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The Coven- Complete Series- Books one to Six.

Page 26

by M L Briers

  He caught the sound of her soft protest in his mouth. Her body became softer again as the tension slipped away, and then his hand was back against her, taking her back up and bringing her right to edge of the precipice, only to let it fall away again. She wrenched her lips from his and gasped in a breath to steady herself.

  “That’s not…” She gave a small shake of her head. Her body craved him just as it craved release.

  “Let’s try that again, sweetheart…” He teased her with a roguish smile.

  A moment later he spun her away from the wall and she found herself draped over the end of her bed. Her backside was up in the air, and for one long moment she wasn’t certain which way was up. Then his breath was against her sex and she gasped in a breath of expectation before he devoured her with his tongue.

  Touching, teasing, tasting, but he was mainly devouring every inch of her sex with his tongue until her hands fisted the covers and every muscle within her body became tight with the expectation of a release. She needed this, every damn inch of her needed this, and yet he backed off again. She was almost spitting nails.

  “Caleb, I swear you will not like what I’m going to do to you…” She ground out and heard his chuckle. “I’m so bloody glad that you’re enjoying yourself…” She hissed.

  “Oh I am, sweetheart…” He breathed against her ear as his upper body came down over hers. She felt the press of his cock against her sex and wanted to thrust back onto it, but he held her hips down…

  Then he teased her some more, nudging just inside to open her to him and then pulling out and rubbing his length against her folds. The nudge against her sensitive swollen nub was electric. She moaned, groaned, and cursed his lack of motivation to take her down his length.

  “You know what they say, the longer you wait the better it gets.” That was the final straw. Wendy summoned her magic within her and tossed it out in his direction. “Ah, crap…” He groaned as his body went weak and his knees went out from under him.

  Wendy pulled herself up from the bed and turned to look down at him on the floor. His eyes said he wanted to kill her and yet she was sure that she could see a smile on those gorgeous lips. She rolled him onto his back and straddled his hips with a smile on her lips that told him that she thought she’d won the day.

  “Don’t mess with a witch, silly vampire. We always get what we want in the end.” She rubbed her sex against his length and he groaned as she pushed down, taking him inside, her muscles were only too ready to swallow him whole.

  The moment that she had him inside her, buried to the hilt, she felt that frustration leave her body. She palmed his chest and grinned wildly in her triumph. She squeezed her inner muscles around his length and saw his eyes roll within his head…

  “Are you ready to play nice?” Wendy chuckled at his misfortune.

  Keeping him immobile with her magic was only the start of what she could do to him and she saw that recognition within his eyes as he brought them back to her.

  The moment that she released her magic from his body she found herself on her back with Caleb on top of her. Her wrists were in his hands and above her head a moment later, and she felt the hard press of his hips against hers and revelled in it. Finally…


  “That was uncalled for.” Caleb offered and watched her snigger. “I have a good mind to teach you a long and frustration filled lesson…”

  “Then I’d better not let my magic slip away…” Wendy warned back. He narrowed is eyes on her and pulled his hips back until only the head of his length remained inside her.

  “Lesson learned…” He relented as he pushed back to the hilt and watched her lips part, and even without a sound from her lips it thrilled him.

  “Just don’t stop, if you stop…” She warned him. Caleb couldn’t help but chuckle, but the light in her eyes said that she wasn’t as amused by his antics as he was.

  “I promise…” He breathed against her lips a moment before he took them in an assault on her senses that left her helpless against his charms.

  The push and pull of his length inside her was a slow build to a promise of something more mind blowing. Trapped beneath his body with her hands still locked up above her head; she was physically powerless to do anything more than allow him to lead her to where they both wanted to be. She was in no real rush to get to the finish line, just having him inside her had quenched the deep seated need that she had felt for him.

  Caleb could practically taste her blood on his tongue as the memory of feeding from her fired his blood with longing. He moved against her, taking her deeper as she wrapped her legs around his hips, his shaft stroked back and forth over the sensitive nub of her clit and she broke away from his lips in order to truly breathe in. She tugged against his hold on her wrists and he finally let go, allowing her to bring her hands down and run her fingernails against his spine.

  “Bite, Caleb. Feed…” Wendy breathed against his ear.

  Caleb couldn’t stop his fangs from pushing down from his gums. He needed to taste her blood on his tongue. His hand slid behind her back and he lifted her against his chest, locking her in place against him so that she couldn’t pull away when he had his fangs inside of her vein.

  The moment that his fangs sliced through her soft skin like butter she gasped in a breath. With the first draw on her blood she released that same breath in a sigh of pleasure. Every pull on her vein was akin to the feel of his tongue working over her clit.

  He heard her breath out his name as her blood rolled down the back of his throat and his hips moved faster, taking her higher towards the orgasm that he knew to be brewing within her womb. Her inner muscles were already tightening around his length and he needed the feel of her release to make the moment complete. He pumped his hips faster; taking her halfway down his length and stroking back and forth over the sensitive spot inside her, moving as fast as he knew that she could take, and his pleasure grew with hers.

  She was everything that he had always wanted and more. He was grateful that he’d had to earn her thrust and that she hadn’t just blindly fell into his arms. This moment of heaven was worth a million days of hell.

  He felt her body tense. He heard the breath catch within her throat and he thrust deep within her, taking her down his length to the hilt, and she cried out with that first explosion of the release that swept through her body. The feeling around his cock from her inner muscles as they sucked at his length was mind blowing…

  He released his fangs from her neck and licked over the wound, sealing it with care, even as his length moved back and forth inside her to keep that orgasm rolling through her body. She was lost to him for the long moments that followed. So soft and relaxed within his arms as she came back to him that he knew she was all his, every inch, every breath, they belonged to each other now.

  “That was worth the wait…” She had the kind of teasing smile on her lips that he liked to see. It suited her so much better than that serene mask that she always tried to keep in place.

  “Well, I didn’t want to say that I told you so, but…” He left the words hanging. The feel of her nails down his back made him groan out with pleasure and pain…

  “Now it’s your turn…” Wendy revelled at the sight of her vampire caught in the moment of lust.

  “Now it’s our turn…” He pulled back his hips before taking her back to the hilt on a slow push that made her eyes close as her mind and body became one in the pleasure that he was giving her.

  He locked his arms around her body and pushed up from the floor, taking her with him, before he moved towards the bed. Her legs were still wrapped around his hips and those hips were still moving against her even as he walked. It felt glorious.

  “I know you’re a vampire, but that’s pushing the boundaries of expectation a little too far, don’t you think?” She’d never had more than one orgasm at a time in her entire life, and it was a rare occurrence when she managed that one.

  All he did was grin at
her. Maybe more of a smirk in that grin than she would have liked considering the position that she was in. He stopped just shy of the bed and moved inside her, using his strength to hold her body away from his a little as he took her back and forth, faster and faster until she could feel that knot tightening within her again…When she finally moaned with the pleasure of his length catching that ball of nerves inside her again; he took her down onto the mattress without even slowing his hips once…

  “Have I made my point?” Caleb asked in a smooth velvet tone that commanded her attention.

  “I have clarity…” She bit off that remark when he pulled out of her and she found herself turned in the bed, her back pressed against his chest as his thighs met the back of hers.

  He pushed back in so slowly that her mind could have counted the damn centimetres of his length as it entered her. When his hips were pressed against the round globes of her backside and he was deeper than ever inside her, he dipped his head and ran his tongue up the vein in her neck. She shivered at the contact and reached her hand up to fist his hair.

  “I like it when you feed from me.” She assured him, just in case he’d taken that shiver as repulsion.

  “I like it when I feed from you.” He allowed his fangs to come down once more as his hand ran up between her breasts and held her in place.

  She felt the sharp sting of his fangs enter her skin, but it was pain mixed with pleasure when he pulled his hips back and moved slowly inside her. This time when he pulled on her blood it was slowly, and it sent a different kind of touch down between her legs, like a throbbing against the most sensitive part of her sex. It seemed he was in no hurry to prove her second orgasm theory wrong.

  That feels good, so good. Maybe if he sucked a little harder, drew a little deeper… Took me a little faster…

  As if by magic he complied. It didn’t register in her mind for one moment that he was inside her head, listening to her thoughts, and at that moment she wouldn’t have cared one bit. She was lost to the slow and steady build up of that knot, tightening with every deep stroke within. Anticipation and expectation bubbled within her like a cauldron doing its job.

  His knee nudged hers further apart. He took her with five short strokes that went back and forth over that inner nub, and then thrust into the hilt on one long one that woke up her womb and told it to make ready. Her mind focused on counting those short strokes until she could feel him filing her up again, stretched tightly around his length as he speared her to the depths of her channel. Then he moved faster and her inner muscles tightened around his length as he took her towards another orgasm, there was no chance to count those strokes as her mind focused on the goal at hand…

  She mumbled dark curses under her breath, but he heard every single one of them and every one made him move faster, take her deeper and deeper, over and over, until he felt every inch of her body tense… She came undone on a cry of pure pleasure mixed with the intensity of it all. Her inner muscles showed no mercy to his length as it clamped down and released around him, again and again, until it sucked the very essence out of his body and against her womb.

  Caleb had released his fangs from her neck a moment before the orgasm had taken him away. One long swipe of his tongue had sealed most of the wound on her neck, but as he came back to her and the scent of her blood reached his nostrils, he worked over the wound to heal it completely. The small moans that came from her lips made him smile. Still she wanted him, even now as she was slowly coming back to him on the aftermath of her own release.

  “Caleb…” His name spoken with such passion on her lips sounded damn good to him. His length twitched inside her body as it found life again.

  “I didn’t know that you knew so many bad words.” He teased her.

  “I didn’t know I’d like to repeat them so damn much…” She bit off her words when his fingers slid down between her thighs and he lightly touched the sensitive nub of her sex. She jolted against him…

  “You wanna get them out of your system again?” Caleb teased her mind with his words and her flesh with his fingers.

  “Most definitely.”

  The four witches stood side by side at the entrance to the community. They knew the pack was out hunting werewolves and they were ready should any come their way with their magic drawn close ready to combine if they came under attack, but there were other more pressing needs that had to be dealt with. They needed to know where they stood in the pack.

  Luke’s words had ignited a fire inside Annabeth that had drawn the others in. She was Dale’s mate and she knew that he would die to protect her, but she wouldn’t allow that to happen by the hands of his own pack. If push came to shove she would gladly take on the pack singlehandedly if she had too to protect her man.

  The sight of Alex’s wolf made Eloise soften slightly in her stance. His eyes caught sight of them standing there and he broke the line he’d been running to pad towards them. Shifting into his human form he noted the way all of the witches took him in as he walked naked towards them.

  “You shouldn’t be out here…” He started aiming his words at his mate and watched as Eloise stiffened slightly, but she didn’t say anything.

  “Where should we be, cowering in our cabins?” It was Annabeth that fired the first volley.

  ‘Dale, your mate is leading the witches in some kind of rebellion.’ Forewarned was forearmed and he needed to keep his pack mates in the loop. He didn’t know what had brought this on but he could feel the tension in the air, see it in his mate, and that wasn’t good.

  “What’s going on?” Alex stopped in front of them and this time he directed his attention towards Annabeth.

  “We heard that we’re not exactly welcome here, Alex…” Annabeth saw the man bite down on his jaw and that was all the confirmation that she needed.

  “Damn it, Annabeth, this isn’t the time…” Alex started, but half of his mind was wondering who the hell had broken the news to the mates that there was a problem within the pack.

  “No?” Her eyebrows tried to reach for her hairline. “Then when would be a good time for you?” Her hands went to her hips and he almost sighed at the sight of it. “Should we schedule an appointment?”

  Jethro’s wolf appeared and he shifted into his human form in one smooth motion that allowed him to just keep walking towards them. Deborah knew the look on his face, anger mixed with impatience, and she knew this was going to get worse before it got better. Jethro’s eyes narrowed on hers and she flinched slightly as he growled in annoyance.

  “Now isn’t the time for this.” He announced to all of them. Annabeth shifted her weight and regarded him with her steely gaze.

  “That’s what he said.” She offered the alpha and saw his eyes snap towards her. Just that steely gaze sent a shiver down her spine.

  “What’s the problem, Annabeth?” Jethro demanded.

  “The problem seems to be with some of the pack not wanting us around.” Annabeth wasn’t about to back down.

  “There’s been talk.” He wasn’t going to lie or sugar coat it for any of them. If the cat was out of the bag there was little point in trying to shove it back inside.

  “So we’re not wanted.” Annabeth could feel the tension from the other witches. Jethro sighed.

  “We can deal with this at a more appropriate time.” Jethro informed her as his beast became antsy with the need that it had to rejoin the hunt for the werewolves.

  “We need to know where we stand…”

  “Annabeth!” Jethro growled out as he snapped back at her. He didn’t have the time or patience to deal with this now. Not when his pack might be under attack, not when his mate was standing out in the open and in the firing line. He knew within him that they needed to get this sorted once and for all and any member of the pack could have their say, but this wasn’t that time.

  “I’m not going to cower to your temper, Alpha.” Annabeth informed him as her back went ramrod straight in defiance.

  The alpha’s hea
d snapped to the right at the sound of fast paws coming towards them, but the sight of Dale’s wolf put him at ease. He turned back towards Annabeth and saw the recognition in her eyes, her weight shifted slightly on her feet and her cheeks coloured at the sight of her mate as he shifted into human form. He stalked towards the group.

  “Want to tell me what this little rebellion is all about?” Dale growled with the beast in his voice. He wasn’t best pleased that it was his mate leading the charge once again. He’d tried to instil in her the workings of the pack and its etiquette and yet here she was all fire and defiance in the presence of her alpha.

  “They heard the talk about not being wanted…” Jethro growled in annoyance. If Annabeth was a Lycan this would have been over the moment he’d said his piece, unfortunately with the witches being human then allowances had to be made.

  “Annabeth…” Dale took a long step forward but Annabeth raised her hand to stop him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” It was the accusation in her tone and her eyes that made him sigh.

  “Maybe I should have, but we were waiting and watching to see what happened.” Dale informed her and she tossed up her hands.

  “And we were oblivious to the danger.” Annabeth shot back.

  “There was never any danger to you or the others.” Jethro put in. “I wouldn’t allow it to…”

  “You allowed it to get this far.” Annabeth accused. His eyes took her in and then the other three that stood beside her. Even his mate looked pissed at him and he had to wonder if he’d handled this matter in the right way considering who he was dealing with.

  “We have werewolves to deal with.” Jethro informed her. He wasn’t about to second-guess himself anymore right then. There was a pack to protect that included their mates and he didn’t have time for this.


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