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The Coven- Complete Series- Books one to Six.

Page 10

by M L Briers

  His hands ran down the length of her arms until he laced his fingers with hers. His breathing came in hard, fast pants as he tried to control the urge to take her with everything he had. Human, he had to remember that she was human…

  “Dale. Just let go or it will never be enough…” The sound of his primal growl warned her that he was in danger of losing control and she welcomed it. She felt the sharp sting against her back and knew that his canines had pushed down once again; the pain was a sweet pleasure that was soothed by his tongue. He grunted as he thrust inside her, over and over, harder, deeper, stretching her to the limit and giving her the pleasure and jolt of pain that took her back up towards the heady heights of another orgasm.

  “Don’t move, take my cock…” His hand came up and he fisted her hair, yanking her head to one side as he ran his tongue over her flesh…

  “Bite, let me feel the beast inside…” She begged him. He pressed his canines against her soft skin and felt the pop as they entered her flesh. The orgasm exploded inside her, ripping her apart and tossing her to the four elements. Every inch of her body throbbed violently with the intensity of the orgasm that swept through her like lava in her veins.

  Dale tasted her blood on his tongue again as his beast roared with approval. His hips were pounding against the cushion of her backside in an erratic need to find his own release that was clawing at his body and soul. The feel of her inner muscles took him over the edge once more and he roared with the rush of a pleasure so intense that it carried him away.

  When he came back to her his body was curled over her back. She’d collapsed down onto her knees beneath him and he yanked his weight from her and wrapped his arm around her waist; pulling her back up against him. His muscles quivered like a pup as he shifted them in the bed, turning her to face him as his hand swept her damp hair from her face. His body curled around hers protectively.

  “Annabeth…” He could feel her still lost to him and he soothed her with his words and his fingertips against her cheek. “Come back to me sweetheart…” He growled gently against her lips. She gasped in a breath as if she’d been startled back to life. Her eyes snapped open, but they were hooded and she looked even more beautiful than he thought possible.

  “In-ten-se…” She tried to speak, tried to chuckle but it was lost as she gasped for breath. Dale beamed a grin of pure satisfaction at her, as if she’d just handed him a damn medal. “Look at you- all peacock…” She managed between breaths and heard the deep, sexy chuckle roll from him.

  “You like the bite…” He grinned harder as his dark eyes sparkled with glee.

  “Took you long enough- to figure that out…” She snorted in between breaths. He was still beaming when he gave a little frown.

  “I didn’t want to hurt you…”

  “Then don’t rip my limbs off…” She growled back at him. “But anything else…” She tossed up a shoulder. Dale chuckled.

  “You really were made for me, sweetheart.”

  “Better believe your arse I was.” She nestled against his chest, contented for now. By the time she could think straight she was sure she’d be horny again. He was a sex God after all.

  “Well, that was disappointing. I didn’t get to kill anything.” Caleb made a meal of the groan he gave as he strolled up towards Jethro and dropped down onto the opposite bench in the garden. Jethro reached down, retrieved a cold beer and tossed it at the vampire’s head. He caught it before it bounced off. “That was aimed.” Caleb bit out.

  “Yep.” Jethro offered before he took another long drink.

  “It’s not my fault you have another witch in your midst. How many does that make now, three?” Caleb enjoyed twisting the imaginary knife and watching his friend grimace. “And we’ve seen what the power of three can do…” Caleb yanked the top off the bottle and drank hard.

  “Was there a reason for your presence or did you just want to piss me off?” Jethro growled. He didn’t need reminding that there were three damn witches in his town now, two in his pack. Life was starting to get more complicated by the day.

  “Just wondered if you’d had a word with Wendy…” Caleb left it swinging out there in the wind.

  “About?” Jethro didn’t want to play this game, but it was a game of show and tell that Caleb liked to play.

  “Are we expecting any more visitors?” Caleb’s eyes sparkled with glee at the prospect of the alpha tearing his hair out at the thought of a town full of witches. The man’s eyes man a slow run to his…

  “Is there something I should know?” Jethro growled and Caleb shrugged just one shoulder.

  “I’ve found over the years- where there’s smoke there’s fire.” Caleb offered and Jethro groaned on a growl.

  “If you know something…” He warned and Caleb’s hand came up to ward the alpha’s warning away.

  “I was just wondering, surmising, and thinking aloud.” The vampire admitted.

  “Well, keep your damn thoughts to yourself.” Jethro growled back. He stared off into the woods, mindful of the vampire’s words. It felt as if something was brewing in the distance, akin to a storm and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like it one bit.

  The End.

  The Coven


  Book Three


  M L Briers


  A B Lee

  Copyright © 2015 by M L Briers and A. B. Lee.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book.


  Deborah noted the tree lined drive that she’d seen in her dreams and grinned. Everything looked as it should. It was all going as expected so far and she half sighed and half patted herself on the back for another vision that had come to fruition. Now if only I could have seen why I needed to come here…

  She pulled up alongside the bright blue car and turned excited eyes onto the large house. Not bad…But whose damn house is this? She’d gone so far in her dreams and no further. Every night they were the same; drive to the village, find the turn off, up the tree lined road and park beside the blue car. Then she got out and walked towards the house and… Zero, zilch, it was getting monotonous.

  Ok, so you got me here, now what are you planning for me? She asked the spirits, but of course they didn’t answer. If they ever did she might just die of shock. No, her dreams were her guides and they had guided her here.

  Her skin buzzed with the anticipation of what came next. Of course I could open the car door and a chimney could drop on me… She grimaced. C’est la vie, what will be will be…

  That thought didn’t stop her from popping open her door with a little reservation and a lot of nervous energy inside her stomach. Climbing out of the car; she took in the house and waited for the sky to fall. Nothing yet, but if there’s a damn vampire in there… She groaned at the thought. That would be bad.

  Jethro eyed Wendy across the large kitchen table. He wasn’t best pleased at having to haul his backside down to the witch’s house for the conversation that she’d been ducking for a week or so now, but he guessed it was the only sure fire way to get things done. The woman could be slippery and he needed to make it clear that he wouldn’t put up with any more of her antics where the witches were concerned.

  They’d made an agreement when he’d allowed her to settle in his town; one witch and no more. Now there were three and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it because two of them were mated to one of his enforcers and a beta. But he wasn’t about to sit idly by and allow her to run riot and gather a full coven.

  He wasn’t the type of man who sat down to midday tea, but she seemed to be the kind of witch that did. Now he was face to face with her and still not getting any real answers. He wondered how much more of her sidestepping he could take before he head butted the damn t
able and scattered her tea things everywhere.

  “You already have three witches…” He growled at that serene smile that was on her lips. She raised her eyebrows at that statement.

  “Technically there are two other witches in town…” She offered and he waved it away.

  “Fine, with you that makes three…”

  “It does.” She lifted her cup with the fingers of both hands and took a polite sip of the tea. “But again, technically two of the three witches in town are yours.” She offered as she replaced the cup on the saucer with a small clink that riled his nerves.

  “That’s not…” He shook his head.

  “So I haven’t broken our agreement in any way.” That smile hadn’t moved. He was sure that she even wore it when she was drinking. Probably even slept with it on her damn face…

  “But you don’t deny that you’ve joined your magic with the other two?” He pressed forward in his seat.

  “That was necessary to allow Eloise to kill the vampire.” She informed him, not that she needed to remind him, he had witnessed the young witch’s revenge on the bloodsucker that had killed her mother.

  “So the three of you are…” His eyes snatched to the right of her when he saw movement over her shoulder. He growled at the sight as his eyes narrowed in on the face at the window. “What-is-that?” He demanded; lifting his arm and pointing an outstretched finger.

  “What?” Wendy turned in her chair and saw the face practically pressed against the glass panel for a long moment before the young woman snatched her head back. “I have no idea.” Wendy offered honestly, but when her grin widened the alpha growled harder.

  “Oh really?” He flattened his palms on the table in front of him.

  “Yes. Really.” Wendy gave a small lift of her shoulder and raised her eyebrows.

  “Another damn witch no doubt.” He growled out. Wendy leaned in over the table towards him. Her eyes flickered with amusement even if she was trying to hide it.

  “Why don’t you go and ask her.” Wendy offered him the challenge and he pushed up to his full height and stuck out his chest.

  “Fine.” He stalked around the table and towards the window, noting the way the woman outside looked less curious now and more nervous. He reached out and wrenched open the back door. Stepping outside; he took a moment to take in her appearance. She looked like some kind of hippy-chick with a flowing tie-dye dress, long wavy auburn hair and brown eyes the size of saucers. Deborah eyed him back. “Witch.” He growled expectantly.

  “Wolf.” She looked amused and he wasn’t certain why. He certainly didn’t find another witch in his town amusing. He went to speak but she got there first. “Now we’ve stated the obvious, what comes next?” She gave a small chuckle that played on his nerves. Two can play at that game, Mr Wolf, yes, that’s it, take a good whiff and see if you can get past my shields. Bet you can’t do it, even with that big old nose of yours…

  “Why are you here?” He demanded. Frustration played within him that he couldn’t even pick up her Fae scent. Another strong witch; that was all they needed…

  “Don’t have a clue, isn’t it fun?” She looked too cheerful for his liking.

  “Fun? No.” He offered blandly and she twisted her head and gave him a sideways look.

  “Well, you’re Mr Grumpy-Pants, aren’t you?” She offered with a level of amusement that he still couldn’t fathom.

  “Are you drunk?” He planted his feet and folded his large muscled arms across his chest.

  “Not yet, but maybe later.” She teased and heard the rumble of thunder roll through his chest. “Wow, you really do have a problem, don’t you?”

  “Witches.” He announced and she spluttered her amusement.

  “Then why would you live in a town with them?” She half teased and half berated him. He dropped his hands to his sides as if she’d slapped him around the face and craned his neck towards her.

  “It wasn’t by choice.” He growled out.

  “Accidents happen.” She gave a small shrug off her shoulders and he stared at her in disbelief for a long moment before his head swivelled around on his neck and he looked towards Wendy. The older witch could barely contain her amusement at his expense. He growled again. Then Deborah moved and his head snapped back towards her.

  “Your being here is unacceptable.” He growled in no uncertain terms. He watched her consider that for a long moment. Then she craned her neck towards him and lowered her voice as if she was sharing a secret.

  “It’s unavoidable.”

  “Just go back the way you came.” He wasn’t about to stand back and let another witch into his town, not even for a flying visit on her broomstick.

  “Can’t.” She tossed her hands up in helpless resignation. He took a long calming breath that he found didn’t calm him at all. His beast was all over the place; he wasn’t sure if he wanted to bite her or lick her to death, either way it was uncharacteristic for his wolf. He needed this witch gone. Not only could he not scent her through her magic, but she was making his wolf daft.

  “Can.” He growled back.

  “Sorry.” Deborah tossed her shoulder up again and gave him an innocent, helpless half smile.

  “Don’t be sorry, just l-e-a-v-e.” He loomed in towards her and she raised just the one unimpressed eyebrow and snorted at him. Hmm, the big bad wolf display, cos that’s so going to work on me…

  “Never going to happen.” She chimed back as her eyes sparkled with amusement. He sighed inwardly and growled outwardly.

  “Never say never especially when you have a wolf on your tail.” He growled again, this time for dramatic effect and she spat out a chuckle as she lifted her hand to her mouth to cover her amusement.

  “Is that supposed to intimidate me?” She giggled this time. When he found himself twisting his head and listening to her laughter; it had an effect on him and his beast that seemed to sooth the pair of them. He frowned. “The big bad alpha deems it so and I’m supposed to run away with my tail between my legs?” She giggled again. “No pun intended.” She snorted a laugh for good measure.

  Jethro narrowed his eyes on her and took a long, slow breath while he considered her. The woman was ditzy, no doubt about that, but there was just something about her that pushed him more towards licking her from head to toe than biting her head off. He didn’t like it.

  “Wendy!” He bellowed out, even thought the witch was sitting not ten feet away from him. He took a long step back.

  “Yes, Alpha?” When he managed to tear his eyes away from the curvy new witch back towards the serene smile of the older one; he groaned inwardly at the amusement in her eyes.

  “Why is she here?” He demanded.

  “I have no idea.” Wendy assured him.

  “She has until midnight to leave town.” Jethro turned on his heels and stalked away.

  “She has until midnight to leave town…” He stopped dead in his tracks as Deborah tried her best to impersonate him. Then he heard the giggle that rattled his nerves and turned back towards her. She stood there with one hand on her curvy hip and the other rose up and she gave him a gentle wave goodbye as the mischief played in her eyes and a smile grew on her lips.

  “Is this a game to you, witch?” He growled back at her and she gave him a killer, wicked smile and he felt his length harden to the point where it ached to be set free from his clothes.

  “I do like to play…” She shot back with a wink that made his length twitch and brought another growl to his lips; this one was far different from the last. “Want to play with me, Alpha?” She teased and saw his eyes widen for a long moment.

  Damn but that sounded tempting to his ears. He’d never really thought of the Fae in a sexual way before because he found them so damn annoying. This one was appealing and damn annoying all rolled into one; with a body that he would enjoy exploring in great detail. His spine snapped to attention as he realised just what he was considering.

  “Pass.” He growled out as he turned o
n fast heels and walked head first into a planted ornate miniature tree. He grabbed at it with both hands as if he was going to wrestle a bear and muttered out dark curses between his growling. Sidestepping the thing, he heard her wickedly giggle that sounded loaded with sexuality and promise to his ears as he stalked away.

  “That guys a barrel of laughs.” Deborah announced to the witch that was coming out onto the patio to join her.

  “Isn’t he though?” Wendy agreed as she eyed the alpha and then turned her attention towards the new witch in her coven. “Welcome. Come and have tea with me.” She offered and Deborah nodded.

  “Lead on.”

  Jethro tripped over the ornate stonework that was scattered across the grass and muttered a string of dark curses. He seemed to be all fingers and thumbs and two left feet since that new witch had arrived and he wondered if she’d used her magic to make it so. His beast seemed to be back in two minds again; only this time it was over going back and challenging the damn witch or leaving and regrouping. Jethro chose the later.

  He’d made it more than plain what he expected to happen, and by midnight that damn witch had better have left his town. He wouldn’t put up with any more witches and that was a certainty, maybe the only certain thing that he could rely on. Even one as enticing as little Miss-Curvy-Hippy-Chick.

  Now he understood what his beta and enforcer saw in their mates. Both witches hadn’t appealed to him, but this one, with her curves and her flowing hair… He growled in annoyance. Why was he even considering her looks, her charms? He guessed he needed to get laid, it had been a while. What with everything that was happening lately he hadn’t really took time out for anything as relaxing as some good old fashioned, blowing off steam sex with a more than willing partner.


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