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Romantic Renovations

Page 11

by Blake Allwood

  Les scooted closer and sighed. “We all make mistakes with people, but not all people are bad. It appears to me like your dad pretty much set you up for your relationship to fail with Frank. That isn’t your fault, it’s his!”

  “Yeah, well, as someone who’s been dealing with the fallout of being my father’s son all his life, I can tell you that isn’t new. And from how things look that’s not gonna change any time soon.”

  “Oh,” Les said. “that reminds me. Tomorrow after our morning segments, I’m supposed to take you to meet a couple of people who are flying in from New York to interview as your security detail. They work for a firm that just expanded to San Francisco and specialize in gay celebrities and other high-profile clients.”

  I laughed. “Gay high-profile clients, huh? That sounds like the beginning of some porn flick.”

  He laughed with me and nodded. “It does some, but I don’t think they’ll be trying to get in your pants.”

  Emmitt left and he and the crew went toward his van. “Ready to eat?” Les asked.

  “Yes!” I exclaimed. “I’m hungrier than I thought!”

  “Good, shall we leave the car here and catch the monorail to Pike Place?”

  I chuckled at the thought. “I can’t tell you how often I’ve taken this same route but not for fun, but to spend a moment in the warmth and get out of the cold, damp Seattle winter.”

  Les put his arm around me when we sat down on the uncomfortable chairs and avoiding my injured arm, gently pulled me into him. When he didn’t say anything, I smiled. It just felt good to be in the company of this man.

  I was overcome with anticipation to eat at the chowder restaurant I’d often dreamed about. It was like being transferred to an alternate universe. I almost expected to be booted out as we walked in the door.

  Even when the homeless had money, the establishments could be more than a little hateful to them, even refusing them service altogether.

  We sat down and perused the menu. I couldn’t decide what I wanted so when the server came over, I asked for what I’d heard the people who came out of the store brag about most: the seafood chowder.

  When it arrived, the aroma, just the look of the creamy texture and the anticipation of tasting something I’d only dreamed about caused emotions to overwhelm me. I almost forgot poor Les and dug in. “Mmm!” I exclaimed as I fell back on the seat. “It’s as good as they said it was.” I glanced up and noticed Les watching me and felt my cheeks sting. “I’m sorry, I’d built this up in my head as a big deal.”

  “No problem, it’s just nice to see you so happy.”

  I blushed deeper, feeling overwhelmed enough I thought I might cry.

  He smiled at me and the sight of his sweet expression caused me to melt a bit inside.

  “There were days when it was so cold, the fog would be thick, kicking out what little warmth the winter sunlight would give. The damp made it that much worse and I’d be sitting right over there.” I pointed to a bench that you could just see outside the window to my right.

  “People would sometimes bring their chowder out with them in a to-go cup and once or twice they’d stand close enough to me that I could smell it. Once a woman even sat next to me and opened the cup. I naively thought she might hand it to me but instead she literally turned the bowl back and took a sip. She moaned, I kid you not, like she was having an orgasm or something. I just stared at her, all my fantasies wrapped up in that moment.

  Of course, the magic bubble popped when she turned toward me and saw the homeless pervert staring at her. There was no way she could tell I was staring at the chowder and not her, so she quickly disappeared. Of course, I had to disappear right after that ‘cause women like her usually found a cop and told them you were trying to molest them or something.”

  I stared out at the bench. “I loved that spot. It was like I could sit there, and watch people come and go and for a moment be transformed into someone else. I was very afraid of losing it. Once the cops kicked you out of a spot, they tended to pick on you whenever you returned. So, I disappeared and didn’t return for a whole two weeks.” I turned back to my bowl, lost in the memories and took another taste, moaning not unlike the woman had done that day as the creamy mixture melted into my mouth. When I looked over at Les, I blushed again. “Oh fuck, I’m really messing this up, aren’t I? I shouldn’t have requested we come here… there’s too many memories.”

  Les came over to my side of the table and sat beside me. He drew me into a hug and kissed me, luckily this time not on the injured side. When he pulled back, a tear slipped out of his eye which he didn’t even try to brush away. “You are so amazing, Bennett. I can’t tell you how awesome it is to sit here and watch you enjoy something like this…” he pointed at my chowder, “...for the first time.”

  I snickered. “You are as mushy as I am.” I said and Les kissed me again before pulling back to smile at me.

  “Now you know my secret,” he replied. “but you’ve got to keep it a secret. Otherwise, our workers will walk all over me!”

  “Nah, they’re terrified of you. It’s sexy as hell.”

  He leaned back and laughed out loud, causing several people in the restaurant to look over.

  Within a few moments, a couple approached us and asked Les for an autograph. I laughed to myself as I thought next to this hunk, I’m still invisible even though I’m no longer homeless and have my own show. I wondered after they started premiering the next season of our show, now that we were doing it together, if that would change. I couldn’t imagine it would. Les was like one of those models you see in cologne ads or on the front of romance novels. He may think I look good, but next to him I was awkward, scrawny, and appeared like I was stuck as an adolescent.

  I insisted that I go to my own apartment that night. “No sex on the first date,” I admonished. “I’m a good girl, I am.” I said, quoting one of my favorite lines from the old musical My Fair Lady.

  “We’ll see about that.” Les said and kissed me in a seductive way.

  He refused to let me travel home alone and followed me into the apartment. He stood outside the door until he heard the latch catch. I thought it was silly...Frank had disappeared and the cops were watching me as well as the other homes anyway, so unless he was really stupid, he’d avoid it, but it felt good to have someone care enough to go through the charade.


  The next morning, I got a call from my attorney who said I should go ahead with the sale. “Were they concerned about the houses?” I asked.

  “We don’t know, and it’s best that we don’t,” he said. “but the DA wasn’t concerned about you selling, so go ahead with the process. Just make sure you keep me apprised about when you are closing. They want to know all that information.”

  I quickly figured out where this was going. They wanted to know who was buying the properties. Whomever it was is more likely to be a suspect than me. If they could figure out who the buyer was, they could figure out if he or she was involved with the murder.

  I immediately called the broker and said we were on and to try to set up the sale ASAP. I needed the cash to do another renovation. Again, I thought it was strange that he didn’t mention his murdered agent.

  It only took a couple hours before he called me back telling me the sale would go through the following Monday, less than a week away. “Cool,” I said. “just let me know what paperwork I need to sign.”

  “Nothing until Monday. We’ll sign everything then.” he told me before hanging up.

  I immediately called the attorney and told him we were closing on Monday morning.

  I could tell he was excited about the news. I had to guess that’s because it took me out of the cop’s direct sight for a moment at least.

  I went back to the project and although my arm was still hurting like hell, I was able to help clean and do odds and ends stepping into the camera’s view when Emmitt or one of the other filming crew wanted to film something but otherwise trying to
stay out of the way.

  Les was focused on a variety of tasks and I really enjoyed watching him as he naturally navigated the work crews. Already, in such a short time, the crews began to respect him and even seemed to want to please him in a way they never did Frank. It was almost erotic to watch, and I deciding to keep my distance from him not wanting to get caught by the crew, especially the film crew, leering at him.

  We went out almost every night that week and even on the weekend enjoying each other’s company. He escorted me home every night, but besides the intensely erotic kisses, he never pushed for more. We were really courting, like from the old days. And although I couldn’t wait until I had those big, rough work hands of his on my body, I really was enjoying the feeling of being dated.

  It made me feel...special somehow. Like I mattered more than a quick fuck. Not that I minded quick fucks… I’ve had plenty of them and they were intensely satisfying when you needed a quick release, but they were nothing compared to a man showing you attention and affection.

  The night before Les’ parents were scheduled to show up, we were both dirty and tired after a particularly tough day on the project. Two crew members screwed up some of the finish work, which was time consuming and costly to replace. One of the filming crew ignored the safety rules and fell off a ladder, spraining his ankle.

  We planned to go out to dinner together, but fuck if that was going to happen. I ended up leaving early to pick up a six pack and ordered a pizza on my way back, intending to just hang out at the job site after the crews left.

  Les met me at the door. He was clearly about to head home.

  “I thought you’d left, not that I could blame you after a day like this one.” he chuckled.

  “No, I went to get us beer and ordered a pizza. I thought we could just hang out and overcome the shit day together.”

  Les dropped his tool belt onto the porch and pulled me into an embrace.

  “You know how to treat a guy.” he said and kissed me deep and hard.

  I purred in his embrace.

  We were about to take it further when the pizza guy showed up.

  I paid and as the guy left, we collapsed on the porch, not unlike the first night we met and ate.

  I leaned into Les and just enjoyed letting his solid ruggedly handsome frame support me.

  We chatted about the day and what Emmitt’s plans were for holding the filming crew accountable so we could avoid future injuries. When Les fell silent, I turned toward him curious why he’d gotten quiet. He was staring into the distance.

  “What’s on your mind?” I asked and he turned toward me.

  “It’s just amazing to me how different you are from my last costar.”

  “You mean I’m not a bitch from hell?”

  Les chuckled. “You are the opposite of that, but you think more about me and the crew’s well-being. Diane only cared about herself. I can honestly say I’m now enjoying working in a way I never thought possible.”

  I smiled. “That makes me happy. I don’t know that I’m doing much other than just rolling with the punches usually, but I am enjoying it too. Besides, I get to kiss on the star at night. Diana never got to do that.”

  Les made a gagging noise and I laughed. “No, that was never in the cards.”

  “Well, maybe if you’d kissed on her a little, she’d have been nicer.”

  Les began to tickle me. I jumped up because I always hated to be tickled but he got a naughty look on his face. “You’re ticklish?”

  “Oh no, seriously Les, no tickling. I take the Diane comments back, just no tickling.”

  Les chased me into the house and when he caught me, we were both laughing hysterically.

  I turned in his arms and was going to say something when our eyes met. When he leaned down to kiss me this time, it was all heat and passion.

  I began undoing his shirt so I could get better access to his broad shoulders. I’d fantasized for a long time what it’d be like to feel his skin exposed to my touch.

  Les reached behind him and pulled his shirt off before I had undone all the buttons. I chuckled. “Eager?”

  “You have no idea.” he said in a rough voice.

  I kissed his nipples and then let my tongue glide over them, enjoying the taste of him.

  A day’s work hadn’t taken the smell of soap off him, and that scent mixed with his natural musky odor. Everything about Les sent me into a sexual frenzy, including his unique scent.

  I dropped to my knees and began to unbuckle his belt. “I want to taste you, Les.” I said, unable to hold back my need to have him.

  When I undid his pants, and found his cock, I pulled it out and admired it. “You are beautiful all over.” I said, as I looked up at him.

  He appeared to be holding his breath, and I chuckled as I took the salty cock into my mouth and continued watching him as he let his breath out and gasped in pleasure.

  “Oh God, Bennett, that feels so good!” he exclaimed and began riding my mouth.

  Les tasted better than I thought, and his thrusts sent me into ecstasy.

  I sucked him down enjoying how his cock fit in my mouth when he pulled back. “Fuck Bennett, it’s been too long… I’m gonna cum!”

  I wasn’t one to swallow, especially the first time but I wanted everything Les had to offer. I didn’t pull back, instead sucking him down deeper and letting his cum coat the back of my throat.

  When I pulled back and met his eyes again, he was staring at me with an expression of lust and wonder.

  “You are so fucking hot.” he said and pulled me up and kissed me passionately.

  When he let me go, he said, “Let’s go to my hotel. I want to do the same thing to you, but I have some other things planned too. Do you mind?” he asked.

  “Fuck no, I don’t mind,” I said, laughing.

  I rode with Les back to his hotel. The entire ride back, Les had his hand in my pants, stroking my cock. If I hadn’t been so turned on, I’m sure I’d have been afraid we’d have a wreck considering how distracted we both were.


  When we got into the hotel, I immediately stripped and pushed Bennett onto the bed, but being careful not to knock his still injured arm. He had relieved some of the pressure with the blow job, so I took my time as I explored him.

  It was strange but exhilarating to be completely naked straddling his still clothed body as I took his mouth with mine, watching him as the ecstasy rose in his facial expression.

  When I could tell he was really turned on, I pulled him up and began to undress him. We went into the shower then. After getting the water warm, I pulled his naked frame into the stream of water with me.

  I let my cock rub against him as I lathered his body and mine. When we were both covered in soap, I turned him facing away from me and let my cock move in and out of his tight little crease. I almost lost it then. For weeks, I’d fantasized about that ass of his and what it’d feel like caressing my cock.

  Bennett moaned. “Les, fuck that feels so good,” he said. “I’ve wanted you so much!”

  Not responding, I ran my hand down his torso until I gripped his cock in my hand. I teased his hole with my cock, rubbing it and tempting him, wanting to let myself slip inside what I already knew would be tight and warm.

  “Mm!” I moaned in his ear and when my head stuck into his hole, I stopped, turned him to look at me and begged, “Can I fuck you? Please, I haven’t been able to think about anything but being inside you for so long.”

  Bennett smiled. “I want that too.” he whispered so quietly I almost couldn’t hear him.

  His body was like a magnet, I could barely keep from rutting up against him. I was desperate for our bodies to touch and continue touching.

  When we were dry, I led him to the bed.

  “Get on all fours.” I demanded. My vision blurred from my desire for him.

  When he complied, I spread his ass cheeks, and let my tongue slide up his hole.

  “Fuck!” he moaned. This jus
t prompted me further and I let my tongue breach the hole I’d been fantasizing about since I’d seen his sexy little bubble butt naked.

  Bennett sucked in a breath, “Les, yes… yes...” he repeated over and over as I thrust my tongue into him.

  I leaned back and let my finger explore him where my saliva still lingered. When Bennett bucked against me, I reached over and opened the drawer by the bed. I, I hoped I’d eventually be able to have Bennett in my bed, and so I’d stashed lube and condoms for when it might happen.

  “You still okay?” I asked and he turned to me smiling.

  The expression was innocence mixed with desire…pure hot sexual desire.

  “Fuck!” I said, and I quickly tore the condom wrapper open and rolled the thing onto my pounding cock.

  He watched me, the entire time, that look… that fucking expression he gave me that undid me in normal circumstances was causing my heart to beat so fast, I was afraid I was going to have a heart attack and die right here.

  I lubed myself up and almost came when he licked his lips while I did so.

  I lubed his hole then, and when he turned away from me, it was like losing the heat of ten suns.

  “Lie on your back, Bennett. I want to watch you when we do this.”

  He nodded and did as I asked. When his expression met mine once again, I slipped my finger into his hole and almost lost it again, just from how hot and wet he was.

  “I’ve never wanted someone this much,” I admitted. “you’re so perfect.” I said and when I saw his expression change, I slipped a second finger in watching him as he writhed in pleasure.

  When I scissored him, he moaned and arched back with closed eyes.

  I leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips. “I need you, need to be inside you. Are you okay?”

  Bennett opened his eyes. “Fuck,” he said in a husky voice. “stop asking me and fuck me already!” he demanded, causing me to smile.


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