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Stolen to Keep

Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  I drop down into his lap not so gracefully and harder than I need to. I’m still a little miffed at being bossed around, but I’m here nonetheless.

  “I know I told you to stay out of that head about this.” His hand comes up to cup my face. “But we’re going to a hotel tonight then back to the island after your last exam.”

  “I know.” That’s been the plan, but what happens when everything settles? “I said from the beginning I’d come back. I promised my sister,” I remind him.

  “Yeah, I know, but you’re coming back with me.” He punctuates the word “me.” “Staying with me.”

  I lick my lips as I lean into him. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” I admit, and it’s the truth.

  “Good, because you don’t have much of an option.” There’s that smirk I’ve grown to love and I narrow my eyes on him.

  “You better watch it,” I warn playfully.

  “Trust me, sweet thing. I’m always watching it when it comes to you.”

  Chapter Nine


  She’s on her final exam of the day and only has tomorrow before she’s finished. God, I’ll be glad when this is over, and I’m not the one having to worry about taking a test on top of the stress. I’ve been checking in with security while I had her flat cleared out and the boxes sent to the island. Most of the furniture is staying and she only has one or two suitcases that need to stay until tomorrow.

  I plan on getting her the hell out of here the second she puts her pencil down on the final test. Everything is putting me on edge lately and I’m tired of worrying about shadows.

  “That’s the last of it,” I say to the head of security as I hand over the key to her flat.

  He nods and adds it to the envelope with a nice stack of cash for the landlord. I don’t want any problems or someone trying to come after us once we’re gone. A few bills will go a long way to smooth that out.

  “She’s still in the East Hall,” he confirms before I even have to ask.

  “Thank you. I’ll let Sean drive me over and then I’ll meet you at the hotel.” I grab my bag and nod to the other guys who are cleaning the room of any traceable evidence. We can’t be too careful.

  When I get in the SUV the driver Sean is already behind the wheel. He pulls away from the curb and drives us directly to campus. She’s not far and that’s another reason I wanted to get her out of the flat. I want to put as much reasonable distance as possible between her and the school now that Guzik is on to her.

  I clench my fist as I think about something happening to her. I’m not the type of man to use violence or even get wrapped up in something like this. Before Berkley I would have just taken off and hid on the island where it was safe until this all blew over. I’m a laidback guy who doesn’t get involved in drama, but ever since the first time I saw her, my world has been turned upside down. I was sent to get her and bring her back safe, and suddenly that’s become my life's mission.

  “She’s on the move,” I hear over the intercom, and I check my watch.

  “She finished early.” My brows furrow together and I look to see how much farther we have to go. “Speed it up, Sean.”

  He nods as he hits the gas and it’s an agonizing few minutes before I can finally see the big trees in the distance. There is a large grass field just outside the place where she took her exam, and as soon as Sean pulls up to the curb I’m opening the door and jumping out. I’m not sure the SUV came to a complete stop but I don’t care. I’m not wasting any time getting to her and I couldn’t stop my body if I tried.

  My muscles are tense as I walk quickly through the green and scan the crowd. When I see her in the distance I begin to relax. She looks as if she’s doing the same as her eyes move over everyone and finally land on me. Her eyes widen and then she breaks out into a smile and comes charging in my direction.

  I open my arms just as she nears me and she leaps into them. I smile and close my eyes, spinning her around and kissing her neck. Goddamn, she feels so right in my arms. I know I’ve been telling her not to think about the future, but that’s all I’ve been doing. I’ve had a million fantasies of her and me and our life together on the island. I should take my own advice, but hey, I’m not the one that needs to focus on school.

  “I take it you did well?” I ask between nibbles of her neck. She laughs and winds her legs around my waist. I wish I could fuck her just like this.

  “All thanks to you.” She pulls back, and to my shock she kisses me with as much enthusiasm as she did this morning when I was rubbing my dick on her.

  “I like to think I’ve got excellent tutoring skills.” I remember very distinctly going over her flashcards with her and rubbing her clit every time she got one right.

  She moves her mouth to my ear and I feel her kiss me there. “Every time I got one right I got wet.”

  “Fuck.” I grab her ass and walk back to the SUV with her in my arms. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

  “Shit,” she says, and I pull back to look at her. “I forgot to return my books but I can do it tomorrow.”

  “Good, because I need you on your back.”

  She laughs as I put her in the SUV and climb in after her. Sean hits the privacy screen and I can feel the car pull away from the curb. I move on top of Berkley and she eagerly spreads her legs. We fall into our routine of me rubbing against her, only this time it feels like we’re getting closer to the edge. We need more and more each time we touch and we both know exactly where this is headed.

  “Please, Vaughn,” she whispers as she lifts her hips. “Please.”

  I know what she’s begging for, but I’m a man of my word and I won’t break before she’s done with school. The last thing she needs right now is something else to occupy her thoughts and derail her.

  “How about a kiss?” I say, and she makes an adorable grumpy face. “How about a kiss here?” I cup her sex and grip her there, watching her eyes widen.

  Before she has a chance to answer I’m untying her pants and opening the front of them. When I slip my hand under her waistband I see she wasn’t lying about being wet. Her panties are drenched and my fingers are slick as they slide in between her folds.

  “Jesus, Berkley, how many questions did you get right?” I grunt and surge my fingers into her warmth.

  “All of them,” she moans as she grips my chest and arches her back.

  “You’re so slippery I can hardly stay inside you.” I use my other hand to pull her pants down, kneeling between her legs.

  I lean forward and shove up her shirt as I kiss her bare stomach. I make a path with my tongue to where my hand is and push her panties down to her ankles. Her knees open wide and I kiss up her thigh, working my fingers inside her pussy. We’ve done this plenty before but we’ve never gone this far.

  When I reach her soft mound I use my tongue to divide her lips and she cries out at the first touch. She’s coated in slippery honey and I eat her like a starved animal. Her fingers grip my hair as I suck on her clit and swallow down her desire. She tastes like a sweet tart candy—I can’t get enough.

  “I-I’m going—”

  Before she can finish her sentence she climaxes so hard that it nearly knocks her off the seat. Lucky for her, I’m there to catch her lush ass and keep on going.

  Her cries fill the cabin of the car and I have no doubt if there’s anyone on the sidewalk as we pass by they hear her. But these windows are dark, so when I stare down at her pussy glistening in the light, all I can think about is putting my cock in it.

  “Vaughn,” she whispers softly and spreads her legs in invitation. This little devil is trying to break me.

  “We’re here,” I say and lean down to kiss her pretty pink lips one more time before I lick my fingers clean and help get her dressed.

  “I don’t think I can walk,” she says sleepily, and I gather her into my arms.

  “Good thing you don’t have to.” I open the door of the SUV and step out onto the sidewalk. Her eyes
are closed and I shake my head as I walk into the lobby. “And I’ll be here so you never have to again.”

  Chapter Ten


  I stare down at the submit button on my screen and my finger hovers over it for a moment. I already know I nailed the final even though I’m finished in half the allotted time. This is it. Once I hit submit I’m a college graduate. I’m proud of myself because it was hard leaving my sister behind. I did what I set out to do and not only that but did it with honors.

  I tap the screen and turn into a college graduate. They will have to mail me my degree because I’m not staying to walk across the stage but there isn't anyone to miss me doing it. I made sure not to form attachments here because I knew I’d be leaving. Even if there wasn't this threat out there I would’ve skipped the graduation and gone straight home to my sister. Now I’m racing out of here to get Vaughn.

  I pop up from my seat and grab my bag from off the floor. I look around to see everyone else is still working on their exam and then I glance towards Professor Milly. She gives me a thumbs-up with a big smile. She can see my test score right away and the look on her face reaffirms what I already knew.

  “Thanks,” I mouth and wave goodbye before I walk out of the classroom.

  I pull out my phone to see I have a ton of time left, then I remember my books. I was going to turn them in before my last exam, but Vaughn distracted me again this morning and I was running late. I guess not late, just not early enough to drop them off before my test.

  Seeing I’ve still got time, I make my way toward Professor Brown's office. I emailed him last night that I’d be dropping them off. I want to make sure I return them so the next student who needs them has the chance. I know how grateful I was for him to lend the set to begin with.

  While I’m walking I fish them out of my bag and then fire off a text to Vaughn that I’m done early and will be out in a minute. He went back to our hotel to grab our stuff and check us out and then was coming right back to pick me up. We’re going straight to the island from here and back to paradise.

  I’m excited to see my sister but I’m ready for some quality alone time with Vaughn. I’ll have nothing to worry about there with my classes done and everyone safe and sound. I can explore whatever this thing is that’s grown between Vaughn and me and where it might lead. He hasn't said this is forever and he hasn’t used any words of love, but I feel them and he has to feel this, too. I gave Vaughn a good fight but he pushed through every wall I tried to throw up at him. The man is unstoppable when he wants something. I’m getting now how my sister fell so hard and fast for his brother because I’ve found myself in the same situation.

  I turn the corner and smile when I see Professor Brown’s door is open at the end of the hallway. I’ll be able to leave the books without worry. I kind of hope he has a class right now. I don’t want to make small talk and he’s known to wrap you in conversation if you let him. Normally I don’t care but I’m bursting to get back to Vaughn.

  I pass his classroom, which is connected to his office, and see that it’s empty. My phone vibrates in my hand and I see it’s a text.

  Vaughn: Where are you?

  Me: I went to drop off my books. I’m ready.

  I send my reply and wonder if he’s back here already before I poke my head into Professor Brown’s office.

  “Hey.” He looks up from his phone at the sound of my voice.

  “Berkley.” He smiles and stands from his desk. He comes around and pulls me into a hug, and I freeze for a second, thrown off by it. The books I’m holding are lodged between us and I’m pretty sure one jabs him in the side.

  “Sorry,” I say as I step back and look down to see one of them is bent. Professor Brown just rubs his side with his hand and waves it off.

  “It’s fine.” His eyes flick to the door like someone is behind me, but when I look it’s empty.

  “Thanks for letting me use these,” I say, turning around and holding them out.

  “Of course.” He points for me to put them on his desk, so I walk over and set them down.

  “Well, umm. I guess that’s it.” I stand there hoping he’s not going to give me another awkward hug but he only smiles. Why does this feel weird? I always thought Professor Brown was a little odd, but this is different.

  “Yeah, since you turned down the job,” he reminds me.

  I don't want to teach, at least not at the moment. Maybe one day I’ll change my mind, but right now I’m about to go on an adventure of some kind without a return date. My heart flutters as I think about that.

  “It’s time to go home.” I tell him the same thing I said the first time he asked me about filling the position.

  “You should’ve taken the job.” He shakes his head at me in disappointment. “We would’ve worked well together.” He reaches out and tries to grab the end of my ponytail and I smack his hand away.

  “What the hell?” No wonder this feels weird. He’s being creepy and looks at his hand before giving me a disgusted look.

  “You just made this easier.”

  “What are you—” I’m cut off when a hand lands on my mouth from behind. I scream but it’s muffled and I remember no one was in this hallway when I walked down it. I try and jerk away but I’m only pulled tighter into my attacker.

  I kick out, trying to get away as I’m lifted off the floor and my feet fly in the air. I hit something and I hear a grunt followed by a moan. I think I only got Professor Brown and not whoever has a hold on me. I wrap my hand around my phone like a lifeline as I’m pulled from the room.

  “Got you,” I hear the man say. “Fucking hell, this has been a nightmare.”

  “I’m going to show you a nightmare,” I try and say behind his hand, and I fight harder.

  “They told me dead or alive,” the man says in my ear. “Alive is more money, but I’ll snap your fucking neck if I think you’re going to be a problem.”

  “Not a problem. A nightmare,” I say behind his hand, knowing full well if he gets me out of this building I might as well be dead.

  My mind flashes to Vaughn and how he kissed me before smacking my ass and pushing me toward class. The look in his eyes and the way he watched me as we parted ways. He’ll come for me. If there is one thing I know about Vaughn, it’s that he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. And he wants me.

  Chapter Eleven


  I try calling Berkley the second she doesn’t answer my text. I curse when it goes straight to voicemail and I want to scream. I should have known she would be done early. She knew the material front and back and could answer every question I gave her before it was even out of my mouth. The woman is a fucking genius, so of course she finished her exam an hour before she was supposed to.

  I grit my teeth as Sean pulls up at the curb in front of her building. Normally he’d wait behind the wheel, but I’ve put the team on red alert and we both hop out of the SUV.

  “Are you strapped?” I look over at him and he nods. I don’t like guns, but right now I want Berkley as protected as possible. “Where the fuck is she?” I say, mostly to myself, as we approach the building and there’s no sight of her.

  I had a guard stationed outside her classroom and two at the front of the building, but the one inside is gone and the other two are searching for her as we speak.

  When we go inside I scan the hall and try to think of where she could have gone. What did she have with her when she left the hotel? I look up and see a sign for the teaching lab and something ticks in the back of my mind. Something about a professor needing a book?

  “Shit,” I hiss, taking off down the long hall in a sprint. She mentioned the other day she needed to return a book to the professor of the teaching lab in this building. I was thinking it wasn’t a big deal, but she had her backpack with her this morning so the book was probably in there.

  I hear the boots of the security guys behind me, and when I get to the end of the hall I go around the corner and there�
��s nothing. Just when I’m at a loss for what to do next, an older man comes stumbling out of his office.

  One look at us and he steps backward, then takes off running.

  “Hey!” I shout, chasing after him.

  The old man is slow and falls into the walls as he loses his balance trying to get away. It’s not but a few long strides before I grab him by the back of his shirt and pull him up short.

  “Where is she?” I say through clenched teeth, not bothering to control my anger.

  “W-who?” He holds his arms up in defense as my hand goes around his neck.

  “Where. Is. She.” My words are slow but my temper is anything but cool right now. Something has happened to Berkley and I’ll figure out what.

  Screams pierce the quiet of the hall and I drop him and take off in that direction. Some of the men stay behind to watch him, but my concern is Berkley. By the time I make it to where I think the sound came from, I see a man holding her just make it through the emergency exit right before the door closes.

  “Berkley!” I shout, running as fast as I can down the corridor that seems to be so far away. My legs are heavy and burning as I will them to move faster but I can’t. “Berkley!” I call out again just as I get to the door.

  I burst through and right then I see her in the back window of a white van as it drives down a deserted alley. She’s beating on the glass and I can see the terror in her eyes as I try and chase it down. But the van is too fast and makes a turn before I can reach the edge of the road. By the time I get there it’s already gone.

  My phone blares and I realize I’ve got it in my hand and the number calling me is blocked. I know immediately it can only be one person and I answer it.

  “Where is she?” I say before I hear the cool voice of Peter Guzik on the other end.

  “Vaughn, is it? The baby of the brothers. It’s a shame they sent you out like a sheep for the slaughter.”


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