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Stolen to Keep

Page 1

by Alexa Riley

  Stolen to Keep

  Alexa Riley


  Stolen to Keep


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16



  Stolen to Love


  Chapter 1

  Read Me Romance

  Stalk the Author

  Copyright © 2020 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  Stolen to Keep

  by Alexa Riley



  I peek over my shoulder as I grip my backpack tighter. It’s so full of books it weighs almost as much as I do, but I forget about it because I swear someone is watching me. It’s a weird feeling that has the hair on my arms standing up. It's happened more than once and the knot in my stomach grows bigger with worry. I should’ve left the library before it got dark but I lost track of time. I’m not sure how that’s possible when I swear I’ve been counting the seconds since I last heard from my sister.

  I pick up the pace since I’m not far from my small flat. I had to get out for the day and the library is the only place I could think to go that’s cheap and I can focus. Too bad I didn’t get any studying done because my mind kept going back to my sister. Maybe no one is actually following me and I’m going crazy because I can’t get in contact with her. My mind keeps telling me she’s been kidnapped or something, which is nuts.

  I really need to stop listening to those true crime podcasts. I’ve convinced myself some psycho killer has her and there’s absolutely nothing I can do but obsess over her not answering my texts or phone calls or emails. But the thing is, this isn’t like her. We’re always in contact, except when I’m in super-study mode and even then when I reach out to her she always picks up. Last I heard from her, she was going to an interview. I called a million times and finally got out of the company that she did show up to the interview but they couldn’t give me any more information. Since then I can’t find anyone else who’s seen her. I’m still waiting to hear back from her landlord and I’m hoping he can give me something because the police have been no help. I couldn’t even get them to do a safety check for me. They said if I wanted to file a missing persons report I needed to come into the station and do it. That’s not so easy because I’m a whole continent away. It’s not like I can hop on the next flight out of London. I can’t pull thousands of dollars out of my ass, but I’m getting worried.

  I grab my keys out of my pocket and move quickly as the feeling of someone following me lurks. Just as I do, I run into a body and almost knock my keys out of my hand. I mumble an apology as I dart into my building and bypass the elevator. I take the stairs quickly to my floor, then open my door as fast as I can and lock it behind me. I drop my bag and keys and then lean up against the door to catch my breath, feeling momentarily safe. My eyes close as I try and pull it together. My shoulder hurts from whoever I ran into and I feel guilty for not watching where I was going. I have too much other crap to worry about so I’m sure he’s fine. I don’t think he even noticed or moved when I bounced off him and kept going without bothering to look up.

  “You’re not going to cry,” I tell myself, because I don’t ever cry. I might be the younger one between Collins and me, but I tend to have a stronger backbone. I can keep it together better. We were born less than a year apart so people call us Irish twins. We’ve always been close and that bond only grew when we lost our parents.

  This separation has been tough though. We both kept saying that my going off to college in London was a no-brainer decision. I was offered a full ride and given grants that helped pay for my tiny flat. I thought it was the correct decision, but it was hard leaving Collins, and even now being so close to the finish line I’m questioning if I made the right choice. I can’t find my sister, and if I’d been back home I’d know where she was.

  I reach down and grab my backpack and dig out my phone. I check for the millionth time that I have no missed calls or texts from her and it doesn't show that she’s even seen any of my messages. When I track her location nothing comes up and it’s as if the phone is destroyed. That could have happened but I still think she would’ve sent me an email or something to let me know she didn’t have her phone. I pray it’s something simple like she broke her phone and her laptop isn’t working and that she’s not worried about it because she knows I’m getting ready for finals. I’m supposed to be wrapping up my last few research papers and not stressing over where she could be.

  I sit down on the sofa and hold my phone tightly in my hand, willing it to ring. I don’t know how long I stay like that but I jolt awake when I hear my ringtone. I realize I must have dozed off for a second but I grab it up quickly and answer the unfamiliar number.


  “Berkley.” I know the growly tone of Collins’s landlord immediately. And I’m relieved he’s finally calling me back. I’ve been on him for days about checking on her and he’s just now calling me. How hard is it to knock on the door of one of your tenants’ homes and do a simple check-in?

  “Was she there?” I blurt out.

  “Hi to you too,” he scoffs. I clench my jaw, reminding myself he has information I want and if I get snippy he’ll hang up on me.

  “Sorry. Hi, Mr. Jones.” I’m gripping my phone so tightly my fingers start to ache.

  “Hello to you too, Berkley.” I’m going to punch this man if I ever meet him.

  “My sister?” I push as I rub the sleep out of my eyes.


  All the air is sucked out of my lungs as the one word tries to find logic in my mind. Gone? What does that even mean? I drop my hand from my face, feeling numb.

  “Is she—”

  “She broke her lease. It was paid off and her place has been cleaned out.”

  “What?” That doesn't make any sense. “Why did she break her lease?”

  “She didn't, her lawyer did.”

  “My sister doesn't have a lawyer.” Now I know he’s lying. Oh my God, what if he did something with her and he’s trying to cover it up?

  “She not only has a lawyer but she had a whole moving crew and a few men in suits roaming around. Y’all win the lottery or something?” He clicks his tongue like he’s the one trying to put the pieces together.

  What is this man talking about? “I. Can’t. Find. My. Sister.” I yell each word through the phone so he can get on my level. He’s not understanding the severity of what’s going on here. No one is because I can’t get anyone to listen to me.

  “Maybe she doesn't want to
be found. I don’t know what to tell you.” With that, he hangs up on me.

  My eyes fill with tears. He was my last hope. I’m more confused than before and a small spark of hope lights in my chest that maybe something crazy did happen. What if she did have a lawyer and moving crew? Did she get a kickass job that let her move and she’s been too busy getting it together to tell me? Either way, I know I have to go find out for myself.

  I grab my backpack and pull out my laptop. I search through flights, thinking a last-minute one probably isn’t going to be possible. I don’t have the money for this. I have an emergency credit card but it wouldn't be enough to cover the flight.

  I find a pen and do the math because there’s no choice. If I don't find out she’s okay, I’ll fail all my classes anyway. There’s no way I’ll be able to think about anything else until I know what’s going on.

  I jump when a loud knock sounds at my door. I sit there for a second thinking it must be for my neighbor since no one comes to my place. The knock sounds again and this time it’s louder.

  My adrenaline spikes when I wonder if maybe it’s Collins. I jump off the sofa and run to the door.

  “Collins?” I call out as I yank it open. I should’ve looked through the peephole, because this is very much not Collins.

  I go to slam the door in the big man's face. His hand swings out and catches it before I get it shut.

  “I know where Collins is,” he says, his eyes roaming up and down my body. He looks me over and his lips twitch in an annoyingly handsome way.

  “Why should I believe you?” I ask.

  He sticks his foot out so I can’t close the door as his hand drops away. Now it’s my turn to take in my fill of him while he fishes his phone out of his pocket. He’s tall and solid with short hair on the sides and shaggy hair on top. He seems relaxed, which puts me a little at ease but something about him says money. Could this be one of the suits Mr. Jones was talking about? My impatience grows as I wait, even though it’s only been a second or two.

  When he holds up his phone I see my sister asleep in a hospital bed and my stomach drops. Next to her bedside, a man is holding her hand. He looks a little like the one standing in my doorway.

  “Believe me now?”

  Chapter One


  A week later…

  “Where are you going?” I look up from my bag and see X standing in my bedroom.

  “My door was locked.” I narrow my eyes at him but he just shrugs as he walks over to me.

  “Looks to me like you’re planning on going somewhere. Shall I take a wild guess?”

  I ignore him as I go back to my dresser and grab a few things, knowing I can get what I don’t have later.

  “I’m surprised you lasted this long, to be honest.” I can hear the smirk in his voice. “How long has she been gone, six hours?”

  “Nine,” I correct, but try not to let him get under my skin.

  “She must have you by the balls.” X is trying to bait me and it’s working.

  “How’s Lula?” It’s a cheap jab but it hits the mark.

  “I don’t know and don’t care.”

  “Liar.” I smile at him, then zip my bag closed and walk out of my room. He’s right behind me as I go to the living room and grab a couple of things.

  “So that’s it, huh? You’re just going to get on a plane and chase after her.” He huffs like he’s personally offended. “What’s happening to us? We used to be brothers.”

  “We still are,” I snap at him, and he walks over to the wall of glass that faces the beach. “Are you serious right now, X?”

  “It just feels like we’re drifting.”

  I shove my charger in the side of my bag as I let out a sharp breath. “Maybe it feels that way to you, but that’s not how I see it.” When he doesn’t turn around to face me, I keep going. “Our brother found the woman of his dreams and fell head over heels in love with her. Why can’t you understand that it doesn’t mean we lose him, it means we gain a sister? He’s not replacing the part of him that loves us with her, he’s bringing her into our world. That’s the whole point of this place. It wasn’t always meant to be a secret hideout for just the three of us. We all wanted to raise our families here, you included.”

  “Plans change,” is all he says, still not looking at me.

  “I’m not going to stay here and sulk with you. I’ve got a plane to catch.”

  Finally he turns around but doesn’t move from the spot by the windows. “You mean a plane to sneak on to?”

  “Call it what you will, but I’m not staying here while Berkley is in London. She needs protection.”

  “Kade sent security with her.”

  “Would that be enough for you?” His mouth tightens slightly and I know I’ve hit my target. “While big brother is being a newlywed, I’m getting off of this island before he knows I’m gone. And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t rat me out.”

  X rolls his eyes and shoves his hands in his pockets. “I don’t agree with you leaving but I’m not a snitch. Just get back here as soon as you can. I don’t know what Kade is trying to keep from us, but it’s bad enough that he won’t let us leave.”

  “That’s where you come in, middle child,” I say, tossing him a thumb drive. “I swiped that from Kade’s office right before the ceremony. Find out what’s on there and tell me what you find. I’ll be in the air for a while but I’ll check my emails when I land.”

  “Will do,” he says, looking down at the drive and turning it over in his hands. “Why would he keep this from us?”

  “Because he’s a hero?” I shrug, and X lets out a humorless laugh.

  He comes over to me and for a second I think he’s going to say something but he pulls me into his arms and wraps me in a hug instead. “Watch your ass. I’m not over there to look after you.”

  “Keep her safe,” I say, and we both know who I’m talking about even though he doesn’t answer me.

  I grab my bag and slip out the back door of my place on the beach before I make my way to the landing strip. I convinced one of the flight teams to ready a plane for Kade and Collins for a surprise destination honeymoon. I thought it would be the best way to do it discreetly.

  “Mr. Vaughn, are you here to bring your brother’s bag?” Avery, the pilot, looks at the bag I’m holding, and then his skeptical eyes sweep over my shoulder before coming back to me.

  “Change of plans. We’re going to London.” I pat him on the shoulder as I climb the steps up the plane and settle in.

  When he comes in after me he checks his watch and then raises an eyebrow. “I’m guessing we’re on the tail of the plane that left out of here just a few hours ago?”

  “You are correct.” I grab the bottle of water next to me and take a drink. “No time to waste.”

  “Yes, sir,” he confirms, and the crew readies for takeoff.

  Once we’re in the air I feel better than I have since Berkley left the island. I might not be closer to her yet, but I’m in motion. There’s a lot of things that are still uncertain, like what danger our family is in, and how I’m going to convince Berkley to come back to the island with me. But one thing I know for sure is that I can’t let her get away. She slipped through my fingers the second she took off to London and I’m not going to let it happen again.

  This time, when I show up on her doorstep, I’m keeping her.

  Chapter Two


  I toss and turn in bed, unable to find sleep again. Between the time change and poring over my books, my mind isn't going to let me fall back asleep. I should get up and get back to studying instead of lying here doing nothing.

  “Not as comfortable as my Egyptian cotton sheets.”

  I let out a scream and sit up, turning on the lamp. My small bedroom fills with light and my hand goes to my chest over my racing heart.

  “Vaughn!” I snap at him. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  He smirks. Typical. I want to smack the exp
ression off those perfect lips of his but nothing gets to him. He’s always calm, cool, and collected. I saw him get in a straight-up fist fight with his brothers with blood dripping from his mouth and still he smirked.

  “This place doesn't look like you,” he comments, glancing around my empty bedroom.

  He’s parked himself in the chair in the corner of the room. It’s where I always throw my crap when I’m getting dressed and now I see all my stuff that was in the chair is folded nicely and sitting on the floor. He looks ridiculous in the tiny chair with his giant frame. If my heart wasn't still racing and irritation creeping up my spine I might laugh. But I can’t break because that’s not how Vaughn and I play. He annoys me just to get a rise out of me and I always give it to him for some reason. I don’t know why he can get to me so easily, even when I try to ignore him. It’s impossible to ignore him when he appears in my bedroom out of nowhere like a ninja. Someone so big cannot be that quiet.

  “It’s just a place to crash.” It might be sad, but it isn’t my home. It’s where I stay and nothing more.

  I didn't make it a home on purpose and I don't have plans to stay once I’m done. I’m going to finish school then go back to the States to my sister. At least, that was the plan before. Now I don't have one and I have no clue what I’m going to do after graduation.

  “You hungry?” he asks, leaning forward in the chair. It groans under his weight and I snort a laugh.


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