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Red Light Hero

Page 2

by Kory Shen

  The weight straddled him. Something wet touched his tip. Jane moaned softly as a light resistance gave way to him. Alan stared at himself in fascination. His skin pulled tight, first one way, then the other, as the weight on top of him moved up and down.

  Holy fuck. He was watching himself inside someone.

  The sound of approaching voices broke his concentration. A pair of joggers was chatting as they came down the path.

  "Don't worry," Jane said.

  His cock vanished.

  This time, Alan almost screamed. "Shit!" he let out in a muffled cry. Something clamped over his mouth. The movement of weight on top of him had also stopped.

  The joggers gave him curious looks as they passed him.

  "It's fine. I can make it invisible. It's safer that way."

  Alan mumbled something, and the pressure on his mouth went away. "I'm good. I was surprised, that's all. Keep going. Don't stop."

  Jane rode him harder and harder. Alan tried not to move as more people passed by on the path. Some of them glanced at his strained face, but no one stopped to question him.

  Jane panted in his ear. "I want you to finish inside me."

  Fuck, this alpha was crazy. He had forgotten all about using protection. He didn't care, this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. All he knew was that he would do whatever Jane wanted.

  "I'm close," he said. "I'm almost there."

  "Me too," Jane replied in stuttered breaths.

  "Fuck, I can't hold it any longer," Alan's voice was tight.

  "Let it go." Jane's breathing grew harder and harder.

  Alan couldn't control himself. He twitched, once, twice, three times, releasing the pressure inside him.

  Jane moaned and something sharp raked across his back. He throbbed once more in response, shivering as pain mixed with pleasure.

  The weight on his body slowed to a stop. For a moment, everything was still. Then, he felt a kiss on his left cheek.

  "Thanks, sweetie," the sultry voice whispered.

  Both Jane and he moaned one last time as she slid off him. Alan squirmed as invisible lips closed around the tip of his sensitive head. Then, there was nothing.

  A glob of milky white substance floated in the air in front of his eyes. A drop fell. Another drop fell. Alan reached forward and touched the viscous fluid with his middle finger. He found the swollen opening and pressed upwards. Jane gasped as his glistening finger probed the invisible body.

  Something grasped his wrist. "I have to go now. Goodbye, Alan."

  Alan withdrew his finger, and the pressure released his hand. "I won't see you again, will I?"

  There was no reply. The clothes on the park bench disappeared.

  Alan sighed and leaned back, gazing up at the night sky. No one would believe what had happened. An alpha had used and dumped him. Like he did to women, he supposed. He broke into a broad grin. Hell yeah, he had fucked an alpha. It was worth it.

  Someone coughed.

  Alan sat up straight. The park was mostly empty now. The middle-aged woman with radioactive pink lips from earlier had stopped on the path. She glared at him.

  "Ahem." She nodded.

  Alan glanced down. His cock was poking out of his pants. Shit. He had forgotten that it wasn't invisible anymore.

  "Sorry, ma'am," Alan mumbled as he restored his modesty, zipping up his pants.

  The woman huffed and continued walking. She looked back at him once with a scowl.



  Alan headed home, an excited daze replacing his usual post-hookup emptiness.

  Was this real life? He had fucked an alpha! He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. He had to tell someone. Wait, no, he couldn't. He had promised Jane, or whatever her actual name was.

  Shit. If he left out details, that was safe, right? He'd tell his best buddy Cameron. Cam could keep a secret.

  Cameron and he were night and day in appearances, but they had been friends since they were teenagers. While Alan had too much success for his own good with the ladies, Cameron had hygiene issues and would resort to awkward stuttering around anyone with more than one X chromosome. When it came to women, Cameron was hopeless. Alan didn't care. They went way back.

  Cam, you free? The most awesome thing just happened. I have to tell you in person.

  The reply was immediate. Sup? I got a raid scheduled tonight.

  It was INSANE. I have to talk to someone. You won't believe it. TRUST ME.

  There was a pause before Cameron texted his reply.

  Alright bro. Be there in ten.

  Cool, will wait for you outside.

  Alan arrived at his apartment complex and sat down on the front steps, checking his phone. He stared at the last message from Jane.

  Almost there. Two minutes.

  It had been real. An alpha.

  He browsed for the latest alpha news. After skimming through several articles, a short one caught his attention.

  Cover Girl and Escort team up to bring down arms dealer

  By LINDA GLEN, Union Press

  Washington, D.C. — Earlier today, authorities disrupted an illegal arms dealing operation in Alexandria, just outside the nation's capital. While there were reports of gunfire, heroes Cover Girl and Escort rounded up the suspects with no loss of life. Eight men have been taken into custody.

  The heroes were unavailable for comment, but the Alpha Institute released the following statement: "Cover Girl and Escort are honored to serve vital roles in public safety. They are proud to uphold the 100% mission success rate of the Alpha Institute."

  This marks the second time this month that…

  "Hundred percent success rate," Alan muttered. That was exactly the type of bullshit he would write for his clients at work. He examined the photo accompanying the article. It was a stock photo from the press archives he had seen before. Cover Girl and Escort wore masks, but their uniforms didn't hide their modelesque figures.

  Which alpha could turn invisible? Most alphas didn't advertise their powers explicitly. It was safer that way. There was the famous hero called Maiden. Maybe she could. Were there others?

  The front door of the apartment opened. Alan stood up from the stairs to let the person leaving the apartment go past him.

  "Hi, Alan!"

  Ugh. It was Katie. She was a student at the music university down the street. He had once made the mistake of chatting up the blonde and taking her home before either of them realized that they lived in the same apartment complex.

  That had been a bad move. Now, she kept giving him hopeful glances whenever they crossed paths. It was his own fault. He had forgotten about the headaches of dealing with college girls.

  "Katie," Alan mumbled.

  "You waiting for someone?"

  "Yeah. Someone special. Real special."

  Katie frowned. "Oh. See you around, I guess."

  "See you."

  Katie walked down the steps.

  "Yo, Alan, I'm here!" Cameron rounded the corner. The short portly man in glasses stopped as he caught sight of Katie. "Um. Excuse me. I need to get by."

  Katie turned to Alan with a big smile. "Is this your friend?"

  Alan sighed. "Yeah. Come on, Cam, let's head upstairs." He unlocked the front door and held it open.

  Cam didn't move. "Uh, hi. I know Alan."


  "Right." Cam trotted up the stairs and into the open doorway.

  "I like your friend," Katie called out.

  Alan let the front door shut behind him without bothering to reply.

  Inside Alan's apartment, Cam plopped onto the sofa and helped himself to an open bag of snacks.

  "Blech. What is this?" He made a face at the green peanut-like food in his fingers.

  "Toasted edamame. It's good for you. Want something to drink?"

  "Let me guess," Cam said. "I have the choice of water or water? I'll take water."

  "You got it." Alan tossed Cam a cold bottle of water from the f

  Cam opened it and took a big gulp. "So what's the big deal? Why'd I have to bail on my raid group?"

  "Sorry, man, but this is huge. You'll never guess what happened."

  "So don't make me guess, bro. Tell me."

  Alan pulled a chair over from the dining table and straddled its back so that he was facing Cam. He paused. Cam gestured for him to hurry.

  "I scored with an alpha."

  Cam stared. "Say that again. I gotta make sure I heard you right."

  "Dude, I fucked an alpha girl."

  "No way." Cam jumped to his feet. "No fucking way! No way. God, I hate you!" He ran over and punched Alan in the shoulder. "You bad, bad motherfucker."

  Alan grinned. "Right?"

  "Who was it? Do you know her? What was it like?"

  Alan hesitated. "I can't say much. I promised to keep it a secret."

  "Oh damn! You're keeping alpha secrets for alpha girls. Shit!" Cam jumped up and down. Someone banged on the apartment from below.

  "Keep it down, man," Alan said. "Yeah, I can't believe it. The craziest shit was that she wanted to fuck in the park. In public."

  "Like Garfield Park?"


  "Oh my god. You fucked an alpha in Folger Park?" Cam punched Alan's shoulder again.

  Cam paced back and forth. "What does that mean? Did you get her number? Are you dating her?"

  Alan's face fell.

  "Oh, it's like that," Cam said. "That's still awesome, though. Cheer up. Who else can say they fucked an alpha?"

  "That's the thing. You have to keep this quiet. It's just between the two of us, right?"

  "Sure bro. You got it."

  Alan remembered Jane leaving without a word. Damn, was that what it was like to be on the other end? Maybe he should be nicer to Katie.

  "I got lucky, didn't I?" Alan said, lost in thought.

  "Luck? It's skill, pure skill."

  Alan shook his head. "Can you imagine being an alpha? I bet alphas fuck each other all the time."

  * * *

  Cover Girl lounged naked with her legs over the side of a loveseat. She pretended to watch the ongoing all-girl orgy.

  Maiden's normally immaculate straight red hair was scattered across the white sheets of her bed. Her lean long legs tangled around the equally slim dark-olive legs of Pearl. Pearl's messy black hair mirrored Maiden's as the two scissored, grinding into each other.

  Next to them, the blonde Escort lay with her bare legs spread wide. A petite Japanese girl, Idol, buried her face between Escort's thighs. Escort closed her eyes and moaned as Idol made wet noises with her mouth.

  Cover Girl massaged her breast with one hand while touching herself below with the other. Alan had been the first man in, what, four or five years? She pulled out her middle finger and tasted it. There was a hint of saltiness, the last physical reminder of her earlier encounter.

  "Cover Girl," Maiden called. "Come over here."

  "I like watching," Cover Girl said.

  "We know," Maiden replied. "You need to recover, though."

  Recovery meant sex, and sex meant reinfection. Recharging.

  Cover Girl gestured to the band on her wrist. She blinked. It read 99.8 degrees. That was strange. She had used up a big chunk of her powers in the fight this morning. "I'm reading 99.1," she lied. "I can afford half a degree."

  Idol stopped servicing Escort. "She's thinking about someone else."

  The others turned to stare.

  "No, I'm not," Cover Girl said. "You can't read minds."

  "But she can infer. And so can I," Maiden said.

  One moment Maiden was lying on her back in carnal entanglement with Pearl. The next moment, she was standing next to Cover Girl. She grabbed Cover Girl by her hair and dragged her off the loveseat. Cover Girl's body tumbled to the ground.

  "Fuck!" Cover Girl screamed. "What the hell?"

  "Shut up," Maiden said. She raised her hand and sent a small sphere of white light into the ground next to Cover Girl's head. A hole burned into the ground, taking a lock of Cover Girl's dark hair as well.

  That bitch had messed with her hair.

  Cover Girl lost the will to fight as Maiden's hands circled around her throat. Maiden squeezed.

  "Cover Girl, have you been cheating on me?"

  Cover Girl couldn't breathe. Maiden kept squeezing until Cover Girl's body began bucking uncontrollably. Finally, Maiden dropped her. Cover Girl turned to the side and gasped for air.

  Maiden slapped her. "You stupid bitch. You know you're the weakest one here? You think you can keep a secret from me or Idol?"

  Maiden slapped her again. "You know the rules. You know the risks. What the fuck were you thinking?"

  Maiden kicked her. "You fucking slut!"

  "I'm sorry!" Cover Girl gasped. "It was a mistake. I'm sorry!"

  "Who was it?" Maiden asked.

  "Please, I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Cover Girl begged. She knew the consequences. She wasn't begging for herself.

  Idol raised her tiny hand in the air. "Ooh! Let me, let me. Please, Maiden?" The eager girl was practically hopping on her feet.

  Maiden smiled. "Go ahead, Idol."

  "No!" Cover Girl closed her eyes and thrashed her head, even though Idol's powers didn't depend on eye contact.

  It was futile. Cover Girl told them everything.


  Cameron had hung out for a while, and at his suggestion, Alan had ordered a couple pizzas. It was a special night. He could afford to break his diet once in a while. He even had a can of soda, to Cameron's amazement.

  The final minutes of a late night west coast basketball game played out on the television.

  "I have to work tomorrow. I'm gonna take off soon," Cameron said.

  "Yeah, dude, thanks for stopping by," Alan said.

  Someone knocked on the door.

  "You expecting anyone?" Cameron gave Alan a knowing look. "A lady?"

  "No, nobody." Alan walked towards the door in confusion. Was Katie being annoying again?

  He opened the door. It was Katie.

  Alan was about to shut the door when he noticed her ashen face. She was shaking. A figure shoved Katie forward, then closed the door behind them.

  The figure wore a black combat uniform. A mask hid the face, but platinum blonde hair flowed down past the shoulders. Yup. It was definitely a woman. A really hot one, from what he could tell.

  Alan knew in an instant. She had to be an alpha. Despite Katie's appearance, he smiled. Two alpha babes in one night? Was he lucky or something?

  "Katie, what's going on?" he asked.

  Before Katie could reply, her upper body disappeared, leaving behind her legs and abdomen. Blood poured out of the broken body as the legs toppled over. Cameron screamed.

  Alan turned around in a numb stupor. The woman now stood on the other side of the room, holding Katie's upper body in her arms. Katie's mouth twitched, but her eyes were empty and lifeless. The woman dropped the half-corpse.

  "What do you want?" Alan whispered.

  "Did you talk to anyone else today?" The woman stepped towards him.

  "Wait!" Alan held up his hands. "You're an alpha? Aren't you the good guys?"

  The woman's mask only covered the upper half of her face. She frowned. "That's why I have to do this." She took another step.

  Alan waved his hands frantically. "I didn't do anything wrong. What the fuck!" Unsure what else to do, he lowered himself into a fighting stance.

  The woman stopped to gawk. "Really?" Her lips pressed together more tightly. "I have my orders."

  "Don't I have the right to know why you're killing me?" he tried.

  "Here's a hint. Have you ever heard of an alpha villain?"

  "Villain? Like a bad guy? No, I don't think so."

  "Exactly, and this is why." The woman stepped forward again.

  Another figure materialized between Alan and the figure in black. The new figure wore white. She had dark brown hair.

; "Escort, stop."

  He knew that voice.

  "Jane?" Alan ventured.

  The first woman sighed. "'Jane', huh? Let's just get this over with."

  "Escort, stop!"

  "Run, Alan! Get the police!" The others had forgotten about Cameron. Cameron lunged and tackled Escort.

  As the two toppled to the floor, Cameron looked up at the woman in white.

  "I know you. You're Pa—"

  Cameron's body fell apart into bloody chunks.

  Alan hadn't moved at all. He stared at the remains of his friend in shock. Cam was dead. Katie was dead. He fell to his knees. He was about to die, wasn't he?


  Alan could only see the back of the woman in white, but she seemed to be pointing something at the woman called Escort.

  "Who are you?" Alan whispered.

  "I'm sorry, Alan. This is my fault."

  Escort laughed. "Come on, Cover Girl. You know I can teleport and take him out whenever I want."

  "But you won't."

  "Why not?"

  "Because you're a hero. Like he said. We're the good guys."

  "We're the good guys because we follow rules," Escort spat back.

  "I screwed up. It's not his fault. He doesn't deserve to die," Cover Girl replied.

  "You know why the rules exist."

  "Please, Escort. I'm begging you. I know you hate this too. Remember when we first started? When Maiden was different?"

  The two alphas stared at each other in silence. Finally, Escort spoke.

  "Go. Just go."

  "Thank you, Escort—"

  "I said, go!"

  Cover Girl turned around, but before Alan could see her face, she disappeared. An unseen hand pulled Alan up from his knees and took hold of his arm.

  "Follow me," Cover Girl said.

  Alan stumbled after the invisible woman.

  Outside was dark. Dim streetlamps cast a single long shadow on Alan's form. It had sprinkled earlier in the evening, and the faint signs of footprints appeared on the damp sidewalk as Cover Girl walked ahead, pulling him along.


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