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Giants on the Earth

Page 5

by S. P. Meek


  _A Desperate Plan_

  Flying the space ship with a crew of two men instead of the normal ninethrew a heavy strain on Damis. Turgan proved to be almost tireless, butwhile he could act as an observer, Damis devoutly hoped that nowandering celestial body would approach within the danger zone while hewas alone on duty. Nothing of the sort happened. The days passed withmonotonous slowness, yet daily and, indeed, hourly, the planet Marsfaded to a red star and the green point of light which marked theirdestination grew larger. Damis cast many a longing glance at Venus, buthe remained steadfast to the faith which Turgan had engendered in him.During the long hours Turgan had opportunity to tell the Nepthalim ofsome of the sacrifices made by Terrestrials for the cause of liberty.They filled Damis with amazement and moved him to awe to think of theloyalty and bravery displayed by those whom he had been taught fromchildhood to regard as a race of slaves, created solely to minister totheir overlords.

  Damis pushed the ship to the greatest acceleration which he dared touse, and, as they approached the Earth, he cast many an anxious glanceat the diminishing fuel supply. For thirteen days he drove at high speeduntil the Earth seemed almost at hand. Using almost the full power ofhis bow motors, he checked its speed. For a time he thought he hadoverestimated the power of his motors and that it would be necessary toavoid the atmosphere belt, run past the Earth and return. At the middleof the fifteenth day, with the Earth less than a thousand miles away, hethrew in his last notch of power.

  The deceleration pressed them so tightly to the nose of the ship thatthey could hardly breathe. Damis lay with his hand on a side motor tothrow them out of danger. Gradually the forward motion of the shipceased and at last Damis rose with an effort and shut off the bowmotors.

  "We are falling under the influence of terrestrial gravity," heannounced. "In another three hours, we will land."

  * * * * *

  He was as good as his word. Three hours later he dropped the space shipto a landing at a spot half a dozen miles distant from the beleagueredcapital of the Sons of God. As he landed, the sun was just peeping overthe eastern horizon.

  Their approach had been seen and the ship was surrounded by hundreds ofTerrestrial swordsmen. As the airlock opened and Damis and Turganappeared there was silence for a moment and then a thunderous shout ofjoy rose to the heavens. From the forefront of the crowd, acrimson-robed man ran toward the ship.

  "Turgan, my lord," he cried as fell on his knees and strove to kiss theKildare's hand. "You are spared to us who had given you up for lost. Ourspies reported that the Sons of God had followed you to Mars and hadslain you all. Havenner reported to Glavour that you had made such aresistance that it was impossible to follow his orders and bring youback alive."

  "Havenner!" cried Damis. "Havenner is on Venus with Lura."

  "The ship of the Sons of God returned last night," replied the Akildare,"with a loss of two men of its crew and with the Princess Lura aprisoner."

  Tears of joy sprang into Damis' eyes and ran unrestrained down his face.

  "And she is safe?" he cried.

  "One of our spies saw her and reports that she is well although in poorspirits. She is confined in the palace and will not be harmed. A Jovianfleet of a hundred ships is expected hourly with Tubain himself incommand. A message to Glavour has ordered that Lura be held for Tubain'sarrival, when he will dispose of her."

  "What is the situation here, Toness?" interrupted Turgan. "I rejoicewith Damis that my daughter is safe, yet, unless we are victorious, herpresent safety will avail her little."

  * * * * *

  "Things have gone neither well nor ill since your departure, Kildare,"replied Toness. "I have followed out the great conspiracy as it wasplanned many years ago. Although we have lost thousands of our bravestmen, we have the Sons of God besieged in the Viceregal palace and wehave tapped and cut the secret source of power which Timour, theAkildare, found years ago. They have no weapons save some hand tubesthat are not yet exhausted and their axes. Their most powerful weaponsof offense are crippled, yet we cannot storm the palace in the face ofthe defenses they have left. Have you brought us any hope from Mars?"

  "We have brought weapons against which all the power and science of theSons of God are as helpless as is our feeble strength against theirmight," replied Turgan. "Send me men to transport these weapons, and intwo hours not a Jovian will remain on the planet."

  A wild cheer of joy from the assembled Terrestrials answered the wordsof the Kildare. A score of men ran forward and entered the space ship onthe heels of Turgan. They reappeared in a few minutes carrying with thegreatest of care the two terrible weapons which were the gift of theGrand Mognac. Damis suddenly looked up from a reverie in which he hadbeen plunged.

  "I have just figured it out," he exclaimed. "Despite his report toGlavour, Havenner knew that Turgan and I lived. He started away fromMars toward Venus, a destination which he had already informed his crewthat they would make for. He feared the Martian weapons and he stroveto draw us away toward Venus so that he would be safe. Once the Martianinstruments had ceased to watch him, he altered his course and made forEarth. With his greater supply of fuel and more powerful ship, he wasable to make a higher speed and, despite the additional million or twoof miles, he was able to land before us. The thing that puzzles me iswhy we were not seen by the Jovians as we approached."

  "You came from a different direction than Havenner, oh Nepthalim,"replied Toness. "All of their instruments were either watching Havenneror the Jovian fleet. But for an accident, your approach would not havebeen noted by us. I am confident that the Sons of God have no idea thatyou have returned, especially since Havenner reported that he had slainyou. We will take them by surprise. Where shall we take the weapons?"

  "Take the one with the blue rod to the top of the mountain whichoverlooks the palace and set it so that the rod points in the directionfrom which Tubain's fleet is approaching. That hill is less than twomiles from the palace, so you had better take them both there. Point thered rod toward the palace."

  * * * * *

  At a word from Toness, the Terrestrials started off with the weapons forthe point indicated by Damis. The Nepthalim and Turgan followed them,relating their adventure on the red planet as they walked along. Theshutting off of the Jovian source of power had effectually crippled allof the power-driven chariots which certain of the higher officials amongthe Earthmen had been allowed to maintain.

  On the top of the hill overlooking the palace grounds the two Martianweapons were placed on the ground, side by side. Damis carefully alignedthe red rod on the Viceregal palace. When he had it set, with a word ofwarning, he closed the gravity anchor switch. The instrument settled atrifle on the solid rock on which it was bedded and then was motionless.At a word from Damis, as many of the Terrestrials as could find ahand-rest pushed against it. It was as though they were pressing againstthe mountain itself. Damis sighted along the rod and adjusted it untilit pointed at the center of the building.

  "So much for that one," he said. "It is the less powerful of the two,but it will be enough to destroy the Sons of God and the Nepthalim whoare in the palace. The few who are scattered over the Earth, we candispose of at our leisure. If the Jovian fleet approaches the Earth fromdirectly above us, we will be able to destroy it easily. In any event,this weapon is to be used only when it is approximately normal to thesurface of the Earth. We must have it almost under the point from whichthe Jovians are approaching. That may be on the opposite side of theEarth."

  "I think not, Nepthalim," said Toness. "We know that Glavour and Tubainhave been in constant communication since the Jovian fleet passed Marsand he expects them to land here. There would be no object in theirtaking a circuitous route, so they will probably drop directly down inthe palace grounds."

  "Let us hope so, Toness. In any event, we might as well anchor theweapon here as elsewhere

  * * * * *

  He set the weapon with the blue rod on another patch of bare rock andtested the rod to make sure that it revolved freely and could be made tocover the entire heavens from horizon to horizon. He closed the gravityanchor switch and again the efforts of a dozen Terrestrials were futileto move it.

  "Now we are ready for their attack," he said to Turgan. "You are asfamiliar with these weapons as I am, but I will instruct a dozen ofyour followers in using them. It is possible that we may not be able tooperate the weapons ourselves."

  "I can operate one weapon while you manipulate the other, Damis,"replied the Kildare. "However, no harm will be done in instructingothers."

  "I may not be here," said Damis briefly.

  Without replying to the questions of Turgan and Toness, he proceeded toinstruct a dozen of the Earthmen in the use of the terrible Martianweapons. When he was certain that he had a half dozen men capable ofattending to each of the weapons, he turned to Turgan.

  "I may not be here when the weapons are used," he said. "When I thoughtthat Lura had gone to Venus, I gave her up and sacrificed both her andmy heart on the altar of our cause, for it is what she would havechosen. Now I have accomplished the sacrifice and returned with theMartian weapons to find that she is a captive in the Viceroy's palace.We can turn on the rays and reduce the building and all in it to a pinchof dust in a few seconds, but Lura would be immolated with the Sons ofGod. The weapons are here; our men know how to use them, and myusefulness is at an end. Now I stand here with no more responsibilityfor our success than the humblest swordsman. Since I am no longerneeded, I will leave the fate of the Earth to you and follow out myprivate designs."

  "Where are you going, Nepthalim?" cried Toness. The question was echoedby all within the sound of his voice. Only Turgan smiled as though heknew Damis' answer.

  * * * * *

  "Where could I go, Akildare, but to one place?" replied the Nepthalim."I go to Glavour's palace. I have two errands there. One is to rescueLura and the other is to mete out to Glavour the death which I sworethat I would accomplish. The rays can be turned on and the palacedemolished at any time, but I ask that you wait until I return with Luraor until you know that we are dead."

  "But if the Jovian fleet arrives before that time, Nepthalim?" demandedToness.

  "Then give the word for the use of the weapons, Akildare, and Lura'ssoul and mine will join the thousands of others whose lives are but apart of the price the race of Earthmen have had to pay to rid theirplanet of the Sons of God."

  "It grieves me, Damis, to see you go to certain death," said Turgansadly to the blond giant, "yet I will say nothing to stop you. Were itnot that my presence would hinder you in your attempt, I would accompanyyou."

  "Your place, Kildare, is at the head of your men, whom you were born torule. I can hope to succeed only by stealth, else a thousand men wouldcome with me. Now call from the ranks one who is a barber that he maychange the color of my hair and alter my face that I shall not beknown."

  At the Kildare's word, three men stepped forward from the ranks ofswordsmen and announced themselves adepts in the art of disguise. Swiftrunners were sent to bring supplies and the three labored over Damis.When they had finished their ministrations, only a close observer wouldhave known him under the bushy black beard which covered his face.


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