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Breaking News

Page 13

by Ella Frank

  Xander stopped walking, and just as I was about to ask him what was wrong, he said, “Our place?”

  Oh shit, had I actually said that? “Sorry, slip of the tongue.”

  Xander flashed a confident smile, then he walked by me and said, “Don’t apologize. I like your tongue.”

  Damn. I’d never felt such an overwhelming desire to both protect and possess someone as I did with Xander. With each passing hour, I wanted more from him. I wanted his smiles, his laughter, his tears and his pain. I wanted everything. I’d become greedy for him.

  Reaching for his hand, I led him the rest of the way through the fields, and when we finally reached our destination, I said, “Welcome to your outdoor spa. I thought this might be a more enjoyable option than the dark, cramped outhouse back at the hut. What do you think?”



  I WAS THE first to admit that I liked the finer things in life. A lovely wine, a fancy meal, a five-star hotel overlooking a view that could make a person cry, it was so beautiful. But never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that something this exquisite existed just off the beaten trail on the outskirts of Savanna, Illinois.

  Directly up ahead, with wildflowers blooming all around, was a small lake with water so crystal clear it reflected the bright blue of the sky like a polished mirror. It was breathtaking.

  “You hate the idea.”

  I whirled around to face Sean. “No. No, I love it. I was just taking it all in.”

  Sean guided me down to the edge of the lake where several large boulders sat, some half submerged in the water. He set the backpack down on one, opened it up, and started to pull out the objects inside.

  “You brought my soap?”

  Sean looked to the bottle in his hand, and then back to me. “Uh huh. And a towel, and your razor. Oh, I also brought this blue, fluffy thing.”

  “That would be a loofah, and thank you.”

  “No problem.” When he pulled a second towel out, along with his bar of soap, I crossed my arms and smiled.

  “This wouldn’t be a subtle way to get me naked out here in the great outdoors, would it?”

  Sean reached for the hem of his shirt and drew it over his head. Then he tossed it over his backpack and popped open the button of his shorts.

  “Nothing subtle about it. Get naked, anchorman.”

  My cock jerked, and when he kicked out of his shoes and shoved his shorts and boxers to the ground, I almost swallowed my tongue. Jesus, he was sexy as hell. He picked up his bar of soap and walked on by, and my eyes fell to his tight ass.

  “You wash my back, I’ll wash yours,” he called over his shoulder, and the confidence pouring off him made me peel out of my clothes quicker than I could blink.

  The warm sun on my skin felt good as I picked up the loofah and headed toward the water. When I reached the edge and Sean turned around, the lust in his eyes was so intense that my feet faltered.

  “Fucking hell, Xander…”

  The cool water lapped at my toes as I stared at the man who was opening my eyes to things I never imagined possible. One of which was how much I was coming to love and desire him.

  I walked into the water and winced at the cool temperature, making Sean laugh.

  He crooked a finger. “Keep coming…”

  “It’s cold,” I told him, but kept walking. With the water barely up to his waist, droplets clinging to the muscles of his upper body, the picture he made could not be ignored.

  “You get over here to me, and I promise to warm you up. How about that?”

  If he kept talking like that, I was pretty sure the lake we were standing in was going to boil. But wanting to get closer—needing to get closer—I continued wading through the pristine water until I was toe to toe with him.

  “You didn’t bring your soap.”

  I swung the loofah around my index finger. “No, but I bought my sponge. I thought we could…share.”

  Sean wrapped an arm around my waist and roughly pulled me into him. I braced my hands on his chest and licked at my lips.

  “I have no problem sharing anything with you.”

  My cock hardened as I ground my hips against his. Sean grabbed my ass to help guide my movements.

  “Kiss me,” I said, my chest rising and falling against his. “I want to taste you.”

  Sean licked at my top lip and thrust his tongue inside. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck. A low rumble of pleasure left him, and as I plastered my body to his, I wound my legs around his waist in an attempt to get even closer.

  Sliding my hands through his hair, I twisted my fingers in the longer strands, and when he gripped my ass and rubbed his hard-on against mine I tore my mouth free.

  “Hmm…” I let my legs relax and fall back down until I was standing on my own two feet, and then I brought the loofah up between us. “I thought you were going to wash my back.”

  Sean eyed the loofah and reluctantly let me go. The second I turned my back on him, he brought the bar of soap around to slide it across my abs. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back on his shoulder.

  “Still not my back,” I said as he trailed his lips down my neck to my shoulder.

  “No, but I can’t just focus there. I need to make sure every inch of you is clean.”

  Sean ran the soap across my skin, lathering up my chest. When he started back down over my ribs, I bucked my hips forward, wanting him to go lower.

  “Give me your hand,” he whispered by my ear. I raised my arm, and he placed the bar of soap in my palm. He took the loofah from me and dipped it into the cool water, then slid it over my body. I shivered. He was driving me crazy, and judging by the erection sliding up and down the crack of my ass, he was doing a good job of teasing himself also.



  “Lower… I think you need to go a little lower.”

  “You think so, huh?” Sean nipped at my ear as his hand disappeared under the water. He stroked the rough material over the underside of my shaft, and I let out a tortured moan. “Did I find the right spot?”

  I tightened my fingers around the soap and arched forward into his grip.

  Sean chuckled. “I’m gonna take that as a yes.”



  IN ALL THE years I’d been coming out to this place, I’d never thought it could get better. But as I stood there with Xander in my arms, I realized I’d been mistaken.

  Sure, it’d been peaceful, a great place to get away from the rest of the world. But as I moved my hands over the smooth, wet skin pressed up against me, I couldn’t think of one damn thing that would make me want to get away from this man.

  “Turn around,” I said, wanting to look into Xander’s eyes. When he did, I took his face between my hands. “It’s my turn now, anchorman. Get washing.”

  Xander bit down into his lush lower lip, then slowly began to soap me up. He started at my chest, running the bar of soap from one nipple to the other, circling, teasing, drawing out the torture much the same way I had, making my dick throb like a motherfucker.

  “I think that part’s clean,” I said in a raspy voice.

  “What about this part?” He slipped the soap further down my body, and when the back of his hand brushed against the head of my cock, I groaned.

  “Yeah, you should definitely focus your attention right there.”

  Xander chuckled, dropped the soap, and wrapped his fingers around me. I let out a hiss of pleasure. My toes curled into the lakebed as he began to slowly milk me up and down, then he leaned in and bit at my jaw. “I want to feel this in me tonight.”

  “Fuck… Me too.” My head dropped back as he continued to work me and simultaneously rinse me off. He bent down to bite at one of my nipples, and I grabbed the back of his head to hold him there.

  Xander flicked the tip of his tongue over the hard nub then sucked on it, and I slammed my eyes shut. I was so turned on it was a miracle I hadn’t already exploded in hi
s hand. But I’d be damned if that happened out here.

  Xander had said he wanted to feel me inside him tonight, and I’d been dreaming about this, fantasizing about how it would feel and how we’d be together in bed. If this moment was anything to go by, it was gonna be out of this fucking world.

  I tugged at his hair, pulling his mouth back up to mine. As the two of us went at each other’s lips, the lust and arousal swirling around us hit an all-time high.

  Xander was the first to pull back, and when he reached down under the water to clamp a hand around his dick, I’d never been more thankful for the crystal-clear lake.

  He was just as close to the edge as I was, just as hungry for that final connection we’d both been denied since my accident. The time was here, and we both knew it, but there was no way it was going to happen in the middle of a lake.

  I took in a couple of deep breaths and had to turn away from him. Jesus, he was gonna kill me.


  “Yeah, just, um…give me a minute.”

  He throatily chuckled, and I looked over my shoulder to see that Xander had waded out a little further and dipped down so the water lapped at his neck.

  His hair was slicked back, his smile was bright, and his eyes were twinkling.

  “You laughing at me?” I said.

  “Not at all.” But his twitching lips told a whole other story.

  Much more under control now, I turned and moved toward him, and it didn’t escape my notice that he backed up, his arms gliding through the water as I approached.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “It kinda feels like you were laughing at me.”

  Floating on his back now, Xander splashed some water at me. I lunged for him, grabbing his ankle and hauling him into me. When I finally had him close enough to embrace, I said, “Is it my fault you make my dick so hard I can barely walk?”

  Xander laughed, a sexy sound that did nothing to help my current situation. He placed his hands on my chest and playfully pushed me away. “No. But I don’t think rubbing it up against me is going to help.”

  “I know something that would…”

  “So do I,” he said as he began to swim circles around me. “But not here.”

  I turned, watching his graceful strokes through the water. When he stopped and headed for the bank, I decided to watch the show—and what a show it was.

  Without a care in the world, Xander walked out of the water, naked as the day he was born. His smooth skin was stretched taut over his tight, lean muscles, and his ass flexed with each step he took.

  Those toned legs that’d been wrapped around my waist just minutes ago almost made my brain melt right out of my ears. Then he bent down to pick up the towel, looked back at me, and winked, and I realized I was in a hell of a lot of trouble.

  I knew what I had and how to use it, but Xander was on a whole other level. I had a feeling he’d been holding back a little to give me time to catch up and get used to the idea of being attracted to a man. But now that he knew I was all in, the kid gloves were about to come off, and I was ready to play with him like an adult.



  THE SUN HAD just disappeared as Sean and I reached the clearing where his…hut was.

  His idea for an outdoor spa had been amazing. In fact, this entire day had been amazing, as close to perfect in every way possible. And judging by the mood still surrounding us as we stopped at the door, the night was only going to get better.

  “Wait here a second.” Sean pulled open the door and disappeared inside, and I turned to look out from the crooked little porch at the stars twinkling overhead. It was beautiful out here, like a whole other world compared to the city we’d left behind.

  What in the world had Sean Bailey done to me? Here I was in the middle of nowhere, about to stay the night in a place that had no electricity, and all I could think was: How much longer can we stay?

  I loved it out here. Loved seeing him out here. The peace, the quiet, the otherworldliness of it all—it was revitalizing.

  “There’s light for you now, if you want to come inside.”

  I turned to see Sean standing in the doorway, and never in all my life had I seen someone so unbelievably sexy. His hair had dried in spikey disarray and his shorts sat low on his hips. Other than that, he wore nothing, making him looking relaxed, at home, comfortable in his surroundings. And about those surroundings: whatever light he’d gotten going inside lit up the room behind him and made the little window at the front of the place glow invitingly.

  It looked magical and cozy. I took a step toward him, he held out his hand, and I knew I’d remember this night for the rest of my life.

  As he drew me inside, I was dumbstruck by what the night had done to the place. What was a stark, bare room by day turned into a charming little hideaway by night. He shut the door behind me, and I soaked in the atmosphere.

  There were several lanterns hanging in strategic spots, and the fireplace at the far side of the room was crackling with a low flame that would keep us warm when the air turned cold in the next hour or so.

  He had pulled back the bed covers and folded the quilt over the end of the mattress. I walked around the end of it, brushed my fingers over the colorful patchwork, then said, “Come here.”

  My heart thumped as Sean pushed off the door, and when he stopped in front of me I placed my hand over his chest to see if I could feel the—thump, thump thump—to match my own.

  “This place looks amazing.”

  Sean cradled my face and stroked a thumb along my lower lip. “I wanted it to be special for you.”

  I turned into his palm and kissed him there. “You are what makes it special for me.”

  “Xander…” He pressed a fierce kiss to my lips, his eyes falling shut, and his hands trembled. “God, why am I so nervous?”

  “Because it’s special. And because I’m your first.”

  Sean let out a soft chuckle. “Hardly a virgin.”

  “You are tonight.”

  Sean took in a deep breath and let it out. This was it. The moment we both knew would change our relationship and future forever. I reached for his wrists and drew his hands down to my shirt. “Be with me.”

  His hands moved to the buttons and he began to slip them free. There was no shaking now. There was no hesitation. Sean knew exactly what he wanted, and it was me.

  When he pushed the shirt from my shoulders and it fluttered to the floor, I popped the button on his shorts free. They fell from his hips, leaving him completely and utterly naked.

  The second our lips met, I let go of every thought, feeling, and memory he wasn’t a part of, and then I shut my eyes, swaying into him. I speared my fingers through his hair, angling his head so I could get a more thorough taste of him, and when he hooked his fingers into my belt loops and tugged me to him I went.

  “Sean,” I said, needing more, wanting his hands on my skin, his body flush to mine. When he reached for the button of my shorts, I nodded.

  Quickly, he was kneeling at my feet, both my shorts and briefs gone. I stepped out of them, and he looked up my body, the emotions shining back at me so strong they almost knocked me off my feet.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He trailed his fingers up the outside of my legs to my hips. “I’ll never forgive myself for not seeing you until now.”

  I ran my hands through his hair and gently tugged his head back. “Just keep seeing me from now on, and I’ll forgive you.”

  Sean’s eyes glittered as he licked his lips, and my cock throbbed. “I couldn’t stop seeing you now if I tried. You leave a room, and I imagine you’re still there. I go to sleep, and you’re right there in my dreams. I’m pretty sure that makes me a little crazy over you. But you know what?”


  Sean’s eyes roamed down my body to my erection, then he flicked his tongue across its sensitive tip. “I don’t fucking care.”

  “Ahh, shit.” I tightened my fingers in his hair. “Caref

  “Why?” Sean asked, reaching up to circle his fingers around the root of my cock. “I want you. I’m done being careful, and I’m done going slow.”

  I took in a deep breath, trying to get a hold of my control, then Sean sucked the head of my dick between his lips and that control went up in flames.

  My hips thrust forward of their own accord, and when Sean’s eyes flew up to mine I had to remind myself that this was a first for him—not that that seemed to be slowing him down any.

  His hand on my shaft began to slowly stroke up and down, as his lips sucked and his tongue tasted. I kept my eyes locked on the sexy man at my feet learning my body in a brand new way, as I cupped his jaw and stroked his cheek. Sean’s mouth was moving up and down now, his lips exploring and measuring every inch of my shaft.

  “Damn, Sean…”

  He drew his lips off me and sat back on his heels.

  “You’re really good at that,” I said.

  He smirked. “I plan to become an expert by the time we leave here.”

  Shit. He wasn’t playing around. Sean shifted to his ass and leaned back against the loveseat behind him, reaching for his cock. This might be his first time with a man, but it certainly wasn’t his first time driving someone crazy, and it was clear he knew what he wanted.

  Sean looked sexy as hell lounged back with his thighs spread wide and his fingers flexing around his length. He thrust his hips up and his shadow flickered on the wall beside him, and I had a very sudden and clear image of him moving just like that inside me.

  “Sean? My grocery bag—where’d you put it?”

  He looked to the right side of the bed. “Under there.”

  Sean went to get to his feet, but I shook my head and took his chin in my hand. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move,” I whispered across his lips, and the look in his eyes promised he’d wait there forever if I wanted him to.


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