The Coven- Complete Series- Books one to Six.

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The Coven- Complete Series- Books one to Six. Page 6

by M L Briers


  “Huh?” Annabeth had to swallow hard after she’d spoken. Dale took in her scent at the source; one moment the spicy witch’s essence filled his lungs, and the next she’d jumped back and was glaring at him.

  “Dale…” He offered as his nose twitched to get more of her scent.

  “Sure, go find a dale, a heath or a dame glen, just be gone.” She tossed the door at his body but he caught it with a thud and pushed it back open.

  “Don’t run from me.” He warned. The thought of what had nearly happened to the last witch mate rang the warning bells within his mind. Annabeth snorted her amusement.

  “Please…” She tossed out. Trying for calm on the outside was all well and good but when her body was shaking, her knees were knocking, and some strange dance was going on… with her stomach and her womb as dance partners… what real chance did she have not to sound breathless and nervy?

  “It would be very bad.” Dale assured her.

  “And the descriptive word bad was just not enough for you?” She shot back and watched his eyes narrow as he tried to work that one out.

  “Mine…” He went to take another step forward and she held up her hand, palm towards him. That made him stop in his tracks and eye her with suspicion.

  “Yeah, I got that the first time. Change the record.” Annabeth reached up and ran her hand through her wayward hair. If it was longer she might just have tugged it out in frustration. Being a mate to a wolf wasn’t exactly jotted down on her monthly planner next to; get feminine hygiene products, and what day the full moon fell on. Truth be told she wasn’t sure what the hell to do about it now that it had happened.

  Dale watched her with a certain amount of trepidation mixed with suspicion over what she would do next. Was she a runner? Would she deny him and go on with her life? Would she fall into his arms and he’d carry her away to mate…? The look on her face said the last one should be put on indefinite hold.

  “I need a drink…” She eyed him again. “I need to drink a bar dry.” She groaned as she turned on her high heels and stalked back towards the kitchen away from him.

  Dale was spellbound as he watched her luscious backside do the side-to-side swaying thing. A smile started to spread across his face… and then Wendy appeared and he groaned internally. Damn, he’d forgotten about… Jethro! Oh crap, the alpha’s going to go shit crazy at this…

  “You look pained, are you unwell?” Wendy offered with a small smile of amusement. He groaned out loud. “Eaten something bad?”

  “Jethro’s…” Dale started and then shook his head.

  “How is the alpha?” Wendy offered and Dale’s eyes snapped up to her and slowly dropped again.

  “Not going to be happy.” Dale admitted and Wendy crossed her arms over her chest and furrowed her brow.

  “Really? Well, it’s surprising how quickly he comes around these days.” Wendy offered. Dale frowned harder at the thought.

  “Not about this.” He shook his head; then his eyes snapped up and over her shoulder as a sound from the kitchen made him anxious that his mate might be planning her escape.

  “Would you like to come in?” The words were no sooner out of her mouth than Dale was striding through the house straight for the kitchen and his mate. Wendy bit down on a chuckle.

  Eloise stood out on the porch to the cabin and sipped her coffee. Alex had spent three days and nights showing her just how much stamina a Lycan really possess by making love to her every which way that he knew how, and some he was trying for the first time. The man was definitely a sex God and she was definitely grateful for him in her life…

  She felt the buzz of the supernatural across her skin and her head snapped to the right. It wasn’t a wolf, and her skin crawled with the knowledge of what was coming from around the corner. Her chest felt heavy, as if she couldn’t get the damn elephant that was sitting on it off and take the full breath that she needed to draw into her lungs. Time didn’t heal all wounds…

  “Easy little witch, I come in piece…” Caleb offered and he held out his hands in front of him in the form of surrender.

  “You think you won’t be leaving in pieces?” She wanted her breathing to normalise so she wouldn’t sound so damn breathless. She’d drawn her magic to her and it sat in a tight, hot, electrified little ball within her chest where it was just waiting for the opportunity to fry his arse.

  “I’d like to hope not, but we can’t always choose our own path in life…” His eyes glinted amusement. “As you well know…” He motioned towards the cabin.

  “What do you want?” She knew what she wanted and she didn’t think their agenda’s matched, not considering she would like to see him as ashes.

  “You’re part of the pack now and I’m like their…” He waved a majestic hand in the air.

  “Mascot?” She offered and watched as he raised just one dark eyebrow high up on his forehead, but that glint in his eyes hadn’t disappeared.


  “Good for you. We won’t be having the same kind of relationship.” Eloise went to back away from him towards the cabin door. She didn’t trust a vampire enough to turn her back on one.

  “I read your thoughts…” Caleb offered and brought her to a sudden stop. “I know why you fear…”

  “It’s not fear…” She cut him off with anger. “Let’s just get that straight. Its disgust, loathing, the need to see your kind all boots up in the ground permanently, but it’s not fear.” She bubbled with the venom that coated her words. Caleb turned and looked out at the view of the woods.

  “Maybe just a tad of fear.” He offered back on a quiet voice and saw her bristle out of the corner of his eye.

  “Just stay away from me…” Eloise started to back up again.

  “Hmm, and no word of thanks for saving you and your mate from the angst of what could have been when he caught you running from him.” Caleb wanted to remind her that he’d done her a good deed. Their paths would undoubtedly cross, and although he sometimes revelled in confrontation, he liked it to be more playful banter with the appearance of loathing and not the real thing.

  “Yeah, Thanks.” She crossed the threshold and slammed the door in front of her face. She had no idea if the bloodsucker had ever been invited in to the cabin and so she worked to put up wards on the house. It might not keep him out, but it would slow him down and give him something to think about.

  Caleb turned on his heels and started off through the trees. He’d already scented the alpha on the wind and he waited for him to appear out of nowhere. Jethro stepped out right on time and Caleb nodded his hellos.

  “Leave the witch alone. I really don’t think you want Alex to come at you. I know I don’t want that happening.” Jethro offered his wisdom along with a little dose of threats.

  “Curious though, right?” Caleb offered and watched the alpha take a deep breath and sigh it back out.

  “If you know something about one of my pack that could be a possible problem…”

  “Not so much a problem for you…” He offered on a half smile.

  “Spit it out, Caleb. You read her mind…” Jethro didn’t want to play mind games with the man today. There was another witch in town and he wanted the rest of his life to go as smoothly as possible.

  “Her mother was killed by a vampire in front of her eyes. She was helpless and still feels that way when it comes to…”

  “Bloodsuckers.” Jethro grinned.

  “My kind.” Caleb offered with a smile of his own.

  “Alright then…” Jethro turned to walk away.

  “This could prove problematic.” Caleb offered.

  “Not for the pack.” Jethro called back over his shoulder.

  “But she doesn’t like or trust me.” Caleb called after him.

  “Can’t say as I blame her there.” Jethro grinned. He was in his happy place. The witch would come around to Caleb if she ran into him enough. Everyone did; the man was akin to fungus and he grew of
everyone if they stood still long enough and let him.

  “We should go back to pack land and…” Dale started and his mate shot him a look that would have nailed him to the nearest wall if she’d put a little magic behind him.

  “Yeah, I’m sure I know what comes next.” She drawled with the acid that was stinging her tongue. Dale puffed out his chest and pulled himself to his full height. He palmed the kitchen counter in front of him.

  “Talk. I was going to say, talk.” He growled. Annabeth hit him with a lopsided grin.

  “Sure you were.” She bit out as her eyes flashed with fire.

  “Look, Pixie chick…” He started with a wave of one big hand towards her hair and makeup.

  “Pixie chick!” She wrinkled her nose at that. “Bite your tongue wolf.” She clicked her fingers and he managed to do just that, nipping the very tip as he went to speak. He growled in annoyance.

  “Don’t use magic against me…” It sounded like he was issuing her with a warning and her back went up.

  “Don’t threaten me.” She shot back.

  “I did no such thing…” Dale bit out with a frown that pulled his dark brows down so far over his eyes that they were practically all-but covered.

  “Sure you were.” She offered again this time with a sweet smile that didn’t reach the fire in her eyes. “Tell you what… why don’t you go outside and mark your territory, pee up a tree…” His growl rolled towards her.

  “We need to talk…” Dale assured her.

  “You need to mate. It’s festering inside you already.” Annabeth bit back and Dale sighed again. His beast was jumping up and down and chaffing at the damn bit to bond with her.

  “That’s not the point.” Dale didn’t want to lie to her. It was obvious that his instincts would push him in that direction, but he was man enough to kerb those instincts to get to know her a little better before he mated with her. “I don’t even know your name.” He growled, annoyed with her, annoyed with his beast, and annoyed with himself.

  “You need to go and shake one off in the bathroom?” She leaned in towards him and whispered. It was his turn to wrinkle his nose at the thought.

  “You have sex on the brain.” He accused. Not that he was objectionable to that. Hell, if she wanted to get right to the point of what fate intended then he’d happily oblige. “Now I don’t need you to bring me flowers and take me for dinner, sweetheart, but your name is something I draw the line at knowing.” Dale turned the tables on her and saw her eyes flare again, but then her jaw rolled as if she was mulling that over. He saw her eyes soften into amusement.

  “Annabeth, and the sex is still on hold.” She narrowed her eyes on him when he grinned hard back at her.

  “That’s a nice name.” He was grinning like an idiot, he knew it and yet he couldn’t seem to stop.

  “My mama didn’t raise no fool, but I’m guessing from the looks of you that statement can’t be applied.” He tilted his head to one side and raised his eyebrows expectantly.

  “Look, I don’t expect you to be overjoyed that you’ve got a wolf for a mate, but do we have to do the whole ten rounds in the ring, when we could be…?”

  “Making luv…” She scoffed at him. Dale tossed out a hand in her direction.

  “There you go again, sex on the brain.” He teased and Annabeth snorted in contempt.

  “You wish.” She dismissed him and went back to her apple pie, picking up the fork and moving bits around the plate. She didn’t think she could eat with him standing there; her stomach was doing flip-flops inside her, and what with that tingling over her skin...

  “Of course I do. But the offer still stands to talk first, or during if you really do prefer.” Dale saw her eyes snap towards him and she held his gaze for a long moment. Then she turned back to her pie.

  “Ok. Fact number one, and here’s one you’re gonna love…” She offered over her left shoulder as she swivelled around towards him on the stool. “I’ve got a vampire on my tail and he’s probably heading this way as we speak.”


  Annabeth had already decided to leave town. She hadn’t known at the time why the spirits had led her here to Wendy, because the woman obviously couldn’t offer her refuge from a vampire. She might be an intuitive witch, but she wasn’t all powerful.

  Now she had found out why they’d led her to this place, and it wasn’t to meet the witch, but to meet her mate. A wolf meant a wolf pack and she would be placing all of them in danger if she stayed. But if she left then she’d be consigning her mate to a fate that would ultimately lead to his death if he turned rogue… Now she didn’t know what to do, but it was time to lay her cards down and see if she had a hand or not.

  “Get your things, you’re coming with me.” Dale informed her. Gone was the playfulness and in its place was the no-nonsense beta that had a job to do to protect his mate and his pack. “Wendy!” He called out.

  “What are you the furry terminator?” Annabeth dropped down from the stool onto her heels and stared up at him.

  “This isn’t up for debate.” Dale informed her and he reached for the mobile phone in the back pocket of his jeans; just as Wendy swept in to the room.

  “Dale. Something I can help you with?” Wendy asked.

  “You need to get some things together, Wendy. You need to come to pack land…” Dale started to explain but the smile that touched her lips said he was talking to a brick wall. He mentally rolled his eyes in his head…

  “That’s not possible, but thank you…”

  “There’s a vampire on the way and he could track Annabeth right to you. You’re not safe.” Dale explained and she looked to Annabeth and then back to Dale, she didn’t look at all surprised by the news.

  “Ok, well I’ll place some wards around the house. He can’t get in here, Dale. But Annabeth should go with you if you think that’s for the best.” Wendy heard the hard breath that Annabeth drew in and she flicked her eyes back towards her.

  “Wait, why do I get to leave and you stay?” Annabeth scowled.

  “This is my house, I’m not going anywhere, but Dale will be needed on pack land and you’re his mate, Annabeth, he’s not going to leave you behind.” Wendy explained it the way she saw it, but still Annabeth didn’t like that plan, she especially didn’t like the fact that the intuitive witch already knew about her having a mate.

  “You’re both coming with me, get your stuff.” Dale bit out as the phone connected him to the alpha and he strolled off as the witch’s debated it amongst themselves.

  “Jethro, we have a problem…” Dale offered into the phone and he heard his alpha give a long deep growl of foreboding.

  Caleb showed up at the mansion ten minutes later. Standing at the front door; he raised his hand to knock when the door was whisked back and Wendy stood there with a smile on her lips. He gave her one of his best grins as he gave a slight shake of his head.

  “I like the way you do that.” He informed her and she wrinkled her nose.

  “What do I do?” She leaned in and whispered. Caleb liked playing games with Wendy, he found her sidestepping fun. He leaned in towards her and whispered his own words back.

  “Know that I’m at the door before I even knock.” He offered and she considered it.

  “Perhaps it’s just a coincidence and I was leaving.” Her smile brightened.

  “Hmm, were you?” Caleb asked and she grinned.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think I was summoned to come and get you because you have no intention of going anywhere.” Caleb gave her a knowing look.

  “So what makes you think that you can change my mind?” She whispered back again.

  “Let’s just say I have an amazing capacity to make woman do as I ask them…” She raised an eyebrow at him. “And if that fails I’m very strong and getting zapped a gazillion times won’t faze me…much.”

  “Ah.” She considered it.

  “And maybe the pack could use your help in dealing wi
th a vampire.” Caleb pressed the guilt button, but she just tipped her head to one side and stared back at him. “Or I could say pretty please.” He offered as a last resort and watched her resolve crumble.

  “Oh fine. I’ll get my things.” She rolled her eyes at him and he gave her a lopsided smile of victory. She had a soft spot for the vampire and he knew it, so did Jethro and that’s why he’d asked him to come and get her and to bring her to the pack… That and the fact that she drove Jethro nuts so he didn’t want to do it himself.

  Caleb heard the squeal from inside and took a step back as Dale came stalking out with a little feisty witch tossed over one broad shoulder. Dale nodded to Caleb and the vampire grinned. He clapped his hands together and savoured the moment.

  “Oh I have to be there when you tell Jethro this one. His eyeballs are likely to explode from his head…” Caleb announced with glee. Dale growled long and hard.

  “Tell me something I don’t know…” He growled out.

  “You’re left shoe is on fire at the back.” Caleb bit out and the wolf looked down and yipped at the sight of the flames starting to lick up his foot. Cursing magic and dancing around as he stomped it out.

  “There’s more where that came from if you don’t put me down…” Annabeth hissed from halfway down his back.

  “What did I say about magic…?” Dale growled back as he turned her fast and stalked off towards his truck.

  “You have a fireman complex, just thought you should have a little fire to go with it.” She hissed back to more muttering and cursing from the beta.

  “Ready?” Caleb asked on a bitten off chuckle as Wendy appeared at the door behind him and he turned towards her.

  “What do you think?” Wendy asked as she took the arm he was offering her.


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