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Carter's Devotion (Blackwater Bears Book 3)

Page 11

by Lynn Howard

  Once she was in her pajamas, he pulled the blankets back and waited for her to settle in before rounding the bed and climbing in beside her. The thought of living there was back in his mind. Her bed was so much smaller than his. His feet actually dangled off the end by quite a few inches. But he wouldn’t complain. His mate needed him. She needed the comfort only he could give her.

  When she rolled over and laid her head on his chest, her arm draping over his middle, Carter wrapped both arms around her and hugged her tight. He kissed the top of her head and breathed in her scent. “Sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her breath hitched on the remnants of her tears but she sighed and nuzzled closer. It wasn’t long before her body relaxed against his and her breathing became steady. And once again, he found himself smiling up at the ceiling.


  Morning rolled around too soon. His arm was asleep and he was pretty sure June had drooled on him overnight. But he had to get up and head to work. By the amount of light already shining through June’s sheer curtains, it looked like he was going to be late.

  As gently and carefully as he could, he pulled out from under June, situating her on a pillow. He checked the time and bit back a groan; he was going to be late. He didn’t have enough time to head home and change. Looked like he’d wear dirty clothes and no socks to work. Fuck that. He’d just stop at a store close by and buy some cheap ones. His feet would be raw by the end of the day, otherwise.

  Tiptoeing from the bedroom, he sought out a pen and paper. The best he could find was the back of an envelope.

  Dear Beautiful,

  Had to go to work. Text me when you get up.

  I’ll miss you.

  Ps. You snore.

  He then drew a smiley face and scribbled his name at the bottom and left it next to her purse so she’d see it. He rushed into the bathroom and used her toothpaste on his finger and finger brushed his teeth. Kind of nasty, but the best he could do for now. He wouldn’t use June’s toothbrush, not without permission. She might be one of those people who thought it was gross.

  Shame he didn’t know where her asshole ex lived. He’d happily be even later to work so he could pay him a visit. If he was lucky – and by he, Carter meant Jackson – he’d stay the fuck away from June. No way would Carter let anyone treat her the way that asshole had.

  Carter was a mixture of emotions as he rushed to work. It wasn’t easy with morning rush hour in full effect. He was elated at spending the night with June. Just sleeping. Nothing else. That was one step closer to truly getting to know each other. Like the fact June snored. It wasn’t anything loud, just the lightest rumble. He hoped that little part of the note didn’t embarrass her. He was going for flirty.

  He was the freaking Alpha, kinda, yet he found the need to talk to his Clan brothers. Specifically, Colton and Noah. They’d both found their mates. How the hell did they deal with leaving them each day? Well, Noah didn’t. Hollyn worked alongside him every day. But it wasn’t even just leaving June’s side. It was not being able to be there to protect her twenty-four/seven. He wanted to stand in front of her like a shield and keep any and everything from hurting her.

  Colton and Luke were already at the work site. Luke scowled at Carter as he parked his truck beside the others. They used to ride in together or take two trucks. But Colton always went straight to Moe’s to be with his mate while she worked. And Luke had been disappearing more and more lately. Eventually, Carter needed to find out where he was going and make sure whatever the moody fucker was doing wouldn’t endanger the Clan.

  “Nice of you to join us,” Colton called from the bobcat, a shit eating grin on his face. He knew where Carter had been, even if he couldn’t smell June on him from where he manned the big machine.

  “Sorry,” Carter said. The word felt a little odd on his tongue. He wasn’t used to apologizing. He was the one who was always on time. He was the levelheaded one. He’d always been the one with the answers.

  Colton’s grin stayed in place as he shook his head and went back to work. Luke was shaking his head, but there was no grin.

  “Problem?” Carter asked as he passed Luke, putting his hard hat on.

  “Why’d you rush over there last night?” Luke asked, his eyes narrowed.

  “There was an issue. Just wanted to make sure she was okay.”

  Luke reached out and grabbed Carter by the arm, pulling him to stop. “What kind of problem?”

  Carter looked down to where Luke’s hand was wrapped around his forearm. A glance at Luke’s eyes and Carter realized he wasn’t pulling a Micah and being wary of June; he felt protective of his Clan brother’s mate. He wanted to know if she needed to be protected.

  “It’s nothing. An ex made her feel…it’s nothing. I’ve got it under control.”

  Luke grunted and nodded. He walked away.

  It was cool to know his people had his back. Even if they didn’t know June well, they were all willing to keep her safe, simply because Carter cared about her.

  The day dragged on forever. He just wanted to get back to June and make sure she was okay. Wait. He hadn’t even asked if she worked today. Damn. They really didn’t know much at all about each other. At least he knew what she drove now. That way, when he drove past Havanah’s, he could look over and see if she was there. Someday, she’d tell him her schedule for the week. He had no idea whether it changed weekly or if she worked the way he did and had a set schedule.

  He knew being a bartender/waitress she probably worked some weekends. That sucked. He wanted to spend every second he could with her. And they spent most of their time off at Moe’s. If his woman was bartending, he’d much rather sit at her bar, though.

  What had she thought of the way Hollyn worked last night? He’d seen the excitement when she did all those tricks, especially when she’d blown the ball of flame. June didn’t know Hollyn wasn’t human or a Shifter. And it wasn’t Carter’s place to tell her. That was Hollyn’s secret. If she wanted it known past their tight circle, she’d tell June herself.

  Carter had only seen June at work once, and that was only for a few hours while he and Shawnee had breakfast. He’d been peeved when he realized what Shawnee had been up to, but now…now, he was kind of thankful for her pushing him.

  They were taking it slow, yet Carter damn near sprinted to his truck to get to her. She’d texted him this morning with a smiley face. The kind with its tongue sticking out. So, hopefully, that meant she found his note cute. Fuck. He was pathetic. All he could think about was June. June June June. His thoughts were filled with her face, her body, her beautiful eyes. Her laughter. And her tears. That last part made his bear snarl in his head. His heartrate kicked up and adrenaline burned through his veins. He really wished he could find Jackson. Maybe he wouldn’t kick his ass. But he’d make damn sure that asshole never came near June again.

  “I take it you’re not going to Moe’s,” Colton called after Carter as he pulled his truck door shut.

  Carter rolled down his window and raised his middle finger as answer.

  He’d cruise by Havanah’s to see if his June was working. Then maybe he’d run home for a shower before heading in for some dinner and some time with his mate. No. He should text her first, make sure that was okay. If she was at work, she didn’t need to be distracted by an overprotective boyfriend. Or…whatever he was to her.

  Shit. His mind was back and forth. He hated it. He hated not knowing exactly what to do. That had been his strong point for the last twenty years, always knowing the rational and most logical answer. And here he was, questioning his every thought and action. This mate crap was confusing as hell.

  Carter decided to shower and text June before showing up at her job. Just because Noah didn’t mind everyone hanging out at his bar didn’t mean she’d want her personal life mingling with her professional life.

  Nova mentioned something about June tending bar at Moe’s. Would she consider that? How awesome would it be if Noah really could have a
day off work? And she’d have someone there to watch over her all day while he was at work. Not that she needed or wanted his constant protection. She was a Shifter and wasn’t a slip of a woman like the ladies in Big River. She’d stood up to her ex last night and he knew her leopard had to be as fierce as she was.

  When he got out of the shower, there was a text from June waiting for him. Sure. Come on down. Would love to see you.

  He remembered how it’d felt as a teenager when he’d had his first crush. He totally felt like that now. Something tickled his stomach and he couldn’t stop smiling as he dressed and pushed his fingers through his hair. Maybe he should shave first. Nah. That would be more time before he could see June’s face. And yeah, he realized how goofy he sounded, but he didn’t care. No one but Carter knew what was going on inside his head. So…whatever. Ugh. Even in his head he sounded like that teenaged boy from so many years ago.

  As he tugged his shoes on, he realized he was literally middle aged. His teen years were far behind him. And if June was on board, he’d have someone to spend the rest of his life with, someone to dote on, someone to grow old with. Or older.

  With a little extra pep in his step, Carter stepped outside and jogged down the stairs.

  “Where you going?” Luke asked from his porch. At least he was home for once.

  “To see June at work,” Carter called back as he headed to his truck.

  Before Carter had a chance to say anything, Luke bounded down his steps and ran for Carter’s truck. “I’m coming. I got to get out of here.”

  Carter frowned at Luke as he climbed into the passenger seat. Luke had hardly been home lately, yet he needed to get out of the territory? And the scent of fur was a little stronger than Carter would prefer when heading into the public with so many humans around. Havanah’s wasn’t like Moe’s; the place would be full of humans instead of Shifters. Luke couldn’t lose control of himself or even let his eyes glow with his bear’s amber color.

  “You sure you’re cool? June’s job is all humans. You can’t go in there and freak out,” Carter said before backing out of his space directly in front of his cabin.

  Luke nodded, but a muscle ticked in his jaw as he clenched his teeth.

  “You want to tell me what’s going on?” Carter asked.

  Luke turned and locked eyes with Carter. “Not yet,” he answered after a few tense moments of silence.

  At least Carter had his confirmation that there was, indeed, something up with Luke. And as deep as he’d sank into his own head since Emory’s attack and what Luke saw as his failure to protect her, Luke was a good man. He was loyal and protective. And Carter had a feeling part of the reason Luke wanted to join him was to check out the place and see if June needed his protection.

  Carter’s bear bristled at the thought of another male protecting his mate, but the human side knew it was just Luke’s need for redemption.

  With a nod, Carter started his truck and headed into what the locals called downtown Cedar Hill, which consisted of a smattering of locally owned businesses. There were more Shifters living in the community than the humans would ever know. Unfortunately, they tended to congregate at Moe’s, hence Carter’s reluctance to walk into Havanah’s once he pulled into the gravel parking lot.

  “We going in or she coming out?” Luke asked as he stared at the front of the building, his brows knitted together.

  “You got to keep your shit together in there, Luke. Even if some dude flirts with my mate, you can’t get all protective or whatever the fuck you do. No growling. No glowing eyes.”

  Luke’s jaw was clenched again. “I’m cool.”

  He pushed his door open and stepped out, slamming Carter’s truck door a little too hard. Once the vehicle stopped rocking, Carter inhaled deeply through his nose and blew it out in a rush through his mouth. He’d already been nervous about seeing June. Excited and nervous. Now he was nervous for a whole other reason.

  Carter walked into the place ahead of Luke and looked around. The scent of old cigarettes and the cloud of smoke floating in the air tickled Carter’s nose. Even the pungent odors in the air didn’t dampen his excitement to see his woman.

  Within a half second, he found her standing behind the bar. Her arms were crossed, her dark brows were pinched together in a deep scowl and she was glaring at a dude sitting on a stool against the bar.

  Carter’s feet were eating space and taking him closer before he had a chance to think. Even without introductions, Carter knew the asshole earning June’s ire was Jackson. His scent had been at June’s and now riled up Carter’s bear.

  Mine, his bear growled in his head a second before Carter’s hand slammed down on Jackson’s shoulder.

  Chapter Eight

  June’s anger grew as she stared Jackson down. That jackass had the nerve to come into her job. Granted, he was trying to apologize. But still. She didn’t need his apologies and she didn’t want him. She didn’t want to ever see his face again.

  After he’d left last night, June had been crushed. She’d doubted everything about herself and about Carter. And then Carter had shown up at her door like a damn knight. Only there was no horse. Just his beautiful, sexy self. He’d comforted her and held her all night. She hadn’t missed his erection poking her in the side all night, but they’d kept their clothes on. It was intimate and sweet and kind of romantic.

  She’d found his note when she’d finally crawled out of bed around nine thirty. Her eyes were swollen, and she was still tired. But she couldn’t stop smiling.

  Until Jackson walked through the door.

  “I just…” Jackson pushed his hand through his hair then dragged it down his face. “I lashed out. I didn’t mean a single word of it. I just wanted to say I’m sorry. And that I hope we can stay friends.”

  “What about the rest?” she asked, leaning against the cooler as she continued to glare at him.

  “Rest of what?” he asked.

  “All of it. Everything you said to me when we broke up. I mean, when you dumped me. Did you mean all that?”

  Jackson actually looked sheepish as he pushed his hand through his hair again, a nervous habit she’d seen him do multiple times through the years. “No. I just…” He huffed out a breath. “I was upset about us breaking up and lashed out. It was childish and I’m sorry.”

  “If you were so upset about breaking up, why the hell did you dump me? That doesn’t make sense, Jackson.”

  “I was worried one of us would end up meeting our true mates and we’d end up hurting each other. But I realized you’re my mate. I can just cover that guy’s mark. We can pretend it never happened.”

  June had begun to feel sorry for Jackson and came so close to forgiving him for being such a dick the last two times she’d seen him. Until he’d thrown that last part in.

  “You can’t just cover his mark. He’s my mate. I found my true mate. Now, you can go find yours.”

  “You really believe some bear is your mate?” he asked. He’d sat at the end of the bar and they were keeping their voices lower than any human ear could pick up, but that didn’t stop June from looking around to make sure no one heard Jackson.

  “Keep your voice down,” June hissed at him.

  “He’s not your mate. I am. You know that.”

  “It’s time to go,” June said, stepping away and refolding her arms over her chest.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Not until you say you’ll take me back.”

  June opened her mouth to once again tell him to leave, but the door opened and the light was blocked out by the huge body coming in. Without even seeing his face she knew it was Carter. She knew that body, she knew that scent, and she could feel the anger rolling from him when he spotted Jackson sitting at the bar.

  Carter had never met her ex. But he must’ve recognized the scent from her house last night. As he drew closer, she began to pick up on the scent of fur and her anxiety skyrocketed. The four of them were literally the only Shifters in Havanah’s. They coul
dn’t Shift. Not there. Not in front of so many human eyes.

  Before June could say a word, Carter’s hand clapped down on Jackson’s shoulder.

  “Time to go,” he growled out. They were gaining too much attention.

  “Carter,” June warned, widening her eyes at her mate. “Not here,” she whispered barely above a breath.

  His eyes jerked to her face and something like betrayal flashed through them. Wait…did he think she didn’t want him to remove Jackson? It totally wasn’t that. She wanted Jackson gone, but she couldn’t risk either of the men Shifting into their animal forms. And the guy behind him – she assumed it was Luke, the Clan brother she’d yet to meet – didn’t look all too calm, either. He’d be no help in talking Carter down.

  “Please,” she said, the back of her eyes burning with unshed tears. No way would she let her mate, the man her heart was quickly claiming, to reveal their entire species to the humans.

  Carter released Jackson and took a step back. Then another. Then he turned on his heel and left, shoving the door open so hard it hit the side of the building.

  “Can you watch the bar?” she asked Julie, one of the waitresses.

  Her eyes were wide as she stared at the door and nodded.

  “Why bother?” Jackson asked, getting to his feet and chasing June to the door. “Pretty sure he just gave you any answer you’d want.”

  “Why are you still here?” June asked. She was pulled to a stop by Jackson’s hand wrapped around her bicep. “Let go,” she growled out and, for the first time, had to fight her animal for control. She couldn’t let her eyes glow. She couldn’t growl. She couldn’t let anyone there know she was anything more than a human.

  “There a problem, June?” one of her regular old guys said, slowly standing as if to intimidate Jackson.

  June kept her eyes on Jackson, just in case he decided to push his weight around and hurt the sweet guy.

  “Nope. He was just leaving. Right?” June said, cocking one brow at Jackson.


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