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His Stepdad Wears Leather

Page 16

by Kelex

  “It doesn’t have to be.” He’d run and fate had brought him right back to Brody. Wasn’t that a sign? Maybe they were meant to be in one another’s life.

  “Yes. It does.”

  “I’ll explain what happened to Mom and Geena. I’ll make them understand.”

  “I highly doubt that,” Brody muttered. “If they find out, I might never see Parker again.”

  Noah hadn’t considered that. He couldn’t be the cause of Parker losing a father. He understood what it felt like to be abandoned by a parent. Abandoned? “Did she really fight for me?”

  Brody nodded. “Stacey and Geena drained their savings. Put themselves in some serious debt they’re only now starting to see themselves out of. They gave their everything to get you back… and it nearly destroyed Stacey.”

  “Destroyed her?”

  “She had a mental break. Had to be hospitalized a week or so. She’s worked hard to keep level ever since.” Brody winced. “I probably shouldn’t have told you that.”

  Tears welled in Noah’s eyes. “It’s been so long, I barely remember being with her. Just little glimpses of the past. My memory from back then is really, really empty. Like it was wiped clean.” He chuckled mirthlessly. “I remembered Geena, but not her name.” He turned his focus to Brody. “I didn’t remember you at all. Not until you brought up the cards and the trip.”

  “I almost didn’t want to let you go that day he picked you up. He was ranting about homosexuality and how he was going to save you. But he was your dad and supposed to take you to Disney. I couldn’t have stopped him, especially with Stace and Geena on their way to Hawaii.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “It felt like it for a lot of years. Had I listened to my gut maybe you would’ve had a better life here with them.”

  He caught Brody’s gaze. “Like you said, you couldn’t have stopped him. He’s my father.”

  But you’re my daddy.

  Silence fell around them, suffocating. He held Brody’s heated stare.

  “Stop eyeing me like that,” Brody spat, rising to his feet, albeit a little shakily.

  “Like what?”

  “You know exactly what I mean,” Brody argued as he headed for the kitchen. He picked at some of the leftovers from his dinner.

  “I can’t help how I feel,” Noah said. “I still want you, daddy.”

  Brody closed his eyes and swayed slightly on his feet. “Stop!”

  “It’s the truth.” Noah rose and closed the gap between them. He wanted back into his daddy’s arms. He wanted to be safe and protected. Noah realized he was being selfish asking for it, but he was scared. He needed Brody.

  “You’ll get over it,” Brody said. “I already have.”

  “Liar,” Noah declared.

  Brody eyed Noah, anger in his gaze. “I seem to recall you reacting badly to that word.”

  “Because you were right. I was lying. Just like you are now.”

  Brody’s face twisted in outrage. “I’m going to bed.” He stalked from the kitchen into the hall leading to his bedroom, leaving Noah on the couch.

  Noah glanced at the clock on the wall. It was hours before Brody normally went to bed. No way he’s sleeping.

  Noah sat frozen in place. Not long after, another movie began—not that he could truly focus on anything. He hadn’t all day. He tried to pay attention and failed. By the time he saw the credits rolling, he’d already argued with himself a hundred times about joining his stepfather in bed. He fought the urge, realizing it would simply anger the man.

  He needed to let go as Brody said. Get over him.

  Yet that concept seemed impossible. How did he get over the man he couldn’t stop thinking about every minute of the day and night?

  Long minutes passed before Noah could no longer hold himself back. He silently crept into Brody’s bedroom. From the nightlight in the bathroom tossing a hint of illumination, he could see Brody’s bare, muscular back. Shadows and sharp angles broke over the flesh. The crisp white sheets covered his bottom, but Noah was almost sure his stepfather was nude under them.

  He quietly disrobed, laying his clothing over the chair where his bathing suit still lay. He’d apparently forgotten to pack it when he left. The memory of the kiss he’d gotten when wearing it whispered through his mind. Brody had laid a claim on him before the entire club. He couldn’t simply turn his back on that now.

  Could he?

  When he was bare, he tiptoed over to the bed and slipped under the sheets beside his daddy. Brody was hot, almost feverish, against his cool skin. He snuggled close, needing their bodies to be together again.

  Brody languidly rolled over and drew him closer—his mouth landing on Noah’s. The kiss took his breath away. Brody’s beard clashed against his stubble, abrading his mouth and cheeks. His daddy feasted on his lips, hungrier than he’d never been before. Fingers slid through his hair, knotting in the strands and tugging him ever closer. He moaned against Brody’s mouth, needing this man to comprehend how much he desired what came next.

  His daddy’s hard cock rested against his thigh, the shaft throbbing with the rapid pulse of Brody’s heart. “I need you, daddy.”

  Suddenly, Brody was off the bed, panting.

  “We can’t do this, Noah.”

  “We’re two consenting adults. Not blood related.”

  “Noah… no.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “There’s another bedroom… or the couch. We’re not sharing a bed.”

  “Please, Brody. I need you.”

  “No…” Brody gasped in what sounded almost like pain. “No.”

  Noah rose from the bed, naked and unashamed. He knew it was dark, but the nightlight would show Brody some of what he was missing. Stroking his hard cock, he smiled. “What am I supposed to do with this?”

  “Take care of it yourself,” Brody said, his voice raw.

  “I don’t want to take care of it myself,” Noah murmured. “I need help.”

  “Get… get out of my room, Noah.”

  Noah didn’t move. He continued to caress his cock… and walked a few steps closer.

  “Fuck,” Brody cried before grabbing a pillow from the bed and storming past. “Take my bed. I’ll sleep in the spare bedroom.”

  Noah frowned as he watched Brody disappear. He heard a door open and close—and perhaps the click of a lock.

  Alone, tears burned the backs of Noah’s eyes. His world had gone under, and he was drowning in more emotions than he could handle. He needed someone to be a rock he could cling to. Incorrectly, he thought it could be Brody.

  He simply needs to see the light. We’ve done nothing wrong. Fate has kept us together.

  It was obvious his daddy was still attracted to him. They were good together once and could be again. No more running away from his problems. It was time to stand up and fight. First, he would make Brody see that they were good together. Then he would make everyone else see it, too.

  Brody fell into the cold spare bed, hating himself. For a brief few minutes, he’d ignored the logical screaming in his mind. Dulled by drink, it had been easier. His body had wanted so desperately that he’d let the play go on longer than it should have. He’d known better. The second Noah had called him ‘daddy’ again—that had been it. He’d had to get up and walk away.

  Unable to sleep, he stared up at the ceiling.

  Noah’s arguments circled in his clouded mind. He’s eighteen. An adult. Not a blood relation.

  We’re good together.

  No, no, no… I can’t fuck Stacey and Geena’s son. They’d kill me.

  And he’s Parker’s brother. How in the hell would I explain that to my kid?

  Half-brother. He’s Parker’s half-brother. Parker’s a smart kid. He would eventually understand. Wouldn’t he?

  No. I can’t do this. Cannnnnot.

  He closed his eyes, but all he could see was Noah standing before him, stroking his cock.


  It had nearly
destroyed him. Between his own need and the liquor, he’d nearly crossed the line.


  I had no idea.

  Looking back, he’d been a fool not to draw lines between the two. Stacey had said Noah was soon turning eighteen and she thought he might come to see her. At the same time a guy running from his past shows up at the club. I’m a fucking idiot.

  Idiot or not, he still had a raging hard-on to contend with. He’d get no sleep until he willed the thing down. He tried to close his eyes and go back to sleep, but visions of the past days with Noah filled his mind. The innocent desire. The wanton lust.

  Reaching down, he grasped the base of his cock before stroking the length of the shaft. After licking his palm to help with the friction, he stroked himself again… and again. He closed his eyes, reaching for any fantasy that didn’t include Noah… but no matter where he started, Noah eventually entered his mind.

  He gave up and tried to sleep, to no avail. Tossing and turning—with his balls turning blue—he ultimately got out of bed and headed for the stairs to the loft space. He crept up as quietly as he could before entering his playroom. Brody surveyed the many toys he had out on display—the floggers, plugs, whips, ball gags, and dildos. He went to the other end of the table and picked out one of the masturbaters. After grabbing a bottle of lube and coating himself and the toy, he sat down on one of the benches, in hopes of getting rid of his erection.

  Brody stroked himself with the latex toy and closed his eyes. Noah still invaded his thoughts. Surrendering, he allowed his mind to do what he knew his body couldn’t. He replayed their scene in the truck, imagining someone driving past and catching them. Watching them from the road. It didn’t take long for the build-up to come. A tremor raced up his spine, his body stiffening from pent-up need.

  Seconds before he blew his load, he heard a creaking on the stairs outside the loft. He pulled off the toy and tossed it to the bench before rushing out to catch his little voyeur. Before Noah could descend the stairs, Brody had him by the arm and yanked him back up and into the loft.

  “Do you realize what happens to bad little boys who don’t do as they’re told?”

  “No,” Noah breathed out. A mix of fear and excitement shone in his eyes. “Tell me what happens to bad little boys.”

  “They get spanked,” Brody spat.

  Noah groaned loudly, closing his eyes.

  Brody’s trembled all over, the need so strong he was lost to it. When Noah reopened his eyes, there was a pleading there… a longing that consumed what was left of his self-restraint. He tugged Noah over to the bench he’d been sitting at. Sitting, he pulled Noah’s naked body over his lap. That bare ass stared up at him, perfect and round. It would be red and puckered when he was done with it.

  He grasped he was crossing the line. Knew it deep in his soul, but he was powerless to stop what happened next. The first impact of his hand on bare skin nearly caused him to groan with delight. Noah’s moan filled the space around them, loud enough for them both. Firm hand on delicate flesh, he spanked his stepson over and over again. He varied the spanks—harder to lighter—and then volleys to single strikes. Brody listened to Noah’s keening cries, letting them wash over him.

  When his boy’s ass was nice and pink, he paused, caressing the tortured flesh. “Are you going to spy on me again?”

  “I might,” Noah said defiantly.

  Brody spanked him again, a little harder than he had before. “I have the right to my privacy.”

  “Then you should put a door on your little playroom.”

  Brody grinned to himself, giving another hard spank… and luxuriated in Noah’s mewl of pleasure. “You made me like this, you little shit. I had to put an end to it.”

  “I can put an end to your suffering,” Noah replied, turning in Brody’s lap. In the blink of an eye, he was straddling Brody. The guy hissed in pain as he sat down on his bottom. “I want to end our suffering, daddy.”

  Brody closed his eyes. “Stop calling me that.”

  “You like it when I call you that. I see how you react. Not your words… but your body.”

  “It’s wrong, Noah.”

  Noah pressed a tentative kiss to Brody’s lips. “Two…” Another kiss. “Consenting…” Another kiss. “Adults.”

  Brody shoved a hand through Noah’s hair and tugged his boy closer. He was starved for the kiss that came and didn’t lift his head until he was partially filled by it. “Adults or not…there are… rules we live by. This is wrong.”

  “No,” Noah whispered. “It’s not.”

  Brody chuckled, but there was no humor to his tone. “So easy for you to say. You don’t stand to lose everything.”

  “Yes. I do. And I have more to lose than you.”

  Brody met his stare, realizing Noah was right. They were both in danger. Yet he was too far gone to stop what was happening. “One last time?”

  “Not the last. We’re not done yet.”

  Brody shook his head. “One last time. That’s it. Promise me this is it.” Even as he said the words and demanded the pledge, he comprehended way down deep he’d struggle to hold either of them to it. Noah made him weak. He had from the first time they’d laid eyes on one another.

  “I can’t promise tha—”

  Brody captured Noah’s lips, not willing to hear the denial. One last time, that’s what it would be. He simply needed one more night to quell the aching need.

  Noah moved in his lap and slowly impaled himself on Brody’s cock.

  Brody’s bare cock.

  He should have stopped it then and there. He should’ve covered himself before it went any farther. But he couldn’t stop what was happening any more than he could’ve stopped a speeding Mac truck. There had been so many lines they’d crossed at that point. What was one more? He was lost to the flame and fire consuming him… his boy slowly taking him deep. Fortunately, he still had the lube coating him from his play—and Noah sank easily down his length.

  “Doesn’t that feel good?” Noah whispered.

  “Yeah, baby,” Brody whispered back.

  Noah moved on him, rolling his hips. Brody leaned back to give him a little more room. Resting on his elbows, he watched his boy getting off on his cock. Pausing a moment, Noah reached down for the discarded masturbater. He covered his own cock with it, pumping into the depths Brody had recently enjoyed.

  It was nothing like the pleasure he found inside Noah.

  His boy rode his cock like a master, all while stroking away. Brody struggled for air, struggled against how beautiful his boy was. That same innocent, wicked need boiling over.

  “Brody,” he cried out as he stroked himself over and over.

  There was no guilt, no shame. All there was—was pleasure. Brody gripped his boy’s hips, luxuriating in Noah’s body against his own.

  It didn’t take long before Noah came—seed spurting from the head of his cock. Back arched, skin glistening with sweat—he was magnificent.

  Brody leaned up and grasped Noah’s hips tighter, urging his boy faster. Once again, an orgasm approached. He was seconds away from release when Noah rose up off his cock.

  “What the hell?”

  “I’m not ready for it to be over yet,” Noah declared.

  Brody rose and grabbed Noah by the arm. After he tossed his boy over one shoulder, he carried the kid to the latex-covered bed that sat in the corner of the loft. After depositing his boy in the middle, he returned to his bench for the lube. Approaching the bed again, he realized deep down what they were doing was wrong.

  So why was it so fucking stimulating?

  His gaze lifted, and he saw the spreader bar hanging from one of its cuffs attached to one of the bed’s posts. A smile came to his lips as he imagined Noah confined in its leather cuffs. Brody rounded the bed and took the bar in hand.

  “What’s that?”

  “A little extra fun,” Brody murmured before wrapping the first cuff around Noah’s ankle.

  “You’re tying
me up?”

  “Only your feet,” Brody answered before dragging Noah’s second ankle into place. He lowered his stare to Noah—who seemed mesmerized by what he was doing.

  Noah’s lids lowered, giving him a sultry, wanton look.

  “You won’t deny me again.”

  “I didn’t deny you anything,” Noah murmured. “All I did was make it last longer.”

  Brody grabbed the back of his head and stole another kiss. He knew all they had was that night. One last night.

  Keep lying to yourself.

  Once bound, he urged Noah on his back before hooking the center ring of the bar up on the headboard—and over Noah’s head. His boy was nearly folded in two. Ass in the air, Noah was completely open to him. He ran his hands over all that bare, pink skin. It was his. All his. “That’s how I like it. Open to me. You can’t run now.”

  Noah watched him closely as he panted slightly. His boy’s cock still stood at attention, residual cum clinging to the tip. He writhed against the restraints, whimpering with need as he watched Brody, following every move with his eyes. Waiting for the next caress with breathless anticipation.

  No doubt about it, his boy was turned on. That only added to Brody’s thrill.

  “This is how I planned to prep you for my fist,” he murmured without filter. He realized he shouldn’t say it, but the words fell from his lips. “Bound to my bed… slowly open you wider with a bigger and bigger plug until your hole was ready for my whole hand.”

  Noah groaned and tugged against the restraints.

  “Too bad we’ll never get there,” Brody muttered.

  “We can, daddy,” Noah whimpered.

  “No… tonight’s the final chapter in our… relationship. If it ever was that. An extended one-night stand? That’s more like it.”

  “It was more than that, and you know it.”

  “Regardless, we can’t continue. Not after tonight.” He climbed onto the bed and reached for one of the foil packets.

  “No… I want you bare,” Noah whispered

  Brody shook his head. He didn’t go in bare… but bare had been so good moments before.


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