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The Embrace Series: Romantic Suspense Box Set

Page 61

by Dana Mason

  “Stop it!” Carl screamed again. “I can’t drive when you’re attacking me.”

  “Don’t touch me,” Ali said breathlessly as she shrank back down in her seat, her heart racing and hands shaking. She carefully leaned in and took her phone from the door storage bin and glanced down at the display. She looked closer and realized she lost the call and her signal. Crap! How long ago did she lose it? She looked up at the huge Redwood trees they were driving through and wanted to cry. Her head hurt, her baby was sitting in a pile of pee, and his father was a freaking lunatic. How was she going to get out of this?

  “We’re less than thirty minutes away, just relax a little,” Carl said.

  Ali sat in silence for a long time, periodically looking down at her cell phone, checking the signal. Just as the signal had strengthened, Carl slowed the car. She looked up quickly. “What are you doing?”

  “We can get what you need here. The house is only about another ten minutes away.”

  Ali examined the parking lot of the small gas station and wedged her phone under her thigh just as Carl pulled into a parking spot.

  She flipped down the visor to look at her face in the mirror. She had dried blood around her lips and two black eyes. “You have to go in without me, Carl. I can’t go in there looking like this. My face is bleeding.”

  He turned to examine her, but when he didn’t respond she said, “Unless of course you want people to know you’ve been abusing your wife in the car?”

  “But I don’t know anything about diapers or baby food.”

  “I guess you should’ve thought about that before you gave me two black eyes,” Ali sneered. “I’ll give you a list. While you’re in there, I’ll change Micah and feed him a bottle.” Ali made a list of things for Carl, acting as nonchalant as she could. She had to keep her cool to keep him from realizing she had her phone hidden from him.

  Carl took the list then reached over and gripped her chin forcing her to turn to him.

  “Ow—stop!” She threw her hand up to push him off, but the expression on his face stopped her cold.

  His eyes narrowed and his grip tightened. “I can see everything you do from inside that store—do you understand that?”

  She tried again to back away, but he pulled her closer. “I swear, Alison, if you so much as roll down your window, I’ll kill him.”

  A tremble shot through her body at the tone in his voice. She nodded, her breath catching and her eyes filling with tears.

  He got out and opened the back door. “What are you doing?” she sobbed as he unhooked the car seat. “What the hell are you doing?” She reached over and held on to the car seat.

  “Micah is coming with me.” He leaned in to meet her eyes. “Behave yourself and he’ll be fine.”

  “No—hell no!” Ali shouted. “No-No-No! You are not taking my son from me!” She willed herself to fight off the hysterics building, but she couldn’t. A sob broke from her chest and she started pleading. “Please don’t hurt him—please, I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Alison, don’t give me a reason and I won’t hurt him.” He pried her fingers loose and jerked the car seat out of the car.

  Before Ali had a chance to respond, he was gone, carrying Micah in the car seat at his side. Her tears were streaming now and she could hardly see to dial Johnny’s number.

  She put the phone on speaker and laid it on her lap. “Ali!” Johnny answered.

  “Johnny—” Her cry came out in a pathetic sob and she threw her hand up in front of her mouth so Carl couldn’t see her lips moving. She ducked her head to look into the store. His eyes were on her, glaring.

  “Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?”

  “Carl kidnapped . . .” She couldn’t talk through her hiccupping sobs.

  “Ali, sweet, calm down and talk to me, are you hurt?”

  She tried to take a deep breath then she pushed out a loud, “No.”

  “Okay, good, take another deep breath.”

  She breathed in and out slowly, and closed her eyes, trying to focus. “I called earlier—could you hear us?”

  “Yes, we heard everything until you lost the signal. Brian and I are tailing you. We’re about an hour behind you. We’ve got the address to the house. Ali, tell me if he hurt you?”

  “He took Micah,” she said, trying to talk clearly.


  “We’re at a gas station and he took Micah inside with him and left me in the car.”

  “What was his mood like, was he agitated?”

  “Yes! Johnny, he’s crazy! I mean he has completely lost his mind. If Micah wakes up screaming while they’re in there—”

  “A public place is probably the safest place for Micah right now. He can’t hurt the baby with an audience.”

  That was probably true, but she still couldn’t relax.

  “Ali, are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” She touched the bruises on her face and winced. “He hit me a couple of times.” Her eyes welled up again and she said, “He threatened to kill Micah if I don’t do what he says.

  “Fuck! Okay, listen, sweetheart, I have to talk fast before I lose my cell signal too. You need to cooperate. You have to stop pissing him off so he’ll relax and trust you. Please just go along with him as much as you can until we get there.”

  “He’s not himself. I don’t know what he’s going to do next.”

  “You need to protect yourself, but don’t aggravate him either.” Johnny took a deep breath and exhaled through the speaker. “Ali, sweetheart, I’m comin’ to get you, I promise. I love you.”

  “He’s coming!” she said in a whispered gasp. “I gotta go. I love you.” She hit the off button and stuffed the phone into her pocket.

  When Carl approached the car he smiled at her and held up a cup of coffee. She rolled down her window and took the cup from him.

  “Here, honey, coffee. They didn’t have espresso, but I thought this would do for now. I also got some bottled water and diet coke for the house.” He put everything in the trunk before hooking Micah back into the backseat. When he slid back into the driver’s seat. Ali ignored him, leaning back to check on Micah, who was still sleeping in the car seat. “I bought us some sandwiches for dinner and eggs. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.” He rattled on as she stared down at Micah.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled, trying to hide her red eyes.

  “How’s the coffee?”

  “Too hot, I’ll drink it when it cools,” she said, putting it down in the cup holder.

  Carl angled the car into the long driveway and slowly approached the house.

  Ali stretched and unbuckled her seatbelt, anxious to get out of the cramped car. “Thank God,” she said. “I really need to use the bathroom.”

  “Go ahead inside.” Carl handed her the house keys. “Take the baby, I’ll unload the car.” He smiled at her and it made Ali want to cry.

  She stared at his face. What happened to the man she once loved? Carl had been this sweet once . . . but that seemed like a lifetime ago. Was she the reason he had lost his grip on sanity?

  She took the keys and tried to smile back at him. “Thanks,” she said, opening the back door and unhooking the car seat. She went inside and locked herself in the bathroom with Micah still sleeping in his car seat. She dialed Johnny’s number.


  “We’re here,” she whispered. “I’m locked in the bathroom with Micah. Carl is unloading the car. I have to hurry.”

  “Don’t get caught with the phone. I don’t want to give him a reason to hurt you or Micah.”

  “Johnny, hurry up, please.” She started crying again and said, “I’m scared.”

  “Hold on a little longer, sweetheart. I’ll be there soon. Try to keep your distance and don’t fight with him.”

  “Okay—I hear him coming. I have to go—I love you!”

  Ali quickly looked around the bathroom for a place to hide the phone. She pulled the bag out of the empty garbage can and
put the phone in it then replaced the bag. After washing her face and hands she stepped out of the bathroom and almost right into Carl. “H-Hi,” she stammered.

  “I got the groceries in,” he said.

  Ali couldn’t believe how normal he was acting. As if he didn’t just threaten her son’s life. God he really believed they were on vacation. All she wanted was to go home.

  “Here’s your coffee, honey,” he said, handing her the cup. “You left it in the car.”

  “Thank you, I need to change Micah.” She took the coffee and sipped it, then stepped around him to go into the family room. Carefully, she picked up the sleeping baby and rocked him, thankful they’d made it this far without incident.

  Micah was soaking wet from his diaper and from sweating in his car seat. She changed his clothes and diaper then rushed to make him a fresh bottle while he whimpered and whined. She prayed Carl didn’t start screaming at her or the baby, but he seemed so relaxed since they’d arrived.

  The baby ate frantically, his eyes wide as he sucked on the bottle. Ali stared at him, praying she could keep him safe until Johnny arrived. Her adrenalin had settled slightly but she felt zapped from the crazy day. She grabbed the coffee and drank to ward off the adrenalin crash.

  Micah finished the bottle and dropped back off to sleep. She glanced around for a place to lay him down and remembered the portable crib was still in her truck from sleeping at Johnny’s house. “Carl, in my trunk is a blue portable crib—it looks like a playpen. Will you get it for Micah?”

  “Of course, honey.” Carl smiled and went back to the car.

  Ali picked up the cooling coffee and took several more drinks then rested her head back, loopy and confused as the room went fuzzy. When Carl came back inside, she slurred, “God, I’m so tired all of a sudden. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  “Here, let me lay Micah down.” Carl offered, reaching his hands out. “He’s back to sleep and his bottle is gone.”

  Ali gripped the baby to her chest, but Carl easily snatched him up. “No . . . my ba . . . baby.” She couldn’t lift her arms, or reach out for him. Her limbs were too heavy and her head too fuzzy to focus on where Carl was taking him. “Please . . . don’t, Carl . . .” she said, fighting to get out of the chair.

  “Here, Alison, let me help you lie down.” He sounded like he was underwater. He tucked his hands around her waist and lifted her out of the chair.

  “Micah . . .” she slurred, her eyes scanning the room.

  Carl turned her and the room spun. “Look there, sweetheart. He’s sleeping in his little crib. The blue from the portable crib caught her eye and she leaned in, trying to focus on the sleeping form inside. “Thank you,” she said, falling against him.

  He held her close as they stumbled down the hall. When he pushed the bedroom door open, she nearly fell over trying to reach the bed. Carl slipped off her shoes and cupped her cheek. His face blurred in her vision. “I feel really . . . where are we?”

  “We’re on vacation, darling. Don’t you remember?” Carl slid his hand up her leg to her hip then to her breast. “Alison, I missed you so much.” He leaned over and kissed her, slowly, tenderly, and she relaxed into the comfortable bed as he caressed further. “I want to make love to you.” His hand drifted under her shirt and carefully caressed her breast as she moved underneath him. “It’s okay, honey, relax and let me help you.”

  She wanted to push his hands off her, but she couldn’t do anything but lay there with her eyes closed to stop the room from spinning. “Carl . . . I’m . . . no . . . stop . . .” Her mouth wouldn’t form like it should. She tried harder to concentrate on a coherent thought.

  “Just relax. I’m going to help you get undressed.” He unbuttoned her shirt, and then unhooked her slacks. “Alison, I’ll take care of you.”

  “There’s her car,” Johnny said, pointing to the driveway. Brian pulled his car over and parked across the road and turned the engine off.

  “Where’s Peters’ team?”

  Johnny tugged on the door handle. “I don’t care, I’m not waiting.”

  “Wait, man!” Brian grabbed his arm. “We don’t want to set him off and have a hostage situation on our hands.”

  “He doesn’t even suspect that we’re on to him—and I don’t plan to knock on the door.” Johnny jerked his arm free and gently closed the car door.

  “Wait!” Brian whispered. “Then let’s do this right.” He pointed to the house. “I’ll take the front—you go around to the back.”

  After crossing the street, Johnny unsnapped his holster and pulled out his gun. He gripped the cold steel handle and took a deep breath before saying a silent prayer as he inched around the large house. He slowly moved toward the back of the house, peeking in the windows as he went. He couldn’t see any signs of Ali or Carl, but as he crept around the corner, the portable crib came into view with Micah lying inside. He stepped up on the large deck and peered through the open sliding glass door, training his eyes from the empty room, around the porch, and toward the beach. Nobody was in sight.

  Johnny slipped in and looked around the empty room. It seemed fairly untouched except for the various baby items lying around. He glided to the front door and inched it open for Brian. Brian slipped in as Johnny peeked into the portable crib to check on Micah. Micah lay fast asleep and perfectly content. Johnny smiled at him then looked around for Ali, she wouldn’t have moved too far away from Micah, unless forced to.

  He looked up at Brian, and Brian lifted his eyebrows in question. “Something’s wrong, she wouldn’t leave him alone,” Johnny whispered.

  Brian nodded. “Did you see them outside?”

  Johnny shook his head and pointed to the first door down the hall. Brian moved toward it and peered in, then shook his head. “Bathroom,” he mouthed to Johnny, as Johnny stood ready with his gun pointing at the door.

  Brian carefully toed open the next door and looked in. Johnny held his breath until Brian shook his head. The door directly across the hall had been pulled tight so Brian held his ear to the door to listen. He shook his head and whispered, “Nothing.” He frowned at Johnny and carefully gripped the door handle before twisting it. The door inched open and Brian’s expression hardened as he threw it open and extended his gun.

  Chapter Forty

  “Don’t fucking move, Hayes!” Brian shouted.

  Johnny turned into the room, gun extended at a shirtless Carl, who was kneeling over Ali’s naked body. His chest tightened and blood red surged his vision. She lay completely still, likely unconscious. The sight of her helplessness spiked his pulse painfully.

  “You mother fucker!” Johnny lunged at him, gripping his throat and sending him to the ground. “I’ll fucking kill you!”

  “Bennett! Bennett!” Brian plowed into him, shoulder first to knock him from Carl’s limp body then Brian spun him toward Ali. “Take care of Ali. I’ve got Hayes.”

  Johnny aimed a hard kick to Carl’s ribs before turning toward the bed. “Ali, baby . . .” Her glazed eyes opened, but looked unfocused and she lay completely limp. “Sweetheart, look at me. Can you see me?” He reached over and grabbed the throw blanket to cover her.

  “Johnny . . .” she whispered.

  “That’s right, sweetheart, I’m here.” He gritted his teeth and said, “What did you give her, Hayes?” He glanced at Brian. “She’s been drugged.”

  Brian walked over to the bed with his phone to his ear. He took her chin and shifted her face toward him. “Al . . . can you hear me?” Brian said in a raised voice.

  Ali’s slightly crossed eyes tried to focus on Brian’s face. “Yeah,” she slurred.

  “Do you know what he gave you? Did he make you take a pill?”

  “Who?” she asked, and her eyes batted closed again. “Johnny?”

  “It’s okay, I’m right here, sweetheart. Can you tell me if you drank something?” He grabbed her wrist to check her pulse.

  “I don’t . . . know.” She closed her eyes. “I�
��m tired.”

  Johnny cupped her head and leaned down to rest his cheek against hers. Minutes . . . just a few more minutes and they would’ve been too late. “Don’t sleep, sweetheart, we need to find out what he gave you first. Can you stay awake for me?”

  When Ali woke up she thought maybe her head had been detached from her body. She reached up and touched her temple to make sure it was still there.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  One of her eyes crept open and looked up into Johnny’s smiling face. “What happened . . .” She jerked up quickly. “Where’s Micah!”

  “He’s right here, sweetheart.” He brushed a hand down the length of her hair. “He just had a bottle.”

  “Where—I want to see him.”

  Johnny turned her to face the portable crib. “See, he’s right there.”

  Ali’s eyes scanned the hospital room. “What happened?” She looked down at herself. Her clothes had been replaced with a hospital gown. “Am I hurt?” she asked, crossing her arms over her stomach. How had she gotten here?

  “A few scrapes and bruises, but you’ll be alright,” he drawled.

  She braced her face with both hands. Why the hell couldn’t she remember anything? Her head hurt like hell, but she tried to think back, one step at a time. Carl had driven her to the Hayes’ beach house . . . she remembered talking to Johnny on the phone in the bathroom, but that was it. “I don’t remember anything after talking to you in the bathroom. How long have I been here?”

  “You’re in the Mendocino County Hospital. Carl drugged you. He put something in your coffee.” Johnny’s voice was so controlled it scared her. He sounded like a cop.

  She looked at him, meeting his eyes. If he was trying this hard to detach himself from the situation, it had to be bad.

  “Do you remember drinking coffee?”

  “He bought one at the store for me.” She narrowed her eyes, trying to focus her thoughts. Why was it so hard to concentrate? She pressed her temples with her fingers hoping to ease the headache.

  “When we got to the house you were barely conscious.”


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