The Coven- Complete Series- Books one to Six.

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The Coven- Complete Series- Books one to Six. Page 5

by M L Briers

  “I think we’d definitely have heard about that by now.” Jethro assured him. Dale reached up and scratched his head.

  “Well, he might not be getting any sleep tonight, the lucky bastard, but I’m off to bed, alone…” Dale growled out. The thought of a mate appealed to him.

  “You’re never alone when you have two working hands.” Jethro couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “Nice, alpha, thanks.” He growled out as he turned on his heels and stalked off. Jethro chuckled again. Settled a little more that even with another witch in town his pack could handle it.

  The End.

  The Coven


  Book Two


  M L Briers



  Copyright © 2015 by M L Briers. A B Lee.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book.


  Annabeth could feel the push towards something from the spirits and the pull towards the place from an invisible force. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking on her part considering she had a bloodsucker on her trail that wouldn’t take no for an answer, or any cursed variation of that word, and she’d used many. Gone from being a prospective suitor in his mind to being a damn stalker that was skirting a fine line into psycho; she’d take any lifeline that anyone could throw her.

  Not that she didn’t believe that he could pull off psycho with ease; she wholeheartedly believed that he could. The last straw had come when he’d cornered her outside her apartment and demanded that she invited him in. Hell and no. Magic had distracted him long enough for her to get behind her door and there she had stayed, cloaked from his ears and waiting for the opportunity to get away.

  Now Annabeth was trying to make the best of her journey. She’d put her faith in that invisible force that told her to get out and she’d left. She didn’t know where she was going, but she just felt guided to make her journey, even if it was a long one.

  Her car had seen better days, lot and lots of them, and was now a certified hunk of junk, but it was her car and she loved it, even the dodgy wing mirror that lilted to one side, and the chug and splutter of the engine. The chug and splutter might have raised a few eyes and eyebrows when she drove down the road, but it didn’t bother her one bit… not when the music was turned as far up as she could get it without making her ears bleed… she couldn’t hear a thing.

  The sign to the village had read Salvation and she rolled her eyes. Names obviously weren’t some guy’s strong point. But if it was aptly named then she’d be more than impressed; she’d even sing a chorus of Hallelujah to a God that she didn’t believe in.

  Dale could hear the car coming from a mile away. The popping and spluttering of the engine was bad enough, but the God awful music was beyond reason. Girlie music… He growled. Tourists…

  He hefted a sack of potato’s up onto his broad shoulder and wolf-handled them into the back of his truck. His eyes scanned the distance as the car drew closer. Teenagers out on a joyride to annoy the locals no doubt.

  His eyes locked onto the death trap on wheels and he couldn’t help but chortle at the sight of it. He wouldn’t let a vampire behind the wheel of that piece of junk, let alone a fragile human… female. He saw the bobbing of her head, the jet black pixie cut hair that shot out in all directions as if it was scared of her scalp, and the dark plum coloured lipstick that was painted onto full lips… She was a cutie, and not a teenager.

  He slammed the back of the truck closed and rested his hip against it. Folding his arms across his chest; he thought he might just rest a while and take in the rest of her… just out of curiosity. The alpha would like a report on a newbie in town and if she was passing through… well all the better.

  When the offside wheels hit the curb with a screech that hurt his ears and set his teeth on edge, he scowled. The woman not only drove a death trap, but he’d use the word ‘drove’ very loosely. Her eyes snapped towards him and her head strained forwards on her neck to get a better view.

  That’s it sweetheart, take a good look… You like this package? He puffed out his chest and gave her a smile that was sure to set her pulse racing. Her eyes widened and he heard a curse from her lips. He scowled. It wasn’t the reaction that he was hoping for…

  “Oh, crap, wolf…” She muttered and watched his big hands drop to his sides as his big ears heard her. “Oops…Time to go.” She thrust the car into gear and hit the accelerator. Perhaps she’d been mistaken. Maybe this wasn’t the place…

  Dale took a long step forward intending to cross the distance between them until she decided to boot the death trap away from the kerb. Then he growled long and hard. Witch! He growled to himself as he started for the driver’s door of his truck and yanked it open.

  Well she’s not stopping here. Jethro would have a damn fit. Fur would fly… We already have two damn witches and this town is not big enough for three of them…

  He started the truck and put it in gear. He was about to pull away from the kerb when a bright blue girlie car pulled up to the side of him and cut him off. He growled and twisted his head on his neck as his eyes took in the witch, Wendy. She ignored him for a long moment…

  “Hey, Dale…” When she finally decided to acknowledge his presence she offered a bright innocent smile, but he knew better. This witch was trouble in his book, especially after what happened to Alex. Mated to a damn witch and all her doing…

  “Wendy.” He growled out. If they weren’t in the middle of the high street he’d have a few choice words for her.

  “My car seems to have a mind of its own today.” She hadn’t lost that innocent, bright smile, but he’d sure like to wipe it off her face. His head snapped around and he noted the death trap disappearing from view. He growled harder. “Oh nope, there it goes, must have slipped out of gear.” She offered.

  “Go figure.” Dale growled back, seething inside.

  “Well, gotta go, can’t sit around all day chatting.” Wendy shot him another grin and took off at breakneck speed. His hands tightened around the steering wheel as if it was her neck, and boy would he like to be doing that.

  “I’m really reconsidering the alpha’s offer to toss her out of town.” He growled on a scowl of anger to nobody but himself.

  “Another one!” Jethro growled long and hard. He tossed the spanner at the wall of the workshop and it embedded into the wood.

  “That makes three.” Dale shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans. It wasn’t exactly the news he wanted to deliver to his alpha, but it had to be done. Jethro’s eyes practically swivelled in his head as he snapped his head around to growl at his beta. Dale took a long step back. “Don’t eat the messenger.”

  “And Wendy prevented you following her?” Jethro didn’t like it, he didn’t like it one bit. Two was a crowd, three was an invasion. He’d allowed Eloise to stay because she was mated to one of his enforcers, Alex, and a part of the pack. But if Wendy thought that she could slide another one in under the damn radar…

  “Blocked me in with her car. If I hadn’t of been in the middle of the high street I probably would have gotten out and yanked it out of the way, but…” He shrugged his broad shoulders, yanked his hands out of his pockets, and folded his large arms across his muscled chest. Jethro growled in annoyance.

  “I’m really starting not to like that damn witch.” He picked up another spanner and launched it at the wall. It joined the first one in sticking out of the woodwork.

  “Are you going to pay her a visit?” Dale wanted to chuckle at the thought of his alpha going toe to toe with the witch again, but he didn’t. His alpha’s mood was too dark for that, and he wanted to keep his head on his neck, it kinda felt right being there.

  “Yes…” Jethro groaned at the th
ought of it. “No, you are.” He spat out and Dale’s arms dropped to his sides as if he was deflated.

  “Why do I have…?” He stopped bitching when his alpha’s head snapped around towards him and dark eyes cut him dead. He didn’t want that look to become his permanent state of being. “Ok. I’ll go see the witch.” His head went down on his broad shoulders and he turned and stalked from the workshop, muttering dark curses under his breath.

  Jethro grinned at his beta’s attitude, nobody ever wanted to deal with the witch. He chuckled. He’d add himself to the top of that list.

  Annabeth would have driven straight past the turn off to the mansion and just kept on going, except for the large black cat that sat in the roadway and made her hit the brakes. She eyed the kitty for a long moment; the thing didn’t appear fazed by the fact that it had a car hurtling towards it not moments before, and yet it didn’t appear to want to move either. Her eyes looked up to the rear view mirror and she flicked her hazard lights on, just in case. She didn’t want to go splat anymore than she wanted that damn cat to become a stain on the road.

  The cat didn’t seem in a hurry to get out of her way and as she wasn’t in the business of collecting the bad karma that running over a stubborn cat would bring. She sighed and gave into the impulse to reach out to it instead of slamming her hand down on the car horn. Rolling down the squeaking window and cutting her music down to low, she sighed again at the clunk and splatter of the engine. Now that there was space enough to poke her head out; she eyed it back.

  “No, take your time…” She shooed it with her hand and the cat just stared back at her. The unimpressed look on its face was followed by a yawn. “You got a death wish?” She hissed at the damn thing and yet there it sat, blocking her way. She considered pulling around it, but that was the moment that she felt that invisible push and pull, and her eyes turned to the long, winding, tree lined road to her right and she frowned.


  “Seriously?” Annabeth asked the cat. It pushed up to all four paws and started a slow walk towards the turning. The damn familiar seemed to be beckoning her with its tail, curing it over like it bid her on. “Fine. If I get shot for trespassing it’s gonna be you I come looking for.” She sat there for a moment longer, still undecided, when she heard the car come up the road behind her, and when Wendy drove up alongside, she eyed the woman through the glass of the other car.

  The swish sound of the woman’s electric window rolling down annoyed Annabeth a little. She kind of hated any car that wasn’t a junker and didn’t squeak, moan, splutter and generally have pieces falling from it like a metal leper. The moment that she sensed the magic from the woman, it felt like coming home. She guessed she’d found the woman that the cat owned.

  “Coming in?” Wendy asked as bright as a button as if they were old friends and Annabeth frowned.

  “Am I?” She hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Wendy’s smile widened.

  “I think you could use a cup of tea. What do you think?” Wendy asked. Annabeth could use a cup of tea; she acknowledged that. A cup of tea to wash down a couple of bacon sandwiches and a slice of apple pie that would be filling her stomach now if it wasn’t for the damn wolf in town. Her stomach growled on cue and she would have licked her lips at the thought, but that would have been weird.

  “Love one?” She answered. Not sure that this was exactly where she was being pushed and pulled towards now that she knew there were other witches here. She’d always been a solitary, and she didn’t work well with others.

  “Let’s go.” Wendy said no more. She just pulled her swanky little car around and headed up the turn. Annabeth bit down on her lower lip and felt a psychic kick up the backside to follow.

  “Ok, ok. I’m going.” She groaned at the spirits.

  “So, you’re a witch.” Annabeth looked around the kitchen. It wasn’t lost on her that she’d mentally licked her lips at the thought of a bacon sandwich and now the smell of bacon frying in the pan was practically making her drool all over herself.

  “What gave it away?” Wendy grinned on a small chuckle.

  “Are there others?” Annabeth had reached out with her magic and found only Wendy’s, placid and still, and yet that didn’t mean that they were alone. Cloaking spells and wards were often used to hide the witch’s powers from strangers; she should know, she’d used it often enough herself.

  “Would that unsettle you?” Wendy used tongs to line the bread with thickly cut bacon and Annabeth could have cried at how hungry she was. She’d been driving all day, eight hours behind the wheel and only two stops to get petrol, because a doughnut and two bars of chocolate didn’t count as food, more like the sugary fuel she needed to stay alert and keep going. Time was distance and the more distance that she put between her and the vampire the better.

  “Unsettle?” She considered her answer carefully as the plate full of yummy goodness was laid in front of her and she nodded her thanks before digging in. “Depends.” She offered before she took one huge bite and rolled her eyes as the taste of the fresh bread was put into second place behind the taste of the salty bacon. Oh Goddess, bacon has never tasted so good…

  “There is another witch locally, but not here.” Wendy assured her and watched as the young witch rolled her eyes in her head and savoured the simple snack. Annabeth chomped as fast as she could and then swallowed hard to clear her mouth so she could talk.

  “No covens then?” Annabeth reached for the cup of tea to wash down her large bite. Wendy shook her head.

  “Nope.” Annabeth looked pleased. She dived into her sandwich with renewed vigour and then she remembered the wolf in town. She hastened to swallow her food again.

  “What about the wolf?” She narrowed her eyes on Wendy as the woman’s smile grew slightly.

  “We have a local pack.” She acknowledged and Annabeth frowned as she waited for more. When it didn’t come, she pushed a little.

  “And the alpha’s good with witches?” She asked.

  “I’ve never had a problem.” Wendy sidestepped the last incident with Eloise arriving in town. She was sure that Dale would have dispatched the happy news to the alpha that another witch had arrived and the alpha would act accordingly. “I’m going to go out into the garden and gather some fresh herbs for dinner. Enjoy your sandwich, and if there’s still room for more then there’s an apple pie under the cover over there.” She pointed a long index finger at the other counter top and Annabeth raised her eyebrows in amusement.

  “Oh you’re good…” A bacon sandwich, cup of tea, and now the apple pie. This witch had skills. Wendy gave another small chuckle as she headed out the backdoor and left Annabeth to it.

  The sound of a knock on the front door drew Annabeth’s attention away from the apple pie. She frowned hard and tried to ignore it. It wasn’t her house, wasn’t her front door, and so she figured she had no reason to answer it. The fork hovered over the dish…

  Another knock; louder this time, and she bristled with a need to zap something. With the sound of the last knock, or more of a thudding against the door she finally resigned herself to the fact that her food would have to wait as she sighed and put down her fork. As long as it wasn’t a damn vampire, she could live with that.

  She sauntered towards the door in high heeled boots that made her a good five inches taller than what she really was. With her big breasts getting there before she did it was little wonder when she pulled open the door that the big guy’s eyes dropped straight down to her own little puppies, and they held there. She grunted as she recognised the wolf from town.

  “Missing your mother’s milk, how sweet. My eyes are up here, wolfman.” She didn’t like Lycans, but then she didn’t not like them either. Her general chain of thought was that if they left her alone then she’d do the same. Now if I can detach his eyes from my breasts… On her command his eyes snapped up towards hers and locked.

  “You…” He growled out.

  “No, Mary bloody Poppins…” She ga
ve him the once over. Built like a true Lycan. Broad shoulders that blocked out the scenery behind him. A big, wide, and very muscled chest that she wouldn’t mind curling up on if things were different, and then down to a dipped in waist that didn’t hold an ounce of fat. Then those tight hips that would probably be able to rocket back and forth quite nicely while doing the wild thing captured her dirty imaginings and she kicked herself in the backside, speaking of which she kind of itched to see his naked backside and had no thought as to why.

  “What are you doing here, witch?” Dale’s hands had clenched into fists at his sides. For some reason his beast wanted out and he couldn’t fathom what had got it so riled. She was only a little thing, height wise at least. Her body had curves in all the right places that a woman should, and his mind had a mental image of what she’d look like naked beneath him as he stroked into her.

  “What are you doing here, wolf?” She aimed back at him and watched as he narrowed his eyes on her. She guessed the big guy wasn’t used to having someone talk back to him. He took a step forward and lifted his index finger to wag at her, when the back door to the property opened and a wind blew through the house, catching her scent on it and delivering it right to his nose…

  ‘Mine.’ His beast roared within him. He took a long moment to bite down on the need to growl in disbelief… He took one step towards her and leaned in. She was about to pull her upper body back from his when his breath caressed her skin…

  “Mine…” He growled out against her ear.

  Annabeth heard the word and froze to the spot. No-no-no. How sorry am I for asking… I should have bitten my tongue… I should have kept driving… That can’t be… He’s winding me up and having a laugh at my expense… There was only one word that was ever going to come out of her mouth…


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