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Diana's Dalliance

Page 2

by Ella Gottfried

  With trembling hands, she slipped the jack rabbit out of her and turned it off. But she didn’t move. She could feel the trembling aftershocks of that extremely powerful orgasm still rippling through her body.

  It took her a minute to gather her thoughts.

  Wow, thought Diana. If thinking about Rob could do that to her body, she wondered what he could do if she actually let his hands do all those things to her.

  Well, he knew where she lived, she thought as she staggered in post-orgasm ecstasy to the shower, still a bit unsteady. She really hoped he would come and find her soon.

  Chapter Four

  Diana was dressed in an ivory blouse and navy slacks, all ready for her morning appointment before work. She needed to be in the office by eleven, but first, she had a showing.

  It had been a colleague’s contacts, but she had to take it over. Babies wait for no one, thought Diana, with a smile as she left and got into her car. She really needed to see Cathy and take a baby blanket or something for her adorable newborn son. But for now, she would try her best to sell the house – a really nice semi-detached two-bedroom space that would be perfect for a couple waiting to start a family – and split the commission with Cathy.

  She checked the file on her potential clients.

  There were two – one was a lawyer couple who was looking to move away from the city and into the suburbs. They probably wanted to start a family. It would be a good fit for them, thought Diana as she skimmed through Cathy’s meticulous notes.

  The second one was a Robert Donaldson. Funny, thought Diana – it was her day for Roberts. She wondered if this one would mind if she called them Bob.

  She checked Cathy’s notes again: he was 31, worked with a fairly big firm and had good references and his credentials checked out, so he could obviously afford it. He was planning to propose to his fiancée, and was looking at properties, in search of their first home together.

  The story made Diana feel all warm inside. She loved cute and happy stories like theirs. She liked to hear about happy people in love, and they had so much positive energy.

  Wondering for whom one of the listed homes would suit, she drove there early and did a walk through, taking a few notes of her own.

  It was perfect, she mused, for a first home for new family. Of course, it was a bit pricey, but that was to be expected. It was an excellent neighborhood.

  She had brought cookie dough. It was her thing – she would always pop cookies in the oven and set flowers out so that the house was as much like a home as possible, with a warm and welcoming feel. She could see the potential without such props. But she knew that most people needed to see it, smell it. It needed to feel like home.

  She welcomed the first couple in. They were nice, and very much in love. In their early thirties, they were obviously considering children. They were not dizzy in love like teenagers. Diana wouldn’t have trusted that.

  But they had a comfortable, steady glow that spoke of something enduring. They would fit the home perfectly, and the home was perfect for them, realized Diana.

  As she took them through the bedrooms – one was perfect for a nursery – and the office, which could be used as a professional studio, or a work from home office space. And with that she knew she had struck a chord with the two.

  She was beginning to feel like Robert Donaldson was out of luck. She could clearly see the possessive gleam in the woman’s eyes as she waved them goodbye. She was fairly sure it was already theirs. She would also, of course, get a hefty price for it. After all, they could afford it.

  Mr. Walker, she thought, would be happy with this one. Still, she had to show Mr. Donaldson the home, as well.

  Quickly, she tidied up. A single man, even if he was getting married, would probably find this a bit too large and open, unless he was in a hurry for progeny.

  In five minutes, she had everything in order and was waiting for her client.

  A gorgeous BMW drove up and Diana noted that it was a later model, but not the latest. With a professional smile pasted on her face, she stood in front of the little porch.

  The smile faded, slowly, as the door opened and a man stepped out.

  It wasn’t her day for multiple Roberts. It was her day for one Robert, multiple times.

  “Rob,” she said, her voice puzzled.

  Surely there was some mistake, she thought. He had picked her up earlier that morning. She had been looking forward to seeing him again. She hadn’t even considered the possibility that he wouldn’t drop by later.

  So how could he possibly be buying a house so that he could marry his fiancée and move in together? How could he possibly have a fiancée at all?

  Diana nearly kicked herself as it all began to dawn on her. Goodness, what an idiot she was! She could feel the angry flush working its way across her face.

  He had been looking for a one night stand of some sort. She was definitely not going to sell the house to a cheating scumbag over that nice couple.

  She also wouldn’t humiliate herself by letting on any of what she was feeling.

  Straightening her spine and squaring her shoulders, she stepped up to him.

  “I didn’t expect to see you again. I guess I’ll be showing you what could be your new home, I suppose,” said Diana with a smile so sharp he was lucky he didn’t cut himself.

  “Diana,” he said.

  “Well, we already know each other, so we don’t need introductions. Isn’t that handy!” said Diana.

  Her words were even sharper than her smile.

  “Now, a couple already saw the house a a short while ago and loved it, so I can’t guarantee that you’ll have this one even if you decide you like it. According to the notes that my colleague, Cathy, left, you’re about to get married. Maybe you could bring your fiancée around, as well. She should also look at what could be her home,” said Diana, walking inside, without even waiting to see if he was following.

  She was seething. What a fool he had played her for. At least she hadn’t had sex with him. That was a small victory.

  “Diana, look, I’m sorry… I didn’t go for a run in the morning trying to pick anybody up. I ran into you, and… I… Diana, I swear I wasn’t just trying to pick you up. It’s not how it looks,” said Rob, feebly.

  Diana laughed. She hoped it sounded careless and light.

  “Robert, you don’t have to explain yourself. Things happen. It’s not like we slept together or anything. It was just a connection,” said Diana.

  She wanted to punch him in his smug face. Not that he looked smug right then. He looked mortified.

  “Diana, it’s not what you think, at all. I didn’t expect to see you. I didn’t plan to feel the way I did. I saw you and it was like a punch to the gut. I… There’s something special here, Diana. You know there is,” said Rob.

  Diana finally turned and looked him right in the eyes.

  “It doesn’t matter, Robert. You’re looking for a house to buy, to live in with the woman you’re going to marry. That’s the bottom line here,” she told him.

  Rob met her eyes.

  “It’s not. And you know it’s not. I’ll get in touch with you about the house. It’s for myself first,” said Rob and walked out.

  Chapter Five

  Diana was seething by the time she reached her office. It wasn’t a huge space – just one floor – but they focused on quality over quantity.

  She couldn’t wait to see Bess and tell her about it all. She wondered if her boss, Richard, was in yet. She couldn’t exactly tell him the whole story. It was far too embarrassing.

  Bess was at her desk. She was just two years younger than Diana, but she seemed a lot younger. Diana felt very protective of Bess, who was slightly chunky and self-conscious about it. But she was still very pretty, as Diana always thought.

  She was also a lot smarter and more persuasive than she gave herself credit for.

  “Bess, you won’t believe what happened today. Is Richard in?” asked Diana.

  “He came in a few minutes ago. What happened today?” asked Bess.

  “So, I was out jogging and I ran into this guy. Quite literally ran into him, we rounded this corner and it was, like, BAM!” said Diana, demonstrating with her hands.

  “I don’t understand how you can possibly like jogging. But what happened? Was he cute?” asked Bess.

  “Oh yes, extremely cute. Dark blonde with really nice eyes and glasses, and he was quite fit. He asked me to have coffee with him. We went to that bakery around the corner and got coffee and croissants. He was obviously hitting on me, and I thought, why not, right? I’m single, haven’t dated in a while, he’s cute, seems nice,” said Diana and paused to take a breath.

  “And?” prompted Bess.

  “And I let him walk me home. And we kissed,” said Diana.

  “Well… All of that sounds good, but you don’t look too happy. You look supremely pissed,” said Bess, obviously puzzled.

  “Oh, I’ll tell you why. I had two showings today. Nice house, a wonderful young couple were my first prospects. And I think they’ll even make an offer. But, guess who the second client, who was looking for a house for himself and his fiancée, was?” asked Diana, her eyes flashing fire.

  “No!” said Bess.

  “Oh yes,” said Diana.

  “Wow, really, it was him?” asked Bess.

  “Of course it was him. And he tried to give me this pile of steaming horseshit about this connection he felt for me, and how he didn’t mean to pick me up, and that he wasn’t looking for a one-night stand and all that. Well, it was morning, so it technically wouldn’t be a one-night stand. God, I’m so mad,” said Diana.

  “Take a breath, Diana,” said Bess, her eyes wide.

  “Yeah, a breath,” said Diana, perching on Bess’s desk.

  “He actually tried to justify himself. Can you even imagine that?” said Diana.

  Bess made all the right noises as Diana took a few minutes to calm down.

  Finally, she knocked on Richard’s door and walked into his office, as was her habit.

  She thought he looked rather pale and was immediately concerned.

  “Richard, are you alright? You don’t look too good. Let me get you some water,” said Diana and rushed to get him a glass of water.

  “I’m fine,” he said, but his voice sounded weak.

  He was breathing a lot harder than he should. It didn’t look normal to Diana.

  “Richard, I don’t think you’re alright. I think we should get you to a hospital,” said Diana, worried, walking around the desk to him.

  “No, no… it’s just… heartburn or something… breathe…” said Richard and he clutched his chest.

  “Richard!” said Diana.

  Frantic, she grabbed the phone and dialed 911.

  “Hello? Yes, I need an ambulance. Now! I think it’s a heart attack,” said Diana, and rattled off the address.

  “Hurry!” she demanded, and loosened Richard’s clothing immediately.

  “Bess!” she called out.

  She opened Richard’s desk and grabbed his bottle of aspirin. She stood by him as she gently urged him to chew and swallow it.

  The minutes ticked by slowly, and finally, she heard the siren that meant help.

  Helpless, she watched as they strapped him in, and the ambulance whisked him away to the hospital. She couldn’t even go with him – he had ordered her to stay and hold the fort down, berating her for fussing, even as he gasped for breath.

  She walked back inside and sat down in her chair.

  Now what was she supposed to do?

  The End of Book 1 of 5

  * * *

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  Book 2: Her Affair Journey

  by Ella Gottfried

  Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

  This story has erotic themes and is suitable for adults, 18+ only.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter One

  Marcie stared out her window at the busy city beneath her. She watched all the people, daydreaming about what they were on their way to do.

  Since moving to the city, her husband Gibson had been working longer hours than ever. She was proud of his success, but she was bored, and with him gone so much, lonely.

  She snapped out of her trance when she noticed Gibson waving up to her from the sidewalk. He smiled, holding a box under his arm as he headed into the front doors.

  When he walked into the apartment, Marcie jumped up from the chair in front of the window and ran to him, hugging him tightly around the neck.

  “Is that for me?” she asked.

  “Yes it is,” he said, smiling wildly.

  “What is it? Let me see,” she said, trying to grab the box from under his arm.

  He laughed, holding it above her out of her reach.

  “Just hold on, I haven’t even gotten a proper hello yet,” he said.

  Marcie smiled, watching his eyes dance as they looked at her. She loved his smile; it was so warm and kind. His eyes were deep green, wide, and always seemed to have a sparkle in them, even when he was exhausted.

  She tiptoed to reach his lips, softly pressing hers against them. His arm reached around her, pulling her in close, and then his tongue slid into her mouth with a passionate force.

  Her legs felt weak as he finally let her go. The only time he ever seemed to show that aggressive and passionate side was after a long business trip out of town. A part of her looked forward to him leaving, just for the passion when he returned.

  “Was that a proper hello?” she asked.

  “I guess it will have to do,” he teased.

  He handed her the box that was gift wrapped in blue and yellow-striped paper. She untied the ribbon, and then carefully removed the bow before lifting the lid.

  “A camera!” she exclaimed.

  “Not just any camera, it’s top of the line,” he boasted.

  Marcie pulled the camera from its box, and then opened up the lenses that were boxed beside it. She couldn’t believe he bought this for her, not that the expense was too much, he could afford that, but she didn’t think he listened to her when she mentioned her love for photography.

  “See, I do listen to you,” he said, as if he read her mind.

  “Thank you!” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I know you said you get bored around here, so now you have something to do,” he said proudly.

  “Yes, and I can look for some freelance work,” she said with a smile.

  “You know there is no need for you to work Marcie. It’s just something you love to do, and thanks to my job, you have plenty of time to do it,” he said.

  Marcie didn’t understand why it meant so much to him for her not to work. She loved photography, sure, but she also would love to get paid to do what she loved. Wasn’t that the American dream she thought to herself.

  She pulled out the instructions and started reading about the settings on the camera, studying it like it was information on a huge test coming up.

  She noticed Gibson walk into the bedroom with his suitcase once he’d seen he had occupied her with her gift.

  Marcie couldn’t wait to try it out. Her cheap digital camera didn’t offer the angles and the resolution she needed for the shots s
he wanted, and now, she could spend her days in the city instead of just watching it from her window.

  Gibson came back into the living room and sat down on the couch. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to CNN. Marcie watched him as he soaked in the information being fed to him from the rectangular monitor on the wall, wondering if he was avoiding the proper hello he asked for.

  “So, I guess instead of just giving you the proper hello, I need to add a proper thank you to that now too,” she said with a smile.

  She crawled over to him, placing her hands on his knees. Her fingers worked on his button to unfasten it, and then pulled his zipper down, exposing his grey boxers.

  “I’m exhausted,” Gibson said with an apologetic smile.

  “You don’t have to do anything,” she whispered.

  Her hand slid inside of his shorts, rubbing the soft flesh that is beneath it. Her fingers worked his meat into her hand, slowly stroking him as she stared into his eyes.

  His smile turned to a grin, and then he lifted his ass to pull down his pants and his boxers. Marcie used her free hand to remove his shoes, and then his pants while she continued to stroke his hardening cock.

  “You must be enjoying this,” she said with a grin.

  Gibson brushed her hair away from her face as she took him into her mouth.

  She pushed her lips over the head of his cock, flicking her tongue at the tip to tease him. Her teeth gently slid along his sensitive skin making him squirm and let out a soft moan.

  As she cupped his balls in one hand, gently squeezing them, her other hand stroked his cock, as if it were a guide for her mouth to follow.

  “That feels so good baby,” Gibson said softly.

  Her mouth pushed further onto his shaft until she had his entire cock in her mouth. She could feel him tickle the back of her throat as she bounced her head towards his hips. Her fingers tightened around his balls, and then began massaging them until she felt them draw up towards his body.


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