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Carter's Devotion (Blackwater Bears Book 3)

Page 15

by Lynn Howard

  “I don’t think Luke does,” she said as she followed him through the door and locked up her trailer.

  Carter looked around and realized how isolated and closed off she was from the rest of the world. She had her Pride sisters, but that just made three women out here on their own. Maybe it was chauvinistic of him, but he wished she lived closer so he could protect her better. He hated the thought of some nomad group stumbling upon three lone females. Especially with fuckers out there looking for women to sell in the trafficking ring. That was how Hollyn had come into Noah’s life. She’d been snatched off the street. Luckily, Aron, the Alpha of Ravenwood Pride, had found her before she could be sold off. The rest was their own personal romance story.

  He couldn’t help but wonder if he told June about Hollyn’s story if she’d be more receptive to moving onto his territory. But if she did that, it would just leave the other two women alone. Two lone women were even worse odds.

  Holding his truck door open for June, he waited until she was in and buckled before he closed it and jogged around the hood. As stupid as it sounded, he hated even the few seconds away from her that it took to get back into the truck. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to spend with her. He was becoming more and more addicted.

  It wasn’t addiction. He was a man in love. He felt so full of energy. The words they’d shared last night had given him this boost, like his life was finally starting. Like he was nothing, like his life meant nothing before she came into it.

  Carter finally understood all those sappy love songs he’d heard through the years. He finally understood the goofy behavior of the characters in those rom-cons Reed loved so much. He finally understood why all his friends acted like fools the moment they’d found their mates.

  The drive back to Blackwater only took around twelve minutes since the traffic was so light on Sunday mornings. June was fairly quiet beside him, but she was in a better frame of mind.

  “Just an FYI,” she said, breaking the silence.

  Carter reached forward and turned the music down.

  “Me telling you I love you doesn’t excuse your behavior the other night. I don’t want that kind of stuff to happen ever again. I don’t want to hear about doubt or anything like that again. Got it?” she asked, rolling her head on the seat rest to look at him. When his brows pulled together, she winked.

  Carter’s smile was slow, but he still felt like an asshole that she even felt the need to say those words. She might forgive him, but he’d cracked her trust in him. And he’d do everything in his power to superglue that shit back together.


  June admitted she was looking forward to spending the day with Carter. What neither of them had expected was the line of cars and group of people sitting outside the cabins.

  “I thought we were just hanging out with your Clan,” she said, looking at Carter before turning her attention back to the group watching them park.

  “Yeah. So did I. I texted Colton and let him know we were heading home. He must’ve texted one of the guys from Big River. Or Nova. This reeks of Nova,” he said with a groan as he put the truck in park and stepped out of the truck.

  “About time,” Nova yelled across the space.

  He’d more than likely been one hundred percent correct about Nova being the one to throw the impromptu cookout. But it was either Colton or Shawnee who’d contacted her. He wasn’t sure which one to be mad at.

  Truth was, he wasn’t mad at either. He liked the idea of everyone he cared about being in one spot. He liked the idea of his Clan and his friends spending more time with and getting to know June.

  Stealing a glance at June, he relaxed even more when he spotted her smiling at Nova as she hurried over with Rieka on her hip.

  “Hey girl,” Nova said, giving June an awkward side hug so they wouldn’t smash the little girl between them. “I was wondering when I’d see you again.”

  “It’s been, like, two days,” Carter said, placing a hand on the small of June’s back and guiding her toward the cabins and throng of waiting people.

  “Still,” Nova said, a pout in her voice.

  Callie, Emory, Lola, and Peyton all had matching grins on their faces, and moved forward to welcome June, minus the awkward hugs. Reed held little Grace in his arms as he watched Colton start the grill.

  “Dude! That’s too much charcoal. Why don’t you get a gas grill like a normal person? Do you want me to go get ours?” Reed asked, shifting Grace to his other side so he could manually move some of the briquets around.

  Colton slapped Reed’s hand with a pair of grilling tongs. “Either keep your hands to yourself or hand the baby over so I can whip your ass,” Colton said, pointing the aforementioned tongs in Reed’s face.

  “Fine. Whatever. You burn them, it’s on you. I’ll be the hero who has to go get McDonald’s when you try to serve up hockey pucks.”

  Carter led June to his cabin. “I need to change and brush my teeth real quick,” he said.

  “Why didn’t you just use my toothbrush?” she asked, her attention divided between the women who were trying to get her to come sit with them, Reed’s and Colton’s bickering, and her conversation with Carter.

  “Didn’t know if you’d appreciate that. Go sit. Have fun. I’ll be back out in a few.”

  She didn’t argue or wait for him to try to persuade her, just hurried over to where the women had arranged the lawn chairs they’d brought with them in a circle. She looked so at home with his people. She looked like she’d always been there, like she was meant to be right there amongst his family.

  Carter rushed through brushing his teeth and changing his clothes. He wanted to get back out to his mate. He wanted to hear that throaty laugh of hers and touch her, even if only to hold her hand.

  When he stepped onto his porch, he stopped and his heart swelled. June was holding Rieka on her lap. The toddler was standing on June’s legs, her chubby little fingers wrapped around June’s. A big slobbery smile was stretched across her face as June played with her. June and Carter had already agreed they were too old to start a family, but seeing her with the child just made him want ten cubs with her.

  He had to get that shit out of his head and just enjoy the sight of her with the kid.

  “Are there sides? Do I need to go into town for anything?” Carter asked as he stepped down from his porch and crossed the space to where the men were standing behind their mates.

  “Nah. Nova spent a fortune this morning,” Gray said, jerking his chin at his mate.

  “Oh, whatever. A hundred dollars for this many people is not a fortune!” Nova said, looking over the back of her chair to stick her tongue out at Gray.

  Gray smiled and shook his head. Every time Carter was around the two of them it was the same thing. Nova would say something silly or snarky, Gray would tease her, and everything would end up with Gray smiling like a love sick pup and shaking his head.

  He realized every male standing around was staring at their mates with so much awe and adoration. Was that how he looked? Did he have that same look every time he looked at his curvy beauty? Because he sure as fuck felt it.

  “Want to sit?” June said, moving to stand so Carter could take her chair.

  “No. You sit. Enjoy the girls.”

  “Women,” Emory said without turning to look at him over her shoulder.


  “We’re women. Not girls,” she corrected him. When she glanced back at Carter and winked, he did just like Gray and smiled and shook his head. Not even her mate and she was giving him shit.

  The next few hours went exactly the same way every cookout went, only they were in Blackwater territory instead of Big River territory. June teased and talked and played right along with everyone, swelling Carter’s heart until he felt like that green dude on that Christmas cartoon.

  “Does anyone have a guitar?” she asked, looking around at the circle of women and their guys who all sat at their feet, including Carter who
sat between June’s knees, his ass planted on the hard ground, his knees raised and his elbows resting on them. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but he was near his mate. And he refused to let her give up her seat for him.

  Everyone looked from person to person, shaking their heads or shrugging.

  “None of you play the guitar?” June asked. “This many people and not one of you are musically inclined?”

  A few chuckles answered her.

  “We could sing? Do like that movie, Pitch Perfect, and sing acapella,” Reed answered. Emory picked up a leftover piece of Rieka’s hot dog bun and threw it at his head. Unfortunately, it hit Lola in the chest.

  “Hey!” the pink haired woman said as she laughed.

  “Sorry. I was aiming for your mate’s head,” Emory said, raising one brow at Reed. “Can we go one day without a movie reference?”

  Reed held up his hands in surrender, but he couldn’t stop laughing when he turned and brushed the crumbs off his mate’s lap. Both little girls were sound asleep in a playpen near Lola and Reed at the end of their lopsided circle.

  Peyton began to hum something softly, then turned a teasing eye to Reed. The second he caught on to the song, he opened his mouth and began to belt it out. Until Lola slapped his shoulder.

  “You’re going to wake up the girls.”

  “Oh. My bad.” And then he went back to singing the song from that movie he’d mentioned, only quieter.

  One by one, the women joined in, including June. A few of them could actually sing, including his mate. Someone was hitting the high harmony, while someone else was hitting the low spots. And all Carter could focus on was the angelic sound coming from behind him.

  He wanted to turn and watch her lips move, but he was afraid she might stop. So instead, he closed his eyes and just enjoyed the sound, memorizing the tone of her voice and the slight giggle that escaped her every once in a while.

  Before the night was over, the women – and Reed – entertained the group with three more songs, including a Janis Joplin song. That one really highlighted the throaty sound to June’s voice and made his dick stand up and pay attention.

  “You ready for bed?” Carter asked when the last song ended and June yawned wide enough for her jaw to pop.

  “Yeah. It’s too early for bed, though,” she said.

  Now, while he knew damn well she just meant it was too early to go to sleep, Carter couldn’t help but hope she’d meant she wanted to rush their relationship again. For fuck’s sake; they’d declared their feelings for each other. Wasn’t that enough?

  Down boy. He had to mentally will his dick to calm down before all the blood rushed from his brain and made him do something stupid. He’d respect her desire to take their time getting to know each other. Whether he liked it or not.

  “It’s actually after twelve,” Callie said as she stood and folded her lawn chair. “We’re headed home. Thanks for having us over, guys.”

  “Talk to Nova. She’s the one who invited you all over here,” Colton teased with a wink for Nova.

  “Stop flirting with my mate, asshole,” Gray said, more than likely out of habit.

  “Got my own mate, asshole. Don’t need to flirt with yours.”

  There was no force behind either of their words, but June still tensed the tiniest bit behind Carter.

  Gray lifted Rieka from the playpen while Reed lifted little Grace. They all waved, carrying their lawn chairs to their various trucks, and bid everyone a goodnight.

  “I’m going, too,” Luke said, the first words the dude had spoken since Carter and June had arrived.

  “You ever going to tell us where you’re going?” Shawnee asked.

  Had any of the bears asked him, he would’ve popped off with some dickhead comment. But since it was Shawnee, Luke’s face softened a tad. “Maybe someday,” he said with a forced closed-lipped smile.

  And then he lumbered to his truck and took off without another word.

  “We really do need to find out where the fuck he’s going,” Colton said, giving Carter a worried look.

  “He hasn’t said anything to Noah?” Colton shook his head. “I’ll talk to him when he gets home. Or tomorrow morning. It’s too late tonight.”

  Carter pushed to his feet, his knees and back popping in too many places, then offered a hand to June.

  “I feel like I should’ve stood and helped you up,” she said as she slipped her cool hand into his. Her arms were cool to the touch, too.

  “Are you cold?”

  “A little,” she said with a shrug.

  “Should’ve said something. We could’ve built a bonfire.”

  “Not with the pups so close,” June said as Shawnee and Colton waved their goodnights and headed into their cabins. “I’m fine. You were keeping my legs warm, anyway.” She winked at him and his dick woke right back up.

  Her hand still in his, Carter led her to his cabin. “Stay with me tonight?” he asked. He’d take her home if she said no, but he’d rather have her body snuggled up against his while he slept.

  She dipped her head and looked up at him through her lashes. “Okay.” Was her voice deeper? Huskier?

  Yep. That was her arousal he scented. It hadn’t been there before. She’d gotten turned on at the idea of sharing his bed. Maybe he’d get his way, after all.

  Carter led her up the stairs and through the door of his cabin. He pulled his hand, ready to grab her a glass of water and a change of clothes to sleep in, but she tightened her grip.

  “Remember how you said you loved me?” she asked. He swallowed hard and nodded. “And I told you I loved you, too?” Again, he nodded. “You think we took it slow enough? I mean, we’re officially in love, right? So…I was just thinking.”

  Carter couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak. He needed her to be one hundred percent sure and upfront with him. He didn’t want to assume he knew what she wanted and end up hurting her again.

  When he didn’t make a move, June sighed dramatically and released his hand so she could grab the bottom hem of her sweater to pull it over her head. She stood there, chest heaving, and bared for him. Not naked enough, though.

  June reached down, grabbed both his hands and put them on her tits. And that was the last thread of control he had.

  Chapter Eleven

  June’s heart jackhammered in her chest when Carter’s big hands squeezed her breasts. His lips crashed down on hers, pulling a gasp from her. She couldn’t help but smile when their teeth bumped. He was so hurried, so desperate for her. It was one more thing that helped to dispel any thoughts that her body wasn’t enough for him.

  She parted her lips for him, swiping her tongue across the seam of his mouth, but he pulled back and looked down at her with lust drunk eyes.

  “Are you sure? I can wait as long as you need. I don’t want to hurt you ever again or make you regret anything.”

  So her mate needed a little persuasion. Sliding her hand between them, she gripped the long, rigid length beneath his jeans and gave a little squeeze. His hips bucked forward, pushing himself more into her hand.

  June smiled up at him, hoping the smile was as sexy as he made her feel. “Does that answer your question?”

  And then his lips were back on hers, kissing her until she almost forgot her own name. He left her mouth and nipped and licked a path down her jaw, to her throat, before dropping to his knees, her breasts still in his hands. He kissed her full mounds, his breath warming her. He looked like he was worshipping her, worshipping her body.

  Carter’s shaky fingers pulled the cups of her bra down, releasing her into his hands. His breathing hitched, and then he leaned forward and sucked one of her pebbled nipples into his mouth. June threw her head back with a moan. Her mate had the most wickedly talented mouth. She was tempted to beg him to move further south and make love to her with his mouth.

  Instead, she just focused on what Carter was doing, the pleasure he was bringing her. They didn’t need to rush this. For once, she want
ed to enjoy every second of her mate’s body, his hands, his tongue, his lips, and his cock. She really couldn’t wait to feel his cock buried inside of her.

  As her body began to tighten, and Carter stood, undoing her pants and shoving them down her hips, June searched deep inside of herself. Was this her leopard once again trying to breed? Nope. Her cat was no longer in heat. This was all June. This was her need to be with her mate, to bond them even further.

  June stepped out of her pants as she went to work undoing Carter’s pants and pulling his shirt over his head. He raised his arms for her, but she couldn’t reach high enough to pull the shirt off.

  With a chuckle, Carter helped her and shoved his own pants to his ankles. She loved the sight of Carter’s body, loved the way his thick cock seemed to be reaching for her.

  She loved him. Every inch of him, heart, mind, and soul.

  His arms went around her and pulled her against his chest. He was so warm and hard all over. Such a contrast to her curvy softness. His pecs were like stone pressed against her full, pillowy breasts. And they were the perfect height together. Standing the way they were, he was able to shift just enough so that his shaft slid between her thighs and rubbed against her swollen, sensitive clit.

  If he kept that up, they might never make it to the bed. Then again, there was always the couch, the floor, the counter, or even the kitchen table. Hell, they could explore every square foot of the cabin as far as she was concerned.

  She liked the idea of leaving her scent in his home so he’d have no choice but to think about her when she went back home.

  Move in with me. His words clanged around inside her skull. Could she live here with him? His place was definitely bigger than hers, but she really didn’t like the idea of leaving Carol and Constance alone in their territory. Not that June was some big bad ass, but safety in numbers and all that.

  “June,” Carter breathed against her lips.

  His hands smoothed down her back until they cupped her ass. And then he lifted her, urging her legs around his waist. June wiggled and moved until the head of his cock was lined perfectly with her sex. She pushed down, guiding him inside. Their moans matched as he pushed his hips forward, sheathing himself fully inside her.


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