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Trusting Love (South Coast Brothers Book 3)

Page 9

by Kacey Hamford

  “Please, Mason,” she panted. “I need you in me.”

  I wasn’t going to deny her what she wanted, I pushed inside in one long thrust, her warmth enveloping me; her wetness made it easy to move. With the hold I had on the back of her neck, I pulled her body down and I drove deeper into her, capturing her mouth in a tantalising kiss. She pulled her legs up to my sides.

  “Harder, please, harder!” she called out. I unhooked my arm from under her and pulled her legs up so the back of her thighs were resting against my body. As I bent forward to start moving again, I was pushing her legs closer to her chest.

  “You don’t need harder, you need deeper,” I panted, not letting up on my fast pace.

  “Yes, yes,” she agreed with me. I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead, I pushed my hands down on her legs and increased my speed once more, I just had to hold off a little bit more, I wanted to feel her coming around me first. Seconds later, she was calling out my name, her body was squeezing me and I shot off, the pleasure riding up my back and my body hummed.

  “Fuck, that was hot.” I smiled as I released the hold I had on her legs and she dropped them to the bed. She hadn’t said anything, her chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace. “You ok?”

  “Hmmm mmmm.” I laughed at her tired voice and I pulled out of her and ripped the condom off, tying a knot in the end and throwing it in the bin. I placed my arm back under her back and raised her off the bed, pulling the duvet down and settling her on the cool sheets. She sighed in pleasure as her eyes fluttered closed. I climbed in beside her and pulled her into my body.

  “I love you.”

  “Love you,” she mumbled, sleepily.

  Chapter 16


  I groaned as I woke up and stretched, I hadn’t slept that well in I don’t know how long.

  “You ok?” Mason whispered from behind me into my ear.

  “Mmm hmm. Just aching, but in a good way.” I smiled as I rolled over to face him. I placed my hand on his stubbled jaw and looked into his pale blue eyes, those were eyes I could get lost in forever. Forever? I liked the sound of that and for the first time in a long time that didn’t scare me.

  “Will you tell me what happened to your dad and sister?”

  Mason groaned as he turned away from me slightly and laid on his back. He raised the arm closest to me in the air and looked at me, nodding his head to tell me to curl up with him. I placed my head on his tattooed chest and traced the lines of the tribal dragon that covered it.

  “I had been patched into the crusaders for about six years, I lived here. This was my life, my dad was a member too but he suffered from a heart attack scare and mum made him cut back. No long rides, no stress and no living at the clubhouse. I mean, they had their home too but once we were older, sometimes they would stay here, it was just easier.” I nodded, I completely understood that, a lot of bikers had their own homes as well as the clubhouse. I wonder why Mason didn’t?

  “Anyway, dad was always on at me as I didn’t visit very often and once my sister came home pregnant refusing to tell us who the baby’s dad was, I started spending more time with them. Katie went off and moved to London a few years earlier.”

  “Was she older than you?”

  “Yeah but only by two years. I was spending a day at home with the family on a wet Sunday, we were watching movies and playing board games, you know all the cheesy family stuff.” No, I didn’t know. My parents had never spent that sort of time with me, I was always told to entertain myself.

  “Katie wanted some ice cream, a particular flavour as she was craving it. Dad didn’t want her driving in the rain so he took her.”

  He told me everything that had happened with them, how Emily was born and how his mum had full custody of her as they didn’t know who her dad was. He was emotional and I was happy that he had shared that part of his life with me. I loved that behind closed doors he was exactly who I needed, a strong, passionate man who loved his family. His no nonsense attitude when he was in VP mode was hot as hell to watch too. I raised his arm in the air so I could look at what time it was on his watch.

  “I’ve gotta get up,” I grumbled, rolling away from him. “Today is my first day at work and Dan said about some paperwork that I needed to fill in so I’m gonna head in early.” I swung my legs over the side of the bed and raised my arms above my head, stretching out my sore muscles again. I yelped when Mason grabbed my hips and pulled me back against him.

  “You’re teasing me,” he whispered in my ear.

  “I’m not, I’m just stretching.” I smiled at the thought that I could wind him up so easily. I knew that I had a decent figure, big breasts, slim hips and a flat stomach with a horrible scar that was slowly fading with the cream that Mason gave me to use. But nothing made me smile more than knowing that Mason couldn’t keep his hands off me.

  I wiggled my way out of his grasp and headed into the bathroom, I didn’t want to be late on my first day of work. I was excited to be doing something different, maybe this way, once I was earning a decent wage, we could look into getting our own house. I liked staying at the clubhouse, it was familiar, I felt safe and protected even when Mason wasn’t there but I didn’t want us being there in the long term.

  I was rinsing the shampoo out of my hair as the bathroom door opened, I looked through the steamed glass to find Mason leaning against the bathroom sink, one foot crossed over the other and his hands gripping onto the sink behind him.

  “Why don’t you have your own house?”

  “Never needed one, babe.” His eyes were watching every part of my body as I got myself ready for the day. I turned off the shower, opened the glass door and grabbed the towel that was laying on the closed toilet seat.

  “Do you like living here? At the clubhouse?” I bent over, wrapped in my towel to towel dry my hair, I didn’t want it dripping down my back. When I looked up at him he was staring at my ass and not answering the question. “Mason?” His eyes shot to mine and he winked at me.

  “Yeah, I like living here. Don’t you?” He scratched his stubble on his face with his hand as he turned around towards the sink to fill it up with water.

  “Yeah, I do. I’d just like for us to have our own place too. Once I’m earning good money, then we can afford it.”

  “I can afford it, babe.” He splashed water onto his face and covered it in shaving foam.

  “What do you mean you can afford it? Wait, why are you shaving?” I grasped his arm to stop him taking the first glide with his razor.

  “It’s itching. I’ve lived here for the last ten years, earnt money and never spent it, except for my bike.” I watched as he ran the razor down his cheek, I was trying to remember if I had ever seen him stubble free. He laughed at me watching him. “Aren’t you going to be late?”

  “Shit, yeah.” I hurried through the open bathroom door and got ready for my day. I decided on a simple pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt. I couldn’t be bothered to blow dry my hair, I plaited it so it fell over my left shoulder.

  “I’ll walk you down,” Mason said as he engulfed me in his arms from behind and rubbed his smooth face against mine. I actually liked it, it was soft.

  “Don’t be silly. I’ll be fine. See you in a few hours.” I squeezed his forearms that were wrapped around my middle and he loosened his grip so I could face him. “Love you.” I stretched up on my tiptoes and planted a kiss on his lips.

  “Love you too, call me if you need me.” I nodded, kissed him again and headed out of the clubhouse and down the beach.



  I was glad that I had opened up to Cammie and told her about my family, I never wanted there to be secrets between us, well except for the club business ones. I wouldn’t put her in danger by telling her anything.

  After I had my morning smoke, I needed coffee. I was in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil when the kitchen door opened. I looked over my shoulder and was surprised to see Cammie walking i

  “Hey, you ok? Why aren’t you at work? What did they do to you? Do I need to kick some ass?” I had my hands gripped firmly onto Cammie’s hips and looked at her directly in the eye. She was smiling and laughing at me.

  “Calm down, unless you want a fight with the freezer?” I was confused, what was she going on about. “Babe, the freezer at the shop has packed in, all the stock has melted. Dan told me to start next week instead. You making coffee?”

  “Yeah, you want one?” She nodded. “Go and sit down and I’ll bring it over.” She proceeded to sit at the breakfast bar as I poured the hot water into the two mugs.

  “Morning,” Blade grumbled as he lumbered into the kitchen clutching hold of two baby bottles.

  “Hi, how’s Heather?” Cammie asked him. I picked up the two mugs and placed one in front of her, she smiled at me and then focused back on Blade, waiting to hear his answer.

  “Not great, we’re heading home today. Daisy doesn’t want to be helped and it’s upsetting Heather being here.” He filled the kettle up with water and flicked the switch to boil it.

  “Oh, I was hoping you were going to stay longer. I miss you all.” She pouted.

  “Yeah, about that… How do you fancy coming back for a few days? Ashlyn too?” He leant against the kitchen side looking at her.

  “Oh, I would love that.” She clasped her hands together excitedly. “Babe, you don’t mind do you?” She looked over to me, her eyes were lit up and although I didn’t want her to go, didn’t want to be apart from her, how could I say no?

  “I’m not overly happy about it,” I complained, taking a sip of my coffee. She jumped off her stool and rounded the breakfast bar to stand in front of me.

  “It’ll only be for a few days, Heather needs me.”

  “Fine, but Drake goes with you.” I needed to know she was safe, Devon was the place those scumbags took her and although we knew they were in Cornwall now it didn’t put my mind at ease, what if they were watching her or Ashlyn? Wanted them back?

  “We don’t need a prospect with us, we’ll have Blade.” She dismissed what I had demanded. I could feel the agitation on my skin.

  “Cammie,” I warned her.

  “Fine, ok… I’m going to tell Ashlyn, then I need to pack.” She pecked me on the lips and rushed towards the kitchen door.

  “Let’s surprise Heather later?” Blade said before she left the room, she nodded and strolled away.

  “Thanks, man,” I said to Blade who now had the milk for the babies ready.

  “What?” He chuckled, he knew exactly how I was feeling.

  “I have to be separated from my girl now, not happy.” I walked over to the sink, rinsed my cup out and placed it in the dishwasher. The Prez’s Old Lady was always on at us to clean up after ourselves, that’s what the club bunnies were for, right?

  “I’m sure you’re dick can cope for a couple of days.” He laughed as he ambled towards the kitchen door, the bottles in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

  “Don’t think it can, man.”

  “You’ve always got a hand.” He winked as he left the room, laughing. I bet he thought it was a big laugh taking my Old Lady away from me, it wasn’t just about sex for me, it was knowing that she was safe.

  Chapter 17


  “VP, do not go in all guns blazing. We don’t want to have to bring you out in a body bag. Keep a cool head about it,” Prez said to me as the six of us were crouched down talking behind our large van. We were at the Satans new clubhouse in Cornwall, I was out for blood and there were only two people on my radar; Preppy and Switch. “We get what we came here for, Preppy and Switch. No one messes with our girls, I won’t have Cammie and Ashlyn in fear, them constantly looking over their shoulders. They need peace and we’re going to give it to them.”

  “We can kill everyone else though?” Toes asked.

  “Let’s end this club once and for all,” Prez announced. “Titch, you stay here with the van. Get it ready for when we bring Preppy and Switch out.”

  “Got it, Prez.”

  “Everyone has seen the Intel, we know who we’re looking for. Let’s go and get them, boys.”

  We had hashed out the plan in church today, Solar and Toes were taking the back entrance, Tat was going to get anyone outside that tried to escape with the back up from Titch and me and Prez were going in through the front door.

  We stayed low as we dodged around the cars, bins and anything that would keep us hidden. There was no one outside and only a few lights were on inside. As far as we knew, the Satans were no longer a big club after Blade and his club stormed their clubhouse and killed everyone in sight.

  “Shit!” Prez swore as we heard gun shots. We took off running towards the front of the abandoned warehouse. I kicked the door open and Prez entered first, shooting as soon as he was inside. I followed him in, two dead bikers were laying in the open plan room and there wasn’t a lot of furniture which made it easier to see if anyone was trying to hide. I kept my gun up and aimed in front of me at all times, ready to shoot. We heard a commotion at the other end of the house and marched our way towards it.

  We stopped dead in our tracks when we were face to face with Preppy and Switch, they both had a gun each to Solar and Toes’s head.

  “Looky what we got here,” Preppy laughed. “We’ve caught ourselves some Cornish Crusaders.” Prez and I both had our guns pointed at them.

  “Drop them,” Switch demanded. When we didn’t lower our guns he shouted, “Or does your club want to be down four members, a VP and a Prez as well?”

  I saw out of the corner of my eye that Prez was lowering his gun and although I didn’t want to, I had to do the same as well. We were not going to lose two brothers, not here, not tonight.

  “What do you want?” Preppy asked. “What are you doing here?” We all stayed quiet and I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, I didn’t want to alert them to it so I stayed still. I was sure it was Tat, looking in through the window. What was he planning?

  “Answer me!” Preppy yelled, pushing the nose of his gun further into Toes head. We stayed quiet and I noticed his eyes were flitting around the room, shit, I didn’t want for him to notice Tat so I unleashed my hate towards the pair of them.

  “You, we want you both dead,” I snarled. “You took what didn’t belong to you…”

  “That’s what we do.” Preppy laughed, cutting me off. My blood boiled, rage surged through my body and I lunged towards them, hoping like hell that they wouldn’t pull the trigger. A loud crash echoed around us and a van, our van, with Titch behind the wheel crashed through the side of the building startling us all. Debris flew everywhere knocking us all off our feet. I scrambled to find my gun, these guys were not getting away from us. Solar had Switch pinned to the floor, pounding into his face over and over again and I caught a glimpse of something dark in the corner of my eye, I whipped my head around to see Preppy trying to flee. I aimed my gun and shot at his shoulder, he stumbled and fell to the ground. He attempted to get up and as he did, Tat appeared in front of him and kicked him in the face, knocking him out.


  We had managed to get both Switch and Preppy tied up and in the back of the van, Titch drove them back to the clubhouse as we all followed. They were not getting away from us now.

  Once we had all pulled into the compound, Titch drove straight to the back entrance of the building and we all parked our bikes along the fence by the clubhouse doors. As I climbed off, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. Shit, I didn’t have time for that now. I ignored it and strolled towards where Titch, Toes and Solar were getting Preppy and Switch out of the back of the van.

  “You ok to handle this, VP?” Prez asked me, halting me in my steps.

  “Yeah, I got it. You go be with your family.”

  “Want me to call the doc? For his shoulder?”

  “Na, we’ll let him bleed out for a bit.” I chuckled as Prez slapped me on the shoulder and headed
into the clubhouse.

  Once I got into the back entrance of the clubhouse and down the stairs to the small room under the house, the guys had Preppy and Switch tied up, they were both sitting on the floor tied to large concrete pillars. Solar had done a good job on Switch’s face, he had a cut above his eyebrow, both his eyes were swelling shut and he had a bruise across his jaw.


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