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Dead Chance

Page 4

by H L Goodnight

  Sucking in my breath, I almost missed Whisper saying loudly, "That's why I need you here. Right now!"

  Roth's fingers lightly traced the side of a breast, and I leaned back against him. The heat from his body fueled the fever in mine. I tried to move his hand, but he nimbly avoided the attempts. Trembling at his touch my flesh was lost in his fire.

  "Dianna," she shouted.

  Roth stopped what he was doing, and threw himself back on the bed, letting out a loud curse. He tossed an arm over his eyes. His arms were long, lean, and well-conditioned. A tattoo in some kind of rune marked his tricep. Six lines forming two crossed Xs, like the beginnings of a child's snowflake drawing. Four of them had triangles at the end. The tattoo was done in a golden color that made it hard to notice. His arm muscles flexed.

  There was a scar near his wrist. I wondered how he got it. It didn’t mar his attractiveness.

  Whisper shouted, “Are you there?”

  "What is it? I told you I was on a date." My voice was husky with need, so I tried to clear it. Without thinking, I moved closer to Roth. I lightly caressed his stomach.

  The hot muscles under my fingertips contracted. Roth’s hand reached down to hold my wrist in place. He moved his arm and his blue gaze pierced mine with its need.

  Unthinking, the hand holding the phone started to drop down. I leaned in.

  "I need you here now!" She hung up.

  "Damn it!" I said. My hand tightened on the phone, and the screen cracked.

  Roth let go of my wrist as I sat on my heels.

  I tapped the screen. It still responded. Five phones in one year would be a new record. The phone read seven missed calls and double that in text messages. All from Whisper. Hadn't I put this stupid phone on busy mode? Pressing a hand against my head, I tried to calm down.

  "Roth, I have to go." Mad at her or not, if she needed me, I'd be there.

  He said, "Okay. Let's get dressed. The night is still young." As he got up and put on clothes, I sat there. He raised an eyebrow. "Your friend is in desperate need. But it sounds like Whisper needs you too." His voice was raspy too.

  At least I wasn't alone in my frustration. I got up, and Roth passed me my torn bra.

  "I'm sorry."

  Looking at me, he tilted his head. "It's fine." He took some shorts and a tee shirt out of a drawer, tossing them on the bed. "Sorry about your clothes." He didn't sound or look sorry. "These have a drawstring."

  I took off my stockings and put on my underwear.

  He grabbed me, holding me close from behind. "I want you." He squeezed me tight and then released me. "But I can wait."

  I put on the tee he'd given me and tried to steady my breathing. The shirt was fitted to Roth and didn't look too baggy on me. The shorts worked but went past my knees. He handed me a pair of socks. It was better than wearing sexy crimson heels with the black workout gear.

  He got dressed while I put my hair up in a ponytail.

  His arms pulled me close. His breath smelled like me as he leaned in to kiss me.

  Blushing I turned my head away.

  He let me go. One of his hands cupped my chin, turning my head towards him. His eyes hadn't lost that wild gleam. "Next time, I'll kiss you. Angel kisses and all."

  Chapter Eight

  As the sleek car pulled up next to the front of the cafe Roth put the car in park. He left the engine on and asked, "Out of curiosity, why have you waited so long?"

  "To be intimate?"

  "Yes. To be honest, I don't understand it. Once the genie is out of the bottle?"

  "It's a long story." I looked away and out the car's window, willing away memories of Max. "After, I didn't want to be with just anyone."

  "I'm glad for that." His hand cupped my chin. "But I'm sorry for the sorrow asking you caused."

  I smiled sadly, thinking back. "It was a long time ago."


  "And it was over as fast as it began. One night."

  Max's blue-green eyes, flecked with gold surrounded by dark lashes darkened as he leaned in for a kiss.

  "I don't talk about it."

  Max's chuckle made me shiver.

  Roth stayed silent. "So, it was a one night stand?"

  "No, we had just agreed to date and then," I stopped. I would not go there. I'd blocked it out for six years. A few more couldn't hurt. "Things happened." Awful things. Scenes from that night threatened to push their way back out. I felt my pulse and breath pick up. "I don't talk about it."


  As I undid the seatbelt and moved to leave, Roth put a hand on my thigh.

  He said, "I can tell I hit a sore spot. But I need to know one thing."

  I sighed, ready to leave.

  Roth asked, "So, was your old boyfriend's bigger?"

  Surprised I snorted. Laughing, I said, "No."

  Roth laughed, "Ah, now that is good to know."

  My shoulders relaxed. "Um. This may be my inexperience talking, but." I stopped. How to ask this delicately?

  His hand still on my thigh squeezed firmly. Moving in, he said, "You can take it." The smell of his breath was minty. He'd brushed his teeth before we left.

  "Has it ever not?"

  "Why does it matter? I'm with you now, Dianna. And no, I've always managed." Roth shrugged, "Most women only want to try it out. Have an adventure."

  I felt guilt lance through me. Wasn't I doing the same thing? Not looking for love, just a good time. "So, are you looking for a girlfriend?"

  Roth said, "Not anymore."

  My heart skipped a beat.

  His eyes seemed to have an inner light for a second. He looked down at his hand on my thigh. When he looked up the lighting effect was gone.

  "You are so handsome, Roth. Why play around? Why not find Mrs. Rights years ago?"

  "I never met anyone I wanted to actually talk to and be with before," he said. "The two are usually mutually exclusive."

  We sat in silence the rest of the drive.

  Roth dropped me off at the front of the cafe. "I'm going to park. I'll be right in."

  I shook my hand, "You don't need to do that. Can we get together tomorrow night, Saturday?"

  He looked thoughtful, "But what will Lisa and the twins say?"

  I shook my head.

  "Joking. Let's get together tomorrow. For a better date. One that will make-up for this night of interruptions. About seven?"

  "That sounds nice," I said. I kissed Roth’s cheek, and he wrapped an arm around me.

  Holding me tightly, he kissed my throat. Nipping at it, he let go.

  I got out of the car and headed to the cafe with no shoes. I turned around to wave.

  He waited until I was inside the cafe, before taking off. His fancy car purring as it left.

  Dan whistled. "That is one overpriced vehicle." He looked over my appearance. "A gym buddy?"

  "No. It was a date." I didn't explain about my clothes more than that. Remembering the cloth tug as Roth ripped them away in impatience made me want to call him. "Is she in back?"

  "Yep," Dan said. "She's really upset, Dianna."

  After talking to Whisper, maybe I'd call Roth. The last thing I wanted was a deep and meaningful relationship. He didn't seem opposed to having fun.

  I went to the backroom, and Whisper was in her office with the door open. Pacing.

  Seeing me, she threw up her arms. "What the hell, Dianna?" She made fists and put them on her hips. "I was worried sick!"

  "I put my phone in busy mode." I put a hand on my hip and held up my pointer finger. "And might I add, you interrupted my first-"

  She said, "No time for that. I need to do a reading for you. Now." Her delicate hand took mine, and she led us back to the cafe.

  Not speaking, we went to the usual back table. After I sat down, she left. Returning shortly, she put a bowl, a saucer, and cup down. She mixed some tea leaves together with a mortar and pestle. Frowning, she put a pinch of the mixture in the cup. Then carefully poured the water over them.

  I knew she'd want the leave to sit and steep for a bit, so I asked, "What is your issue with Roth? Do you know him? Or did you hear about him?"

  "No. But I know the type. A man in power, seeking to subjugate those beneath him."

  "He isn't like that," I said.

  Roth's dealings with two of my co-workers made her words ring a bit too true. But he wasn't like that. He was a playboy, but he hadn't promised me anything more than I wanted. A good time.

  "He isn't leading me on. It is just dating Whisper."

  Her left eyebrow arched up in her how-dumb-are-you expression. "Right. How many others, where you work, has Roth dated?" She did the up and down at my borrowed shirt. "Mmm hmm. And where is your dress? Wasn't this a first date?"

  Deciding the leaves had enough time, I sipped on the tea. It was bitter.

  She snorted and glanced around the room.

  Drinking as much of the scalding liquid as I could in one shot, she said, "Finally."

  Taking the cup from me, she poured it out in the bowl and looked at the remains in the cup. Her eyes grew distant. She wasn't seeing them now; whatever she viewed was beyond this world.

  "Jason Lewis. Seek justice."

  She sagged as Roth slid next to me in a chair. As her eyes cleared, she gasped and then glared at Roth.

  He smiled widely at her, showing off his sharp canines. "So, is the girl drama done for the night," he asked.

  Startled he had returned and hoped he hadn't seen the reading I said, "Yeah. I need to head home."

  Roth held out his hand to Whisper, "Roth Craig. We spoke on the phone. Pleased to meet you Whisper."

  Her lips curled in a sneer as if he was holding out excrement. She put her hands on her lap away from him.

  "Now what kind of nickname is Whisper? Surely, your father named you something different?" His smile was sardonic as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. The gesture reminded me of Whisper's.

  "What are you doing with this-" Whisper struggled to find a word over her anger. She sputtered.

  "He's my date." I looked back and forth at them, "You two know each other?"

  "Like hell!" She looked enraged, with her brows drawn and teeth clenching.

  "Well, hopefully, a bit more like paradise," Roth said. His eyes were twinkling. "I've never had the pleasure, Dianna. So this is Whisper?"

  "Not helping." I glared at Roth. Confused and frustrated I said, "Whisper. You don't know Roth, he doesn't know you. Unless you have a specific reason other than that we work together for us, not to date, you need to let this go." I got up. I hadn't dated anyone since that night of hell. Didn't I deserve just a smidgen of happiness?

  She stood up, "Dianna, that," she choked on the words, "man is evil."

  Roth held my hand, and his warmth filled me. He laughed, "Now that's a bit rude. Where's your father, so I can have him scold you for being so rude to your elders?"

  Whisper’s face went rigid. "Get out!"

  Roth said, "Shall we." He tugged at my hand, and we left.

  I didn't say goodbye. I was too raw.

  "You've never met her before, right?" I searched his face.

  Whisper loved everyone except the monsters. And Roth wasn't a bug or a fish man. What was going on?

  Roth looked at me, hurt in his eyes. "Never. But you know how teens are." He shrugged a shoulder. "Well, who would think your best friend is ten years your junior, hmm? And she hates me. Hate at first site. Am I doomed?" He brought our entwined hands up to his mouth and brushed his lips over my knuckles.

  Heat radiated throughout my body. I shook my head. "Whisper just looks like a kid. And no." I moved our joined hands, rubbing my cheek against his hand. "You aren't doomed."

  He hugged me, putting his face in my hair. "After we get you home, I hope you dream of all the things we have yet to do."

  Everything in me revved back up.

  He leaned back, his arms still holding my lower back. His lips hovered over mine. "You taste like cherries, Dianna." He licked his lips, "With vanilla."

  Feeling his fiery touch, I wanted to kiss him. My stomach tightened. The socks did little to block the cold seeping in from the sidewalk. But I didn't care. Standing on tiptoes, I brushed my lips on his.

  His firm but supple lips locked on mine. Lifting me up and holding me against him, his tongue caressed my bottom lip before pushing my lips apart. He moaned, holding me tighter. It was too hard a squeeze, and I made a squeaking noise. He stayed pressed against me, his face pressed in my hair.

  "Next time, I'm going to put your phone in my freezer before we start anything."

  The roughness of his voice and his words sent shivers down my spine. "So, I'm guessing you aren't going to invite me to your place."

  I said, "I thought about it before you arrived. However, I need time to think." Enjoying the feeling of being in his arms, I grew aware we were still on the street. I pulled away and said, "I didn't know you were looking for more."

  He kept a hold of one hand. "I want everything with you, Dianna." His face was serious, as he squeezed.

  "What if I can't give it?"

  "Then I take what scraps you'll give me," his voice got lower. Bringing my hand to his chest, he said, "I want to try."

  "What if I can't return your feelings? And hurt you," I asked.

  "I'm hurting right now." He said it only half joking. Tugging my hand, he said, "Let's get you home." He pressed me against his side, his arm going around my waist.

  I normally had on heels around Roth, so our heights were similar. Without the heels, I felt tiny. I felt the hardness and fire radiating from him.

  He asked, "You won't budge?"

  Shaking my head in the negative, I said, "No."

  "So, me wanting more than a fuck has made you back off?" He sounded incredulous. His eyes were slightly wider. He chuckled, but it sounded unhappy. "I do want more. I want all of you."

  My pulse quickened at his words and my body tightened. "I want you, Roth. I just need to sort it all out."

  He stopped walking towards his car. Rubbing the back of his neck, he said, "Sort quickly."

  Chapter Nine

  I changed my clothes into my usual wear a cotton tee, a dark hoodie, leather jacket, jeans, wool socks and thick black boots. Feeling anxious I was having a hard time sitting still. As I zipped up my black boots, time-shifted.

  The cabin was dark. Loud thumping from the record sounded as it beat out pop rock. Brad had made a best-of-mix on his iPod. No noise was coming from downstairs. No sounds of dancing, snacking or chatting. I couldn’t see anyone in the upstairs hallway with me, the lights were all off. As I went down the stairs, my foot caught on something, and I fell to the bottom. Landing on something squishy, I pushed up.

  Sara looked up at me with eyes that were no longer moving. Her blood-spattered face animated with rage as she shouted at me, Why didn’t you save us?

  Help us! Screams were everywhere. I crab-crawled off Sara.

  “I didn’t know. Sara. I didn’t know.”

  I put my hands to my ears and crouched in a squat. It was over. This is now. Breathing in slowly, hurt. I opened my eyes trying to concentrate on my surroundings. Block out the visions of the past. The shouts of death and accusation from my fallen friends.

  A quilt from my great-grandmother lay at the foot of the bed. Remembering its blooming flower-like applique and blue triangular edges.

  You let us die! Recriminating voices screamed at me.

  Hugging my knees, I chanted, “It is over. This is now.”

  Breathing in and out slowly, my eyes went around the room of my bedroom slowly.

  An old family photo was on my wall, faded from time. My mother Regina, my father Lucas, my older sister Victoria at elven, my little brother Warren at three, and me at the age of six. We were all in Sunday summer clothes. Mom was holding her hat because the lakeside had been so windy. We’d been close to the mountains, on a church outing. Raising money for the food drive. Grandfather Erik had been with a
nd had taken the photo.

  The photo next to it was a black and white army photo of my Grandfather Erik when he’d been just a boy serving his country in wartime. He’d come back and had his children late in life.

  My Grandmother Kathrine, his beloved wife, had mixed blood. My mother said no one knew of what, but most likely the man had been from Central or South America. The heritage had given Grandma Kathy, my mother, and my siblings copper skin. My siblings had shared our grandmother dark brown eyes. I had inherited the blue-gray of my mother’s. My skin was more like my Grandfather’s; northerner pale, with a tendency to burn before lightly tanning. My long brown hair was like my Grandmother Kathy’s. My siblings had also had the same dark hair. I missed them all.

  This time of year, with the season of feasting and football, it made it hard to be alone. My heartbeat was steadying. I stood up, the visions and panic attack ebbing. When my whole family died, Grandfather Erik had taken me in. It had been a blessing to be raised by him. My shoulders relaxed.

  In college, he’d passed away my freshman year. It had been hard to know I was alone. Max, Brad, Sara, and Julie had been my anchors in the storm of grief.

  Only a year later, they were gone too. The horror that had happened at Lake Clare had left me changed. I didn’t know why I had powers or how I got them.

  The friends I’d made in college that hadn’t been at the party had heard what I’d told police about a monster killing my friends and had faded from my life.

  It had been a rough time. By chance, I’d met Whisper as I was trying to figure out what I was supposed to be. My breathing grew steadier.

  Whisper was my best friend and the only person I’d met, aside from children and the insane, who could see monsters as they truly were. After six years of fighting them at night, and working in the day, pretending to be normal, I needed a break.

  Roth was offering the moon with his hand outstretched. I wanted to grab onto it. I wanted to taste the freedom of it, if only for a brief moment in time.

  Whisper, and I had made a promise, to always look after each other. I took care of the visions she had, which were usually just two intersecting street names. I’d go there and exterminate a creature. Once, she’d sent me after a person being attacked. This Jason Lewis might need me right now so I would have to deal with this before any kind of date with Roth.


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