Carter's Devotion (Blackwater Bears Book 3)

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Carter's Devotion (Blackwater Bears Book 3) Page 17

by Lynn Howard

  “There he is!” Reed yelled, holding a beer up as the wolves erupted in applause.

  “This better not be a bachelor party. We got shit to do,” Carter said, taking the beer Gray offered.

  “Nah. Just wanted to turn you into a spectacle for a second,” Reed teased and ducked to the side when Carter threw a square, paper coaster at his head. The thing veered off to the side like a wayward frisbee and hit someone in the back. Oh. Not just anyone. But fucking Jackson.

  What kind of luck did Carter have that June’s asshole ex just happened to be at Moe’s the night before Carter tied June to himself in every way possible? She already carried his mark and his scent. After tomorrow, she’d carry his name, as well.

  Jackson looked over his shoulder to see what hit him. Then did a double take when he caught Carter glaring at him.

  “What the fuck are you looking at?” Jackson said with a sneer.

  “Not much,” Carter said. He realized how childish he was behaving, but really, he didn’t give a fuck. This man had hurt June. He’d made her feel unimportant, undesirable, unlovable. And if Carter got his wish, he’d make sure Jackson felt like total shit before he walked out of the bar.

  Jackson turned back to his friends. Then a few seconds later, he looked back at Carter to find him still glaring. Carter hadn’t had a drop of alcohol, so he couldn’t blame his irrational behavior on inebriation. Nope. His petty ass attitude was spurred on by the piss ant mother fucker who was currently growling in Carter’s direction.

  “If you show up to the wedding with a black eye, June’s going to kick your ass,” Colton said. He didn’t bother lowering his voice. Meaning, he wanted Jackson to hear that Carter and June were getting married. Which meant his Clan brother had his back if Jackson’s three other buddies decided to jump in to help their friend when he started getting his ass kicked all over the bar.

  A shitty smirk spread on Jackson’s stupid face. “Marrying my mate, huh? Didn’t know you were into sloppy seconds.”

  Low and deep. That’s how the growl felt. But in Carter’s ears, it was like thunder as it poured from his mouth.

  “You might want to keep your fucking mouth shut,” Luke said from beside Carter.

  “Fuck you, bear,” Luke said.

  “Don’t start shit in my bar!” Noah yelled from across the room.

  “That’s June’s ex. The prick who told her she was fat,” Reed told Noah as Carter and Jackson continued to stare each other down.

  “That’s him?” Noah grumbled, his tone pissed and curious at the same time.

  Out of Carter’s peripheral, he saw Noah round the bar, step up to the front door, and heard the lock clicked into place. Noah knew what was about to happen and wanted to make sure no humans happened to step inside, just in case either or all of the men decided to Shift into their animal forms. Although, if that happened, they would likely tear the shit out of Noah’s bar. Three bears – four if Noah decided to join in – four wolves, a male lion, and four leopards were bound to take up just about every space of this place.

  Jackson’s eyes left Carter’s face long enough to watch Noah’s movements then returned. “Guess you’re real big with your crew around, huh?”

  Carter snorted. “You really think I need my friends to fight my battles?”

  “You’re really willing to get your ass kicked over a fat ass trailer trash bitch?”

  “Well, shit,” Reed muttered a second before Carter lunged from his chair and at Jackson.

  Jackson only hesitated a half second, but that was all Carter needed. Carter had him dangling a couple of inches off the ground, his hand wrapped around the fucker’s throat.

  “What did you call my mate?” Carter growled. It was more bear than Carter, a testament to how pissed both sides of him were.

  Chairs scraped from Jackson’s group. Carter didn’t pay them any attention; his friends were right behind him. They’d make sure this shit stayed fair. Not that he didn’t think he could take the four males, but he had nothing against them. This whole thing was between Carter and Jackson.

  “You’re going to kill him. And then June will be pissed because you’ll be late for your wedding. You know, since you’ll be sitting before the Council,” Reed said.

  “Brother,” Colton said from beside Carter, laying a hand on his bicep. “Let him go. He’s turning blue.”

  With one quick shake, Carter opened his hand and let Jackson fall into a heap at his feet.

  Jackson stayed on his knees for a few seconds, his hand rubbing his throat as he wheezed and sucked air into his neglected lungs. Then the idiot had the balls to stand and square off with Carter, standing so close they were practically nose to nose.

  “You can have her. She’s not worth it. Did she tell you she didn’t even finish school? Dumb bitch had to do night classes. Her fat ass couldn’t even –”

  Carter had no idea what else Jackson had to say. He didn’t give a fuck. He shut the fucker’s mouth with a back hand across his face. It wouldn’t knock him out, but it sure as fuck humiliated him.

  Jackson’s face turned purple as he straightened and glared at Carter, his jaw clenched so tightly a muscle ticked in his cheek.

  “Let’s go, man,” one of his friends said.

  Carter didn’t need to look behind him to know all his friends were on their feet. Definitely not good odds for the leopards.

  “You never deserved her. You’re nothing. Trash. Shit on the bottom of my shoe. If I ever hear you came around her again, I’ll beat you to a pulp. You hear me? I’ll make sure your jaw no longer works so she’ll never have to hear another word out of your mouth.”

  Jackson’s nostrils flared. He didn’t say anything. Didn’t argue. Didn’t have any more insults. He just backed up until his ass hit a table. One of his friends clapped a hand on his shoulder and urged him around the table and toward the door.

  Noah clicked the lock out of place and shoved the door open. “You want him barred?” Noah asked Carter.

  “Nah. Let that fucker come back in and see how a real man treats his mate,” Carter taunted, his eyes glued to Jackson’s. He might be mistaken, but it sure as fuck looked like Jackson was about to cry.

  Even after Jackson was gone and the door was closed, Carter continued to vibrate with anger. He should’ve slapped him around, done everything he could to make Jackson feel as small and insignificant as he’d made June feel through the years. He should’ve dragged his dumb ass to wherever June was and made him get on his knees and apologize.

  “I warned Lola in case they run into Jackson,” Reed said from behind Carter.

  He turned and narrowed his eyes on Reed. “Fuck. I didn’t want June to know what happened.”

  “I told her not to say anything. As long as Nova doesn’t find out, it should stay a secret,” Reed said with a wide grin as if he was proud of his joke.

  “He’s not lying,” Gray said with a shrug as he lifted his bottle to his lips.

  “You good?” Luke asked. His eyes were glowing bright amber and his nostrils were flared. He’d been ready for a brawl and was probably a little peeved he didn’t get a chance to crack someone’s skull.

  “Yeah. I’m good,” Carter said, clapping a hand on Luke’s shoulder as he passed to lower into his seat.

  “Hell yeah, he’s good! He’s getting married tomorrow!” Reed yelled, causing his friends and a few surrounding tables to whistle, catcall, and clap.


  “You did what?” June said, her voice a tad shrill in Carter’s ear.

  “Hey. I didn’t kick his ass. That was a lot more challenging than you’d think,” Carter said, staring up at the dark ceiling in Colton’s spare room and wishing he was lying beside June. Even if she was just a cabin over, it felt more like miles away.

  A sniffle came over the line and Carter sat straight up.


  “You’re so damn sweet,” she said, her voice thick with emotion.

  Okay. Those were happy tears.
He still didn’t like them, though. He preferred her smile. He preferred the glow to her skin after they made love or when she threw her head back and laughed that throaty sound he fucking loved so much.

  “He really cried?” she asked, a soft giggle in her voice.

  “I mean, there weren’t tears streaming down his face, but his eyes sure as hell looked glassy to me.”

  This time, her giggle turned into a full belly laugh. Much better. He liked that sound way better.

  “I miss you,” he breathed into the phone as he laid back down. He really should end the call so she could get some sleep. He needed her to be full of energy and well rested for the day he’d planned for her.

  “You just saw me an hour ago,” she said around a laugh.

  “And? That was an hour ago. That’s a long time in dog years.”

  “Except neither of us are canines,” she teased.

  The line went quiet and Carter pictured her lying on her side, smiling, her hand under her cheek.

  “We should get to sleep. Big day tomorrow,” Carter said, closing his eyes and pretending she was lying beside him on this tiny ass bed.

  “Yeah,” she said, her voice a whisper. “Carter?”

  “Yeah, Minx?”

  She giggled at his nickname he’d called her in the very beginning.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” Carter said.

  “Good night.”

  “Night, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  It took a second for either of them to end the call. Carter waited until her end of the line went silent before setting his phone on the nightstand.

  He couldn’t fucking wait until morning.

  Chapter Twelve

  June stood in the bedroom, turning from side to side, checking her reflection in the mirror over the dresser. Peyton and Lola had done an incredible job on her makeup and hair. She looked elegant without being too fancy. She’d chosen a simple navy colored dress that cut in at her waist, then flared out at her hips. It was slimming and flattering, and frankly, made her boobs look awesome. And according to all the women, the color made her eyes pop.

  She looked like herself, just polished and ready for something special. Like her wedding day. Or marriage day, as she and Carter had begun to call it since there would be no wedding or celebration. That was something she kind of regretted. Maybe they should’ve put it off a couple of weeks so they could at least plan a party at their cabin after. It wasn’t like they knew all that many people. All of Big River and Blackwater would fit comfortably in their home, and they could grill outside.

  Whatever. She wouldn’t let that dampen her mood. She was beyond excited. When Carter first brought it up, she’d thought he was teasing or just caught up in the mood. But the more he talked about it over the last three days, the more excited she grew, as well. June Gillespie-Simpson. She couldn’t wait to start practicing her new signature.

  She couldn’t wait to see him. Shawnee demanded he sleep at her and Colton’s house last night while Shawnee stayed with June. And then all the women showed up on the front porch just after dawn. They brought breakfast and made mimosas and just had fun while getting June ready. June didn’t even know if Carter had bought new clothes or if he’d just show up in his usual sexiness. Really, she didn’t care. She loved him just the way he was, rugged, run down clothes and all.

  “My dad’s here. You ready?” Nova asked, unusually subdued. June had expected her to be bouncing off the walls and crowding June all day. Instead, once she was ready, Nova had disappeared and left June to get her mind right. Whatever the hell that was supposed to mean.

  June looked at her reflection once more, blew out a shaky breath, and nodded. “Yeah. I’m ready.”

  Sliding her feet into a pair of pumps – it was so nice to wear any kind of heels and still be shorter than her man – June followed Nova through the cabin and onto the porch. And then she froze. In the time June had was inside, getting ready and working up the nerve while waiting for Alan, her people had turned the territory into something out of a magazine. There were lights crisscrossing over a space where they’d arranged a few tables and chairs. The tables had what looked like plastic cloths in varying autumn colors. There were potted mums everywhere. And they’d even arranged a faux aisle for her to walk down.

  And at the end of that aisle was Carter in a navy shirt almost identical to her dress, dark jeans, and a new pair of shoes making him look even hotter than normal. She was surprised that was even possible. A smile bisected her face as she tried to take it all in and stepped off the porch.

  Noah and Luke moved to either side of her while Lola moved forward and handed her a bouquet of mums. June frowned up at Noah, surprised he and Hollyn were there instead of at work.

  “Shut the place down. Only get married once,” he grumbled when he caught her confused look.

  She wasn’t aware she could be any happier, feel any more loved, until Noah uttered those words. Carter’s Clan accepted her in as one of their own without batting an eye. Her Clan. This was her Clan now, too.

  June couldn’t take her eyes off Carter as she walked toward him, her arm looped through Noah’s arm while Luke gently cupped her other elbow. Colton stood beside Carter, acting as a best man or witness. Well, she needed a bridesmaid.

  Slowing her steps, June looked at all the women watching her. She couldn’t choose just one of them. They’d all been so kind to her since the beginning. And then her eyes fell on little Rieka who was waving her chubby hand at June, her slobby smile revealing two teeth.

  Pulling away from the guys, she moved closer to Rieka. “Want to be my maid or honor?” she asked the toddler to a chorus of ‘awww’s from the girls. Rieka looked to her mom, who smiled and set the girl on her feet, then held her hand up to June.

  The two of them walked slowly toward Carter, Colton, and Alan. Her mate’s smile was so wide and his body vibrated with chuckles at June’s choice in bridesmaid. She’d rather have had all of them standing as her witnesses, but then that would only leave the guys standing there watching. Too awkward.

  Within in moments of Alan’s speech, Rieka became bored and hurried back to her parents. That was fine. The statement had been made. She smiled to herself as she wondered if anyone had caught a picture of the baby standing up there with the bride and groom in her frilly burgundy jumpsuit and sweater.

  Carter’s smile never faded as Alan went through the whole we are gathered here deal. He mouthed I love you twice and she swore his eyes were glassy with unshed tears. She got it. She was feeling overly emotional, too. But the girls had spent way too much time on her makeup for her to ruin it with a few tears.

  June didn’t really hear most of what Alan said. All she could focus on was the man standing in front of her, his hands gripping hers, his thumb gently making circles on the back of her hands. He was hers. Forever. They’d marked each other before they even knew each other, but their animals had known. They’d forced them to get to know each other better. And she was so thankful for that.

  By the time the ceremony was over, the sun was setting behind the trees and the air was growing cooler. Apparently, Carter and the others had thought of that, too. Four firepits had been arranged around the space and Reed and Hollyn moved to light them.

  June’s eyes flew wide when she realized Hollyn wasn’t using matches or a lighter; she was lighting it with her bare hands.

  Hollyn straightened and caught June staring. She looked around then shrugged. “I’m a Fairy. Elemental Fairy. My gift is fire. You’re a part of the family now, so might as well know everything.” Then she moved on to the next fire pit as if what she’d just said was nothing. Guess to Hollyn and anyone else who knew, it wasn’t. Shocked the crap out of June, though.

  Like a choreographed dance, the women went into Colton’s and Shawnee’s cabin and carried out platters while the men all filed into Noah’s and Hollyn’s and carried out more platters along with bottles of champagne and glasses.

bsp; “When did you all do this?” June asked, in total awe they were able to pull this off right under her nose. Whenever she left the territory to go shopping, she’d been with the women from her Clan, Big River, and even Carol and Constance her former Pride, and Luna and Amber from Hope Pride.

  “It was Carter’s idea,” Callie said with a sweet smile as she pulled the plastic off the tray she’d carried.

  The food was nothing fancy, just some simple dollar sandwiches and sides. And the champagne flutes were plastic. But it was perfect. It was all perfect.

  June turned to Carter who stood behind her, a mushy, loving look all over that handsome face she loved.

  “When did you even have time?” she asked, moving into his chest when he held his arms out to her.

  “It was mainly the girls,” he admitted.

  “Women,” Emory corrected, but Carter kept talking.

  “They made sure you were gone long enough for us,” he said, waving his hands among himself and the guys, “to get everything here and hidden. Nova, Callie, and Peyton got the food and Lola and Emory put it all together and arranged it on the trays. We all decorated.” He looked around at the simple yet romantically elegant decorations.

  “Thank you,” June said, feeling a tad weepy. “All of you. I love it.”

  Swiping the tears away, June smiled wider when music began to pour from a speaker on Colton’s porch. They ate and drank and laughed. Then they danced and drank some more and laughed some more. Even Rieka busted a few moves on the makeshift dance floor.

  When everyone finally bid their farewells, Nova carrying Rieka who was sound asleep and Lola nestling Grace against her chest, it was close to midnight. And the guys all had to work the next day.

  June was whipped. Her feet hurt and she’d eaten too much and drank too much champagne. It had all just tasted way too good.


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