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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 78

by Sarah Bailey

  JAMES: Why is Dante throwing shit around his office?

  JAMES: Answer your phone. I’m worried.

  JAMES: Seriously, what happened?

  She shook her head. I knew she was in no state to talk about it, so next time he rang, I answered it.

  “Hello James.”

  “You’re not Fiona,” James replied, his voice sounding off.

  “No, it’s Jensen.”

  I stroked Fi’s hair, feeling her shaking on my chest as she tried to hold back her emotions.

  “If you’re answering her phone, does that mean Dante found out about the two of you?”


  “Well, shit. Is Fi okay?”

  “Not really. She’s worried your brother will report me. I deserve it, but she doesn’t see it that way.”

  I wasn’t under any illusions about my actions. I’d put my career at risk by having a relationship with her. That was entirely on me.

  “Dante won’t do that. This is a big fucking mess. It’s lucky Jen isn’t here today.”

  He could say that again.

  “She’s not?”

  “No, she’s had meetings outside the office. I should go see if I can calm him down. Tell Fi not to worry too much.”

  Easier said than done with her. My little one worried about everything. Guilt ate her up inside like a parasite. She had a sensitive soul.

  “I will.”

  I dropped her phone in my lap and held her closer, listening to her stifle her sobs on my coat.

  “I’m sorry, little one,” I whispered.

  What more could I say? No words would make the pain go away for her. I warned her our actions had consequences. That this would never be easy. I knew better than to get involved with her. I’d always been selfish and impulsive. And I’d continue to be when it came to her. If anything, loving this girl had made my need worse. My addiction to Fiona laced my veins with sweet ecstasy. She was my balm. My lifeline in my fucked up existence.

  When we arrived at mine, I got her into the lift and we rode up to the penthouse in silence. Our plans for the evening definitely weren’t going ahead now. When the lift doors opened, she pulled out of my hold and trudged out, her head bowed to her chest. I followed her into my bedroom, watching her dump her overnight bag on the floor, tug off all her clothes and curl up under my covers in my bed. I sat next to her and stroked her back.

  “What do you need, little one?” I asked quietly.


  I sighed, knowing it was a lie. Dante was her father figure and having him threaten me, the person she’d chosen to be with, weighed heavily on her. If this was Dante’s reaction to discovering we were together, I had no hope for Jen’s. Likely it would rip Fi’s heart apart.


  That’s all I felt right then. For putting her through this. For dragging her into my world and needing her so much. For allowing her to push me into having a relationship with her. For falling deeply and irrevocably in love with her.


  “Don’t, Jensen, you’ve done enough.”

  Her voice sounded hollow and flat. It broke something inside me.

  “Are you saying this is my fault?”

  She turned her head, staring up at me with those damning blue eyes of hers.

  “No, the only person I blame is myself.”

  Then she turned away again and stared at the windows which looked out over the city. My heart felt as though it’d been put through a meat grinder. She couldn’t take all of this on herself. We were both just as much at fault for this relationship. I was damned if I was going to leave her lost and alone right now.

  I stood up and stripped out of my own clothes before pulling back the covers and getting in next to her. Pulling her back against my chest, I held her close, stroking my fingers across her stomach. She didn’t push me away or say anything.

  “I know you’re upset, little one, but shouldering all the blame isn’t helping.”

  “I shouldn’t have left my phone in the office. I was so excited to see you it just slipped my mind.”

  “These things happen. You couldn’t have known he’d follow you.”

  She put a hand over mine and laced our fingers together. I kissed her shoulder, wanting to reassure her this wasn’t something we could’ve done anything about.

  “He hates me.”

  “No, he doesn’t. His anger is directed at me and I can’t say I blame him.”

  “I won’t let him destroy your career,” she whispered, clutching my hand tighter. “I don’t care how wrong it was or that you were meant to be the responsible one. I’m just as much at fault. And Jen still needs you so I won’t let him do this.”

  I kissed her shoulder again.

  “I know, little one.”

  I believed her because this girl in my arms had strength and determination to succeed. She’d do whatever it took.

  She lifted our entwined hands and shifted them higher, placing mine on her breast. I raised my head, looking down at her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I need you to touch me, make everything go away.”

  I ran my thumb over her stiffened little peak, causing her to gasp. If she needed this, then who was I to deny her? We should be talking about her feelings. The therapist in me knew that, but I’d never really been rational when it came to Fiona. Not when her naked body was pressed against mine, begging me to touch her and take her pain away.

  “Like this?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, releasing my hand, laying her arm out in front of us.

  I continued to circle her nipple with my thumb, making her pant and buck against me. I leant towards her, running my tongue along her neck and up to her ear. I took her earlobe between my teeth, biting down. She cried out my name, desperation lacing her voice. My little one had such a sensitive little body, as if each one of my touches awakened her senses one by one.

  “Such a beautiful, dirty little girl,” I whispered in her ear before sucking away the sting of my teeth.


  Her pleading almost had me undone. She’d be patient though. Take what I gave her. My cock had thickened and was nestled against that pert little arse of hers which I fucking loved. I trailed my fingers down her stomach. She ground back against me, making me stifle a groan.

  “Use your words. Tell me what you want.”

  “Your fingers on my clit,” she whimpered.

  I rewarded her words by giving her what she wanted. My hand dipped between her thighs and my fingers brushed across her clit. She let out a low whine and arched her back. Fuck. Fiona was the most beautiful girl and she was mine. I didn’t think lucky quite covered it. I didn’t deserve her, but I’d be fucked if I was letting her go.

  “That’s it, little one,” I whispered. “Let me make you feel good.”

  She was already soaking wet for me. I could feel it as I dragged my fingers lower. I groaned because my cock ached to be buried inside her tight little pussy and her grinding her arse against it wasn’t helping matters either. I shifted, grabbing hold of it with my other hand and pressing it between her legs. I thrust forward, feeling my cock sliding between her lips and coating it with her arousal. My eyes rolled back in my head at the sheer pleasure of just feeling her like this.

  “Jensen, please, I want you to fuck me.”

  “Desperate for my cock inside you, are you?”

  “Yes, please, fuck please.”

  She ground back against me, making me groan again.

  “Patient girls get rewarded.”

  I was completely bluffing right then because I needed to be inside her. It pulsed inside me, matching the pounding of my heart against my ribcage.

  “Please, I asked nicely.”

  I gripped my cock and angled it against her. The moment I slid inside her tight heat, she cried out and I panted. My fingers found her clit again as I started a steady rhythm,
revelling in the way she gripped me. I kissed her shoulder, my teeth grazing over her skin.

  “Your pussy is my heaven,” I whispered. “You’re my lifeline, little one. No one else cares for me the way you do.”

  “Jensen,” she whimpered.

  “It’s true. You’re in my soul. I can’t tear you out or I’ll destroy myself in the process.”

  I thrust deeper inside her taut little body, circling her clit harder.

  “I’d do anything for you, Fi, anything you asked of me.”

  She cried out my name, her hand catching my forearm and holding onto it tightly as I continued to take her higher. I couldn’t help the words which were tumbling out. She needed to know how much she meant to me. How I adored her beautiful, perfect soul. I kissed her neck and jaw, loving how flushed she was and how she thrust back against me, begging for more.

  I shifted, pressing my arm underneath her so I could reach around and cup her mouth. Pinching her nose, I stole her breath from her, knowing she needed this. To struggle against me before she came all over my cock. She tensed but didn’t stop me. Her chest began to heave a moment later. Her nails dug into my arm. The biting pain spurred me on.

  “Let go,” I whispered. “Let me feel you.”

  She shook and pressed against me, but I knew she was close to exploding. My hand tightened, restricting her breath further. I felt the vibration of her gasping against my palm, fighting against the overwhelming need to drag oxygen into her lungs.

  And then I felt it when she let go and gave in.

  Her body bucked and trembled, her pussy clamping down on my cock like a vice with each pulse. I let go of her mouth leaving her gulping down oxygen as she came apart. I kissed her heated skin, continuing to fuck her hard and deep, just like she needed until she went limp in my arms, panting and gasping.

  I pulled out of her, threw the covers off us and flipped her onto her back. Her blue eyes were closed, her chest heaving. There was never a more beautiful sight. My beautiful little one spent after I’d made her come. Gripping my cock, I pumped my hand over it, so close to the edge myself as I knelt over her. She opened her eyes and stared up at me, her blue eyes, whilst full of undiluted lust, there was also caution there too. It made me wonder what was going through her mind.

  “Inside me,” she whispered. “Please come inside me.”

  Pressing her legs open, I shifted between them, thrusting inside her again as I leant over her. I kissed her face as I took her, one hand planted by her head. My other caressed her side. She smiled at me as I continued to plant kisses on her cheeks and jaw. Her hand wound its way into my hair and the other gripped my shoulder.

  “Did you mean it? That you’d do anything for me?”

  “Of course I did,” I grunted, feeling my own climax building as my balls tightened.

  She tugged my head so she could kiss me properly. I didn’t think much about what she’d said because I was too lost in the sensation of her pussy wrapped around my cock and the driving need to come. My thrusts became erratic, pounding into her like it was the last thing I’d do in this life. And perhaps one day it would be. When Fi and I had lived a lifetime of love and laughter together.

  I groaned, pulling away from her mouth as it hit. My cock spurted again and again, filling her with hot sticky streams as each wave drove over my skin and up my spine.

  “Christ, fuck, little one.”

  Trying not to collapse on top of her whilst I caught my breath, I kissed her neck and breathed in her scent of orange blossom and jasmine, feeling a sense of calm wash over me. Fiona Benson was my home.

  Pulling away, I rolled onto my back with my arm slung across my face. For a long moment, neither of us said anything or moved. The bed shifted and I felt her get up, but I didn’t move my arm away. She’d be back in a minute after she’d cleaned up.

  It was only after I realised more time had passed than usual that I dropped my arm from my eyes. I sat up abruptly the next moment. Fi was standing at the end of the bed, fully dressed with abject misery marring her features.


  “I’m sorry… I can’t do this anymore.”

  My heart felt like it was in free fall. What the fuck did that mean?

  “Do what?”

  “This. Us. I… I can’t.”

  I practically leapt off the bed and grabbed both her shoulders, wanting to shake her for her words.

  “You’re leaving me.”

  Tears filled her blue eyes as she stared up at me.

  “I don’t want to,” she whispered. “I won’t let my family ruin your career or your life over me.”

  “That’s not going to happen, little one. I promise it’ll be okay.”

  She shook her head as her tears started falling.

  “No. It won’t be. The only way this will end is in misery and regret. Don’t make this any harder for me to do than it already is, please.” She put a hand on her heart as if it physically hurt her to say this to me. “You said you’d do anything I asked of you. I need you to let me go.”

  I couldn’t do it. Letting her go would break me. She knew that and yet she was asking me to do it anyway. Did she really think we couldn’t get through this? Didn’t she know we were stronger together than apart?

  “No. I won’t let you go. Not now. Not ever.”

  Her tears fell harder and her face crumpled. I hated seeing her like this. Hated I was the cause of her pain.

  “Jensen, please,” she whispered. “If I stay with you, everyone will get hurt.”

  “If you leave me, you’ll be hurting both of us. Do you want that? Do you want me to break because I will break if you go. Don’t you know what you mean to me?”

  I knew it was a low blow, but I couldn’t think straight. The woman I loved was leaving me and I couldn’t fucking deal with it. The only person I’d ever let in after all these years of heartbreak and pain. She was about to destroy me in the most fundamental way. Tearing my heart and soul out of my chest and taking them with her as they shattered into tiny pieces.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she choked out. “I already feel like I’m dying on the inside. Please just let me go. Please. I’m begging you. Let me protect you.”

  I shook my head, stepping closer to her.

  “This isn’t protecting me, little one. This is destroying me.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She stepped back, wrenching out of my grasp. It felt like she’d ripped my heart from my chest with that single movement.

  “I’m sorry,” she said again, tears streaming down her face as she turned, picked up her bag and bolted from the room.

  I cursed, looking around for my boxers and snagging them off the floor before chasing after her, whilst simultaneously trying to tug them on.

  “Fiona, don’t do this,” I called after her as I stumbled down the hallway.

  She was pressing the button for the lift repeatedly when I reached the lobby. The doors opened, but I grasped her arm before she could walk into the lift.

  “Stop. You’re not leaving me. I won’t let you.”

  She turned, looking up at me with those piercing blue eyes which seared into me, tearing me to shreds from the inside out.

  “Goodbye Jensen,” she whispered. “Thank you for showing me how to live again.”

  Her words slammed into me, making me drop my hand from her arm as she walked into the lift and out of my life. I watched the doors close, agonising pain ripping right through my chest.

  “Don’t leave me,” I whispered. “Please don’t go. I love you.”

  But it was too late.

  Those three words had come far too late.

  Would she have left if she knew?

  I guess I’d never know.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  I slid down the wall of the lift, unable to keep myself up any longer as tears streamed down my face. I’d just ripped my own heart out. Knowing it was t
he right thing to do, but hating it all the same, I’d walked out on Jensen. The look in his verdant eyes I adored so much cleaved my soul in half.

  It was my own fault. I couldn’t stand the way Dante had looked at me with such disappointment. And how he’d threatened to destroy Jensen’s career by reporting him. I couldn’t allow that to happen. If Dante was this upset with me, then I dreaded to think how Jen would react. It was better for everyone involved if we said our goodbyes here.

  Who are you kidding? It’s not better for you and Jensen and you know it.

  How could I do this? Go on without him? My chest ached as I cried on the lift floor. There was only one person I wanted right now and that was Jen. But Jen didn’t know. So I would go and seek the next best thing. The comfort of the people who’d understand why I’d broken my own heart.

  I dragged myself up off the floor and wiped my face before pulling out my phone. Gathering up all my strength, I ordered an Uber and stepped out as the lift doors opened. If Jensen came after me right now, I wasn’t sure what I’d do. All I knew is I had to get away from here before I went back on my resolve to leave him.

  “This isn’t protecting me, little one. This is destroying me.”

  I almost faltered in my steps as his words rang in my ears. My actions destroyed both of us. Hurting him was the very last thing I ever wanted to do. That’s why it caused me so much pain to do this to him. Not to mention my own agony at having to walk out on the man I loved. The man who’d become my air. My reason for breathing. My reason to get up every day with a smile on my face and stand tall.

  How would I ever stand tall again without him?

  What the hell have I done?

  When my Uber arrived, I hurried inside, not wanting to go through any further pain by seeing Jensen again right then. It would break me entirely. I was already broken enough as it was. I spent the entire journey silently crying in the backseat. The driver kept checking on me, but I stared out of the window, not really seeing anything at all.

  When we finally pulled up, I choked out a thank you before bolting from the car and hurrying up the steps. I rang the doorbell over and over, needing desperately to be off the street before I collapsed in a heap on the floor. My legs were wobbly and I no longer felt capable of holding myself up as the realisation I’d really broken up with Jensen slammed into my chest.


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