would have felt the same. It would be a different story if she was already in a sorority, but she wasn’t. People who are not in the system don’t really understand. But after I de-pledged for her, she dumped me.”

  “What? Seriously?” I took more sips of the soup and listened attentively.

  “Yup.” He tapped his feet on the carpet. “It was better for me anyway. It was fun the first year and I met a lot of people, but I probably would have eventually de-pledged or become less active. To tell you the truth, it’s been a while since I’ve dated. I’ve just been pouring myself into my studies and planning for my future.”

  “Smart choice. There are no do-overs. Now is the time.” I frowned. “I sound like I’m preaching, don’t I?”

  Grayson snorted. “I think it’s cute.”

  I blushed and drank more of my soup. Then I cleared my throat when I felt his eyes solely on me, feeling naked under his.

  “So how did you do on the test?”

  He scratched the side of his neck and shifted in his seat. “Do you want the truth or a lie?”

  “Grayson,” I chided. “Don’t lie. It’s okay if you didn’t do as well as me.” I smiled mischievously.

  He chuckled. “You don’t even know what you got on the test.”

  “True. So what did you get?”

  “I missed one.” His lips slanted into a pout and those dimples became more apparent.

  Holy shit! Put that lip back up.

  “Truth or a lie?” I said.

  “What do you think?” He furrowed his brow.

  “What do I get if I’m right?” Dangerous question.

  He considered my question, squinting his eyes. “I have to cook dinner for you. And if I win, I have to cook dinner for you.”

  I arched my eyebrows in confusion. “Did I hear you—”

  Before I could say another word, he said, “Yes you did. Either way, I get to cook for you. From what Leah told me, it doesn’t sound like either of you can cook.”

  “What?” I squealed. “Leah can’t cook, but I can. Somewhat. Sort of.” I pouted, giving him my innocent face.

  From the way his eyes darkened, I swear I thought he was going to dash over and kiss me.

  “So what’s the verdict?” I said quickly before we got too carried away. We were friends, I reminded myself and did a mental check to see if I had flirted or had led him on.

  “So, what’s your answer, Cams?” He emphasized my name.

  “You told me a lie,” I answered, but it sounded more like a question.

  “I won.”

  “Liar.” I giggled. “Where’s your proof? I want proof.”

  He came to me in five steps, stopping next to the bed. I became breathless at the size of his broad shoulders, his hard muscles, and just his overall presence.

  Noting I had finished the soup, he took the tray off my bed and set it on the floor. With his hands planted on either side of me by my waist, he leaned closer.

  Oh dear God. I held my breath when he bit his bottom lip and his eyes lowered to mine. I knew that look in his eyes. It was the same expression I was pretty sure I was giving him.

  “What did you call me?” His tone was soft, and though he tried to be playful, I was sure his mind went elsewhere with me in his thoughts.

  An incoherent word left my mouth, something close to a word liar when I tried to reply. Grayson blinked and his eyes shifted to the TV screen, as if he realized our stare seeme
d far too intimate, crossing the line of friendship. He reached inside his back pocket and took out a piece of paper and opened it for me to see.

  “You didn’t win.” I jabbed his chest.

  “Ouch.” He jerked back, acting all cute and hurt.

  “You lied.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “You didn’t miss one. You got them all right. So I won. By the way, congrats.”

  After he folded his test, he shoved it back and shrugged. “No big deal.”

  With his face close to mine, I pounded a pillow at his face. Staggering sideways, his eyes shot wide.

  “No big deal? The professor even said no one would get a hundred percent. You did great. You should be proud.”

  Grayson began to wiggle his fingers, his eyes promising... oh no. “You threw a pillow at my face. Now it’s my...” Those were the only words I heard. Grayson’s fingers poked my sides.

  “Stop,” I breathed, laughing so hard I kicked the blanket aside.

  He stopped and I stopped. His hands locked my arms over my shoulders. His eyes roamed my face, and then at last my eyes. Something sweet and kind and hurt flickered in them. So close. His lips were so close to mine. My breathing quickened and lust filled my senses.

  “You’re lucky you’re sick. I stopped because I don’t want to tire you.”

  “I’d like to know the other ways you make a girl tired.” The words left before I could stop them, but it felt so right and natural with Grayson. But I shouldn’t have said it.

  His eyes beamed in wicked delight. “Oh, believe me. They’re too exhausted to remember their own name after I’m done.”

  I didn’t know if I was breathing. “Oh, really?” I swallowed.

  Slowly, so very slowly, he moved closer and closer as I savored the scent of his cologne. His lips veered up and softly planted a kiss on my forehead, letting go of my pinned arms. Then he took the blanket and covered me.

  “I get to cook you dinner as a friend. That’s a win for me. Get some sleep, Cams.”

  After he grabbed my tray, he headed for the door. Just before he was out of my sight, he stopped by the threshold and glanced over his shoulder.


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