Carter's Devotion (Blackwater Bears Book 3)

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Carter's Devotion (Blackwater Bears Book 3) Page 16

by Lynn Howard

  June’s arms were wrapped around Carter’s shoulders, her fingers tangling in his hair as he leaned forward and took her lips in a bruising kiss and carried her across the room. He lowered onto the couch, sitting with her straddling his lips, and rotated his hips, sending June into a whirlwind of sensations. Each pass of his hips pushed his pubic bone directly against her clit, pushing her closer and closer to her release.

  Carter pulled from her mouth and kissed and nipped her collar bone, right over the spot where he’d marked her. June took over and began to ride Carter, lifting and lowering onto his thick cock. She loved the feeling of him, the warmth of him, the way he stretched her and filled her. She loved the frantic movement of his hands all over her back, squeezing her ass, moving around to cup her heavy breasts.

  Leaning back and arching her back, June rested her hands on Carter’s knees, locking her elbows, and enjoyed the sensation of Carter’s lips wrapping around her nipple as she continued to ride him until her body became overheated and tight and the first tingles of orgasm rippled through her.

  Opening her mouth, June released a loud, long moan as explosions went off behind her closed lids and her core spasmed around Carter, pulling his own release from him. They hadn’t donned a condom. But Carter had enough forethought to pull from her and trap himself between their bodies, spilling on her stomach, on his stomach, each pulse of his cock mimicking her own clenching sex.

  When they were both spent and Carter spilled every last drop of his release, he pulled her forward and rested his forehead against her shoulder blade. His breaths came in pants that both cooled and warmed her skin where moisture had bloomed from their lovemaking.

  “I love you so much,” Carter breathed against her shoulder.

  Wrapping her arms around Carter’s back, she lowered her head and rested her cheek on his damp shoulder.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered into the quiet room.

  After a few minutes, Carter stood, still holding June, still buried inside of her, and carried her to the bathroom. He set her on the fuzzy bathroom mat and started the shower, testing it with his arm. When he was satisfied with the temperature, he helped her into the stall and stepped in behind her. They showered quickly, neither of them bothering with their hair. It was just to get the sweat and release off of them more than anything. They’d both showered that morning. But she, for one, didn’t want to go to sleep and wake up sticky.

  Once they were done, Carter gently dried her off before drying himself off, then lifted her back into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. June wasn’t light. She knew that. Yet Carter carried her as if she were no bigger than one of the tiny women from Big River. He didn’t grunt or strain or complain about her weight. Just laid her out on the bed, still completely naked, and raked his eyes over her body, his touch feeling like a caress from his hands.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said, his voice deep and growly again. As much as she’d love to go for round two, she was getting tired. His eyes raised to her face. “What did I do to deserve you?”

  “I could say the same thing about you,” she teased, her own eyes admiring the peaks and valleys of his muscular form.

  Raising her arms, she beckoned him into bed. He flipped off the light and scooted in behind her, pulling her to him so her back was against his chest and her ass was cradled in the nook of his legs. She felt his hardness growing again, but he didn’t make a move, didn’t try to take her again. Not that she would’ve turned him down.

  She fell asleep to the sound of Carter’s slow, even breathing, and the light rattling snore that rumbled in her ear. He could tease her all he wanted about her snoring. He snored just as much.


  Three weeks later, June once again woke up in Carter’s bed. After that night with Big River and Blackwater hanging out, she’d pretty much stayed at his cabin every single night. She’d even began leaving clothing and some extra toiletries so she wouldn’t have to rush home every morning before work.

  Of course, she still went back to her Pride as much as possible. She loved her friends and didn’t want them to think she was abandoning them. That, and she was still nervous about leaving the two of them there alone.

  “Have I told you about Hope Pride?” Carter said one night when he was making dinner.

  “The lionesses up the hill from Big River?”

  Carter had told her how Big River, Blackwater, and the panthers from Ravenwood had fought the hierarchy to ensure female Shifters were free from the antiquated laws that had kept them enslaved to the male species for the last century. It was just one more thing that raised her respect for her mate. And all his people.

  “Yeah,” he said, plating the fat, greasy burgers he’d just finished frying.

  “What about them?”

  He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye as he carried the plate of burgers to the table while she laid out the buns, condiments, and a big container of potato salad she’d bought on her way home from work.

  Home. His cabin really was feeling more and more like home.

  “I was just thinking, a few of them are still living together in those little homes. There are four empty trailers in your Pride territory.”

  “Three. There’re only three empty trailers. I still technically live there.”

  Carter sat and built a heaping burger complete with lettuce, tomato, mayo, and all the rest of the toppings she’d set on the table.

  “But if you lived here, with me, there’d be four. And the lionesses could build a life, a Pride, with your friends. They could have their own place for the first time in their lives.”

  “Way to make me feel like shit,” she muttered as she took a bite of her burger. She chewed and watched Carter. He was doing everything he could to not look at her. She swallowed and set the burger down. “You realize if I move in, we’ll have to see each other every day.”

  “We already see each other every day,” he said with a shrug. “I like that. I like waking up to your beautiful face every morning. I like feeling you curled up against me every night. And I like seeing you dripping wet when you step out of the shower every day.”

  “Perv,” she said as she tried to hide her smile, pulling her lips into her mouth. Scooping up a forkful of potato salad, she jabbed it toward him as she spoke. “So you’ve got it all planned out. I move all my crap in here, a couple of lionesses move into my Pride territory, then we all live happily ever after.”

  Carter pushed his plate away, stood, and rounded the table. He sat in the chair beside her and pulled her hand into his. “Don’t you think we deserve happily ever after? I know the lionesses do after everything they’ve been through. And you and I spent half our lives trying to find happiness. Literally half our lives are over. If we’re lucky. Which I hope we are because I really want at least another forty or fifty years with you.”

  June turned in her chair so she was facing him fully. “Are you sure about this, Carter? That’s like…a really big commitment. What happens if you decide you don’t want me here and I have nowhere to go?”

  “Never going to happen,” he said without missing a beat.

  “How do you know?”

  His eyes roamed her face and then he dropped them to where their hands were joined and fiddled with her fingers. “Marry me.”

  June blinked a few times. “What?”

  He raised his gaze back to her face. “Marry me. We can go to the courthouse this week. Just you and me. Make it official.”

  “Be serious, Carter.”

  “I am. Unless you want some big wedding with a white dress and all that. Nova got married in a sundress in Big River territory.”

  “I think I’m a little old for the princess gown and all that.”

  “So you’ll marry me?”

  “Carter. Do you even hear yourself?”

  “Truth?” he asked.

  “Of course.”

  “I’ve wanted to ask you since the first morning I woke up with your mar
k on my chest.”


  “I knew I wanted you. I knew I wanted you in my life. I knew you were it for me, even if we agreed to go our separate ways. That morning, I laid in bed and tried to figure out how to get you in my life for good.”

  June chewed on the inside of her cheek as she watched Carter speak, watching for any little tells or signs that he was teasing or moving ahead of his own thoughts.

  But he was steady, his shoulders pushed back, confident in his decision.


  His brows popped up his forehead. “Yes?”

  “Yes.” Her smile was slow and wide. And then she squealed in surprise when he jumped up and pulled her up with him, moving away from the table and swinging her in circles, his face buried in the crook of her neck.

  When he finally set her on her feet, his hands on her shoulders to keep her steady, everything became awkward. Were they just supposed to return to their dinner as if nothing had just happened? Share the news? Book a photographer for engagement photos? No. That last part was ridiculous since they weren’t doing the whole engagement then wedding thing. They were just two middle aged adults agreeing to spend the rest of their lives together.

  Wait. They couldn’t go to the human court to get married. “How is this going to happen? We can’t exactly go into Hillsboro for a judge to marry us.”

  “Alan can do it. Nova’s dad. He’s a member of the Council. He can perform the ceremony legally.”

  “We don’t have to get married. I mean, we’re already mated, marked, and bonded. It’s as close to married as a Shifter can get.”

  “Yeah, well. I want you to carry my last name.”

  “And if I want to keep my last name?”

  Carter sat in his chair across from her and narrowed her eyes. “How about June Gillespie-Simpson? Hyphenated.”

  She actually kind of liked that. It was pretty and sounded fancy and royal. “Deal,” she said, then shoveled more food into her mouth. Mouth still full, she asked, “when?”

  “When’s your next day off?”


  “Then Wednesday. Get a pretty dress. Get your nails and hair done and all that stuff girls do before something exciting.”

  June giggled as he listed off everything, his excitement palpable and contagious. “And you go get your hair cut and buy something nice to wear.”

  He looked down at his soft, worn in t-shirt and jeans. “You don’t like this outfit?” He winked at her, his smile still wide.

  And that was how she became engaged to her mate and the love of her life. It was sweet and awkward yet so romantic. And now, she couldn’t wait until Wednesday.


  Carter vibrated with energy. She’d said yes. June had actually agreed to marry him. She’d carry his name. So what that she’d keep her last name, as well. As long as he was represented. And now, they were headed into her former territory to pack up her belongings with Colton and Shawnee, Luke, and the entirety of Big River – minus the pups – to haul everything back. She’d decided to leave her bigger furniture like her couch, table, even bed for the next lioness. She wanted them to be able to build a life there. And if they didn’t want the stuff, she planned on having the local thrift store come pick it up.

  He would’ve welcomed all her stuff into his home, but his stuff was newer and chosen by him rather than being a hand me down like her stuff. Not that there was anything wrong with that.

  “I’m so excited,” Shawnee said as she carried a box to one of the trucks. “Now I just got to get Luke paired up and everything will be perfect.”

  “Keep dreaming,” Luke muttered as he passed her.

  “So who gets your place?” Nova asked, carrying a lamp and a duffel bag as she walked beside June.

  “Luna asked to stay,” Colton answered. “And I think Amber’s taking one. We got to get her some stuff.”

  “I’ll do it!” Nova yelled a little loudly, almost dropping the lamp when she threw her other arm in the air, waving her hand around. “No one will let me buy them anything anymore.” The woman pouted and caused her mate to once again smile and shake his head.

  “I can help,” June said. “I mean, I don’t have the big bucks you do, but I’ve got some saved up.” Of course his woman would want to help someone else.

  “Oh no. No way. I’ve got it. I’ve been dying to go on a shopping spree.”

  “We went on one with Hollyn,” Emory said, a box bigger than she was in her hands.

  “That was a year ago. You guys are killing me with this crap,” Nova said, setting June’s stuff in the back of Gray’s truck and heading back inside for more.

  “I don’t know why everyone brought their trucks. Without my furniture, we could’ve fit it all in the back of my car and Carter’s truck.”

  “Yeah. But then we wouldn’t have been in on the gossip,” Peyton said, pulling her white-blonde hair out of the ponytail and pulling it back up in a bun. “Let’s hear it all.”

  “All of what?” June said, a soft pink flushing her cheeks.

  “We’re getting married. Wednesday,” Carter blurted out as he walked back inside for more of June’s belongings.

  “Carter,” June admonished as he stepped inside. “You realize now –”

  Before she could finish her sentence, a squeal erupted from one of the women and echoed inside of June’s trailer, causing Carter to cringe from the high-pitched sound.

  “Are you serious?” Emory’s voice broke through the screaming. “Nova! You’re killing me.”

  The screaming stopped abruptly. “Sorry. Are you serious, though? You two are getting married?...Wait…I didn’t get a wedding invitation.”

  “We’re not having a wedding. We’re just going to have your dad marry us.”

  “Are you saying my dad knew about this and didn’t say anything to me?” Nova said. When Carter stepped outside, her arms were crossed over her chest, her eyes were narrowed, and June was doing everything she could not to laugh.

  Carter carried over another box of June’s knickknacks, including one of her favorite coffee mugs she couldn’t part with, and set the box in the back of his truck. “We haven’t asked him yet. It was all decided last night.”

  “What are you going to wear?” Callie asked, handing a bag of clothes to her mate, Micah.

  “I haven’t decided yet. I need to go shopping.”

  “Okay. What time do you get off tomorrow?” Nova asked.

  “I’m off the rest of the week. My boss let me have the time off to get settled in to my new house. He thinks we’re going to the courthouse to get married,” June said with a shrug. She instantly wrapped an arm around Carter’s waist when he moved to her side.

  “We’ll be here at nine,” Nova said with a nod as if it were final.

  “I can do your hair,” Lola offered. “I’m actually really good at that stuff.”

  “I can help with your makeup,” Peyton said with a wink.

  “This is going to be so much fun,” Emory said, clapping her hands together.

  June’s blush didn’t fade as she headed back in to grab more of her stuff. And she’d been right; all of her stuff would’ve fit in their two vehicles. But he appreciated everyone’s help. And he finally got to brag that he’d won the best woman in the world.

  While the women huddled around, making shopping plans, Colton, Luke, and the men of Big River circled around him, congratulating him and clapping him on the shoulder.

  “Any cubs in the future?” Gray asked.

  “Nah. We’re both too old for that shit. We’re just as happy spoiling all of your kids. But…” Carter lowered his voice until it was barely above a breath and made sure June wasn’t paying attention. “I do need your help with something.”

  As he made plans with his friends, his family, he couldn’t help but get more and more excited. Three days seemed so far away. He couldn’t wait until Wednesday. He couldn’t wait until Wednesday night. He couldn’t wait to see the look o
n her face when she saw what he was planning for her. For them. For their wedding night.


  Carter and Colton headed into town to start grabbing supplies while Shawnee, Hollyn – Noah let both women off Tuesday to help with the shopping – and the women of Big River kept June distracted with shopping and a bunch of girly stuff in anticipation of their big day tomorrow.

  “You sure she doesn’t know about this?” Colton asked.

  “If she does, she’s a remarkable actress,” Carter said with a soft chuckle.

  His mate was definitely nervous. She’d asked him a dozen times already if he was sure about being stuck with her for life. He’d comforted her by letting her know she was the one getting stuck with him. He was lucky she’d even noticed him that night at Moe’s.

  “You have any idea what she’s going to wear?”

  Carter shrugged as they headed toward the men’s department for a new shirt and maybe some new jeans. He knew she wouldn’t be wearing a white, frilly gown. That wasn’t June’s style. He just hoped she bought something that hugged that body he was so addicted to.

  He ended up just grabbing a button up and some dark jeans and heading out to meet up with Gray, Reed, Micah, Tristan, and even Eli. It was up to the guys to get all the decorations they’d need to make June’s wedding night one she’d never forget. Sure, it was his wedding night, too, but she’d already made his dreams come true by saying yes.

  “They meeting us at the store?” Colton asked as they climbed into Carter’s truck.

  “Nah. Noah wants us to come by for a beer before we all head out and pretend we’re wedding planners or some shit,” Carter said with a grin. He was pretty sure he hadn’t stopped smiling since the night June agreed to be his wife. Now he understood why Colton was always grinning.

  Big River’s trucks were three, as well as Luke’s. Which was odd. Carter would’ve figured he’d be the last person to want anything to do with this lovey dovey crap. As sweet and kind as he was to the women in their family, he’d become an asshole to the guys the last few weeks.


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